View Full Version : Middian's Mule Cleaning #1

01-25-2014, 10:37 AM
:puke:These auctions will move fast and I can deliver anywhere to include Teras and FWI.


an ebon wool longcoat fastened with jet buckles LA, RTCF, works with other associated pieces 200k

a dark suede jacket with iron-wrought closures, VLA 500k Tei 500k Sold!
The jacket resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 2 to Wisdom.
It provides a bonus of 2 to Aura.
The jacket looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.

a blue hide mantle, VLA 10k

a tattered dirty white cloak, VLA 25k

a sleek eel skin cloak, LA 30k Private 30k Sold!

a wide-strapped dark grey harness, 30k SOLD Versin!

a sleek eel skin bandolier, MA, RTCF, works with other associated pieces 100k

a cherry red kobold skin satchel, RTCF scripted satchel 50k

a salt-stained leather pouch, belt VSA scripted 5k

a vivid cherry garnet ring caught in thin dark vaalin webs, VSA poison ring 50k Maags 250k SOLD!

an orange pumpkin-shaped silk sack embroidered with a wide-eyed snarling face, MA belt 20k

a black burlap lootsack painted with a bare willow tree against a stark white moon, MA belt 20k

a brown canvas backpack, VLA 10k

a distressed russet leather toolkit 10k

a blood red snake skin jacket, MA 10k

a small black oilcloth pouch tied with silver drawstrings, belt SA scripted 10k
>close pouch
Pulling on the drawstrings tightly, you close your black oilcloth pouch, and secure what is stored inside.
>open pouch
Loosening the drawstrings, you open your black oilcloth pouch, making it easier to retrieve what is stored inside.

a blue suede pouch tied with coral-tipped drawstrings, belt VSA scripted 10k

a carved bleached bone sheath wrapped with polished copper wire, SA 10k

Two Handed Weapons

an angular alabaster white mithril maul with an ironwood haft, 1x scripted 20k
>rub maul
You rub idly at your maul, and a gentle spray of alabaster white mist forms above your hand, gently diffusing the light reflected off the surface of the weapon.

Mage Rechargables

a desiccated bone wand, mage rechargeable disintegration 75k

a cushion-cut amethyst bracelet, MR Mass Blurs, Ambush rank +1 75k


a black ora morning star, 4x void flares 100k


an oblong black ora gladius, 4x void flares 100k Rydim 100k SOLD!

a wavy translucent knife, 4x 25k

a slender cobalt blue mithril longsword inlaid with jade runes, 1x scripted 10k

a polished drake skinning knife, 0x fire flares 10k


an eel skin hat, LA 750k Private SOLDk ONCE!

an orange and crimson-striped cap 20k

a pair of violet suede trousers with gold pinstripes 10k

a folded black leather hat

a waist-tied brown burlap gown embroidered with tiny mice 10k

a black silk gown patterned with intricate silver brocade 10k

a yellow and black flared skirt 10k

a tattered black cloth toy bat, worn, scripted 20k
>hug bat
You give your black cloth toy bat a good squeeze, making it squeak shrilly.

a mold-covered cloth raven, worn shown in features, scripted 20k
>wear raven
You reach over and perch the cloth raven on your shoulder.
>rub raven
You reach over and pet the cloth raven perched on your shoulder.
>tap raven
You tap the cloth raven's beak, causing it to squawk!

a diaphanous ivory scarf, scripted 10k
>raise scarf
As you sway your hips, you hold your ivory scarf out to the side and move your arm in a fluid, sinuous motion, creating a wave of color that ripples and dances.
>turn scarf
Stomping a strong beat as you turn, you twist with a wild, gyrating motion. Your ivory scarf drapes from your extended fingertips, a flowing ribbon of color that writhes through the air.
>pull scarf
You pull your ivory scarf tight between your two hands and swing your arms in broad circles as you nimbly dance with high, graceful leaps.
>spin scarf
You spin rapidly in place, your ivory scarf wrapping itself tightly around your body in a sinuous swathe of color.

