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04-21-2015, 02:49 AM
Oh yeah forgot to mention; I can only test it with bellow so not sure if it'll work for other critter warcry reps but it should.

04-21-2015, 03:07 AM
Oh yeah forgot to mention; I can only test it with bellow so not sure if it'll work for other critter warcry reps but it should.

I'll let you know when this particular warrior makes it past Bellow.

04-21-2015, 03:13 AM
I'll let you know when this particular warrior makes it past Bellow.

Woot! Awesome. Thank ya.

04-22-2015, 06:07 AM
quick question, would it be possible to have warrior put away the rag before trying to go to a different warrior guild? im still withing hitting range on some of the stuff on the glacier so if im not holding my weapon i get hit running by. uhm, another thing that would be nice would be to not have the script freak out when you die and then you cant kill it because its trying to return the rag...

04-22-2015, 06:10 AM
Yeah not sure what's up with the script not always putting tools away before heading to a new town, when I tested this it worked perfectly and it worked perfectly on my end for many ranks but then suddenly it stopped working all the time. I'll check it out.

I can also fix the script not trying to return tools if dead tomorrow. If I remember.

04-22-2015, 06:12 AM
hmm, also regardless of what i put in the option for travel to another guild for assignments it still travels to icemule, or is that option so that it will get new tasks in the other guilds as well?

04-22-2015, 06:13 AM
so far other than the minor things listed its been able to level wtricks from 10 - 38 wonderfully, only died once and thats because it ran out passed vipershroud for some reason while holding a rag and a tree viper got me >.>

04-22-2015, 06:16 AM
hmm, also regardless of what i put in the option for travel to another guild for assignments it still travels to icemule, or is that option so that it will get new tasks in the other guilds as well?

The option is so the script will travel to other guilds to finish tasks like polishing armor and pruning shrubs, when finished with the task it will return to the guild you started in and continue on from there.

If you're in Icemule and doing audience reps for warrior tricks and there aren't enough people in TC to get a rep it will run you to Landing TC to finish the task.

04-22-2015, 06:17 AM
yeah, it goes to icemule from the landing for shrugs / polishing regardless of if i have anything there or not...ive tried no / nil / leaving it blank and it still runs up there lol

04-22-2015, 06:21 AM
yeah, it goes to icemule from the landing for shrugs / polishing regardless of if i have anything there or not...ive tried no / nil / leaving it blank and it still runs up there lol

Hmm, interesting. I can check that out too.

04-22-2015, 06:33 AM
also, would it be possible to have the script be able to trade in partner tasks for disarm / tackle? i have just been killing the script / trading in by hand but it would be nice to just have the script do it for me.

04-22-2015, 06:27 PM
quick question, would it be possible to have warrior put away the rag before trying to go to a different warrior guild?

I think I've fixed this. Let me know.

yeah, it goes to icemule from the landing for shrugs / polishing regardless of if i have anything there or not...ive tried no / nil / leaving it blank and it still runs up there lol

So if you have anything listed in that option other than "yes" it still runs you to other guilds? Can you turn messages on in the script and the next time this happens let me know what the message is the script gives you before moving to the new town? As far as I can tell this should be working fine.

also, would it be possible to have the script be able to trade in partner tasks for disarm / tackle? i have just been killing the script / trading in by hand but it would be nice to just have the script do it for me.

The new version has options for this. I haven't tested it but it should work, let me know.

04-22-2015, 07:22 PM
kk, testing it now ill let you know if its still doing it.

04-22-2015, 07:24 PM
yeah, it is still doing it, not putting away the shears, its like its just seeing the rooms in the warrior guild in icemule for shrubs as the same guild as the landing

04-22-2015, 07:24 PM
I forgot to fix the part about the script trying to return guild tools if dead. Uploaded a new version that should fix this.

04-22-2015, 07:25 PM
yeah, it is still doing it, not putting away the shears, its like its just seeing the rooms in the warrior guild in icemule for shrubs as the same guild as the landing

Is there any messaging from the script at all? Or does it just move from one guild to another?

04-22-2015, 07:27 PM
just goes from one guild to the other, no messaging at all

04-22-2015, 07:30 PM
just goes from one guild to the other, no messaging at all

Does this happen with all chore tasks (pruning, armor, floors, etc) or just certain ones?

04-22-2015, 07:32 PM
seems to be just pruning / armor, i havnt noticed it do it with the others yet, but it is going from WL to IMT and then Sol if it hasnt finished the task by the time it runs out of rooms.

04-22-2015, 07:37 PM
Pretty sure I found the problem now. Let me know.

04-27-2015, 07:14 PM
If you're taking requests, Estild recently gave out information on how much necrotic energy is gained per kill as well as the difficulty ranges for perm ensorcelling an item. Able and willing to add that into the 735 kill tracker?

Also with ;tpick, I was having 2 problems with it. It wouldn't realize a needle trap was disarmed any time I extracted the needle and when I'd have a scales trap when it went to pick the box it will grab the vaalin but it won't cast lore before hand. I just saw tpick was updated 4/27 and downloaded it to see if these were things you might have already incorporated but now it won't stow my loot when picking off the ground :(

Love your work.

04-27-2015, 07:17 PM
I can look into the 735 thing.

Do you happen to have the messaging where the script didn't realize the needle trap had been disarmed? If not can you grab it the next time it fails to recognize the messaging?

I can make the script cast lock lore before picking a scales trap.

05-09-2015, 01:17 AM
I uploaded a new version of ;testme.

If you use the word "skip" as either the first, second, third or fourth command line it will skip the zest test part.

So, like ;testme skip will skip zest testing.

05-13-2015, 12:09 AM
Woot! New script!


This script adds profession titles after people's names when LOOKing in a room...or y'know, when you first enter a room.


Also here: Tyliana, Gharr, Faey, Aimiee, Ajek (kneeling), Mclynn, Siierra (kneeling), Cadiliel, Guerrotan, Ta'krak'th Ulani, Kojaii, Twerp, Nathalya, Ferreti, Rigloor, Czarod (sitting), Vwaul, Lord Suns, Braylok, Tupok, Shandoneaux (sitting), Ossinaro, Vendayan, Sir Cryheart, Lindurin, Kurthuel, Ayldyne (prone), Afernimnon, Cleavet, Allvaruna, Nyvuln, Kohen, Kylinarr, Alti, Blerod, Great Lord Awsibey, High Lord Jahira (kneeling)

Are any of these people clerics? How am I supposed to know who is an empath so I can bother them for healing?

I know!

;title scan

Also here: Twerp, Tyliana, Gharr (Cleric), Faey, Aimiee, Ajek (kneeling), Mclynn, Siierra (Empath) (kneeling), Cadiliel (Paladin), Guerrotan, Ta'krak'th Ulani, Kojaii, Nathalya, Czarod (sitting), Vwaul, Lord Suns, Braylok, Tupok, Shandoneaux (sitting), Ossinaro, Vendayan, Sir Cryheart, Lindurin, Kurthuel (Wizard), Ayldyne (prone), Afernimnon, Cleavet (Warrior), Allvaruna, Nyvuln, Kohen, Kylinarr (Wizard), Alti, Blerod (Empath) (kneeling), High Lord Jahira (kneeling)

You can even specify the title you want for specific people:

Also here: Dreaven (prone), Ryjin

Talk about boring!

Also here: Dreaven (Stud) (prone), Ryjin (Best Box Picker in the World!)

Now that's more like it!

Or you can just add the person's profession title if you know it but they don't have their profession title set, or you can use this for anything you want; for example keeping track of which alts belong to whom.

Also here: Bochser (Wizard, alt of the bestest Empath in Elanthia, Dreaven!)

Once a title for someone is set the script will remember that person's title forever or until you either remove that person specifically or reset all information.


Note, script must be running for these commands to work.

To add someone with a title you specify type:
;title add name title
Title can be anything you want and as many words as you like.

To remove someone type:
;title remove name

To scan current room for new people needing titles type:
;title scan
Note: This does a WHO for every profession and adds people's titles if the script doesn't already know their title.

To remove all titles from everyone and start with a clean slate type:
;title reset all

To view the help screen type:
;title or ;title help

Kill the script to stop showing titles.

05-13-2015, 12:12 AM
Worst script ever. Give me $20.

05-13-2015, 12:13 AM
Worst script ever. Give me $20.

But but but! :(

05-13-2015, 12:19 AM
I like that, nice. Thanks.

05-13-2015, 12:51 AM
Sorry to anyone who has already downloaded ;title but I uploaded a new version already!

The script should recognize all unique titles and apply the appropriate profession title.

The first version just recognized standard profession titles like bard, holy warrior, warbringer, etc.

Script now recognizes all unique skill titles as well.

For example "Musician" is unique to bards so it will recognize this title as a bard.

However "Locksmith" is available to any profession that has enough lockpicking ranks so the script won't assign a profession title to anyone with that showing as their title.

This is all from the wiki so don't yell at me if any of it is incorrect.

05-13-2015, 12:53 AM
Sorry to anyone who has already downloaded ;title but I uploaded a new version already!

The script should recognize all unique titles and apply the appropriate profession title.

The first version just recognized standard profession titles like bard, holy warrior, warbringer, etc.

Script now recognizes all unique skill titles as well.

For example "Musician" is unique to bards so it will recognize this title as a bard.

However "Locksmith" is available to any profession that has enough lockpicking ranks so the script won't assign a profession title to anyone with that showing as their title.

This is all from the wiki so don't yell at me if any of it is incorrect.

I'll yell at you if I damn well please.

05-13-2015, 12:57 AM
I'll yell at you if I damn well please.


05-13-2015, 04:32 AM
Yes, yet another update to ;title already

I just realized that doing a WHO profession check gathers a player's profession from their profile so that is how the ;title scan feature works now, you can gather the profession of everyone currently logged on whenever you do ;title scan. This feature will only overwrite a title if the script doesn't currently have a title for that person, so any custom titles you have set for anyone will be safe.

Also here: Catriss, Serenwy, Lindurin, Novice Anakha, Carthoris, Guerrotan, Kuxl (sitting), Gammit (sitting), Lady Hartesa, Anisoptera (sitting), Sangeral, High Lord Jahira (prone)

Why you no tell me these people's professions, game?!

;title scan

Also here: Braydyn (Cleric), Catriss (Wizard), Serenwy (Cleric), Lindurin (Monk), Novice Anakha (Ranger), Carthoris (Wizard), Guerrotan (Wizard), Kuxl (Monk) (sitting), Gammit (Rogue) (sitting), Lady Hartesa (Sorcerer), Anisoptera (Paladin) (sitting), Sangeral (Rogue), High Lord Jahira (Empath) (prone)

Ah, that's better.

Every time you do a scan the script will tell you who it added to its database and the profession it assigned to them. When you first run scan you will probably see a rather large list but it should be much smaller on subsequent uses:

The following players and their titles were added:
Taargust (Empath)
Dogboot (Ranger)
Mebbeitzkald (Warrior)

05-13-2015, 01:32 PM
This is freaking great work. Will definitely use this instead of my manual scanning of who profession to character highlight professions.

05-13-2015, 01:37 PM
This is freaking great work. Will definitely use this instead of my manual scanning of who profession to character highlight professions.

Glad you like it. You can even highlight like (Empath) in red or whatever so you can quickly see all empaths in a crowded room with this script.

No need to highlight a name ever again :p

05-13-2015, 07:05 PM
Just a few feature feedback requests
1. Filter out the who profession spam so that it only spits out the characters added
2. Possibly a way to toggle which professions to show. I know personally I always want to show cleric/empath so I know who to beg for heals/life. But who the hells needs to know someone is a monk... just saying
3. This script is great, glad you added it.

That is all.

05-13-2015, 07:07 PM
1. Filter out the who profession spam so that it only spits out the characters added

I thought about doing this but when you're squelching game lines via a script like this you have to be careful or else you might squelch a line someone actually wants to see. I think I might have a way to do this without squelching wanted lines so I'll look into this.

2. Possibly a way to toggle which professions to show. I know personally I always want to show cleric/empath so I know who to beg for heals/life. But who the hells needs to know someone is a monk... just saying

I suppose I can do something like this.

05-13-2015, 07:50 PM
I thought about doing this but when you're squelching game lines via a script like this you have to be careful or else you might squelch a line someone actually wants to see. I think I might have a way to do this without squelching wanted lines so I'll look into this.

If you toggle the script to use xml, and parse for a series of 3 links (<a> tags) with the specific spacing of the who list, you can safely filter those out, and just toss back whatever doesn't match the pattern.

05-13-2015, 08:06 PM
If you toggle the script to use xml, and parse for a series of 3 links (<a> tags) with the specific spacing of the who list, you can safely filter those out, and just toss back whatever doesn't match the pattern.

I was worried because the spacing between names isn't always the same, it depends on the character's name but yeah, I was just going to have it look for the exist/noun thing and then like 3 or 4 spaces afterwards, I'm sure that would grab all of the lines without snagging anything else accidentally.

