View Full Version : Zesty Pure/Profession specific gloves and 4x runestaff

02-06-2014, 05:16 PM
some dark grey silver-insigiled casting gloves - The fine fabric of these gloves has an unusual sheen coating the surface. Imbedded somehow within the weave of the fabric on the back of each hand is a large silvery sigil. The sigil has a slight opalescent cast reminiscent of vaalin, but the actual material remains a mystery.

zests vary depending on which pure profession is using them. For example:

sorcerer -
>wear my glov
You easily slide your hands into your grey casting gloves, and then tug slightly to get them fitted properly to your fingers. As you flex your hands, the silvery sigils on the backs of your gloves shimmer slightly.
>rub my glov
The silvery sigils on your gloves glow with an intensely bright light before fading again.
>wave my glove
You softly murmur an incantation and slowly wave your gloved hand in an arc through the air. A trail of roiling dark energy streams out from the sigil on the back of your glove, leaving an inky black tail like a comet behind it.
>raise my glove
You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while chanting a magic phrase under your breath. A stream of ebon black essence shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove.
>wave my glove
You softly murmur an incantation and slowly wave your gloved hand in an arc through the air. A trail of roiling dark energy streams out from the sigil on the back of your glove, leaving an inky black tail like a comet behind it.
>remove my glove
You tug at the fingers of your grey casting gloves and then gently slide them off your hands.

Wizard, earth attuned -
J>wear glov
You easily slide your hands into your grey casting gloves, and then tug slightly to get them fitted properly to your fingers. As you flex your hands, the silvery sigils on the backs of your gloves shimmer slightly.
J>rub my glove
The silvery sigils on your gloves glow with an intensely bright light before fading again.
J>wave my glove
You softly murmur an incantation and slowly wave your gloved hand in an arc through the air. A trail of crackling energy streams out from the sigil on the back of your glove, leaving a luminous tail like a comet behind it.
J>raise my glove
You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while chanting a magic phrase under your breath. A beam of umber light filled with dust particles shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove.
J>wave my glove
You softly murmur an incantation and slowly wave your gloved hand in an arc through the air. A trail of crackling energy streams out from the sigil on the back of your glove, leaving a luminous tail like a comet behind it.
J>remove my glove
You tug at the fingers of your grey casting gloves and then gently slide them off your hands.

MB: 500k

a smooth murky black staff capped with a white tower shield - 4x, loresong about the gnome who created them. Heimer? Hiemer? I can never remember. Also zests that vary depending on profession and, I believe for wizards, the elemental attunement.


sorcerer -
>wave my staff
Whispering an enigmatic phrase, you gesture effortlessly with your murky black staff, which glows briefly with a dark purple light.
>raise my staff
You raise your murky black staff and trace an eldritch sign as tendrils of shadow gather briefly about you.
>tap my staff
You lower the tip of your murky black staff to the ground and trace a pattern, which glows with a dark purple light. You firmly tap the pattern with your staff, and a circle of radiating black essence rises from the ground beneath you and then disappears.
>lean my staff
Your eyes darken as you lean softly against your murky black staff, gathering your power.

wizard, earth attuned -
J>wave my staff
Whispering an arcane phrase, you gesture effortlessly with your murky black staff, which glows briefly with a dark brown light.
J>raise my staff
You raise your murky black staff and trace an arcane symbol as the power of the elements gently swirls around you for a moment.
J>tap my staff
You lower the tip of your murky black staff to the ground and trace a pattern, which glows with a dark brown light. You firmly tap the pattern with your staff, and a circle of shifting stones rises from the ground beneath you and then disappears.
J>lean my staff
You close your eyes and lean softly against your murky black staff, gathering your power.

MB: 500k CB: 500k to Samhaine Sold

02-06-2014, 07:57 PM
500k on the staff please.

02-06-2014, 09:24 PM

02-07-2014, 01:44 PM

02-08-2014, 10:21 AM

02-09-2014, 10:53 AM
one item to go!

03-04-2014, 02:37 PM
still have the gloves!