View Full Version : Bunch of enhancives, multiple Permanent TD Items!

01-18-2014, 12:52 PM
Updated and lowered ALL MBs. :) Have at it!

1) A thick mithglin shield
+5 Elemental Lore - Air Bonus
+2 Wisdom Bonus
Innumerable Charges

MB 200k

2) a burnished villswood buckler
+7 Intuition Bonus
+11 Stalk and Hide Bonus
+7 Shield Use Bonus

MB: 250k

3) an ornate spiked imflass buckler
+13 to TD (Temp, but incredible amount of uses)

MB 200k

4) an ora short sword
2x Temp Masterfully Crit Weighted
Incredible uses

MB 150k

5) a scratched ora aegis
+5 MOC Bonus
+9 Stam Recovery
Giantman Charges

MB 100k

6)a spiked kakore aegis
+10 TD (Temp)
Incredible Charges

MB 100k

7) a mithril augmented breastplate
+4 TD Permanent

MB 100k

8) some cuirboulli leather
+9 TD Permanent

MB 200k

9) a ruic heavy crossbow

MB 200k

10) a modwir-hafted mithril morning star
+6 Blunt Bonus
+5 Health Recovery

MB 250k CB 240k to Geij LAST CALL

11) a thick glowbark shield
+5 TD (permanent!!)

MB 1.5m

Happy Bidding! :)

Geijon Khyree
01-18-2014, 01:48 PM
250K on #10

01-20-2014, 11:50 AM
Bumped, updated, and lowered all MBs.

01-22-2014, 09:17 AM
Last call before the choicer pieces go in a locker and the rest get pawned. Lowered MBs once final time.