05-13-2015, 09:21 PM
I was worried because the spacing between names isn't always the same, it depends on the character's name but yeah, I was just going to have it look for the exist/noun thing and then like 3 or 4 spaces afterwards, I'm sure that would grab all of the lines without snagging anything else accidentally.

Actually, after thinking about it, that won't work, because of your "remainder" lines, however what you can do is watch for an "open line" and "close line" in the stream, and then just match your anchor tags between those two tags.


05-13-2015, 09:27 PM
Just used your testme script for the first time. Love it. Great job. Thanks for making it.

05-13-2015, 09:30 PM
Actually, after thinking about it, that won't work, because of your "remainder" lines, however what you can do is watch for an "open line" and "close line" in the stream, and then just match your anchor tags between those two tags.


Awesome. I came up with something similar that seems to work well enough except I can't get it to remove the darn > status prompt thingie. Since it does a who profession check 10 times it just looks silly having a long line of >'s. No clue how to get rid of those though.

05-13-2015, 09:31 PM
Just noticed that the ;title script strips Stormfront links from the names of those that have their titles added. Any way to preserve the Stormfront link functionality?

05-13-2015, 09:32 PM
squelch_who = proc {
started = false
hook_proc = proc { |s|
if started
if s =~ /<prompt/
elsif s =~ /<output/
elsif s =~ /^Brave Adventurers Questing:/
started = true
DownstreamHook.add('squelch-who', hook_proc)

fput "who profession #{checking_current_profession}"

05-13-2015, 10:21 PM
The title script is awesome - I've pined for something like this forever! Do you think you could add an abbreviation option? The Also Here line at a Kenstrom-event-finale is likely to be 15 pages long. Something like, "Also here: Bob (wz), Joe (rg), Bill (rn), Fran (wr)..." etc.

05-13-2015, 11:21 PM
squelch_who = proc {
started = false
hook_proc = proc { |s|
if started
if s =~ /<prompt/
elsif s =~ /<output/
elsif s =~ /^Brave Adventurers Questing:/
started = true
DownstreamHook.add('squelch-who', hook_proc)

fput "who profession #{checking_current_profession}"

Awesome, that works perfectly. Thank you.

I uploaded a new version with the following changes:

Script no longer spams when scanning WHO list to gather professions.

You can now hide/show certain professions by using ;title hide profession_name and ;title show profession_name
;title list will list all professions you are currently hiding.

You can now shorten profession names by typing ;title short
;title long will display the full profession titles again.

Just noticed that the ;title script strips Stormfront links from the names of those that have their titles added. Any way to preserve the Stormfront link functionality?

I always forget about Stormfront links because I use Wizard but I think I have fixed this problem as well. Let me know.

Full help list:

To add someone with a title you specify type: ;title add name title
Title can be anything you want and as many words as you like.

To remove someone type: ;title remove name

To scan WHO list for new people needing titles type: ;title scan
Note: This does a WHO for every profession and adds people's titles if the script doesn't already know their title.

To remove all titles from everyone and start with a clean slate type: ;title reset all

To hide a particular profession from showing type: ;title hide profession_name
Note you must type the full profession name, capitalization doesn't matter. Script will still track people's professions even if you set that profession to hidden.

To show a previously hidden profession again type: ;title show profession_name
Note again you must type full profession name and capitalization doesn't matter.
To list professions currently being hidden type: ;title list

To show shortened profession titles type: ;title short

To show full profession titles type: ;title long

05-14-2015, 01:39 AM
All changes look to be working. Thanks for the changes.

05-16-2015, 10:34 PM
Uploaded a new (and probably final) version of ;warrior. It should now do all warrior trick tasks as well as all tasks for every other skill.

05-17-2015, 04:43 PM
Any way to get this to work with who profession?

05-17-2015, 04:52 PM
Any way to get this to work with who profession?


05-17-2015, 05:09 PM
the command who profession <insert profession here>

for scanning purposes

05-17-2015, 05:15 PM
the command who profession <insert profession here>

for scanning purposes

You mean for ;title?

The latest version already scans who profession to gather profession information.

05-17-2015, 07:57 PM
Uploaded a new version of ;title that displays people's profession in the room window with SF as well. It apparently already worked with WizardFE, just another reason everyone should switch to the better FE ;)

05-20-2015, 12:11 AM
Uploaded yet another version of ;title because I suck.

You can now highlight all of the names of a class you specify in monster bold, which is the color you have set for all monsters/npcs/whatever.

Also here: Coinbane, Dlae (Wiz), Sudeeps (Emp), Lsadorn (Emp), Kave, Neovik (Rog), Lord Krampton (Wiz), Dustybeard, Tholnson (War) (sitting), Naimon (Pal) (sitting), Maiden Makkara (Wiz) (sitting), Taluric (sitting), Kirael (Ran) (sitting), Malisai (sitting), Lord Omiav (Emp), Celaenia (Rog) (sitting), Jocastae

But wait, how can I quickly see who all of the empaths are in this room?

;title bold empath

Also here: Coinbane, Dlae (Wiz), Sudeeps (Emp), Lsadorn (Emp), Kave, Neovik (Rog), Lord Krampton (Wiz), Dustybeard, Tholnson (War) (sitting), Naimon (Pal) (sitting), Maiden Makkara (Wiz) (sitting), Taluric (sitting), Kirael (Ran) (sitting), Malisai (sitting), Lord Omiav (Emp), Celaenia (Rog) (sitting), Jocastae

Ah ha! Now I see. Just trust me that the empath names listed above are yellow.

To highlight the names of a particular class in MONSTER BOLD type ;title bold profession_name
Only one profession can be highlighted at a time. Type ;title bold clear to have no profession bolded.

05-20-2015, 06:22 AM
Hey tgo!

The disarm-no-more script is quite useful and working fairly well for me. I do have a problem where I get stuck in OTF swimming which I'm sure happens in other areas where you have to stow your weapon to swim/climb. ;go2 will stow it and make it across the swim, but then disarm takes me back to the start to "get my weapon" it thought I dropped. So, it turns into an endless loop of going back and forth. Kinda funny for a bit.

Also, the ;servant script doesn't really work for those of us who have spirit servants so if you're bored we could use something like ;familiar for that!

Edit: After reading the directions, go figure, I noticed you can set the delay a bit. I'll try that and see if it helps on disarm.

05-20-2015, 01:17 PM
The disarm-no-more script is quite useful and working fairly well for me. I do have a problem where I get stuck in OTF swimming which I'm sure happens in other areas where you have to stow your weapon to swim/climb. ;go2 will stow it and make it across the swim, but then disarm takes me back to the start to "get my weapon" it thought I dropped. So, it turns into an endless loop of going back and forth. Kinda funny for a bit.

Try downloading the script again and see if that fixes this problem because I could have sworn I fixed this before. If that doesn't fix it then please list the room numbers you swim through as well as the room numbers where ;go2 stows your weapon before doing the swim.

Also, the ;servant script doesn't really work for those of us who have spirit servants so if you're bored we could use something like ;familiar for that!

What does ;servant do and why doesn't it work?

05-20-2015, 02:25 PM
;servant is supposed to keep our spirit servants alive (218) via a message I guess looking at the script. For some reason, it doesn't work and just kills the script. I'll try it again and see if I can capture a message. Thanks for looking into the other one.

Oh, and your autoforge isn't on the repo anymore?

05-20-2015, 02:40 PM
What does ;servant do and why doesn't it work?

I read this as ;savant and figured it was a waiting script that would intermittantly tell you that it's gonna do something awesome real soon now.

05-20-2015, 02:44 PM
I read this as ;savant and figured it was a waiting script that would intermittantly tell you that it's gonna do something awesome real soon now.
Don't give him any more ideas... :o

05-20-2015, 02:51 PM
;servant is supposed to keep our spirit servants alive (218) via a message I guess looking at the script. For some reason, it doesn't work and just kills the script. I'll try it again and see if I can capture a message.

It looks like the script should work.

This should work though:

if Spell[218].timeleft < 2
echo "Spirit Servant will disappear in about #{Spell[218].timeleft.round} minutes."
if Spell[218].affordable?
echo "Not enough mana to recast Spirit Servant."
sleep 10

You can change the

if Spell[218].timeleft < 2

part to 3 or 5 or however many minutes you want that is left of 218's duration before the script starts to attempt to recast it.

Oh, and your autoforge isn't on the repo anymore?

I took it down because it apparently wasn't working correctly anymore. One of these days I'll fix it and put it back up.

05-20-2015, 02:52 PM
I read this as ;savant and figured it was a waiting script that would intermittantly tell you that it's gonna do something awesome real soon now.

How long have savants been in development now? Since 2007?

05-20-2015, 02:54 PM
How long have savants been in development now? Since 2007?

Define... "development".

05-20-2015, 02:55 PM
Define... "development".

Good point.

Let me clarify.

When was the first time savants were announced as a profession coming "RSN"?

05-20-2015, 05:21 PM
It looks like the script should work.

This should work though:
Excellent! Thanks Tgo, appreciate it.

Do you use a program to write these scripts or do you type them all out manually?

05-22-2015, 01:01 AM
Do you use a program to write these scripts or do you type them all out manually?

I write them all manually. Although it would be awesome to write an afk script that automatically wrote afk scripts for me.

Also I uploaded a new version of song-manager that I'm pretty sure fixes the problem with 1018 exploding you and your friends.

05-22-2015, 03:15 AM
Tgo's scripts filled my computer with viruses that caused horse porn to fill up my screen daily.

05-22-2015, 03:18 AM
Tgo's scripts filled my computer with viruses that caused horse porn to fill up my screen daily.

TGO gave my computer crabs

05-22-2015, 03:20 AM

05-22-2015, 03:21 AM

NSA notified.

05-22-2015, 03:22 AM
NSA notified.

Do not use our name in vain.

05-22-2015, 03:51 AM
Russia is lovely this time of year.

05-22-2015, 03:56 AM
Russia is lovely this time of year.

We recently had a publicized operation where we took out a certain individual. There is no where you can hide from us. We will get you.

05-22-2015, 04:04 AM
We recently had a publicized operation where we took out a certain individual. There is no where you can hide from us. We will get you.

You -have- to try the pirogi out here. They are -to die- for. Vlad showed me this little spot where you can watch them fry them up. He's such a nice guy.

05-22-2015, 01:05 PM
The NSA is looking for Edward Snowden on the PC!!!

Also I uploaded another version of ;warrior that I'm pretty positive fixes the bug where it makes ;go2 go crazy by spamming a ;go2 error over and over again.

05-22-2015, 02:12 PM
Also I uploaded a new version of song-manager that I'm pretty sure fixes the problem with 1018 exploding you and your friends.
Pretty sure? :thinking:

05-22-2015, 02:15 PM
Pretty sure? :thinking:

Trust me :hi:

05-22-2015, 02:39 PM

05-24-2015, 04:13 PM

05-31-2015, 02:46 PM
Uploaded a new version of ;testme that displays level requirements after enhancive stuffs in the summary.


a sharply-honed vultite backsword
Look description: You see nothing unusual.

Loresong information
Weight: 3 pounds
Value: 450,000
Purpose: weapon
Bonus: +20
Enhancive bonus: 8 to Edged Weapons Bonus (Level 22 required)
Enhancive bonus: 7 to Ambush Bonus (Level 17 required)
Charges remaining: a lot
Persists on enhancive: Yes
Flares: steam

Inspect/Analyze Information
Alteration restrictions: None
Max lightened: Yes

I didn't find any zests.

06-11-2015, 08:39 PM
a garnet-veined ebon mesille bow
Look description: The limbs of the bow have been covered in mottled tones of grey and black, the thick layers leaving the surface uneven and splotchy at best. Inset between the fissures are flakes of garnet and heliodor, the jewels highlighted amongst the darkened layers like lava flowing slowly down volcanic rock to pool along the grip. Branded into the lower limb is a series of gilded calligraphy, the writing almost melded into the bow.
Weight: 3 pounds
Bonus: +15
Alteration restrictions: None
Can be lightened: Yes
Wearable location: back

I haven't read testme but it seems clear enough from this output that there's likely an error in how slots are described/matched. This relates to one of several slots with problematic phrasing. There's a gradient of slots between shoulder and back:

(1) You determine that you could wear the cloak, hanging it from your shoulders.
(2) You determine that you could wear the bow, slinging it across your shoulders and back.
(3) You determine that you could wear the backpack on your back.

Where they are most commonly phrased as (1) "cloak-worn", (2) "shoulder-worn" or sometimes "shoulder-slung" and (3) back-worn. Cloak-like containers so consistently and so exclusively occupy slot (1) that the player-base has developed their own jargon for it. It's a marvel of consistency in GS mechanics. In my opinion a more ideal phrasing would be something like this:

(1) You determine that you could wear the cloak, draping it from yourself like a cloak.
(2) You determine that you could wear the bow, slinging it across your shoulders.
(3) You determine that you could wear the backpack on your back.