a red and black leather bracer 10k

a steel-ringed chainmail gauntlet with mithril-plated knuckles, unlocked, scripted for casting spells 100k 75k Rydim SOLD!
>wear gauntlet
You slip your hand into your chainmail gauntlet, clenching your fist to make sure it fits comfortably.
>touch gauntlet
Pulling on your chainmail gauntlet, you clench a fist and pound it into your open palm of your hand.
>rub gauntlet
You ball your fist, causing the chainmail gauntlet to tighten around your hand.
>remov gau
You pull a steel-ringed chainmail gauntlet with mithril-plated knuckles off your hand.

a pair of black mithglin gauntlets swirled with blue streaks, unlocked scripted when casting 100k 75k Rydim SOLD!
You pull the black mithglin gauntlets over your hands, flexing them until you find a comfortable fit.
>tilt gauntlets
You hold one hand in front of yourself, and tilt it in a side-to-side gesture.
>tap gauntlets
You tap the fingers of one hand on the back of your other hand.
>clench gauntlets
You clench your right hand into a fist, the material of your black mithglin gauntlets taut across the back of your hand.
>remov gau
You remove a pair of black mithglin gauntlets swirled with blue streaks from your hands.

a fine white damask shawl, scripted 10k
>rub shawl
You finger the front edge of your damask shawl, admiring its workmanship
a weathered dark leather belt, scripted
>unlatch belt
You loosen up your dark leather belt one notch, sighing with relief. Maybe you'll think twice about the extra helping next time!
>pull belt
You tug on your dark leather belt, pulling it one notch tighter. That diet must be paying off!
>poke belt
You hook your fingers underneath your dark leather belt and smirk. You look as if you just fell off the turnip wagon!

a dark violet satin shawl patterned with flowers, VSA 10k

some baggy dark linen pants, RTCF, works with other associated pieces 100k

some black broadcloth pants, 5k

some black spidersilk pants. 25k

some crisply cuffed elegant black silk trousers 25k

some calf-laced sable suede boots, RTCF, works with other associated pieces 100k

some wrapped suede boots, 10k


an obsidian skull-shaped bottle, Perfume 25k

a burnished skull and bones pendant, perfume holder 25k

a small totem 5k

a small crystal butterfly 5k
>tilt butterfly
The small butterfly sends sparkles of reflected light across your face as you tilt it back and forth.
>clean butterfly
You carefully polish the small butterfly, removing several smudges and fingerprints.
>wave butterfly
As you raise the butterfly into the air, it catches the light and reflects a glittering prism of colors.

a tattered rag doll head, scripted 10k

a bucket of gruel 10k

a bug-eyed shrunken goblin head strung from a fraying length of knotted hemp, belt 20k

an iron bucket 5k

an angular reddish phial, sips of lockpick enhancement 10k

a seafoam powder-filled vial, eye shadow 5k

an angular reddish phial, sips of lock pick 10k

an angular carmine vial, sips of disarm 10k

an angular carmine vial, sips of disarm 10k

a tiny cobweb-covered silver gate pin loosely hung on copper hinges 10k

a long and thin tooth-scrubbing twig, scripted 5k
>push twig
You shove your tooth-scrubbing twig in your mouth and rub it vigorously back and forth, making sure to get every crack and crevice.

a translucent orb, 5k
>look at orb
The orb is semi-translucent, and seems to be filled with a viscous material. More ovular than a perfect sphere, it is strangely reminiscent of an egg. An unholy blue light is emitted in a steady glow from some part of its interior.

a painted wooden sign that reads, "Mayor Walkar. Orc Lover! 20k

a painted wooden sign that reads, "Axe Mayor Walkar! 20k

a twisted black willow mirror, 25k
>look at mirror
Braided black willow switches create a twisted framework for a piece of highly polished copper. Each crooked willow end curves across the reflective disk as though the branches were clutching it possessively. A slender black handle, carved to resemble a withered old hand, is wrapped with a thin piece of braided silver and grey ribbon whose ends are ragged and frayed.

