View Full Version : Linsandrych Var Chanceries map - need help
01-31-2014, 01:52 AM
I don't know how to lich map the room numbers, but feel free to use this as the visual
I'm often amazed by the amount of work that gets put into this game that is rarely seen.
In this case referring to the areas created, but also your mapping of them might be another good example.
01-31-2014, 02:26 AM
I'm often amazed by the amount of work that gets put into this game that is rarely seen.
one of the reasons I mapped it is that, while some of the "features" drive me nuts, the area is very cool and I think more people would visit it if it were mapped. I still need to walk around it with Allereli and find the nodes besides the Faendryl Embassy tables, where I've been resting.
Also, if the Lord Vathon lectures happen this year like Qortaz said they would, I won't have to answer the same question over and over.
Also, mapping is a good artistic outlet for someone who can't draw for shit with a pencil.
Yeah if there isn't a map I won't go in there. I once got lost in a great house and had to ask for someone to fog me out.
01-31-2014, 02:44 AM
I couldn't find any more rooms in the giantman embassy.
Here's what I found in the halfling-only rooms of the halfling embassy.
[Halfling Embassy, Corridor - 4]
Carved to resemble fabric, the marble of the walls and ceiling are crafted to represent the interior of a traditional ger. Tiny niches line the long length of the corridor that gently curves to the northwest, and each tiny recess is filled with blown glass scones wrought in the image of burning flames. Two carved marble flaps mark the walls, one leading into a wood-lined office and the other leading to the great hall.
Obvious exits: none
You tap a carved marble flap.
You tap a carved marble flap.
[Halfling Embassy, Office - 4]
Dark marble paneling strives to cover the sterility of the building's marble construction, though it is unable to obscure the ceiling and floor that are carved in mimicry of fabric. Recessed into one curving wall, the fireplace displays dark scorch marks and is surrounded by comfortable armchairs flanked by low tables. Gleaming in the ambient light, a suit of armor stands beside an ornate desk of bird's-eye maple, which has a small wooden chair set behind it. You also see a basket of sticks.
Obvious exits: northwest, out
[Halfling Embassy, Quarters - 4]
Anchored by black iron bolts, dark blue goat hair sheets are hung from the walls and ceiling of the chamber and mostly obscure the marble of the structure. Thick rugs of soft viridian stretch throughout the chamber and support a variety of fur-heavy wooden cots, while an enormous black iron basket, lined with copper and filled with a brightly burning fire, occupies the center.
Obvious exits: southeast
I don't have anyone to get into the dwarf-only areas, though.
01-31-2014, 08:32 AM
I should add that a lot of the room entrances are not obvious. I know I trust Gretchen for her observations, but please look at all the walls and items for non-obvious entrances. Even the entrances to the embassies were not obvious. I would have to look at a building to see a door, to give the most common example. If anything is highlighted in stormfront, please look at, on, behind, under. The passage in the Burghal Chancery was behind a bookcase that was hidden in a wall description.
01-31-2014, 08:38 AM
What is this place?
01-31-2014, 09:03 AM
What is this place?
It's the Embassy area in Ta'Illistim. Entrance is found on Fraendel Court #603. Thanks for mapping it Allereli, it's a navigational nightmare.
whats behind the dwarf door? an area a GM forgot to open I guess.
>go stone door
[Dwarven Embassy, Broom Closet]
Stored neatly in wall-mounted racks are brooms and other various cleaning implements, while a wooden bucket sits in the corner. Though slightly cramped, there is still enough room to move about comfortably despite a three-legged stool in the middle of the floor. You also see a simple stone door.
Obvious exits: none
Your SIGN OF SWORDS is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
>look buck
Water hasn't touched the inside of the bucket in ages. In fact, a spider seems to have set up house within its confines. A mop rests beside the unused container.
>look stoo
A small sign rests atop the stool.
>read map
You can't do that.
>read sign
In the Dwarven language, it reads:
If you can read this, then you deserve a break! That wall joint over there in the corner behind the mop ain't all it appears to be. Go take a look.
You feel more refreshed.
>go wall
Where are you trying to go?
>go joi
The joint appears to be closed.
>go mop
You take a few steps towards a mop.
>open joi
You feel less drained.
There doesn't seem to be any way to do that.
>lok in joi
Please rephrase that command.
>look joi
You see nothing unusual.
>look in joint
That is closed.
>open joint
There doesn't seem to be any way to do that.
>703 joint
You chant a prayer to Fash'lo'nae while tracing a glowing yellow slit-pupiled eye in the air as your eyes flare with yellow light.
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a warped wall joint.
Your spell misfires.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>704 joint
You chant a prayer to Fash'lo'nae while tracing a glowing yellow slit-pupiled eye in the air as your eyes flare with yellow light.
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a warped wall joint.
The joint resists your magic!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>search joint
Try looking in, on, behind or under it. Or examining it.
Your grey sack feels somewhat heavier.
Your lion skin mantle feels somewhat heavier.
>look behind joint
There is nothing behind there.
>look on joint
There is nothing on there.
Your lion skin mantle feels somewhat heavier.
>look under joint
There is nothing under there.
>look in joint
That is closed.
[Dwarven Embassy, Broom Closet]
Stored neatly in wall-mounted racks are brooms and other various cleaning implements, while a wooden bucket sits in the corner. Though slightly cramped, there is still enough room to move about comfortably despite a three-legged stool in the middle of the floor. You also see a simple stone door.
Obvious exits: none
>open oint
What were you referring to?
>open joint
There doesn't seem to be any way to do that.
>407 joint
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Unlock spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a warped wall joint.
The joint vibrates slightly but nothing else happens.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Your grey sack feels somewhat heavier.
You shrug.
Your grey sack feels somewhat heavier.
You feel more refreshed.
01-31-2014, 11:24 PM
thanks much, yikes!
02-01-2014, 03:50 AM
02-15-2014, 12:49 AM
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