More of a rant sprinkled with feedback but anyway...

06-11-2015, 08:51 PM
Good point. I've uploaded a new version of ;testme that clarifies things.

One of these days I'll rewrite ;testme altogether, it was one of my earlier and thus uglier scripts.

07-03-2015, 07:03 AM
Hey GBB here
I had this working like a charm in the older lich. I updated lost all my settings and now i can't get it to stop trying to find my calipers after I pick the box. Any help/guidance for me?

07-03-2015, 01:46 PM
Hey GBB here
I had this working like a charm in the older lich. I updated lost all my settings and now i can't get it to stop trying to find my calipers after I pick the box. Any help/guidance for me?

This on your bard? Can you post a log of what's happening?

07-03-2015, 01:57 PM
I put the number to 99 and it worked but when I have it at no no for the caliper sections it didnt work. But let me put a log of what was going on and show the settings.


07-03-2015, 01:59 PM
Is this on your bard or rogue? I don't think it messes with calipers on non rogues. At least it shouldn't :O

07-03-2015, 02:06 PM
Hey Tgo01!

I believe we've butted heads on the officials here and there. But that's how it goes, eh?

There was a recent post (by someone else) asking for the SEND verb to be more intelligent and not send mana to the abyss past what a character can receive.

I wonder if you'd be up to the challenge of writing a script to do this? Call it ;send

It should check the mana control trainings of both characters by lich. It should check the present mana pool of the receiving character. It also does retard-checking that my character has the mana I ask to send. Then it either sends the mana number I input, or it sends a number which is less than this to put the receiver at max mana, and gives me an output message to say the receiver is full up.

What do you think about this script idea? I bet you can beat Simu to this change! I think this would be very welcome by many, many, gamers!

Edit: Oh yeah, and it should use normal regex to know a number from a name. So it can take ;send 500 kaldonis OR ;send kaldonis 500 the same. This confuses the shit out of new players, since it's so different than many systems like GIVE where the target follows the verb...! As long as it's quality of life scripting, I want to put that one in there too, for the entry field.

07-03-2015, 02:10 PM
Hey Tgo01!

I believe we've butted heads on the officials here and there. But that's how it goes, eh?

There was a recent post (by someone else) asking for the SEND verb to be more intelligent and not send mana to the abyss past what a character can receive.

I wonder if you'd be up to the challenge of writing a script to do this? Call it ;send

It should check the mana control trainings of both characters by lich. It should check the present mana pool of the receiving character. It also does retard-checking that my character has the mana I ask to send. Then it either sends the mana number I input, or it sends a number which is less than this to put the receiver at max mana, and gives me an output message to say the receiver is full up.

What do you think about this script idea? I bet you can beat Simu to this change! I think this would be very welcome by many, many, gamers!

I'm unaware of any setting that can check another person's current mana pool.

07-03-2015, 02:11 PM
I'm unaware of any setting that can check another person's current mana pool.


Let's bug Tillmen!

(I hope you like my idea, anyway)

Edit: Sending the MANA command and parsing it is too hard for you? :P Assuming it's a two-way script let's say.

07-03-2015, 02:12 PM
This is with Calibrate on startup (no) calibrate count no wedge containers (none) caliper containers (none)

--- Lich: tpick active.
You feel more refreshed.
[tpick: Putty remaining: 3]
[tpick: Cotton balls remaining: 31]
[tpick: Vials of acid remaining: 0]
[tpick: Checking for traps.]
[tpick]>disarm #63000843
You carefully begin to examine a rotting monir strongbox for traps...

Peering closely into the lock, you spy a glimmering opalescent scarab wedged into the lock mechanism. The scarab's surface is etched with tiny runes that seem to writhe as the light strikes them.

It looks like an incredibly hard trap (about -370).

You still have a good enough picture of the trap in your mind, that you could try to disarm it.

Roundtime: 28 sec.
[tpick: Trap difficulty is: 370]
[tpick: Your disarm skill is: 337]
[tpick: Your total disarm skill with lore is: 439]
[tpick: Highest trap you are willing to try is: 439]
[tpick: This trap looks tough, going to use Disarm Enhancement (404).]
[tpick: Found a scarab trap.]

[tpick]>disarm #63000843
Having discovered a trap on the strongbox you begin to carefully attempt to disarm it...

You feel like you've made a good attempt.

You carefully nudge the scarab free of its prison without disturbing the lock too much. The scarab falls from the lock and onto the ground in front of you.

Roundtime: 34 sec.
[tpick: Disarming scarab.]
A cascade of pure, sweet notes, the harpist plays a delicate song on her instrument. The tune is wistful and bespeaks the innocence of youth.
[tpick]>disarm scarab
You carefully begin to examine the scarab for traps...

Knowing how delicate magical runes can be, you carefully scrape a few extra lines into the markings, hoping to alter their meaning and defeat the spell they may hold.

*scritch scritch* If that had been any easier, you could have done it blindfolded.
[tpick]>get scarab
You pick up a glimmering opalescent scarab.
[tpick]>stow my scarab
You put a glimmering opalescent scarab in your web-covered backpack.
[tpick: Loresinging to box to find out lock difficulty.]
[tpick]>get #63000843
You pick up a rotting monir strongbox.
[tpick]>loresing strongbox that I hold;let your purpose now be told
You sing:

"Strongbox that I hold
Let your purpose now be told"

Roundtime: 7 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the monir strongbox in your hand, and you learn something about it...

From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the strongbox is as a container of some kind. It has a very complex lock on it.

[tpick]>drop #63000843
You drop a rotting monir strongbox.
[tpick]>get my vaalin key from my keyring
You detach a miniature vaalin skeleton key from a vaalin-laced keyring.
[tpick: Attempting to pick lock.]
[tpick]>incant 403
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Lock Pick Enhancement spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A scintillating light surrounds your hands.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
[ Lock Pick Enhancement: +0:02:10, 0:02:10 remaining. ]
[tpick]>pick #63000843
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
You make a lame attempt (d100=22).
You struggle with the strongbox. As you do, you get a sense that the strongbox has a very complex lock (-900 thief-lingo difficulty ranking). Then...CLICK! It opens!
[tpick]>put my vaalin key in my keyring
You attach a miniature vaalin skeleton key to a vaalin-laced keyring.
[tpick: Calibrating calipers.]
[tpick]>get my calipers
Get what?
[tpick]>open my none
What were you referring to?
[tpick]>get my calipers
Get what?
[tpick: Couldn't find your calipers.]
Total boxes picked: 0
Total silvers gained: 0
--- Lich: tpick has exited.


07-03-2015, 02:14 PM

Let's bug Tillmen!

(I hope you like my idea, anyway)

Edit: Sending the MANA command and parsing it is too hard for you? :P

Yes :(

I mean sure, if both people were running the script then I would just do it my lazy way and have the characters whisper all of the necessary information.

07-03-2015, 02:21 PM
Yes :(

I mean sure, if both people were running the script then I would just do it my lazy way and have the characters whisper all of the necessary information.

I'm about as lazy as they come. Asking my wife for her mana pool when she's sitting on the opposite side of the table from me is more annoying than you might think when she is singing to 100 gems.

Edit: "Can I send you 20 mana now? How about now? Can I wrack and send you 30 mana? How much mana can you take now, 50?" Yeah, it's old school but, fuck I want a script for this since the game design is BUNK!

07-03-2015, 02:22 PM
This is with Calibrate on startup (no) calibrate count no wedge containers (none) caliper containers (none)

--- Lich: tpick active.
You feel more refreshed.
[tpick: Putty remaining: 3]
[tpick: Cotton balls remaining: 31]
[tpick: Vials of acid remaining: 0]
[tpick: Checking for traps.]
[tpick]>disarm #63000843
You carefully begin to examine a rotting monir strongbox for traps...

Peering closely into the lock, you spy a glimmering opalescent scarab wedged into the lock mechanism. The scarab's surface is etched with tiny runes that seem to writhe as the light strikes them.

It looks like an incredibly hard trap (about -370).

You still have a good enough picture of the trap in your mind, that you could try to disarm it.

Roundtime: 28 sec.
[tpick: Trap difficulty is: 370]
[tpick: Your disarm skill is: 337]
[tpick: Your total disarm skill with lore is: 439]
[tpick: Highest trap you are willing to try is: 439]
[tpick: This trap looks tough, going to use Disarm Enhancement (404).]
[tpick: Found a scarab trap.]

[tpick]>disarm #63000843
Having discovered a trap on the strongbox you begin to carefully attempt to disarm it...

You feel like you've made a good attempt.

You carefully nudge the scarab free of its prison without disturbing the lock too much. The scarab falls from the lock and onto the ground in front of you.

Roundtime: 34 sec.
[tpick: Disarming scarab.]
A cascade of pure, sweet notes, the harpist plays a delicate song on her instrument. The tune is wistful and bespeaks the innocence of youth.
[tpick]>disarm scarab
You carefully begin to examine the scarab for traps...

Knowing how delicate magical runes can be, you carefully scrape a few extra lines into the markings, hoping to alter their meaning and defeat the spell they may hold.

*scritch scritch* If that had been any easier, you could have done it blindfolded.
[tpick]>get scarab
You pick up a glimmering opalescent scarab.
[tpick]>stow my scarab
You put a glimmering opalescent scarab in your web-covered backpack.
[tpick: Loresinging to box to find out lock difficulty.]
[tpick]>get #63000843
You pick up a rotting monir strongbox.
[tpick]>loresing strongbox that I hold;let your purpose now be told
You sing:

"Strongbox that I hold
Let your purpose now be told"

Roundtime: 7 sec.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the monir strongbox in your hand, and you learn something about it...

From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the strongbox is as a container of some kind. It has a very complex lock on it.

[tpick]>drop #63000843
You drop a rotting monir strongbox.
[tpick]>get my vaalin key from my keyring
You detach a miniature vaalin skeleton key from a vaalin-laced keyring.
[tpick: Attempting to pick lock.]
[tpick]>incant 403
You gesture and invoke the powers of the elements for the Lock Pick Enhancement spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A scintillating light surrounds your hands.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
[ Lock Pick Enhancement: +0:02:10, 0:02:10 remaining. ]
[tpick]>pick #63000843
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
You make a lame attempt (d100=22).
You struggle with the strongbox. As you do, you get a sense that the strongbox has a very complex lock (-900 thief-lingo difficulty ranking). Then...CLICK! It opens!
[tpick]>put my vaalin key in my keyring
You attach a miniature vaalin skeleton key to a vaalin-laced keyring.
[tpick: Calibrating calipers.]
[tpick]>get my calipers
Get what?
[tpick]>open my none
What were you referring to?
[tpick]>get my calipers
Get what?
[tpick: Couldn't find your calipers.]
Total boxes picked: 0
Total silvers gained: 0
--- Lich: tpick has exited.


Very odd. The script is definitely setup to only bother with calipers if your profession is Rogue. Have you tried downloading ;tpick from the repo to make sure you're using the latest version? Maybe it's a bug I've fixed before.

07-03-2015, 02:37 PM
Very odd. The script is definitely setup to only bother with calipers if your profession is Rogue. Have you tried downloading ;tpick from the repo to make sure you're using the latest version? Maybe it's a bug I've fixed before. -Tgo01

this might be a running theme for a bunch of things i see...test run 1 looking good so far will update when i do a room of a bunch of boxes.


07-03-2015, 04:28 PM
I'm about as lazy as they come. Asking my wife for her mana pool when she's sitting on the opposite side of the table from me is more annoying than you might think when she is singing to 100 gems.

Edit: "Can I send you 20 mana now? How about now? Can I wrack and send you 30 mana? How much mana can you take now, 50?" Yeah, it's old school but, fuck I want a script for this since the game design is BUNK!

