View Full Version : Chomper Plant

03-01-2014, 07:57 PM
I have been offering this for a while on Lnet and various people have inquired about the details, as they are not too common. I figured it would be prudent to post the details of the plant and what zests I have so far found. There could easily be more. I loaned him out to Loralaii for a bit, so she might know more. I'd like 15m, but am open to trades or alternative offers.

a speckled aubergine plant

Sleeping Show:
Perched atop a writhing mass of serpentine roots and corpulent tubers is a small clump of thorn-laden, leafy stalks topped with fleshy, ovaloid crowns. Fern-like fronds curl themselves around a main stem, which sports two connected, kidney-shaped pads tipped with needle-sharp projections. The misshapen head is slightly ajar, allowing a slight glimpse of tender, sarcous tissue covered in long, bristling hairs. Your plant appears withered in appearance with vibrant aubergine coloration. It doesn't seem to be moving.

Waking Show:
Perched atop a writhing mass of serpentine roots and corpulent tubers is a small clump of thorn-laden, leafy stalks topped with fleshy, ovaloid crowns. Fern-like fronds curl themselves around a main stem, which sports two connected, kidney-shaped pads tipped with needle-sharp projections. The misshapen head is slightly ajar, allowing a slight glimpse of tender, sarcous tissue covered in long, bristling hairs. Your plant appears withered in appearance with vibrant aubergine coloration. It holds an aura of sentience.

I need to feed it! it's withered!

>feed plant with rib
You hold a barbequed rolton rib near your aubergine plant, its tooth-lined maw slightly ajar. The plant pauses a moment to investigate the nutrients you have brought it by craning its main stalk. Suddenly, the plant's misshapen head splays open like a book and ingests the rib from your hand, finishing with a satisfied belch. Gross! Plants don't seem to have any manners at all.

Oh no! Still withered! I have no green thumb!

>water plant with my water
You water your plant with some clear spring water.

Seven ribs and a bottle of water later:

Perched atop a writhing mass of serpentine roots and corpulent tubers is a small clump of thorn-laden, leafy stalks topped with fleshy, ovaloid crowns. Fern-like fronds curl themselves around a main stem, which sports two connected, kidney-shaped pads tipped with needle-sharp projections. The misshapen head is slightly ajar, allowing a slight glimpse of tender, sarcous tissue covered in long, bristling hairs. Your plant appears robust in appearance with vibrant aubergine coloration. It holds an aura of sentience.

Aw, I love it, let me show it love:

>touch plant
You lightly touch your aubergine plant. Its tiny hairs are soft.
>push plant
You push the dirt around in your plant's pot, smoothing it out.
>pull plant
You pull on one of your aubergine plant's roots. The plant scoops up some dirt and throws it in your face!
>turn plant
You turn your plant around to admire it from a different angle.
>lick plant
As you lick your aubergine plant, it taps you on the forehead with a leaf, as if asking, "Why are you licking me, Dark Elf?"
>kiss plant
You place a tender kiss on your plant's pod-like head. Reciprocating your affection, the aubergine plant grabs your face with two leafy fronds and kisses you back!
>smooch plant
You give your plant a big, slobbering smooch. Your aubergine plant suddenly grabs your face with two leafy fronds and smooches you all over!
>hug plant
In a show of affection, you cradle your aubergine plant's pot in your arms, hugging it tightly.
>cuddle plant
You eye your aubergine plant speculatively as you ponder cuddling up with it. How desperate are you, anyway?
>snuggle plant
You hold your aubergine plant close to your body.
>pinch plant
You pinch a leaf on your aubergine plant. The plant recoils in pain and shoots a thorn at you! Ouch!
>poke plant
You give your aubergine plant a little poke, and it pokes you right back with a leafy frond.
>gaze plant
You gaze lovingly at your plant. The plant notices your attention and flashes an odd little smile.
>stare plant
You stare at your aubergine plant. The plant stares back with its eyeless head in a bizarre staring contest. Needless to say, the plant wins.
>prod plant
You prod your plant with your fingertip. The plant seems taken aback by your actions and starts prodding you unmercilously.
>eat plant
You nibble on one of your plant's leaves, and your plant nibbles on your nose in return.

But what shall I call the plant?

>read plant
In the Common language, it reads:
~ Roxo ~

Also, addendum, I had no idea, but the little leafy bastard has ambient zests also. I will add them as I see them:

A small insect lands on your aubergine plant. After a moment of silence, the plant strikes and gulps down the little bug!
Your aubergine plant extends its stalks, patting your pockets down with its leaves in search of something interesting.
You feel a sharp pain and realize your aubergine plant just shot a thorn at you! You carefully remove the thorn and toss it aside.
The aubergine plant lets out a high-pitched whine, but there are no apparent causes for it.
You hear a faint hum. Glancing down at your aubergine plant, you see ripples play across the tiny hairs that cover its body.
Your aubergine plant slows its movement to a snail's pace until it finally ceases all motion. It rests perfectly still, giving it the illusion of being just like any other plant, albeit strange-looking. - this one apparently turns it off.

03-01-2014, 08:07 PM

Your melody inspires a strangely alien, yet beautiful chorus to join you in your song. The haunting music increases in volume to a deafening crescendo when the world suddenly goes dark!

There is nothing but darkness no light, no sound. The darkness pervades your being, but there is no fear. There is only warmth and comfort in the darkness. Yet you yearn for more. Deep within your core, a spark is born. Its ambience radiates outward from your heart, glowing with the dynamic energy of life. Washed in this living power, you reach out to take hold, but it floats just out of reach. Each action simply pushes it further away, but you continue still. Slowly, you continue your dance with the light, waltzing in what seems like eternity but you continue to dance.

