View Full Version : 70 Titans lost in huge battle

01-29-2014, 09:05 PM

B-R5RB isn't an impressive name. It sounds like the dopey robot sidekick in a desperate Star Wars cash-in, or an experimental cream for an embarrassing rash. It's neither of those things. Instead, it's the location of the now biggest battle in EVE Online's history, one that comes exactly a year after the immense Battle of Asakai. Fought throughout the night, more than 70 Titans - EVE's ginormous megaships - have fallen, meaning damages total trillions of ISK. And what was the cause of such massive galaxy-shaking destruction? Somebody forgot to pay their bill.

01-29-2014, 09:33 PM
Geeze... remember to pay your guild dues. It'd suck to fall behind and risk a war...

01-29-2014, 09:36 PM
You're telling me if the government ran like a business we would have a balanced budget and bitchin' space battles?

01-29-2014, 09:39 PM
Geeze... remember to pay your guild dues. It'd suck to fall behind and risk a war...

Unless it's the ranger guild, like it was in my case. Then you're safe.