Well if you don't mind lazy:

$share_bonus = nil

def calculate_bonus(value)
if value == 0
$share_bonus = 0
elsif (value < 11)
$share_bonus = ((value * 5) * 0.01).round(2)
elsif (value < 21)
$share_bonus = ((50 + ((value - 10) * 4)) * 0.01).round(2)
elsif (value < 31)
$share_bonus = ((90 + ((value - 20) * 3)) * 0.01).round(2)
elsif (value < 41)
$share_bonus = ((120 + ((value - 30) * 2)) * 0.01).round(2)
$share_bonus = ((100 + value) * 0.01).round(2)

emc_bonus = calculate_bonus(Skills.emc)
smc_bonus = calculate_bonus(Skills.smc)
mmc_bonus = calculate_bonus(Skills.mmc)


mana_wanting_to_send = 0
player_to_send_to = nil

command = (upstream_get)
if (command =~ /\;send (\d+) ([a-zA-Z]+)/) || (command =~ /\;send ([a-zA-Z]+) (\d+)/)
if (command =~ /\;send (\d+) ([a-zA-Z]+)/)
player_to_send_to = $2
mana_wanting_to_send = $1.to_i
if (command =~ /\;send ([a-zA-Z]+) (\d+)/)
player_to_send_to = $1
mana_wanting_to_send = $2.to_i
put ("whisper #{player_to_send_to} how much mana are you missing?")
sleep 1.5
combined_emc_share = (emc_bonus * $other_person_emc)
combined_smc_share = (emc_bonus * $other_person_smc)
combined_mmc_share = (emc_bonus * $other_person_mmc)
combined_emc_share = 0.95 if combined_emc_share > 0.95
combined_smc_share = 0.95 if combined_smc_share > 0.95
combined_mmc_share = 0.95 if combined_mmc_share > 0.95
total_share = [combined_emc_share,combined_smc_share,combined_mmc _share].max
if ($missing_mana == 0) || (total_share == 0)
elsif (mana_wanting_to_send) < ($missing_mana)
(mana_wanting_to_send = mana) if (mana_wanting_to_send > mana)
put "send #{mana_wanting_to_send} #{player_to_send_to}"
new_mana_wanting_to_send = ($missing_mana / total_share).ceil
(new_mana_wanting_to_send = mana_wanting_to_send) if (new_mana_wanting_to_send > mana_wanting_to_send)
(new_mana_wanting_to_send = mana) if (new_mana_wanting_to_send > mana)
put "send #{new_mana_wanting_to_send} #{player_to_send_to}"

while (line = get)
if (line =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+) .*whispers\, \"How much mana are you missing\?\"/)
$missing_mana = (maxmana) - (mana)
put "whisper #$1 I am missing #{$missing_mana}. EMC: #{emc_bonus} SMC: #{smc_bonus} MMC: #{mmc_bonus}"
elsif (line =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+) whispers\, "I am missing (\d+)\. EMC\: (.*) SMC\: (.*) MMC\: (.*)\.\"/)
$missing_mana = $2.to_i
$other_person_emc = $3.to_f
$other_person_smc = $4.to_f
$other_person_mmc = $5.to_f

Start this script on both characters and keep it running in the background then whenever you want to send the other person mana just type ;send 100 name

Or however much you want to send.

07-03-2015, 06:09 PM
I have updated the above script to be even lazier. You no longer need to input any values into the script. Whenever you type ;send (amount) (name) the script will whisper the other person asking how much mana they are missing, the person will whisper back how much mana they are missing as well as their share ability in each of the three shares.

The script will then figure out which is the highest combined share between your skills and the other person's skills (EMC, SMC, MMC) and will use that in its calculations.

If you or the person has no mana share in any of the three skills then the script won't send any mana. Likewise if the person doesn't need any mana the script won't send any mana.

If the person has mana share and the number you input is less than the amount of mana they are missing then the script will send however much mana you specified.

If the number you input is higher than the amount of mana they are missing then the script will send them exactly how much mana is needed to bring them up to max mana. If the amount needed to bring them up to max mana is higher than the number you specified then the script will only send the amount of mana you specified, this is in case you're trying to send 20 mana to someone with very low share so you don't end up sending them 200 mana.

I haven't tested all of these features but I tested most of them and it should all work perfectly. Let me know.

ETA: Updated the script so it will never try to send more mana than you currently have.

ETA2: You can now do ;send (mana) (name) or ;send (name) (mana) and both will work.

07-03-2015, 07:42 PM
Should figure out a way to not use whispers. I have had GMs use that to wonder if I was botting while singing to gems.

07-03-2015, 08:02 PM
Should figure out a way to not use whispers. I have had GMs use that to wonder if I was botting while singing to gems.

That seems like a lot more work than I want to do though...

Could use ;lnet messages instead I suppose.

07-03-2015, 08:04 PM
That seems like a lot more work than I want to do though...

Could use ;lnet messages instead I suppose.

Just figure out how crosscharcom does it! But yeah I have used whispers or other actions and have been told it falls under the "bot" section of Policy 18. Even if you are controlling both and can respond to script checks.

07-03-2015, 08:09 PM
Just figure out how crosscharcom does it!

That would only work for characters on the same computer though :p

But yeah I have used whispers or other actions and have been told it falls under the "bot" section of Policy 18. Even if you are controlling both and can respond to script checks.

If you're at the keyboard and responding to script checks I don't think there is anything against the rules in using whispers. I use whispers all the time in my scripts.

07-03-2015, 09:31 PM
Can you make 735 track kills that were killed by implosion? That would be awesome :) Thanks!

07-03-2015, 09:41 PM
Can you make 735 track kills that were killed by implosion? That would be awesome :) Thanks!

I think I have this fixed but for some reason someone took control of ;735 on the repo. I don't want to clutter up the repo with redundant scripts so next time I see Tillmen on I'm going to see if he can give control back to me for ;735 so I can upload an update.

07-03-2015, 09:43 PM
I just realized that you can get the current mana from another person via the ;info command. This doesn't tell you the max mana but baring enhancives it should be easy enough to figure out based on stats and skills, all of which are also available via ;lnet commands. This could cut out the need for whispers altogether for the mana sharing script.

Of course this would only work for people who have allowed you to view such information via ;lnet.

07-03-2015, 09:51 PM
... next time I see Tillmen on I'm going to see if he can give control back to me for ;735 so I can upload an update.


07-03-2015, 09:55 PM

Woot! Awesome. Thank ya. I've uploaded a fix to ;735 that I think fixes implosion tracking.

07-04-2015, 03:17 AM
Woot! Awesome. Thank ya. I've uploaded a fix to ;735 that I think fixes implosion tracking.

I'll try it out.

07-04-2015, 04:55 AM
I have updated the above script to be even lazier. You no longer need to input any values into the script. Whenever you type ;send (amount) (name) the script will whisper the other person asking how much mana they are missing, the person will whisper back how much mana they are missing as well as their share ability in each of the three shares.

The script will then figure out which is the highest combined share between your skills and the other person's skills (EMC, SMC, MMC) and will use that in its calculations.

If you or the person has no mana share in any of the three skills then the script won't send any mana. Likewise if the person doesn't need any mana the script won't send any mana.

If the person has mana share and the number you input is less than the amount of mana they are missing then the script will send however much mana you specified.

If the number you input is higher than the amount of mana they are missing then the script will send them exactly how much mana is needed to bring them up to max mana. If the amount needed to bring them up to max mana is higher than the number you specified then the script will only send the amount of mana you specified, this is in case you're trying to send 20 mana to someone with very low share so you don't end up sending them 200 mana.

I haven't tested all of these features but I tested most of them and it should all work perfectly. Let me know.

ETA: Updated the script so it will never try to send more mana than you currently have.

ETA2: You can now do ;send (mana) (name) or ;send (name) (mana) and both will work.

The GMs already stole my code and put it in the game :p

Naww. At least the SEND verb rocks all on its own now.

07-06-2015, 09:06 PM
In your spare time, Tgo, do you think you could fashion a script that reads the output of the LOCKER verb for all towns and creates some kind of handy .txt, or better, a .csv file? With columns or rows for items in different towns? I don't know if there's a way to make it magically sort items the same way ;sorter worked, but that would also be potentially awesome. I know I'm not the only one with out-of-control lockers, perhaps some other hoarders can chime in with additional features if you choose to run with the idea. :grin:

07-06-2015, 09:22 PM
In your spare time, Tgo, do you think you could fashion a script that reads the output of the LOCKER verb for all towns and creates some kind of handy .txt, or better, a .csv file? With columns or rows for items in different towns? I don't know if there's a way to make it magically sort items the same way ;sorter worked, but that would also be potentially awesome. I know I'm not the only one with out-of-control lockers, perhaps some other hoarders can chime in with additional features if you choose to run with the idea. :grin:

I have a script that does something similar to this, give me a bit and I'll publish it.

07-07-2015, 12:40 AM
I have a script that does something similar to this, give me a bit and I'll publish it.

Alright, I published this to the ;repository it's called ;lockdown

It can write your data out in CSV or JSON, with the default being CSV if you just run ;lockdown and not ;lockdown json

probably requires you to be using Ruby 2.0

>;lockdown json
On a weapon rack:
an ice pick
a ruby-pommeled black ora short sword
a black ora sai
a long veil iron misericord (marked)
a razern-edged sword (registered) (marked)
some silver darts
a clear glass vial of light yellow acid
a clear glass vial of light yellow acid
a heavy vaalorn takouba
some black imflass darts
a silver-butted monir heavy crossbow with an elevated onyx sight
a heavy crossbow bolt
an aquamarine kakore runestaff
a storm grey mithglin flail
an elegant mossbark short bow with carved silver nocks
a bronze-hilted curved steel cutlass (registered) (marked)
a clear glass vial of light yellow acid
a coraesine dagger (registered) (marked)

On an armor stand:
a smoky mithril targe
a visored crimson eahnor greathelm with golden imflass hawk wings
a metallic vultite shield (marked)
some ornate imflass arm greaves (registered) (marked)
some etched mithril chain mail

Obvious items: 105

wrote to C:/Users/Benjamin/Dropbox/lich/scripts/lockers/Ondreian.json


07-07-2015, 10:00 AM
You do not have to "fix" this but.....if you are bored. Tpick is skipping the loresing for lock size on scale traps for bards.

--- Lich: tpick active.
--- Lich: 'sorter' has been stopped by tpick.
--- Lich: sorter has exited.
[tpick: Putty remaining: 1]
[tpick: Cotton balls remaining: 29]
[tpick: Vials of acid remaining: 0]
--- Lich: sorter active.
[tpick: Checking for traps.]
[tpick]>disarm #71433853
You carefully begin to examine a scratched mithril strongbox for traps...

At first glance, the mithril strongbox appears to be covered with hundreds of tiny metal scales. Closer examination reveals the "scales" to be razor sharp at the edges and possessing of a downward-facing needlelike tip. However, you should be able to avoid cutting yourself if you are careful.

It looks like a somewhat difficult trap (-115).

You still have a good enough picture of the trap in your mind, that you could try to disarm it.

Roundtime: 5 sec.
[tpick: Trap difficulty is: 115]
[tpick: Your disarm skill is: 337]
[tpick: Your total disarm skill with lore is: 439]
[tpick: Highest trap you are willing to try is: 439]
[tpick: Found a scales trap.]
[tpick: Picking lock with vaalin pick.]
[tpick]>get my vaalin key from my keyring
You detach a miniature vaalin skeleton key from a vaalin-laced keyring.
[tpick]>pick #71433853
You settle into the difficult task of picking the lock.
You make a good attempt (d100=74).
You struggle with the strongbox. As you do, you get a sense that the strongbox has a fairly easy lock (-275 thief-lingo difficulty ranking). Then...CLICK! It opens!
[tpick]>put my vaalin key in my keyring
You attach a miniature vaalin skeleton key to a vaalin-laced keyring.
[tpick: Attempting to disarm trap.]
[tpick]>get my dagger
You remove a drake dagger from in your drawstring silk satchel.
[tpick]>disarm #71433853
Having discovered a trap on the strongbox you begin to carefully attempt to disarm it...

You carefully open the lid of the mithril strongbox the tiniest bit, and peer inside. To one side of the locking mechanism, you can see what appears to be a thin cord connecting the lid to something within the strongbox itself.


You feel like you've made a competent attempt.

You gently slide your dagger into the space under the lid and slice through the cord. That oughta do it.

Roundtime: 22 sec.

07-07-2015, 02:12 PM
Yeah I think I made it so ;tpick always uses vaalin lockpicks on scale traps. I'm not sure I recall the reasoning for why I did.

07-07-2015, 04:28 PM
Did scale traps go off if you failed to pick it?

07-08-2015, 01:26 PM
I had a question about your tpick script, which I'm really enjoying since returning after a long hiatus. It seems to be duplicating a few actions. Now keep in mind I've been away awhile, so this might have to do with some guild thing that I don't remember. After measuring the lock with calipers, it opens it but then attempts to measure/open again. I'm using the ground variable and haven't tried it the other ways. Here is the example:

You discover no traps.
Roundtime: 18 sec.
[tpick: No trap found.]
[tpick: Measuring lock.]
[tpick]>get my calipers
You remove a set of professional calipers from in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick]>lmaster measure #73676696
Using your professional calipers, you carefully begin to measure the lock...
Roundtime: 12 sec.
Measuring carefully, it looks to be a very basic lock.
[tpick]>put my calipers in my toolkit
You put a set of professional calipers in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick]>get my copper lockpick from my toolkit
You remove a copper lockpick from in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick: Attempting to pick lock.]
[tpick]>lmas ptrick spin #73676696
With a quick flick of the wrist, you spin your copper lockpick around in your palm, stopping it as the tip enters a plain modwir chest...
You make an adequate attempt (d100=53).
You struggle with the chest. As you do, you get a sense that the chest has a very easy lock (-145 thief-lingo difficulty ranking). Then...CLICK! It opens!

