View Full Version : Politics in your family.... (NO FLAMING POSTS)

09-13-2004, 10:01 AM
Over the labor day weekend - my family has a gathering at my dad's lake house. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, nephews & neices.

My girl and I were talking one night and trying to figure out who each person in my family would vote for, or if they would vote at all. She wouldn't let me bring it up in discussion (I was half teasing in the suggestion, but it definately could have put a damper on the weekend)

I think it would be an interesting exercise if people listed their close family members and who you think (or know) they'd vote for. And why, if you want. Also list your own, if you're willing.

Me - Text-based-game playing freak, programmer, lazy ass - Voted for Clinton, Voted for Gore - Voting for Kerry.
Mom - Successful businesswoman - owns her own company - Bush
Dad - semi-retired - somewhat conservative (but I heard some Bush jokes over the weekend) - Kerry (if he votes at all)
Step-mom (aka Psycho Bitch) - very opinionated, toss-up (I doubt she'd vote)
Uncle Civil War Buff/Freak (he now does re-inactments and has multiple rifles) - Bush (Most likely for the gun issues, but I think he enjoys a wartime president)
Oldest Brother Nice guy, (hot wife), a very "buy domestic" kind of guy - likely Bush (unless his wife convinces him otherwise)
Grandparents - GM is a retired schoolteacher, GD is a semi-retired suit salesman, very family oriented, tough call. I think possibly Kerry - my girl thinks most definately Bush.
My girl Organized/opinionated woman - Web developer/supervisor who makes more money then me :no: - Poli/Sci major - avid Democrat. Kerry (Though I'm trying to convince her not to put a bumper sticker on her nice truck, or at least wait until I can find a magnet one).

[Edited on 9-13-2004 by Wezas]

09-13-2004, 10:15 AM
Parents/Sis - Bush
Brother - Kerry
Me - Nader

09-13-2004, 10:22 AM
Nader = Throw away vote.


09-13-2004, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Psykos
Nader = Throw away vote.


Only vote wasted is the one not cast.

Sorry, I won't vote for a Dem or Repub. until they decide to provide Healthcare for everyone.

09-13-2004, 10:26 AM
Voting for Nader provides health care to no one.


09-13-2004, 10:30 AM
Dumbasses, keep to the topic, and keep your negative opinions about others voting out of it.

09-13-2004, 10:31 AM
Me- Kerry
Mom- Kerry
Dad- Kerry
Step-mom - Kerry
Cousin- Bush
Cousin's wife- Bush
Step-sister - Kerry
Brother-n-law - Kerry

09-13-2004, 10:31 AM


that is the topic.



Originally posted by Wezas
Dumbasses, keep to the topic, and keep your negative opinions about others voting out of it.

09-13-2004, 10:33 AM
I think it would be an interesting exercise if people listed their close family members and who you think (or know) they'd vote for. And why, if you want. Also list your own, if you're willing.


09-13-2004, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by Jolena
I think it would be an interesting exercise if people listed their close family members and who you think (or know) they'd vote for. And why, if you want. Also list your own, if you're willing.


Thank you, Jolena.

Nowhere in there does it say "Be a dumbass and post negative things about what other people are saying". I have been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, Psy - but it looks like ParkBandit may be right about you.

09-13-2004, 10:35 AM
I'm pulling any more posts that aren't on topic.

No more quagmires.

09-13-2004, 10:54 AM
Me - kerry
Mom - kerry
Brother - Not sure I think Bush but he might vote Kerry. He seems on the fence.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-13-2004, 10:55 AM
Me, and my entire extended family of about 40 - Bush
My black sheep sister - Kerry

09-13-2004, 11:02 AM
Me - Bush
Fiance - Bush
Mother and aunts - Bush
Hippy friends - Kerry

09-13-2004, 11:05 AM
Mom, Dad, older brother, me, my boyfriend - Kerry.

[Edited on 9-13-2004 by GS3 Michiko]

09-13-2004, 11:10 AM
Parents = Kerry
Aunt = Kerry
Grandma = Kerry
Brother = Kerry
Me = Kerry

09-13-2004, 11:17 AM
Me - Kerry, not because I think he's fabulous, but I'm in the "anyone but Bush" camp, and my state is too close for me to spend a vote on a third party candidate.