a pair of wood plates 5k

a royal blue satin backpack, 147 bracelets with Ewave 500k

a crystal scorpion 5k
>tilt scorpion, gem
The small scorpion sends sparkles of reflected light across your face as you tilt it back and forth.
>clean scorpion
You carefully polish the small scorpion, removing several smudges and fingerprints.
>wave scorpion
As you raise the scorpion into the air, it catches the light and reflects a glittering prism of colors.

a crystal-eyed silver dolphin symbol encrusted in blue coral, chrism holder, scripted 20k Tei 100k SOLD!

a white oak and invar shield talisman, scripted 10k

a crystal and white invar talisman, scripted 10k

a rowan block 5k

a ruic block 5k

a kakore block 5k

a ruic block 5k

a bleached bone key blank 50k

a bleached bone key blank 50k

a pair of bent red-tinted glasses 25k

a conjoined invar circle amulet, scripted 10k

a cylindrical cobalt glass jar, unknown alchemy jar 10k

a thin-walled blue glass jar, unknown amount alchemy 10k

an encrusted bronze wand, imbedable 5k

a murky etched silver scepter, purify air 10k

a dirt-smudged silk handkerchief, scripted 10k
You ball up your silk handkerchief in your fist.
>poke handkerchief
You briskly dab at your eyes and nose with your silk handkerchief.
>exhale handkerchief
You blow your nose into your silk handkerchief with a loud honking noise.
>wave handkerchief
You wildly wave your silk handkerchief back and forth like a flag.
>rub handkerchief
You roughly wipe your face with your silk handkerchief.
>rub handkerchief
You roughly wipe your face with your silk handkerchief.
>turn handkerchief
You tightly twist your silk handkerchief in your hands.
>smooch handkerchief
You briskly wipe your mouth with your silk handkerchief.
>push handkerchief
You wipe the sweat from your brow with your silk handkerchief.

a human skull encased in glaes 25k

several silver toggles, rogue clasp 10k

a peacock blue glimaerstone locket hung from a slender gilded chain 10k

a small ironwood lockbox with a polished rolaren dial, permanent ranger box 200k

some morganite prayerbeads, wrist worn, scripted 5k
>raise prayerbeads
You raise your morganite prayerbeads high, shouting the name of Cholen to the heavens.

a black invar jackal's head pendant, scripted 10k
>rub pendant
You polish your pendant, paying close attention to each individual star.

a blue unicorn with large button eyes 5k

a grey-swept blue heron feather, hat feather 5k

a muck-stained parchment map of Feywrot Mire, scripted 5k

a torn dirty blue blanket 5k

a star-shaped soft ebon nightshade 5k

a gold-pupiled black invar eye pendant 5k

an iridescent fishscale, alchemy 5k

a pair of ten-sided blue quartz dice 5k

an encrusted green coral wand 5k

a translucent crimson garnet locket set in a circlet of blood red rubies 5k

a thin black invar pendant, scripted 5k

a silver-inlaid rough white stone, scripted 5k
>wave stone
You wave your rough white stone vigorously in the air, hoping to spread its warding powers over as great an area as possible.


a spider-etched pitch black pearl, gem 5k Niamhe 5k SOLD!

a sphere of lime green moonstone 5k

a bloom of nightshade-hued rosespar 5k

an iridescent pyramid-shaped mother-of-pearl, 5k

a wheel of periwinkle dreamstone, gem 5k Niamhe 5k SOLD!

a jagged obsidian disc 5k

a ribbon of blueberry-hued sapphire 5k

a gold-banded scarlet jacinth 5k

a half-jaw of bone white shell 5k

some triangular milky vert amber, gem 5k Niamhe 5k SOLD!

a rune-carved smooth black stone, gem 5k


a long black ora pike, 4x void flaring lance 100k Rarr SOLD ON BO!


a silvery vultite fist-scythe, 4x special ability, cant see 50k Maags 50k SOLD!