You feel like the copper lockpick is probably too low in quality to be worthy of your vast expertise.

[tpick]>put my copper lockpick in my toolkit
You put a copper lockpick in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick: Measuring lock.]
[tpick]>get my calipers
You remove a set of professional calipers from in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick]>lmaster measure #73676696
The chest has already been unlocked.
[tpick]>put my calipers in my toolkit
You put a set of professional calipers in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick]>get my copper lockpick from my toolkit
You remove a copper lockpick from in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick: Attempting to pick lock.]
[tpick]>lmas ptrick spin #73676696
It does not appear to be locked.
[tpick]>put my copper lockpick in my toolkit
You put a copper lockpick in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick]>open #73676696
You open a plain modwir chest.
[tpick: All done!]
--- Lich: tpick has exited.

It doesn't hurt anything really, it still works fine. It's just doing redundant actions.

07-08-2015, 02:42 PM
I had a question about your tpick script, which I'm really enjoying since returning after a long hiatus. It seems to be duplicating a few actions. Now keep in mind I've been away awhile, so this might have to do with some guild thing that I don't remember. After measuring the lock with calipers, it opens it but then attempts to measure/open again. I'm using the ground variable and haven't tried it the other ways. Here is the example:

You discover no traps.
Roundtime: 18 sec.
[tpick: No trap found.]
[tpick: Measuring lock.]
[tpick]>get my calipers
You remove a set of professional calipers from in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick]>lmaster measure #73676696
Using your professional calipers, you carefully begin to measure the lock...
Roundtime: 12 sec.
Measuring carefully, it looks to be a very basic lock.
[tpick]>put my calipers in my toolkit
You put a set of professional calipers in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick]>get my copper lockpick from my toolkit
You remove a copper lockpick from in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick: Attempting to pick lock.]
[tpick]>lmas ptrick spin #73676696
With a quick flick of the wrist, you spin your copper lockpick around in your palm, stopping it as the tip enters a plain modwir chest...
You make an adequate attempt (d100=53).
You struggle with the chest. As you do, you get a sense that the chest has a very easy lock (-145 thief-lingo difficulty ranking). Then...CLICK! It opens!

You feel like the copper lockpick is probably too low in quality to be worthy of your vast expertise.

[tpick]>put my copper lockpick in my toolkit
You put a copper lockpick in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick: Measuring lock.]
[tpick]>get my calipers
You remove a set of professional calipers from in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick]>lmaster measure #73676696
The chest has already been unlocked.
[tpick]>put my calipers in my toolkit
You put a set of professional calipers in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick]>get my copper lockpick from my toolkit
You remove a copper lockpick from in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick: Attempting to pick lock.]
[tpick]>lmas ptrick spin #73676696
It does not appear to be locked.
[tpick]>put my copper lockpick in my toolkit
You put a copper lockpick in your locksmith's toolkit.
[tpick]>open #73676696
You open a plain modwir chest.
[tpick: All done!]
--- Lich: tpick has exited.

It doesn't hurt anything really, it still works fine. It's just doing redundant actions.

Does this happen every time or does it seem random? Also do you have the latest version? I seem to recall fixing this bug before but I could be wrong, or it could be a new bug :O

Try downloading ;tpick again and see if that fixes it.

07-08-2015, 02:56 PM
Did scale traps go off if you failed to pick it?
Not to my knowledge and not in my experience.

07-08-2015, 03:07 PM
I think the reason I have it always use a vaalin lock pick on scale traps is because when I was originally writing the script I had it setup to always disarm the trap first then pick it, but of course scales are backwards. At the time it was just a lot easier for me to have the script always use a vaalin lock pick rather than setting it up to measure the lock then disarm it and then open it.

Should be an easy enough fix, one of these days when I'm feeling less lazy.

07-08-2015, 03:56 PM
It happens every time. I'll try downloading the latest version when I get home from work and see if that does it.

07-08-2015, 03:58 PM
Did scale traps go off if you failed to pick it?

It's never happened to me. I'm not saying it can't happen, but I seriously doubt this is part of the design.

07-08-2015, 04:01 PM
I think the reason I have it always use a vaalin lock pick on scale traps is because when I was originally writing the script I had it setup to always disarm the trap first then pick it, but of course scales are backwards. At the time it was just a lot easier for me to have the script always use a vaalin lock pick rather than setting it up to measure the lock then disarm it and then open it.

Should be an easy enough fix, one of these days when I'm feeling less lazy.

And yet somehow, when the town NPC locksmith gets one of these boxes, he picks and then disarms the box every time without problems :)

07-08-2015, 11:08 PM
I downloaded the most recent version and it's still trying to measure/open twice.

07-09-2015, 01:52 AM
I downloaded the most recent version and it's still trying to measure/open twice.

Does it happen with every single box or just some boxes? Just when ground picking or any sort of picking? Are you using the loot command line variable too? How many times do you have the script setup to check for traps?

Do you have all of the settings in setup configured properly? Like a lockpick mentioned in every lockpick category?

I seem to recall someone had this problem before too and it ended up being a problem with their settings but I thought I fixed the problem anyways. As it stands now I don't see what the problem could be :/

07-09-2015, 08:02 AM
It happens with every single box.

Only ground picking (;tpick ground) so far, but I'll try the other ways later.

I don't use the loot variable.

It's set to disarm twice, but I can try other settings.

I have all settings filled in, including the lockpicks. It wouldn't run until I filled out all of them.

07-09-2015, 03:00 PM
Alright pretty sure I've found the problem. Let me know if the latest version does or does not fix this.

07-10-2015, 12:34 AM
Does it happen with every single box or just some boxes? Just when ground picking or any sort of picking? Are you using the loot command line variable too? How many times do you have the script setup to check for traps?

Do you have all of the settings in setup configured properly? Like a lockpick mentioned in every lockpick category?

I seem to recall someone had this problem before too and it ended up being a problem with their settings but I thought I fixed the problem anyways. As it stands now I don't see what the problem could be :/

Whatever you did worked. I tried another box without changing any settings and it performed flawlessly. Thanks so much for this awesome work.

07-12-2015, 03:59 AM
Uploaded a new version of ;tpick that fixes the delay associated with using the SET SORT flag to ON.

07-12-2015, 04:10 AM
Speaking of ;tpick, does anyone use the pop feature of it?

07-18-2015, 08:44 AM
Sooooo - if you happened to be bored and would like to try out an easy script I have a request please.

I'm sitting here getting really tired of trying to find orb gems as I grab a gem out of a container, cast 704 at it, see if it resists magic or not, then putting it in another container or dropping it.

Mind writing a script like ;pure where you can input the <container> for where you want to take out of, then <container> <container> for where you want the non-orb and orb ones to end up? Now get to work! :)

07-18-2015, 01:41 PM
Sooooo - if you happened to be bored and would like to try out an easy script I have a request please.

I'm sitting here getting really tired of trying to find orb gems as I grab a gem out of a container, cast 704 at it, see if it resists magic or not, then putting it in another container or dropping it.

Mind writing a script like ;pure where you can input the <container> for where you want to take out of, then <container> <container> for where you want the non-orb and orb ones to end up? Now get to work! :)

It's so simple even a caveman can do it!

Here is the framework for the script you want:

###starting_container = "pouch"
###orb_container = "blah"
###non_orb_container = "blahblah"

###Do the above OR use the following if you want to designate containers on the command line. Also delete this line.

###starting_container = "#{script.vars[1]}"
###orb_container = "#{script.vars[2]}"
###non_orb_container = ""#{script.vars[3]}"

GameObj.inv.each{ |i|
if i.name =~ /#{starting_container}/i
fput "look in my #{i}"
i.contents.each { |item|
if item.type =~ /gem/
fput "get ##{item.id}"
while line = get
if line =~ /blah?/
### elsif line =~ /blahblah?/

The lines starting with ### need to be filled out and the ###s need to be deleted.

07-18-2015, 02:30 PM
It's so simple even a caveman can do it!


I'm doing it wrong! I'll have to work on it later... It will grab the gem and then cast at it, but I can't seem to fill in the "blanks" properly.

starting_container = "#{script.vars[1]}"
orb_container = "#{script.vars[2]}"
non_orb_container = ""#{script.vars[3]}"

GameObj.inv.each{ |i|
if i.name =~ /#{starting_container}/i
fput "look in my #{i}"
i.contents.each { |item|
if item.type =~ /gem/
fput "get ##{item.id}"
while line = get
if result =~ /becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter/
fput "drop ##{item.id}"
fput "put ##{item.id} in {orb_container}"
elsif result =~ /resists the effects of your magic/
;fput "put ##{item.id} in {non_orb_container}"
Yes, I did add a few things trying to make it work - but I suck at this.

07-18-2015, 11:22 PM
There's a couple problems here. One, you do "line = get", and then check "result" as if it was something that existed. You probably want "result" to be "line", but then you've got another problem. You start looking for "becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter" and "resists the effects of your magic" after Spell[704].cast, but by then those lines are already gone. Spell[704].cast skipped by those lines to find the Cast Roundtime line.

This will get you closer, but still won't work:

starting_container = script.vars[1]
orb_container = script.vars[2]
non_orb_container = script.vars[3]

GameObj.inv.each{ |i|
if i.name =~ /#{starting_container}/i
fput "look in ##{i.id}"
i.contents.each { |item|
if item.type =~ /gem/
fput "get ##{item.id}"
result = Spell[704].cast(item, /becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter|resists the effects of your magic/)
if result =~ /becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter/
fput "drop ##{item.id}"
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{orb_container}"
elsif result =~ /resists the effects of your magic/
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{non_orb_container}"
# armor hindrance, no mana, no target, etc

I didn't test this, so it might have typos and bugs, but it also won't work because the item id changes when it is phased. It changes again when you unphase it, and I don't know if it returns to the original id or not. I never checked.

I'll point out another thing just because it seems to be getting more and more popular. There is often no point in doing something like this:


What this does is create a new string (because of the quotes), and then inserts code into that string (because of the #{}), and that code happens to be... a string. So it basically starts with a string, creates a new empty string, sticks the string that it already had into that new string, and ends up with exactly the same thing it started with. On the other hand, something like

"drop ##{item.id}"

makes perfect sense, because the new string isn't empty, and you don't end up with the same thing you started with.

07-18-2015, 11:35 PM
My bad, didn't realize an item's id changed when it was phased. I suppose you could just make sure your hands are free when starting the script and just manipulate the object in your right hand instead of relying on the item's id.

07-19-2015, 12:56 AM
It's happening!

I'm working on a script that watches as you kill things and it will try to calculate how much minimum and maximum health a critter can have (in case health varies depending on the level of the critter) and it will store this information forever then as you're attacking things the script will give you feedback on how much health it thinks the critter has left.


>You swing a closed fist at a kobold!
AS: +188 vs DS: +78 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +32 = +162
... and hit for 5 points of damage!
Thumped the kobold's chest.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated total minimum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated total maximum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: 43]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: 43]

>You swing a closed fist at a kobold!
AS: +188 vs DS: +78 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +52 = +182
... and hit for 9 points of damage!
Flattened the kobold's right hand.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated total minimum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated total maximum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: 34]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: 34]

>You swing a closed fist at a kobold!
AS: +188 vs DS: +76 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +52 = +184
... and hit for 16 points of damage!
Mighty blow cracks several ribs.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated total minimum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated total maximum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: 18]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: 18]

>You swing a closed fist at a kobold!
AS: +188 vs DS: +76 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +17 = +149
... and hit for 4 points of damage!
A feeble blow to the kobold's left arm!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated total minimum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated total maximum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: 14]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: 14]

>You swing a closed fist at a kobold!
AS: +188 vs DS: +76 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +16 = +148
... and hit for 4 points of damage!
Glancing blow to the kobold's left leg!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated total minimum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated total maximum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: 10]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: 10]

>You swing a closed fist at a kobold!
AS: +188 vs DS: +76 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +50 = +182
... and hit for 9 points of damage!
Blow raises a welt on the kobold's right arm.
The kobold crumples to a heap on the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated total minimum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated total maximum health: 48]
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: 1]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: 1]

Still some kinks to work out like how to deal with a one shot neck crit not fudging the numbers.

What you all think? Good script idea or should I just scrap it now?

07-19-2015, 01:11 AM
Would be perfect if everything died to attrition.

Definitely more useful for low levels who cannot kill with a couple shots.

07-19-2015, 01:19 AM
Would be perfect if everything died to attrition.

Definitely more useful for low levels who cannot kill with a couple shots.

For swingers it would be more useful at lower levels and against things that are immune to death crits.