Mom - Kerry (She's on the County Democrats board, she's easy to figure out)

Grandma - Kerry, I don't think she's voted for any Republican ever except for Charles Grassley.

Dad - Bush, because "Kerry wants to reinstate the draft"

Grandpa - Bush, because Grandpa's one of the people who really benefited from Bush's tax cuts.

Brother - Bush, because "Kerry wants to ban all guns"

Sister-in-law - Couldn't figure out how to use a voting booth if her life depended on it. Unless there was a shoe sale involved.

Other Grandparents - I honestly don't know. I doubt they'll vote.

About 30 cousins - Kerry.
1 cousin - Bush, because 'Kerry, like, flip flops.'


09-13-2004, 11:22 AM
Me - Bush
Wife - Bush
Father - Retired and wants free healthcare (He thinks Kerry will provide) - Kerry
Step Mother - Won't vote because she's dumb
Sister - Hippy socialist - Kerry
Brother in law - Kerry because his wife tells him to
Father in law - Bush (He collects guns)
Mother in law - Bush (She thinks Kerry is a horse/man)
Brother in law - Bush
Sister in law - Bush
Brother in law - Bush
Sister in law - Bush
Uncle - Bush
Aunt - Bush
Sister - Bush
Brother in law - Kerry (He believes Kerry has a magic wand and wants to see it)
Brother - Kerry - Doesn't like the war in Iraq

09-13-2004, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Me - Bush
Wife - Bush
Father - Retired and wants free healthcare (He thinks Kerry will provide) - Kerry
Step Mother - Won't vote because she's dumb
Sister - Hippy socialist - Kerry
Brother in law - Kerry because his wife tells him to
Father in law - Bush (He collects guns)
Mother in law - Bush (She thinks Kerry is a horse/man)
Brother in law - Bush
Sister in law - Bush
Brother in law - Bush
Sister in law - Bush
Uncle - Bush
Aunt - Bush
Sister - Bush
Brother in law - Kerry (He believes Kerry has a magic wand and wants to see it)
Brother - Kerry - Doesn't like the war in Iraq

I notice you only give reasons (semi-negative) for those voting for Kerry. Interesting.

09-13-2004, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
I notice you only give reasons (semi-negative) for those voting for Kerry. Interesting.

In fairness to Parkbandit, I really only gave reasons for those voting for Bush in my post.



Edited to add I finally hit 100 posts. Can I call myself a post whore now?

[Edited on 9-13-2004 by Jorddyn]

09-13-2004, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Jorddyn
In fairness to Parkbandit, I really only gave reasons for those voting for Bush in my post.

Actually you listed reasons for both candidates.

And who said we had to be fair to ParkBandit? That wasn't part of this thread.

09-13-2004, 11:36 AM
Me- Kerry (after through contemplation)
Mother- Kerry
Step Father- Bush
Father- Kerry
Step Mother- Kerry
Siblings that can/will vote (3) - Kerry
Closest uncle- Bush (He benefited very well from the tax cuts
Closest aunt- Kerry
Cousins- Split down the middle, most voting for Kerry from what I know.

Killer Kitten
09-13-2004, 11:42 AM
Me - Kerry. Not that I think he's great, but Anybody But Bush! And I'd rather throw the vote at somebody who has a chance of winning. Otherwise I'd probably write in our head vet, who would approach the job with serious single-mindedness and have the country in great shape right before his breakdown.

Husband - Kerry. Believes Bush is a liar, a figurehead, and let 911 happen so he could reap the benefits in the fallout. (Which he was then too stupid to use to full advantage.)

Best friend - Kerry. Her favorite story: "As I'm running uptown as fast as I can with debris raining around me and that godawful sound ringing in my ears all I kept thinking was 'Holy shit we have a dope in the White House!'"

Mother - Kerry. I always vote Democrat.

Other best friend - Kerry. "I feel personally responsible for Bush getting elected because I voted for the independent canditate, thus taking my vote away from Gore, who was an idiot but at least wasn't an evil lying sack of shit."

