View Full Version : Glaes full plate, 3x

02-06-2014, 02:33 AM
Item: blackened glaes full plate

Creature found, plain 3x, ~100 lbs.

current bid: 50k once, twice, sold! (Wrathbringer)

I'll do the once, twice, sold deal.
Delivery to Landing area and FWI (River's Rest also possible, EN inquire, Teras if you want to pay for chalk).

02-06-2014, 03:23 AM
I do usually trudge around town with more than my weight in crap, but...

[Land Tower East, Office]
The ground floor of this guard tower appears to be some kind of office. A single guard sits behind one of the desks reviewing some paperwork. A small wood stove in the corner provides heat to the room. You also see an orange tiger, the Astru disk, some wooden steps and a large wastebasket.
Obvious exits: out

You wiggle your fingers at Astru.
>Astru removes an engraved haon box from in the Astru disk.
>Astru offers you an engraved haon box. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

You could not possibly accept all that extra weight!

Ugh, what did I forget this time?!

>>Astru slings an acid-pitted ruic long bow over her shoulder.

Mana: 224 Silver: 0

No coins...

>l in my cloak

In the silk cloak you see a shifting grey satchel, a rose-marrow potion, a t'ayanad crystal, a crystal amulet, a snakeskin badge, a water witch's hair talisman, a water witch's hair talisman, a blood-eagle feather talisman, an ayanad crystal, a glimmering blue essence shard, a glimmering blue essence shard, some bur-clover root, a smooth stone, a white flask, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, a dagger, a rose-marrow potion, a ruby amulet, a smooth stone, a white flask, a dead rabbit, a hollow star-of-Tamzyrr diamond, an opaque glass amulet, a yabathilium fruit, a hollow uncut emerald, a smooth stone, an ankle-worn slender leather toolkit, an enruned amber buckle, a polished maple baby rattle, a dull gold ring, a pinch of powdered iron filings, a rose-marrow potion, a gore-covered troll-leg backsheath, a steel carving awl, a crystal amulet, some acantha leaf, a crystal amulet, a shifting marbrinus purse and a shifting grey coat.

Those three are phased...

You ponder.

You see the shifting form of a slim vaalorn kit.

My scrolls are phased, too...

You hoarsely ask, "How much does that weigh?"

You squint at Astru.

You hoarsely say, "Maybe drop it."

>Astru's offer to you has expired.
>Astru drops an engraved haon box.

Hitting a glyph trap with Piercing Gaze on a box I can't pick up would be...terrrible

>detect box

You carefully begin to examine an engraved haon box for traps...

You discover no traps.
Roundtime: 18 sec.

Time for a peek!

You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Piercing Gaze spell...
Your spell is ready.

You gesture at an engraved haon box.
You gaze at the box and see. . .

An engraved haon box which contains:
Some blackened glaes full plate (in)
A smoky topaz (in)
A violet sapphire (in)
A drake falchion (in)
Some silver coins (in)

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>Your fireleaf seed amulet suddenly flares a bright shade of green.

You hoarsely say, "Glaes full plate, nice."

The downside was it being just ordinary 3x plate.

02-06-2014, 07:26 AM

02-07-2014, 08:19 AM
Thank you, good sir!

02-08-2014, 06:11 AM
Going twice!