I mostly had casters in mind though, like if the critter has 20 health left I wouldn't bother using 711 on my sorc to finish it off, I would use something cheaper, maybe even 1700 :O

07-19-2015, 01:48 AM
would come in very handy for my cleric to know when to start using 302 instead of 317

07-19-2015, 02:37 AM
Might also be useful for those that try to use Cman coupe de gras.

ie Critter is at <whatever threashold> Suggest coup now!

07-19-2015, 03:23 AM
I'm getting there, still trying to work out the kinks.

First of all I figured the easiest way to deal with death crits is for the script to just completely ignore any data when a critter dies to a death crit.

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: +9 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +82 = +286
... and hit for 44 points of damage!
Solid strike caves the rabid squirrel's skull in, resulting in instant death!
The rabid squirrel twitches its tail one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Death crit was observed, critter health stats were not updated.]
[aaa: rabid squirrel is dead.]

Now comes the tricky part. It sounds easy enough, the lowest amount of damage observed killing a critter = critter minimum health, maximum damage observed = max health a critter can have.

But what if you had pretty accurate stats on a critter then one time you attack a critter who is almost dead and suddenly the script is showing that critter type has 20 health? Or what if you're literally 1 point away from killing a critter then hit it for 150 damage, now the script is showing the critter's maximum health is 149 more than what it really is, but how do you know that critter doesn't have that much health, or at least it's possible it does have that much health when it spawns +5 levels greater than it's base level. SO CONFUSING!

Anyways I tried to account for some of this stuff in the following ways.

First off whenever you face a new critter type you're just gonna have to keep killing fresh critters until you kill one without a death crit so the script can get a base, it's just the easiest way to handle this. There will be a way to reset a particular critter's information if you end up killing a non-fresh critter before you kill a fresh one.

Once a base is established then the script won't update a critter's minimum health if that new minimum health is less than 80% of the current minimum health. This is in case you end up killing a critter that is almost dead. True it might still fuck with things if the critter was already hurt but not hurt too much but eh, gotta have a threshold somewhere.

Likewise the script won't change the critter's maximum health if the new maximum health is 110% or greater than the current maximum health. This is in case of the +150 damage hit mentioned earlier.

Only problem I have now is figuring out a good way to lower the maximum health if it's needed. What if the critter's top range for health is 120 but your very first kill ended up dealing 200 damage, what is a good way for the script to know that the max health should be lower than 200? For all the script knows it's supposed to be 200 :O

Only option at the moment is to just reset the critter's data if you think it's too high.

I'm all ears if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this or a better way to calculate other stuff I mentioned :D

Anywho. Some logs of the script in action, updating health stats and all.

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: +19 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +94 = +288
... and hit for 27 points of damage!
Large gash to the right arm, several muscles torn.
The rabid squirrel is stunned!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: -27]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: -27]

You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: -5 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +55 = +273
... and hit for 32 points of damage!
Internal organs bruised.
The rabid squirrel twitches its tail one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>[aaa: New rabid squirrel minimum health is: 59]
[aaa: New rabid squirrel maximum health is: 59]
[aaa: rabid squirrel is dead.]

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: +19 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +3 = +197
... and hit for 20 points of damage!
Shot to the neck scrapes away skin.
Some nasty bleeding.
The rabid squirrel is stunned!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: 39]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: 39]

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: -5 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +36 = +254
... and hit for 30 points of damage!
Respectable shot to the back.
The rabid squirrel twitches its tail one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: New rabid squirrel minimum health is: 50]
[aaa: rabid squirrel is dead.]

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: +19 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +99 = +293
... and hit for 44 points of damage!
Knocked sideways several feet by blow to back.
The rabid squirrel twitches its tail one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: New rabid squirrel minimum health is: 44]
[aaa: rabid squirrel is dead.]

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: +19 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +1 = +195
... and hit for 18 points of damage!
Large gash to the left arm, several muscles torn.
The rabid squirrel is stunned!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: 26]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: 41]

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: -2 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +24 = +239
... and hit for 24 points of damage!
Mighty blow cracks several ribs.
The rabid squirrel twitches its tail one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: New rabid squirrel minimum health is: 42]
[aaa: rabid squirrel is dead.]

ETA: Actually I think a better way to deal with max health after a base has been set is to only update the max health if the current damage on the critter exceeds what the current max health is for that type of critter and the critter is still alive.

Like if the script has a max health for kobolds set to 30 and your current damage against a kobold is 34 and the kobold is still alive then the script will set the max health to 34. Updating max health from a blow that killed the critter didn't seem to make sense.

07-19-2015, 12:15 PM
On the other hand, something like

"drop ##{item.id}"

makes perfect sense, because the new string isn't empty, and you don't end up with the same thing you started with.
Thanks for this Tillmen. It definitely works perfectly for things that don't orb. But, as you mentioned, once it does get orb now it's changed. How would it look for if it is orbed that the item in the "right hand" instead of the {item.id} takes over and does the drop/put in my #{orb_container}. I use a knapsack in my left hand for where to put the orbed gems.


Is there a way for the script to re-check the item if it has received the message "appears lighter" to reacquire the new item.id to use that for dropping. Of course, once you go to drop it, it will change again so that just causes another portion of coding. Probably just easier to do something with the right hand...

07-19-2015, 01:43 PM
I'm getting there, still trying to work out the kinks.

First of all I figured the easiest way to deal with death crits is for the script to just completely ignore any data when a critter dies to a death crit.

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: +9 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +82 = +286
... and hit for 44 points of damage!
Solid strike caves the rabid squirrel's skull in, resulting in instant death!
The rabid squirrel twitches its tail one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Death crit was observed, critter health stats were not updated.]
[aaa: rabid squirrel is dead.]

Now comes the tricky part. It sounds easy enough, the lowest amount of damage observed killing a critter = critter minimum health, maximum damage observed = max health a critter can have.

But what if you had pretty accurate stats on a critter then one time you attack a critter who is almost dead and suddenly the script is showing that critter type has 20 health? Or what if you're literally 1 point away from killing a critter then hit it for 150 damage, now the script is showing the critter's maximum health is 149 more than what it really is, but how do you know that critter doesn't have that much health, or at least it's possible it does have that much health when it spawns +5 levels greater than it's base level. SO CONFUSING!

Anyways I tried to account for some of this stuff in the following ways.

First off whenever you face a new critter type you're just gonna have to keep killing fresh critters until you kill one without a death crit so the script can get a base, it's just the easiest way to handle this. There will be a way to reset a particular critter's information if you end up killing a non-fresh critter before you kill a fresh one.

Once a base is established then the script won't update a critter's minimum health if that new minimum health is less than 80% of the current minimum health. This is in case you end up killing a critter that is almost dead. True it might still fuck with things if the critter was already hurt but not hurt too much but eh, gotta have a threshold somewhere.

Likewise the script won't change the critter's maximum health if the new maximum health is 110% or greater than the current maximum health. This is in case of the +150 damage hit mentioned earlier.

Only problem I have now is figuring out a good way to lower the maximum health if it's needed. What if the critter's top range for health is 120 but your very first kill ended up dealing 200 damage, what is a good way for the script to know that the max health should be lower than 200? For all the script knows it's supposed to be 200 :O

Only option at the moment is to just reset the critter's data if you think it's too high.

I'm all ears if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this or a better way to calculate other stuff I mentioned :D

Anywho. Some logs of the script in action, updating health stats and all.

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: +19 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +94 = +288
... and hit for 27 points of damage!
Large gash to the right arm, several muscles torn.
The rabid squirrel is stunned!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: -27]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: -27]

You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: -5 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +55 = +273
... and hit for 32 points of damage!
Internal organs bruised.
The rabid squirrel twitches its tail one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>[aaa: New rabid squirrel minimum health is: 59]
[aaa: New rabid squirrel maximum health is: 59]
[aaa: rabid squirrel is dead.]

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: +19 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +3 = +197
... and hit for 20 points of damage!
Shot to the neck scrapes away skin.
Some nasty bleeding.
The rabid squirrel is stunned!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: 39]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: 39]

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: -5 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +36 = +254
... and hit for 30 points of damage!
Respectable shot to the back.
The rabid squirrel twitches its tail one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: New rabid squirrel minimum health is: 50]
[aaa: rabid squirrel is dead.]

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: +19 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +99 = +293
... and hit for 44 points of damage!
Knocked sideways several feet by blow to back.
The rabid squirrel twitches its tail one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: New rabid squirrel minimum health is: 44]
[aaa: rabid squirrel is dead.]

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: +19 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +1 = +195
... and hit for 18 points of damage!
Large gash to the left arm, several muscles torn.
The rabid squirrel is stunned!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: Estimated minimum health left: 26]
[aaa: Estimated maximum health left: 41]

>You swing a closed fist at a rabid squirrel!
AS: +188 vs DS: -2 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +24 = +239
... and hit for 24 points of damage!
Mighty blow cracks several ribs.
The rabid squirrel twitches its tail one last time and dies.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[aaa: New rabid squirrel minimum health is: 42]
[aaa: rabid squirrel is dead.]

ETA: Actually I think a better way to deal with max health after a base has been set is to only update the max health if the current damage on the critter exceeds what the current max health is for that type of critter and the critter is still alive.

Like if the script has a max health for kobolds set to 30 and your current damage against a kobold is 34 and the kobold is still alive then the script will set the max health to 34. Updating max health from a blow that killed the critter didn't seem to make sense.

Well the update to 711 trivialized figuring out how much health critters have :p

That's twice now you've one upped me, GMs!

07-19-2015, 01:53 PM
Thanks for this Tillmen. It definitely works perfectly for things that don't orb. But, as you mentioned, once it does get orb now it's changed. How would it look for if it is orbed that the item in the "right hand" instead of the {item.id} takes over and does the drop/put in my #{orb_container}. I use a knapsack in my left hand for where to put the orbed gems.


Is there a way for the script to re-check the item if it has received the message "appears lighter" to reacquire the new item.id to use that for dropping. Of course, once you go to drop it, it will change again so that just causes another portion of coding. Probably just easier to do something with the right hand...

I tested it twice and the item acquires its original id back once it's unphased. Two tests is enough for me to determine it happens 100% of the time.

The game has a built in way to manipulate items in your right hand, just type "drop right", "stow right", "put right in my cloak", "sell right", etc etc.

So you could just do:

fput "drop right"

Then item.id.blah blah blah after that.

07-19-2015, 02:12 PM
Ah, nice. Thanks Tgo, I'll do my best to break it. They always say to get a second opinion - so I guess two tests is good enough!

07-19-2015, 02:16 PM
So I played around with 711 today and it seems a critter's health is always the exact same.

I got a good sample of several different critters of the same type based on their TD to make sure they were of different levels and the amount of damage inflicted by 711 was always the same. I did this for several different types of critters, all of which were high enough level to have their level randomized.

That's good to know, I wasn't sure if a critter's health could changed based on its level.

08-22-2015, 09:15 AM
So here's my tweak of the phasing script and it seems to work pretty well...

starting_container = script.vars[1]
orb_container = script.vars[2]
non_orb_container = script.vars[3]

GameObj.inv.each{ |i|
if i.name =~ /#{starting_container}/i
fput "look in ##{i.id}"
i.contents.each { |item|
if item.type =~ /gem/
fput "get ##{item.id}"
result = Spell[704].cast(item, /becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter|resists the effects of your magic/)
if result =~ /becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter/
fput "drop right"
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{orb_container}"
elsif result =~ /resists the effects of your magic/
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{non_orb_container}"
# armor hindrance, no mana, no target, etc
The only problem is that I'd like to see it repeat until I'm out of mana or the starting_container is done. What should I add for this?

08-22-2015, 02:10 PM
The only problem is that I'd like to see it repeat until I'm out of mana or the starting_container is done. What should I add for this?

It should already repeat until the starting_container is done. What does it do if not this?

If you want it to end early when you run out of mana then you can add:

exit if !Spell[704].affordable?

at the beginning of the loop. Like so.

GameObj.inv.each{ |i|
if i.name =~ /#{starting_container}/i
fput "look in ##{i.id}"
i.contents.each { |item|
if item.type =~ /gem/
exit if !Spell[704].affordable?
fput "get ##{item.id}"
result = Spell[704].cast(item, /becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter|resists the effects of your magic/)
if result =~ /becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter/
fput "drop right"
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{orb_container}"
elsif result =~ /resists the effects of your magic/
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{non_orb_container}"
# armor hindrance, no mana, no target, etc

09-07-2015, 03:23 PM
Working on a new script that when run it will list all of the benefits you are getting from your current lores.

For example:

Benefits from Spiritual Lore - Summoning:
Spirit Fog (106): Provides 30 secs of form concealment for the caster (attained at 40 ranks)
Unbalance (110): This spell becomes more effective with training in Spiritual Lore, Summoning (exact numbers are not known)
Fire Spirit (111): Increases DF by 0.1 and hits 19 additional targets (total of 27 targets)

I just started working on it so I got a ways to go yet. Anyone think they will make use of this script? Does a script like this already exist so I don't waste my time recreating the wheel?