09-13-2004, 11:43 AM
Oh my...let's see. Things would change a lot if I extended this further past the immediate ones.

Me- salesman... voting for Kerry because there's no one better... voted for Nader last time

My wife- low-level office management.... voting for Kerry because she thinks Bush is distracting the American people from the tragedy of 9/11... voted for Gore last time

My father - full professor... voting for Kerry because he's been liberal all his life...he's been involved in protesting of various sorts since his 20's

My mother - full professor... voting for Kerry because she believes in the welfare of the poor and wants the economy to be better

Mother-in-law- pharmaceutical exec - Voting for Kerry despite liking Bush's statements during 9/11. Feels the economy does better under Democrats these days.

Father-in-law- senior tech guy... voting for Kerry because he's extremely liberal

Wife's grandmother- retired Air Force diplomatic officer/retired Planned Parenthood employee/volunteer librarian - Voting for Kerry because she's been very politically active for a long time and seen the disgusting side of conservatives.

My grandfather - small business owner/festival organizer... voting for Nader if he can.... been pretty close to a socialist all his life, extremely liberal

My other grandfather - retired apartment owner/investor/former chief electrician of O'Hare Airport... voting Kerry, because, of all things... he doesn't think Bush is economically conservative enough

My other grandmother- retired professional swimmer, swim instructor - voting Kerry, because those Republicans don't respect people's civil rights

My sister - Too young to vote, but was part of the ACLU court-case to stop the Republicans bringing prayer into the school system

[Edited on 9-13-2004 by Warriorbird]

[Edited on 9-13-2004 by Warriorbird]

09-13-2004, 11:52 AM
Everyone in my house is a republican except me. I dont really care for either major party and I also cant stand Bush or Kerry. I'll probably vote for Kerry though.

09-13-2004, 12:02 PM
me - Kerry ( I am in the anyone but Bush camp)
entire family - Kerry (mix of Repubs, Dems and Independents)

09-13-2004, 02:27 PM
Me - Kerry
Husband - Bush if he votes
Daughter - Kerry
Son-in-law - Kerry because my daughter is telling him to vote.

As far as the rest of the family, I have no idea who they are voting for.

*edited to change my SIL's stance.

[Edited on 9-13-2004 by TheRoseLady]

09-13-2004, 02:35 PM
Funny this was brought up. My family itself had its own political discussion a few weekends ago and the result had me cracking up.

My dad is so republican, I swear the only thing he'll talk about is politics anymore. (We try not to bring it up in that case!)

My younger brother, is leaning more towards the democratic side, and I swear my dad is going to have a heart attack because of it. Every time he goes over there to visit he makes it a point just to piss off my dad a little more about it.

That being said:

Mom-Toss up, likely Bush because that's who my dad is voting for.
Sister-too young to give a shit.

09-13-2004, 03:00 PM
Me - Kerry
Boyfriend - Probably won't vote, but will vote Bush if he does.
Boyfriend's dad - Bush
My dad - No idea, probably Kerry since he's Democrat
My mom - Kerry
My mom's side of the family - Kerry
My dad's side of the family - No idea


09-13-2004, 04:08 PM
Me - Bush

Mom - Registered democrat but is switching after this election. Bush, voted for Clinton, Bush in 2000, Bush again.

Dad - Registered Democrat, raised in Philadelphia in a democratic voting family. Voted for Clinton twice and Gore in 2000. Says he is leaning Bush. He really dislikes Kerry and doesn't see any advantage in switching Presidents right now. He actually supports the war in Iraq and thinks Bush has done a good job on terrorism.

Sister - Bush. Says Kerry looks like a pedophile, though that's not why she is voting for Bush :)

Two grandparents living - Both my moms parents. Both will vote Bush. GF grew up in Alabama, GM lived there after they met when he was in the Navy in Philadelphia. She moved for him then they came back here. GM is devout Catholic, both very socially conservative.

13 Aunts and Uncles (Again, all of my moms siblings) - I'd say, just by going through in my head - 6 Bush, 2 Kerry, 4 won't vote, and one is a tossup.

