View Full Version : ShadowGuard

01-22-2014, 03:28 PM
It's open, they are undead and it is Elven history. Fun place to go hunt, especially if you are in Voln. As far as we can tell, the age range is very young to post cap.

Mages from Ta'Illistim tonight sacrificed their lives to open the portals along Sylvarraend road and Fearling Pass. Many brave souls were killed in the initial blast and counterattack but through strength of arms, the enemy was pushed back through the portals and into the ancient elven fortress of ShadowGuard. There King Qalinor and his protector Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair led any who would join with them to subdue the main defenders of the ShadowGuard. The portals remain open and it is hoped that any who wish to aid will take the fight to them inside the fortress.

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The ShadowGuard has been opened as a temporary hunting area. It is accessible from the portals along Sylvarraend and Fearling Pass. Return from the ShadowGuard will be to the portal you entered from. Note that you cannot drag through the portals so dead must be fogged out and as the Shadowguard is in Vaalor's realm, fog points will be around Vaalor regardless of where you entered. It is divided into separate areas split by creature level so hunting for everyone is available. Word of caution, all creatures are undead, some curse, some disarm, and some are just plain mean so be warned.

Now for some HUGE thanks. GM Kynlee painted about half the rooms in the ShadowGuard and has helped with (and will continue to help with) invasions around Ta'Illistim. GM Zoelle has been a huge help invading both Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illisitm (and will continue to be) as well as various NPC's you might have ran into. Without their help, I could not have pulled this together. Don't worry though, it's not even near being over. The ShadowGuard just opened, how did Tiope get there, how has it been preserved, and what's going on with the other elven houses are just a few questions left to be answered.

Ta'Vaalor Guru
Erithi Guru
Burghal Gnome Guru


01-22-2014, 04:27 PM
Watch out for the itchy curse in the capped/post cap area. (Not sure about lower areas)

The occurrences of "Someone please help XXXXX has my YYYYY" have gone up by about 1000% percent in Illy/Vaalor and that's saying something with all the looting that ithzir do.

01-22-2014, 06:07 PM
Someone also posted that the commanders disarm. I haven't seen it but I know that the western part of the cathedral they ewave, dispell and like to slaughter you. Everything there has a magical as well as physical attack. Best to bring junk weapons you won't be terribly upset if you lose.

01-22-2014, 09:32 PM
Anyone working on a map yet??? Am willing to assist with my ranger sense for possible cartographers

Geijon Khyree
01-22-2014, 10:55 PM
Nouvard has it mapped. It's on the officials in the Town: Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim forums

01-23-2014, 11:38 AM
or you can post the link...


01-24-2014, 10:03 AM
I see a couple of corrections that need to be made to that map:
The rooms between the south tower and both the east and west tower are not there.
Outside of the east and west tower connects to the center room.
The east tower has 1 less room on both the north and south sides of it.