View Full Version : Group hunting with Bigshot?

01-25-2014, 04:46 PM
Sorry, another scripting question...

How do I bigshot hunt in a group if the other person doesn't have Lich? Have tried a few times but never stops in a room with critters because it sees the other person. Tried Wander but had the same problem.

Thanks a bunch!

01-27-2014, 07:47 AM
Sorry, another scripting question...

How do I bigshot hunt in a group if the other person doesn't have Lich? Have tried a few times but never stops in a room with critters because it sees the other person. Tried Wander but had the same problem.

Thanks a bunch!

****** Bigshot in MA mode ******

1) Setup bigshot on all characters.
(Settings dictating valid targets and flee configuration must be identical)

2) Kickoff
a) Gather characters
b) Join leader
c) Start tails
> ;bigshot tail
d) Start head
> ;bigshot head

Once you start the head, it will just go - so make sure your tails are setup before you run the head.

01-27-2014, 10:29 AM
that only works when run from the same computer. bigshot will not work if you try to run it with another person and definitely will not work if you run it with someone who doesn't even have lich.

01-28-2014, 08:19 AM
that only works when run from the same computer. bigshot will not work if you try to run it with another person and definitely will not work if you run it with someone who doesn't even have lich.

If I'm not mistaken, there are documented methods of using bigshot calls from another script. Someone could in theory create a script designed for group hunting using bigshot calls. I'm not certain how one would bypass the issue that OP was talking about where bigshot would bypass every room because it saw someone in the room (the hunting partner).

01-28-2014, 11:42 AM
The reason it doesn't work with someone from a different PC is because it saves a lot of variables to a file on the computer that it is run on and then calls those variables from the other instances of bigshot. If someone is on a different computer they cant call those variables unless you make some sort of major edits to the script.

Though I guess in theory wander and whatever other scripts have the checks could be edited to skip over a certain person, I am not sure how it would be done.

01-28-2014, 02:16 PM
Bigshot works over distributed ruby which uses TCP/IP to connect all the clients. It is possible to have clients on other machines, but they would have to have correctly resolving host names. When the "head" charater whispers to the group at the start, that URL has a hostname in it. If the clients can all resolve that hostname and there are no network issues (NAT, port forward, etc...) then bigshot would work from anywhere...

More to the OP's point, when bigshot is looking for a target it checks the room for other PCs excluding the group members. Basicly, bigshot thinks you would be poaching from your friend and continues on. Making a change to bigshot to add an addtional name to this list of checked people would be fairly easy. There are other issues this will bring up though:

1. Bigshot also waits for group members to be out of roundtime before moving. This is done over the network as well. Without this check bigshot would leave your group members anytime they are in roundtime, knocked down, stunned, etc...

2. Bigshot also uses the network connection to test for wounded/fried/mana issues for resting. Your friend would be ignored for all such testing.

3. Bigshot also uses the network connection to test for similar condition to start hunting. Same as above. Friend would be ignored in the process.

Wander uses similar logic (the proc in bigshot is called wander, so i am thinking it may even be copy/paste) to bigshot. If the desired process is to have a script find a critter to kill for a group, this would be easy. If the desired process is to have the leader of the group be mostly/totaly automated, bigshot will probally not fit the bill as it has some core design choices that were made assuming everyone in the group will be running bigshot.

01-28-2014, 02:19 PM
That's a much better and more informed answer than I was capable of.

01-28-2014, 02:42 PM
Bigshot works over distributed ruby which uses TCP/IP to connect all the clients.

Bigshot uses DRb? That's pretty cool.

01-28-2014, 10:06 PM
Bigshot works over distributed ruby which uses TCP/IP to connect all the clients. It is possible to have clients on other machines, but they would have to have correctly resolving host names. When the "head" charater whispers to the group at the start, that URL has a hostname in it. If the clients can all resolve that hostname and there are no network issues (NAT, port forward, etc...) then bigshot would work from anywhere...

This is true, but probably shouldn't be done. Without looking at the code, I think it's safe to assume bigshot can be exploited to allow for arbitrary code execution. In other words, your mostly anonymous hunting partner might gain complete control of your computer. If you wanted to use bigshot on two computers in this manner and either both computers are your own or you really trust the other person, then you should use the access control list feature of distributed ruby to only allow connections from specific IP addresses. Even better, use a SSH tunnel and you won't have to worry about random internet jerks connecting and you won't have to edit bigshot, but you will still have to trust the person.

01-28-2014, 10:27 PM

In order to get SpifFE to work remotely I had to change lich.rb to use from so that I could connect from anywhere. Do you have any thoughts about that or do you ever for see creating the ability for remote FEs to connect with a limited control set? I know there has been some interest shown in "watching" someone play the game or creating a FE to allow people to interact with your character such as a shared solution for picking/healing/spells but not give them full access to a command line to give away your items or destroy your character.

01-28-2014, 10:41 PM

In order to get SpifFE to work remotely I had to change lich.rb to use from so that I could connect from anywhere. Do you have any thoughts about that or do you ever for see creating the ability for remote FEs to connect with a limited control set? I know there has been some interest shown in "watching" someone play the game or creating a FE to allow people to interact with your character such as a shared solution for picking/healing/spells but not give them full access to a command line to give away your items or destroy your character.

I would use a SSH tunnel instead of listening on However, it wouldn't be terribly hard to make it require a password be typed into the frontend before it started working.

For watching someone play.. that sounds weird. I don't think I understand the usefulness of that. Anyway, a new frontend wouldn't be needed. You would just need a regex check to allow/disallow commands for the detachable frontend.

What was this thread about again?