[Edited on 9-13-2004 by Hulkein]

09-13-2004, 04:58 PM
Mom - Tossup. Probably Bush though.

Dad - Bush

Me - Bush

Brother - Tossup, probably Bush.

09-13-2004, 05:10 PM
Me: Bush (unless Kerry pulls off a miracle in the debates).
Dad: Kerry (he doesn't care either way, and he doesn't want Hilary in 2008... it makes sense to him)
Mom: Bush (my parents like cancelling each other's vote)
Older brother: No clue, but his GF is from Mass.
Other relatives: My mom's side except for one brother all live in the hick part of Upstate NY, so I'd stereotypically guess Bush. My dad's side has a bunch of rich people, so I'm going with Bush again.

09-13-2004, 05:34 PM
Me - Kerry(I believed Bush when he told us Iraq had WMD, they had proof and knew where they was. Felt lied to and betrayed)

Father - Retired International Rep for the UAW - Demcrate all the wal...Kerry

Stepmother - Kerry

Mother - Bush, because he hates my father...:)

Stepfather - Don't know. He hates Kerry and Bush.

Brother - Bush, because he likes to fight all the time. Joining the marines in so he can fight. Most likely will not vote at all.

Sister - Kerry, votes the way my father tells her to.

Grandmother - Been a democrate her whole life - Kerry

I personally don't think Bush can win unless Bin Laden is captured or the handling of Iraq gets better. Those murdered Americans coming back in body bags every single day is enough for me to vote for Kerry. Nobody should die over a lie...

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-13-2004, 05:35 PM
Wow, Kerry is gonna win by a landslide!

09-13-2004, 05:36 PM
Opinions are of course allowed, but if you disagree with them, please refrain from replying negatively to other's posts.

09-13-2004, 05:39 PM
Me - Kerry

Mom - Kerry.. I was totally shocked by this one, shes a registered Republican ALWAYS voted all-Republican

Brother (hes 22) - Kerry/Nader

Sister (shes 45) - I'd guess Kerry just because she has slightly liberal views, not sure really

Brother in law (to be) - Bush definitely

Boyfriend - Kerry (he's extremely anti-Republican)

09-13-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Snapp

I thought I said "No Flaming Posts", Snapp?


09-13-2004, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Snapp

I thought I said "No Flaming Posts", Snapp?


Okay, that was funny. :rofl:

09-13-2004, 10:38 PM
Me - Most likely Bush, still not sure though. I voted for Bush last time, Clinton before that.

Mom- Bush
Dad - Bush
Brother #1- Kerry, he hates Bush with a passion, I just don't know why. He works for the DEP, so it might have to do with that.
Brother #2- Bush
Brother #3- Bush, if he votes
Grandma #1- Bush because thinks Kerry is dumber then Bush
Grandma #2- Bush, Heavily religous, could never vote for someone who is pro choice
Grandfather- Bush, Heavily Religous, can't vote for a pro choice canidate.

16 other relatives - Bush because they are really religous and can't vote for anyone who is pro choice.

09-13-2004, 10:44 PM
I can't think of anyone in my family who's voting for Bush other than my uncle.

I'm only one of two independents in my fam, and I'm a committeeman for the Independent Party, so a Nader vote for me.

edited to add: Then again, most of my family doesn't live in the U.S.

[Edited on 9-14-2004 by Stanley Burrell]

09-13-2004, 11:10 PM
Me - Bush

Mom - Bush

Dad - not voting, even though he benefited greatly from the tax cut.

Uncle - Bush

Work - about 80-85% from my office Bush, 5-10% Kerry, the rest not voting

The biggest factors I have seen affecting the election are the inheritance tax, because many co-workers have a tremendous amount of stock, and the economy. The view that Kerry will raise the corporate tax basically has everyone in uproar, because it will mean fewer new hires, fewer people getting replaced when they retire, and a general itchiness about the company investing instead of saving.

09-13-2004, 11:26 PM
Me - Kerry .... I don't want to support a president who wants discrimination added.

Roommate - Bush - He thinks Kerry is an idiot.