The sensation recedes as your song ends.

As your song continues, the chorus joins your single voice yet again, luring you into darkness...

As if waking from a long sleep, the light of day blinds you with its intensity. It takes you a moment to adjust as blobs of color begin to sharpen into definable figures. As sensations flood your system, you make out a plethora of plantlife surrounding you. But your observations are cut short as a something large and brown approaches. It speaks in a strange tongue and you struggle to understand its words, but to no avail.

It draws ever closer, until it is merely a breath away. Frightened, you attempt to retreat into the comforting darkness. Its touch is not cold and alien as you had feared, but warm and soothing. The figure begins to sing softly to you, lulling you to sleep. You drift into a peaceful slumber as darkness takes hold.

The darkness lifts as you become aware of yourself again.

As you sing to your plant, you realize that it is the source of the chorus. Beautifully complimenting your melody, images flood your sight.

You have grown taller and stronger than before. The once strange figure is now familiar with his jovial manner and greenish thumbs. You hum with glee even now as he approaches. Brown, leathery hands stroke caress your leaves, brushing against your tiny hairs, filling you with contentment. The little halfling speaks quietly to you.

He says, "You are like my own child, little plant. I raised you from a just a tiny seedling into the proud plant you are today. You are the ultimate flora creation!"

The little halfling laughs maniacally, but calms down quickly.

He says, "Well that was embarrassing, I got a bit carried away." A faint red blush creeps along his cheeks.

"Anyway, you were created from the essences of moulis and firethorn shoots, crossbred with more docile plants. The process was long and tedious. Sometimes the soil acidity was off a smidge and other times, there was too much humidity in the air. So many little things went wrong but everything is better now. I have you!"

He continues explaining your complex origin, but frankly, you pay little attention to what he has to say. You attempt to hide your boredom, but a yawn sneaks out. Slowly but surely, his oration makes you sleepy, but slumber eludes you as you find yourself hungering for a snack.

As you awaken from the vision, your stomach growls with hunger.

You continue your melody, harmonized by the ethereal voice of the plant.

The tantalizing aroma of cooked meat overwhelms your senses and you writhe in agonizing hunger, attempting to locate the source of the delectable smell. Glancing around, you notice the frosted glass panes of your greenhouse residence, surrounded by numerous other plants, both sentient and not. And that is when you notice it. In the far corner, the halfling Benitrose feasts on a large steak while he brandishes a shiny silver knife and fork, finished off with a large white bib. Straining, you try to reach him, but alas, your roots and pot were not made for mobility. Sitting there helpless, you whine with such ferocity, that the shrill noise pierces the entire greenhouse.

Startled, Benitrose rushes over, glancing over you with concern. You manage to wipe a lick of sauce off his nose with one of your leafy fronds. Taking the hint, he carries you over to his dinner and shares several juicy bites with you. Sated for now, you hum merrily, offering a little dinner music for your friend.

You shake off the vision to find some drool hanging off the corner of your mouth.

As you sing to your plant, it sings back to you. This odd duet continues for a few moments, before the plant quiets down again.

Third person:
Japhrimel sings something in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The aubergine plant seems to respond to the magic of Japhrimel's song.
As Japhrimel sings to the plant in his hand, it responds by swaying rhythmically to his melody.

Japhrimel sings something in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The aubergine plant seems to respond to the magic of Japhrimel's song.
Japhrimel continues to sing to his plant. In the middle of his song, his eyes close as if asleep.

Japhrimel sings something in Guildspeak that you don't understand.
The aubergine plant seems to respond to the magic of Japhrimel's song.
As Japhrimel sings to the plant, you hear a strange rumbling sound. You realize that the rumbling is coming from Japhrimel's stomach.

In the middle of Japhrimel's song, he goes quiet. His eyes roll into the back of his head. The next sound you hear is Japhrimel slavering dreamily with his head tilted to the side. Drool runs down the side of his open mouth, when he suddenly snaps out of it.

03-03-2014, 02:53 PM
and bump

03-08-2014, 09:07 PM

03-09-2014, 01:08 AM
All I'm seeing is a lot of text. What exactly if anything does this plant do in one-two sentences?

03-09-2014, 01:31 AM
Think Pac-Man on a vine.

03-09-2014, 09:10 AM
it's like a plant version of a dhu kitten

03-18-2014, 05:36 PM

03-31-2014, 12:25 AM

04-11-2014, 12:32 PM

04-28-2014, 07:01 PM
someone should offer me 12m for this.. I also have another one that doesn't have a name and is a little different looking.

04-28-2014, 11:11 PM
I wonder if these can be altered??

I can think of some fun potential possibilities, lulz.

04-29-2014, 03:53 PM
No alteration restrictions listed. I imagine that there are some parts that are hard coded in though.

05-12-2014, 02:39 PM
been a month, bump

05-26-2014, 10:01 AM

06-01-2014, 03:43 PM
This doesn't look like one of the original seven from EG years ago, as it seems to have more actions than I recall. Not being in the game to access mine, I can't say for sure, though. Was there a more recent release? It's odd that nobody is making an offer for this as I once had an offer of 50 million on mine.

06-01-2014, 04:02 PM
This one, roxo, was a pull from EG'12 or EG'13, I forget which. The current price(12m) is what I paid for it.

06-01-2014, 07:24 PM
This one, roxo, was a pull from EG'12 or EG'13, I forget which. The current price(12m) is what I paid for it.

Roxo is from EG'12

07-31-2014, 11:33 PM

09-11-2014, 11:45 AM

09-11-2014, 12:02 PM

Like that, only in text.

09-11-2014, 12:28 PM
except there is no way in hell I'm hugging that