View Full Version : 3-8x Cycling trollbane flamberge (double fire flares)

01-18-2014, 01:17 PM
I love this thing, but it was for a character concept i just don't have time to play (too many characters!), so I decided to see if anyone else loves it as much as I do.

A crimson and golden mithglin flamberge inlaid with sylvarraend ruby runes

Comes with a gold bound troll hide scabbard inlaid with firestones (warrior sheath). Note that flamberges are a great weapon base, under-appreciated. They are basically mauls with slightly better DF against leather/scale and slightly worse DF against chain/plate.

MB: 10m

Cycles 3x-8x against trolls going up +5 on each swing until it hits +40, then drops back to +15 (which it remains against everything else, along with plain fire flares).


Tiny wisps of smoke rise from the golden mithglin flamberge's blade. Beautifully crafted and well balanced, you are not quite sure you have ever seen a flamberge so finely made. Forged by elves many, many years ago, the golden mithglin flamberge's blade crawls with runes telling of the great battles between the elves and the trolls. The runes bespeak of the power of this flamberge and its dedicated purpose of locating and dispatching trolls and their kin.

In the Elven language, it reads:
To the far reaches of Elanith
I will defeat those who would destroy it.


1) Tap- 3-minute cooldown (shared with wave)

Your tap the flamberge and it starts to hum softly...

Suddenly the flamberge begins to spin in your hand, creating a circle in the air! The world around you suddenly melts away.
Something catches your eye and you look closer.

[Warcamp, Entrance - 16342]
The entrance to the warcamp consists of nothing more than a large gap in a wall built of broken trees and shrubs haphazardly stacked upon the other. In the turned up earth by the entryway, a bloody child-sized hand reaches up toward the sky, a forgotten or discarded prize of the Grimswarm. Inside the entrance, the path separates into three directions, wrapping around several poorly constructed huts. To the south, a path leads to a small rise in land, blanketed in a haze of campfire smoke. You also see a Grimswarm troll guard.
Obvious paths: north, south

2) Wave

You wave your golden mithglin flamberge above your head in a wide circle. the flamberge starts moving so fast that it appears to be one solid circle of metal. The sounds of battle and the smell of burning flesh waft in and suddenly you feel the power of the flamberge reaching outwards from you in an ever increasing circle.

You feel the power of the golden mithglin flamberge reaching out to the surrounding area, searching...
You sense 140 trolls in the area.
A discordant chorus of elven voices rise in a battle cry singing out from the flamberge!

3) Flares (all flares against trolls are double fire flares=dead or dying troll. The example flares in this log are totally representative. They are not cherry-picked).

Charging (it can flare while charging, but it's less likely than when fully charged)

You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
With instinctive motions, you weave to and fro striking with deliberate and unrelenting fury!
You swing a crimson and golden mithglin flamberge at a Grimswarm troll ranger!
AS: +501 vs DS: +401 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +19 = +161
... and hit for 44 points of damage!
Blow to chest causes the troll ranger's heart to skip a beat.

The intense heat surrounding the flamberge grows hotter!
You swing a crimson and golden mithglin flamberge at a Grimswarm troll scourge!
AS: +506 vs DS: +432 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +71 = +187
... and hit for 69 points of damage!
Wild downward slash severs the troll scourge's right foot!
Bloody stump, anyone?
A Grimswarm troll scourge falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg!
The troll scourge is stunned!

The intense heat surrounding the flamberge grows hotter!

Your flurry of strikes leaves you off-balance and out of position.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

Charged (most likely to flare)

You swing a crimson and golden mithglin flamberge at a Grimswarm troll hunter!
AS: +516 vs DS: +387 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +76 = +247
... and hit for 100 points of damage!
Wild downward slash severs the troll hunter's right foot!
Bloody stump, anyone?

A scorching red flame runs up and down the blade of the flamberge!
Roundtime: 5 sec.

You swing a crimson and golden mithglin flamberge at a Grimswarm troll hunter!
AS: +491 vs DS: +413 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +84 = +206
... and hit for 67 points of damage!
Deep, bloody slash to the troll hunter's right thigh!
The troll hunter is knocked to the ground!
The troll hunter is stunned!
With a burst of fiery orange flame, your flamberge flares at the troll hunter!
... 40 points of damage!
Flames cook a Grimswarm troll hunter's back. Looks about medium well.
The troll hunter howls in agony as the flames dance over his body!
... 55 points of damage!
Head explodes, splattering sizzling bits of flesh and bone everywhere.
[You have earned 60 prestige points.]
The troll hunter rolls over and dies.
A Grimswarm troll hunter loses a thorny barrier.
The deep blue glow leaves a Grimswarm troll hunter.
A Grimswarm troll hunter seems to lose some internal strength.

4) Scripts

Along with the above scripts, there are also some other unique aspects:

You remove a crimson and golden mithglin flamberge inlaid with sylvarraend ruby runes from inside your leather knapsack. You hear an elven battle cry echo sharply off in the distance, growing louder until the flamberge turns sharply and points directly at the troll guard!
You hear an ancient elven voice whisper urgently, "The troll must burn!"

5) Loresong

The first thing that strikes you about the flamberge is the weight, which is about 9 pounds. In your best estimation, it is worth about 500,000 silvers. You can also tell that there is some sort of elven metal in the structure of the golden mithglin flamberge.

the flamberge has a bonus of +15 from a normal flamberge, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it is a one-handed edged weapon. The harmonics generated by the flamberge tell you that it yearns to be wielded in battle against trolls. The pitch of the harmonics reveal reveal that this golden mithglin flamberge has additional abilities that may be activated by waving or tapping the flamberge.

The song of the golden mithglin flamberge becomes stronger and weaves itself around you. As the song wraps itself around you, you feel transported to another time and place. The sounds of battle and the smell of burning flesh hang in the air. On the ground before you is a mortally wounded elf king. He detaches an ornate scabbard from his belt and with his dying breath hands the scabbard to you. You fall to your knees and wail in frustration. Moments later, you hear the hurried voices of other elves nearby yelling that the trolls have penetrated their lines. Shedding a single tear, you stand and draw the golden mithglin flamberge from the scabbard and wave it above your head. Flinching at what the flamberge just whispered to you, you turn to rejoin the battle... you see a troll chieftain bearing down on you as the song of the flamberge's vision fades and slowly your vision returns to normal.

Note the one-handed weapon thing in the loresong is just a typo - it is in fact a flamberge.

01-25-2014, 12:43 PM
Bump, still lookin for a home.

02-01-2014, 01:23 PM