View Full Version : 'Bloggin it up

09-13-2004, 11:49 PM

Do not read this in hope of perfect grammar and spelling...


All right! Now I may not have the most interesting life to some people but I think doing a blog would be cool. I'm too lazy to write down my life onto paper... so this'll do.

Well going on in my life right now... I still work at applebee's... Still lovin it. I have some asshole bosses... but who doesn't? It was pretty interesting at work yesterday... Me and my best friend are dating best friends... John and I are more serious then Racheal and Joel are though. Anyway, Racheal and I were both working last night.. and John and Joel said they'd stop by to eat and see us. Anyway they stop by 7:40 something like that and I'm already ready to leave and pissed off because I didn't think they were coming.. and as I am walking out the door they are walking in from the parking lot.. so I explain that I was frustrated they were so late (they said they'd stop by between 5 and 7) anyway.. I sat down with them wasn't going to eat.. was just sitting them them.. and my manager (Brian) for the night comes up and is like (with a nasty additude) You need to change your shirt .. and I'm like i'm not eating so he goes "oh" and smirks and walks away and my boyfriend snaps "Dick" at him just as he starts turning around... and I'm like omg somone shoot me. So i'm not exactly sure how that paticular manager is going to treat me now... Heh. I was kinda pissed off at john for doing that but I thought it was funny at the same time.

Um.. I saw a pretty good movie last weekend... Napoleon Dynamite... Wasn't as good as I hoped.. But it had some pretty funny scenes... There was a bunch of 13 year olds in the damn theatre so it was kinda annoying.. and I'm not sure if I was the only one that got it but I was the only one in the freaking theatre that was cracking up when Napoleon draws a picture for some girl and gives it to her in hope she'll let him take her to the dance... anyway he calls her and her mom makes her go to the dance with him because she thinks he's a "special" kid... Anyway the girl tells him 'I really liked the drawling you made of me' and he goes "Yeah it put alot of time into it... I spent 3 hours just doing the shading on your upper lip"

My current favorite movie is definatly Bad Santa ... I'd definatly recommed going to see if if you haven't yet.

Ok I'm sick of bloggin for now... Thanks for reading I guess.

Carl Spackler
09-14-2004, 12:07 AM
Bad Santa = great flick

09-14-2004, 12:11 AM
My circle of friends quote Bad Santa non-stop. It's a hilarious movie and insanely crude. :thumbsup:

09-14-2004, 12:29 AM

09-14-2004, 12:31 AM
You sayin something's wrong with my fuckstick?

09-14-2004, 12:37 AM
fuck me santa fuck me sant fuck me santa

Carl Spackler
09-14-2004, 12:44 AM
Oh yeah, baby, you won't be able to shit right for a week!

09-14-2004, 12:45 AM
I have no idea what's going on right now.


09-14-2004, 12:48 AM
Lot's of Bad Santa Quotes hon.

09-14-2004, 12:49 AM
Okay, I'll go rent it and :popcorn:

09-14-2004, 12:52 AM
I'm not fucking with you anymore! Last time I didn't shit right for a week!

09-14-2004, 12:58 AM
These lips were on your wife's pussy last night ...why don't you dust that shit off once in a while?

09-14-2004, 04:37 AM
Damnit kid, did someone drop you on your fucking head?

On MY head?

That was the greatest scene in the movie.

09-14-2004, 06:05 AM

10-11-2004, 12:39 AM
I stopped reading at boob job :howudoing:

10-11-2004, 01:05 AM

What's that paladin quote in your profile from?

10-11-2004, 01:22 AM
I don't remember. Love to you too.

08-27-2005, 11:36 AM
Been a long time since I've made a new journel entry. Because I'm sure you're all dying to know what's going on in my life. I've been really tired lately. Been working two jobs and on Monday, I start having two jobs plus full time school, which in turn = no free time. I'm trying very hard to save up and move out. I'm going to find out if there's any student assistance I can get for moving out. Probally isn't such a thing, but it's possible. When I move out, I still plan on taking care of my mom and grandpa... But I seriously need to get out of here. I've been saving every nickle and dime I can. I think I'm the only person I know looking forward to school starting. This weekend is going to suck. Rachel's out of town and I work all weekend. I haven't been getting much sleep lately and working a lot of hours so my body is hating me. Well, I'm running out of things to talking about. Thanks for reading I guess.

08-27-2005, 01:53 PM
Don't run yourself to death, hon. Sounds like you have a pretty full plate ahead of you. Please remember to take some time for rest and relaxation. It's just as important as anything else. We don't want you among the :injured:

08-27-2005, 02:00 PM
It's a tid bit stressful, but in the long run it'll pay off.

08-27-2005, 02:00 PM
That's pretty impressive. I complain about 16 credits when all I have to do in between is sit on my ass.

Good luck in your endeavors, sounds like you're the type of person who deserves it.

10-25-2005, 11:22 PM
Ok so haven't updated in awhile. And I really don't have much time to type a lot so I'm just going to post whatever comes to mind. Classes are going good; I have a solid B in every class... which would be higher if I didn't have as many other demanding roles.... But I have to do what I have to do. I've been seriously stressing out because of how busy I am and how it is affecting my social life. It's pretty much murdering it.

Monday: Work 11-2 Applebee's - Class 2:30-3:45 - Titan Productions office hours 4-6 After 6, work out, do homework due for next day.

Tuesday: 11:30-5:15 (12:45-2:30 break, I eat usually and check e-mail) I have class, 5:30-6:15/30 Physics club meeting 6:30 - 7 math tutoring 7:00-8:00 Titan Productions meeting after 8 I work out and eat dinner and check e-mail

Wednesday: Work 11-2 Applebee's - Class 2:30-3:45 - Titan Productions office hours 4-6 After 6, work out, do homework due for next day.

Thursday: 11:30-5:15 (12:45-2:30 break, I eat usually and check e-mail) I have class... Usually our on-campus events are held on this evening from 5:30-10 that I have to help run.

Friday: Work 10 am to 11pm with 15 minutes - 1 hr break depending on the day

Saturday: I get to sleep in and do whatever I want this morning, which is usually study. Work at 3:45-10

Sunday: Work 10 am till 10:30 PM with a 15 minute - 1 hour long break, depending on how the day goes.


Somewhere inbetween all this, I have to eat, do laundry, clean, and do whatever else I need to do. So basically, I'm busy as all hell. I applied today for a few internships for next summer for astronomical research, that I hope I get. The one thing great about being a woman is that it helps significantly in my paticular field. Hrm. I've been single 2 months, that hasn't changed. The great thing about myself now is that I'm *OK* with being single, I don't need somone there. I've been growing a lot in the past year. My dad decided to contact me out of the blue, hasn't talked to me in 5 years so that kinda threw me off on a loop. I live on my own now, and that's great... But I don't have internet at home now, so being online is limited. I'm going now. Bye Bye