09-07-2015, 03:38 PM
I just started working on it so I got a ways to go yet. Anyone think they will make use of this script? Does a script like this already exist so I don't waste my time recreating the wheel?
I would think it is helpful. ;magic hasn't been updated with the lore changes yet - and they're are changing crap like crazy at the moment. So, I could see how this would be useful. I know I'd give it a try.

09-07-2015, 03:43 PM
I would think it is helpful. ;magic hasn't been updated with the lore changes yet - and they're are changing crap like crazy at the moment. So, I could see how this would be useful. I know I'd give it a try.

Wait does ;magic already list lore benefits? I don't see anything like that when I type ;magic

Maybe I'm doing something wrong :O

09-07-2015, 04:02 PM
Wait does ;magic already list lore benefits? I don't see anything like that when I type ;magic

Maybe I'm doing something wrong :O

I believe hes talking about if you have bonuses set to on. They haven't been updated to take your lores into account.

09-07-2015, 06:53 PM
I believe hes talking about if you have bonuses set to on. They haven't been updated to take your lores into account.
Yes, this. If you set it, it'll tell you the bonuses you get from whatever spells/abilities you're "wearing" on the ;magic list. But they don't reflect the new Lore changes like 911 and extra dodge bonus with Air Lore.

09-11-2015, 12:07 AM
Suggestion for ;warrior that I've already made on my end:

For disarm/tackle master reps, if the master is on the floor/missing their weapon, go stance defensive. They're gonna try to disarm/tackle you on their next move, so you might as well be in a place to not get hit/get less RT.

The script already checks to make sure you're in stance offensive before you go after them, so it's barely any added logic.

09-11-2015, 12:27 AM
Suggestion for ;warrior that I've already made on my end:

For disarm/tackle master reps, if the master is on the floor/missing their weapon, go stance defensive. They're gonna try to disarm/tackle you on their next move, so you might as well be in a place to not get hit/get less RT.

The script already checks to make sure you're in stance offensive before you go after them, so it's barely any added logic.

Awesome idea. Uploaded a new version with this change.

09-26-2015, 09:13 AM
Hey Tgo and all,

So, I've got the phaze script to work but if you wouldn't mind - how do I get it to keep running until it's either out of gems or mana? Or, even 'pause' while it waits for more mana?

starting_container = script.vars[1]
orb_container = script.vars[2]
non_orb_container = script.vars[3]

GameObj.inv.each{ |i|
if i.name =~ /#{starting_container}/i
fput "look in ##{i.id}"
i.contents.each { |item|
if item.type =~ /gem/
fput "get ##{item.id}"
result = Spell[704].cast(item, /becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter|resists the effects of your magic/)
if result =~ /becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter/
fput "drop right"
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{orb_container}"
elsif result =~ /resists the effects of your magic/
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{non_orb_container}"
# armor hindrance, no mana, no target, etc

09-26-2015, 11:24 AM
You have a few options depending on what you want do do. If you want it to pause while waiting for mana on the line after "i.contents.each { |item|" add

wait_until {Spell[704].affordable?}

That will pause while you don't have the mana to cast 704 and continue when you do. if you want a higher threshold you could just change that to

wait_until {mana > 30}

30 being the minimum threshold, below that the script will pause. If you want the script to just stop running when out of mana try one of those two lines:

break if !Spell[704].affordable?
break if mana < 30

The first means if spell 704 is not affordable (the ! mean not) and the second is if mana is less than 30.

I did notice your final else line though of "# armor hindrance, no mana, no target, etc", you might be aware but if this part happened you script would quickly start breaking as it would not stow the gem but it would go on to the next one meaning your hands could fill up bringing the script to a halt. Having said that these changes will fix the mana condition, no target means you don't have anything in your hand (not really sure how this condition would happen) leaving the armour hindrance as the only condition that would break things which is solved by being in a sanctuary

09-26-2015, 11:41 AM
Excellent, thank you! I'll try to mess around with it when the wife isn't around bothering me...which may be never. ;)

09-26-2015, 12:26 PM
So would it look like this?

GameObj.inv.each{ |i| if i.name =~ /#{starting_container}/i
fput "look in ##{i.id}"
i.contents.each { |item|
wait_until {Spell[704].affordable?}
if item.type =~ /gem/
fput "get ##{item.id}"
result = Spell[704].cast(item, /becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter|resists the effects of your magic/)
if result =~ /becomes somewhat insubstantial and appears lighter/
fput "drop right"
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{orb_container}"
elsif result =~ /resists the effects of your magic/
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{non_orb_container}"
# armor hindrance, no mana, no target, etc
Or does it go on the same line as the i.contents.each? Also, I didn't notice anything about looping the script in your post. Did I miss that part?

09-26-2015, 02:03 PM
So would it look like this?

That looks right.

Also, I didn't notice anything about looping the script in your post. Did I miss that part?


i.contents.each { |item|

part of the script is the loop. That tells the script to go through each item found in your container and do the following code block to it.

09-27-2015, 01:57 AM
I just uploaded a new script to the repo:


Do you tire of grinding out those first 3 levels? Is swinging a broadsword too much work for you? Then this is the script for you! This script will get you to level 3, AUTOMATICALLY!

Here are the script's instructions, found by typing ;repo info auto-level:

This script will get you to level 3, AUTOMATICALLY! It's just like magic!

Simply start this script up as soon as you start a new character (or at any point before you hit level 3) and the script will do the sprite quest if you still have the sprite with you. After that it will do the Raging Thrak (or

your current town's equivalent) introduction and answer all questions for easy experience. After that it will then run messages until you reach level 3. AUTOMATICALLY!

If you wish to skip the sprite part simply decline the sprite's invitation before starting script.

If you wish to skip the Raging Thrak/equivalent then start script like so: ;auto-level thrak

That will tell the script you have already finished the Raging Thrak portion. After that just start the script up like normal and watch it deliver messages and make you a small fortune!

Note script will remember when it has finished the sprite quest and the Raging Thrak part, even after script has exited and you have logged off. AUTOMATICALLY!

If for some reason you need to do these parts again start the script like so: ;auto-level reset

That will tell the script to attempt to do the sprite quest and Raging Thrak again.

I have tested the script for the sprite quest and the Raging Thrak in all three starting cities: Landing, Icemule, Nations. It worked flawlessly for me in each town. If you notice a bug please let me know.

Few things I have noticed about running messages while running this. First of all it seems Icemule is currently broken. You can get the first message right away but after that it seems to take like 3 or 4 hours before you can get another one. Either I have extremely bad luck, the GMs hate me, or Icemule is indeed broken. I have bug reported this in game so maybe it will be fixed. In the mean time it's pretty useless running messages in Icemule but the sprite quest and Thrak/whatever works fine for Icemule. Because of this problem I probably don't have all possible NPC delivery spots finished in Icemule but I have the 4 gate guards done. Who knows, maybe those are the only 4 NPCs you deliver to :p

Landing works fine but you have to wait 2 or 3 minutes between each job. This can sometimes keep you at clear but for the most part you'll be fresh and clear. But at least it works. Also pretty sure I have all NPCs working for Landing as well, even the wandering NPCs.

Elven Nations by far works the best for messages. I have been running this script for about the past 30 minutes or so and I started at becoming numbed (because of the sprite quest/Thrak) and ever since I have stayed at numbed or fried. There seems to be no waiting period between when you finish delivering a message and when you can grab a new one. The only thing is sometimes your character "trips over a box" when asking for a message and incurs a 15 second roundtime which I guess sort of acts as a waiting period but sometimes you only end up waiting about 20 seconds before you can grab a new message. It's pretty awesome. Also I'm pretty sure I have all NPCs working for this town as well.

09-27-2015, 02:06 AM
Does it visit the shops before doing the sprite quest?

09-27-2015, 02:08 AM
Does it visit the shops before doing the sprite quest?

No. I couldn't figure out any rhyme or reason for which shops gave experience. The sprite quest takes you to the weapon shop though so there is that.

09-27-2015, 02:14 AM
Just going through all of the shops now and it certainly seems worth it to do it all real quick, already up to 1448 experience and there might be even more to be had :O

09-27-2015, 02:15 AM
I don't which ones off the too of my head, might have them written down sonewhere. Gets you from 0 to 1 in under a minute though.

09-27-2015, 02:46 AM
So it seems to deviate a little bit per town. Here's Icemule in no particular order;

Silverwood Manor (You start here so just going out gives you credit)
Weapon shop
Armor shop
Going outside of town (moving at least one room away from the guard/gate)
Town healer
Town center
General store
Pawnshop (inside, not just the porch)
Gaming hall
Clothing shop.

09-27-2015, 02:56 AM
Alright, ;auto-level has been updated!

It will now take you to all of the shops that grant experience before starting the sprite quest.

The shops that I found that give experience are: weaponshop, armorshop, pawnshop, bank, npchealer, npccleric, town/TC, general store, alchemist, clothier

Ta'Vaalor apparently doesn't have a clothier or npccleric (at least not one that is labeled as such in lich and I was too lazy to find it.) If anyone knows of any other shops that grant experience please let me know and I'll add them to the script.

Doing the shops grants an almost instantaneous 2198 experience in Landing, 1948 experience in Icemule, and 1385 experience in Ta'Vaalor.

Yes, this experience is added directly to your experience total so you can get this fast and easy experience in under a minute.

Add on the sprite quest and Thrak and even in Ta'Vaalor you'll be level 1, probably around halfway to level 2.

09-27-2015, 03:05 AM
Alright, added one room outside of town and the Gaming Hall to Icemule.

Doing all shops in Icemule now brings you up to 2448 experience. 52 experience away from level 1, baby!

09-27-2015, 03:07 AM
Alright, added one room outside of town and the Gaming Hall to Icemule.

Doing all shops in Icemule now brings you up to 2448 experience. 52 experience away from level 1, baby!

52 shy? It should get you all the way to 1. I just tested it on a freshie.

09-27-2015, 03:16 AM
52 shy? It should get you all the way to 1. I just tested it on a freshie.

Hmm, unless you're holding out on us on another shop that grants experience.

09-27-2015, 03:20 AM
I'll check again.

09-27-2015, 03:40 AM
It's working for me.

With a fresh character I have 2490 xp until level 1. Here is how much I have left after each of those 12 locations.

Silverwood - 2365
Town center - 2302
Outside town - 2052
Weapon shop - 1802
Armory - 1552
Healer - 1302
Alchemist - 1052
Bank - 802
General store - 552
Pawnshop - 302
Gaming Hall - 52
Clothing shop - -198

09-27-2015, 03:48 AM
Maybe it's just the psychosis speaking but I seem to remember you could get up to level 5 really fast by delivering ale in TV.

09-27-2015, 09:14 AM
Vaalor has an NPC cleric, but you can't get there without a gem in your inventory.

If the room isn't tagged, I'll fix it sometime in the near future, but my guess is you're not passing the proc to go there.

09-27-2015, 01:34 PM
Maybe it's just the psychosis speaking but I seem to remember you could get up to level 5 really fast by delivering ale in TV.

Didn't know there were jobs other than delivering messages. I can look into it.

Vaalor has an NPC cleric, but you can't get there without a gem in your inventory.

If the room isn't tagged, I'll fix it sometime in the near future, but my guess is you're not passing the proc to go there.

It's probably the gem thing. I just did ;go2 npccleric and it wanted to take me to another town.

09-27-2015, 02:01 PM
Yeah, there's a bunch of delivery jobs in T'V if you ask around at the different shops. A lot of shop owners want some type of item. Guards want drinks. Never really looked into it myself.

09-27-2015, 02:09 PM
Yeah, there's a bunch of delivery jobs in T'V if you ask around at the different shops. A lot of shop owners want some type of item. Guards want drinks. Never really looked into it myself.
Yea, you bring water to the guards.

09-28-2015, 05:38 AM
;auto-level has been updated!

New features for Icemule only!

Since the messages is currently fucked for Icemule I decided to give Icemule some love. The script will now automatically get you to level 10 in Icemule. AUTOMATICALLY!

So far it only hunts rats so it's not the most glamorous way to get to level 10...in fact I'm not even sure it's possible to get level 10 off of rats, maybe level 9?

Anyways. The script will still do shops/sprite/thrak. In order to engage the auto hunting feature you must start the script with the name of your weapon, example ;auto-level broadsword.

Or ;auto-level cast if you hunt with a runestaff/spells, or ;auto-level punch if you use UAC.

But wait, there is another nifty feature!

Start the script as so:

;auto-level auto

And the script will automatically adjust your skills based on your profession (squares get polearm training and etc, monks get UAC training and etc, pures get spells and etc.) The script will then buy the necessary weapons and off it goes to hunt! The script will hunt until fried then rest in town center until your mind clears. It will skin, loot, sell shit and everything but in order to do all of this the following scripts are required: ;loot, ;waitloot, ;loot-be-gone. Without those scripts the script will simply loot dead rats and never attempt to sell anything.