a vultite-studded cestus with a pale white handwrap, 4x ice flares 25k

some fiery red drakar-studded gauntlets, 4x fire flares 50k Meekee 50k SOLD

some gold-runed tiger skin footwraps, 4x blessable 10k

some gold-runed tiger skin handwraps, 4x Blessable 10k


a red-tinged maoral rune staff with burned runes along its length, 0x 5k

a spiral-carved thick rowan staff, 1x scripted 10k
turn staff
Planting the tip of the thick rowan staff on the ground, you give it a quick spin.
>push staff
You absentmindedly tap the thick rowan staff against your leg.
>point staff
You raise your thick rowan staff and point it forward.
>lean staff
You leisurely lean on your thick rowan staff, a thoughtful expression upon your face.
>pull staff
You pull your thick rowan staff up under your arm, clutching it like a riding crop.
>throw staff
You toss your thick rowan staff up into the air, catching it in your palm with a snap!
>wave staf
You make a grand, sweeping gesture with your thick rowan staff.


some finger cymbals 10k

a delicate blonde cedar flute inset with vivid sky-hued blazestars 10k Skip 10k SOLD!


a tarnished silver coffin nail, common quality lockpick 25k MontanaRose 25k SOLD!

01-25-2014, 10:54 AM
a vivid cherry garnet ring caught in thin dark vaalin webs, VSA poison ring - MB

a silvery vultite fist-scythe, 4x special ability, cant see - MB


01-25-2014, 12:26 PM
What's the weight and carry amount on that satchel?

01-25-2014, 12:34 PM
a dark suede jacket with iron-wrought closures 100k

01-25-2014, 01:47 PM
MB on the flute, and the pike.

01-25-2014, 02:31 PM
a tarnished silver coffin nail, common quality lockpick

mb, please

Lady Lightning
01-25-2014, 03:13 PM
250k on the jacket

01-25-2014, 04:55 PM
a dark suede jacket with iron-wrought closures - 500k
a vivid cherry garnet ring caught in thin dark vaalin webs - 50k

01-25-2014, 05:11 PM
a crystal-eyed silver dolphin symbol encrusted in blue coral, chrism holder, scripted 20k

01-25-2014, 08:03 PM

01-25-2014, 08:46 PM
a vivid cherry garnet ring caught in thin dark vaalin webs, VSA poison ring - 75K

Also, I didn't bid on the satchel, you probably just cut/paste wrong or something - my original bid was on this ring.

01-25-2014, 08:59 PM
an oblong black ora gladius, 4x void flares 100k MB

01-25-2014, 11:18 PM
a vivid cherry garnet ring caught in thin dark vaalin webs - 100k
a crystal-eyed silver dolphin symbol encrusted in blue coral - 100k

01-26-2014, 12:37 AM

01-26-2014, 12:19 PM
a long black ora pike, 4x void flaring lance 100k Pike 100k ONCE!

125k thx

01-26-2014, 03:37 PM
Updated, everything marked TWICE!

01-26-2014, 08:36 PM
MB on:
a wheel of periwinkle dreamstone, gem 5k
a spider-etched pitch black pearl, gem 5k
some triangular milky vert amber, gem 5k

150k on:
a vivid cherry garnet ring caught in thin dark vaalin webs

01-26-2014, 09:20 PM
a vivid cherry garnet ring caught in thin dark vaalin webs - 200k

01-27-2014, 03:09 AM
150k on the black Ora pike please

01-27-2014, 07:42 AM
MB on some fiery red drakar-studded gauntlets, 4x fire flares

01-27-2014, 06:37 PM
All will be sold by 8pm eastern tonight

01-27-2014, 07:10 PM
a vivid cherry garnet ring caught in thin dark vaalin webs, VSA poison ring 150K

Tried to just let this go but I cant, sorry! I know someone who neeeeeeds it

01-27-2014, 09:19 PM
Tei had 200k on this ring last night Maags, I assume you ment 250k

01-27-2014, 09:28 PM
Updated and Pike was sold on a healthy BO

01-28-2014, 02:15 AM
...damn didn't even get a chance to bid.

01-28-2014, 10:20 AM
30k on the grey harness

01-28-2014, 06:22 PM
Versin it is yours.