With the auto feature the script will automatically train your skills up whenever you level up, increasing your leveling speed even more!

The auto auto feature should only be used if your character is still within their first 30 days and has instant migration. It should be impossible for the script to reroll your character or change your stats but I am still not responsible for any possible damage done to your character if you use the auto auto feature.

09-28-2015, 05:47 AM
Also script is set up to not poach. If it enters a room with another person or another person's disk it should move on. Likewise if it enters a room and the critter is stunned or prone or webbed or etc it will also move on.

09-28-2015, 07:13 AM
I was thinking of rolling up a Ranger - this might be the ticket to get things going. Thanks Tgo.

09-28-2015, 12:16 PM
I was thinking of rolling up a Ranger - this might be the ticket to get things going. Thanks Tgo.

You betcha.

09-28-2015, 02:46 PM
Thread: My scripts

scripters go away. game ruiner

Your hatred only makes me grow stronger!

09-28-2015, 02:51 PM
Thread: My scripts

scripters stay. game winner

Your kindness only makes me grow stronger!

09-28-2015, 02:55 PM
There's no winning! Someone try some grey rep!

09-28-2015, 03:00 PM
There's no winning! Someone try some grey rep!


09-28-2015, 03:01 PM
There's no winning! Someone try some grey rep!

Flood his rep box with naked pictures of Hillary Clinton!

09-28-2015, 03:11 PM
Your hatred only makes me grow stronger!


oh no, people are getting to level 3! Pretty soon we'll be overrun by bards that can carry mithril and purify gems!

09-28-2015, 03:14 PM
Flood his rep box with naked pictures of Hillary Clinton!



oh no, people are getting to level 3! Pretty soon we'll be overrun by bards that can carry mithril and purify gems!


09-29-2015, 04:50 AM
;auto-level has been updated yet again!

I've fine tuned the auto-skilling up portion of the script so it's more custom made on a profession basis. Bards double in polearms, single in harness power, grab 401 first, work their way up to 1007, will keep 1003 and 1007 on once learned, will use 1005 on enemies once learned and assuming enough mana, and etc etc.

Warriors will double in polearms and CM and pick up dodge ranks and etc etc.

Pures will focus on grabbing the DS boosting spells and will put the rest of their spell ranks into whichever circle best helps their main attack spell CS, etc etc.

Your character will keep all AS and DS boosting spells on, assuming your character has learned them of course.

The script will now hunt in every starting town!

Here is how the script progresses to level you up:

Visits all shops
Does sprite quest
Does Thrak/whoever
At this point the script will ask if you want to deliver messages until level 3 or just go straight to hunting. The choice is yours! At level 3 the script will start hunting regardless.
At the hunting stage the script will hunt in a nearby level 1 hunting area until your character reaches level 6, at level 6 your character will hunting in a level 2 hunting area, at level 7+ your character will hunt in a level 3 hunting area.

It will keep hunting the level 3 area until you reach level 13, at which point you will stop learning from the level 3 critters.

The script now deals with you being dead. If you're under level 10 it will depart confirm, wait 10 minutes, then go back to hunting. At level 10+ you're on your own.

Script will deal now with rank 2+ wounds if have the script ;useherbs installed. If not the script will take you to the nearest TC and let you handle it.

Keep in mind the script is still pretty simple, it's not going to be watching for how many enemies are in the room or if there is a big nasty in the room waiting to kill you, nor is it going to wait for a critter to attack first before attacking or anything like that. That's why the script underhunts so much to limit the possibility of deaths.

Get your auto-leveling groove on today!

ETA: Oh yeah, obviously this is a lot to test so I haven't tested it all (like not each and every single profession nor each and every single hunting area) but I've tested some of it and it all should work. Let me know if something isn't working correctly and I'll fix it.

09-29-2015, 05:45 AM

09-29-2015, 11:28 PM


Also since you people apparently can't live without your precious ;sloot, I have updated ;auto-level to work with ;sloot now for all looting and selling needs.

Someone told me there is an option in ;sloot so that when run it will skin/loot all dead critters in the room. If this is indeed true then this is the setting that needs to be on in order to work properly with ;auto-level.

Also I fixed a bug where the script was hanging when it asked you if you wanted to throw your shit away.

09-30-2015, 02:07 PM
Also someone pointed out a "feature" to me of ;tpick that I didn't even know existed because apparently it's a bug and I'm going to keep the bug/feature in because it's actually pretty nifty.

So basically how the script works is you enter the name of your lock picks in the settings menu and if you're a bard or a rogue who can use calipers you can get a pretty good idea of the lowest quality lock pick you can use to get the most experience gain from picking said lock. All other professions really have no way of knowing what lock pick they can use unless you happen to get a read on the lock while you're picking but by then you're most likely already using the lowest quality pick anyway or you're using a higher quality pick and you most likely just picked the lock.

Anyways, so the v command line variable tells the script to jump straight to using whatever lock pick you specified in the vaalin lock pick setting in the setup menu, this is for those people who can't measure locks and just want to pick the lock.

However, if you put the name of your copper lock lock in the vaalin variable then the script will always use your copper lock pick, because you told the script that lock pick is your vaalin lock pick. What happens if you get a message indicating you can't pick the lock with your current lock pick is the script cycles through all of your lock picks until it reaches your vaalin lock pick, but if you're already using a vaalin lock pick then it just keeps using the vaalin lock pick.

Okay, so far this is how the script is supposed to work. The bug/feature comes into play if you also put the name of your copper lock pick in the copper lock pick variable (or steel lock pick in both steel lock pick and vaalin lock pick variable, etc.) Now if you get the message indicating that you can't pick the lock the script starts to cycle through all of your lock picks, and it goes in order, starting from copper and all the way up to vaalin. So if the name of your lock pick is the same for both vaalin and copper then the script matches your current lock pick name to the copper lock pick variable first and assumes you're using your copper lock pick...well because you are, and it move on to your steel lock pick next, and so on and so on until it reaches your vaalin lock pick again.

Okay that was all just boring talk that I wanted to share to explain how this "feature" (bug) came to be by complete accident. Basically if you're not a bard and can't use calipers and you don't mind a few broken lock picks here and there you can start from a low quality lock pick and work your way up based on failure messages.

Enter the name of the lowest quality lock pick you want to start with (copper, steel, mithril, whichever) and enter that as both your copper and vaalin lock pick name, then enter the name of the next lock pick you want to try under the steel lock pick name, and so on and so forth.

One of these days when I'm feeling less lazy I'll make this an actual feature.

09-30-2015, 03:44 PM
Also someone pointed out a "feature" to me of ;tpick that I didn't even know existed because apparently it's a bug and I'm going to keep the bug/feature in because it's actually pretty nifty.
Enter the name of the lowest quality lock pick you want to start with (copper, steel, mithril, whichever) and enter that as both your copper and vaalin lock pick name, then enter the name of the next lock pick you want to try under the steel lock pick name, and so on and so forth.

One of these days when I'm feeling less lazy I'll make this an actual feature.

Niceeeee. I'll take credit for that. :) Was that you on Lnet I was talking to or some random and you happened to see the convo? Pretty damn funny. I had no idea it was a bug.

09-30-2015, 03:45 PM
Niceeeee. I'll take credit for that. :) Was that you on Lnet I was talking to or some random and you happened to see the convo? Pretty damn funny. I had no idea it was a bug.

I was one of the people talking to you during that Lnet conversation. When you were talking about this feature in ;tpick I was thinking "uh...no. The script doesn't work like that at all." So I went into the script to figure out why it was working for you like that.

09-30-2015, 04:55 PM
I was one of the people talking to you during that Lnet conversation. When you were talking about this feature in ;tpick I was thinking "uh...no. The script doesn't work like that at all." So I went into the script to figure out why it was working for you like that.

Haha too funny. I convinced someone it worked! (b/c tech it did.) So I assume in normal operations if a Vaalin can't pick the lock, it doesn't simply loop over. Either way, its a great way to bypass calipers for non rogues and requires zero extra coding on your part.

09-30-2015, 05:14 PM
So I assume in normal operations if a Vaalin can't pick the lock, it doesn't simply loop over.

Yup yup. If you don't have the name of your vaalin lock pick in any other lock pick settings then it will just keep trying with a vaalin lock pick until it picks the lock.

10-01-2015, 02:24 PM
So I had a random thought, have you thought about allowing to skip lockpicks? Like if i put "none" in the lockpick it would skip the category? Right now it just spams through the missing lockpicks. So not a big deal, but thought maybe could cut out the spam pretty easy.

Thanks! :)

10-01-2015, 02:28 PM
I could probably look into doing that.

10-01-2015, 02:47 PM
I could probably look into doing that.

Meh. Might not be worth the effort. 15 comes fast! Calipers here I come! I'm breaking so many lockpicks now... Didn't realize how awesome Calipers are.

10-07-2015, 01:25 PM
By the way, I sort of broke the bug. It appears to work ONLY if you put copper lockpick into the Vaalin and Copper Slot. Also, none of the lockpicks can be the same name or it bugs out and goes into an endless loop with the missing lockpick. I ended up going with none1, none2, none3 etc, if I wanted to remove certain lockpicks from the cycle. (But left copper in as noted above.)

10-08-2015, 06:45 PM
Had an idea for a role play assist script.

Any chance you can look at someone, save their race / profession, and echo it after their name?

I am thinking a checkpcs, tied with waitfor "just arrived." but I am still lost when it come to lich.

10-08-2015, 06:48 PM
By the way, I sort of broke the bug. It appears to work ONLY if you put copper lockpick into the Vaalin and Copper Slot. Also, none of the lockpicks can be the same name or it bugs out and goes into an endless loop with the missing lockpick. I ended up going with none1, none2, none3 etc, if I wanted to remove certain lockpicks from the cycle. (But left copper in as noted above.)

Stop breaking things!!11111!!!

Naww, after my next project of ;auto-level is finished I'll work on ;tpick some more to make this an actual feature instead of a bug induced feature.

Had an idea for a role play assist script.

Any chance you can look at someone, save their race / profession, and echo it after their name?

Sure can. I actually had something like this in the works for my now defunct roleplaying script.

I am thinking a checkpcs, tied with waitfor "just arrived." but I am still lost when it come to lich.

So you mean it would save someone's race/profession then when they enter the room your character would interact with them based on their race/profession?

That could be interesting.

10-08-2015, 06:53 PM
Stop breaking things!!11111!!!

Naww, after my next project of ;auto-level is finished I'll work on ;tpick some more to make this an actual feature instead of a bug induced feature.

Sure can. I actually had something like this in the works for my now defunct roleplaying script.

So you mean it would save someone's race/profession then when they enter the room your character would interact with them based on their race/profession?

That could be interesting.

I asked this awhile back but never got back to you. Any chance you could build the Glearnim Locksmith Bracer's into to the ;tpick script? I think you had requested the messaging the bracer's use. Let me know if you think it's possible and I'll get you the messaging. Not sure if it will work or not, because your lockpicks are stored inside the bracer, and you "push bracer" to unlock a box, and you do something else to rotate the lockpicks inside to get the one you want to use on that particular box.

10-08-2015, 07:01 PM
I asked this awhile back but never got back to you. Any chance you could build the Glearnim Locksmith Bracer's into to the ;tpick script? I think you had requested the messaging the bracer's use. Let me know if you think it's possible and I'll get you the messaging. Not sure if it will work or not, because your lockpicks are stored inside the bracer, and you "push bracer" to unlock a box, and you do something else to rotate the lockpicks inside to get the one you want to use on that particular box.

I might be able to incorporate this. Depends on how it all works :p

Give me some logs of the bracers in action and I'll take a look.

10-08-2015, 11:37 PM
I wasn't thinking about making the script reactionary but just show you race and profession. I think it would be cool to see something like this after an arrival:

Sevar just arrived.
RP Assist || Sevar - Half Elf - Bard

Add in an interaction counter. Counts total # of arrivals you seen of that person. Counts total # of arrivals w/ action before leaving room.

10-08-2015, 11:42 PM
I wasn't thinking about making the script reactionary but just show you race and profession. I think it would be cool to see something like this after an arrival:

Add in an interaction counter. Counts total # of arrivals you seen of that person. Counts total # of arrivals w/ action before leaving room.

That would be pretty cool.

10-10-2015, 02:27 PM
Need to write me or update ;ising so it works better. It isn't bad - but the log option is being a pain and I don't know why.

10-10-2015, 02:30 PM
Need to write me or update ;ising so it works better. It isn't bad - but the log option is being a pain and I don't know why.

You should use ;testme instead.

10-10-2015, 02:34 PM
Does that save it to a log? And it's boring to have to run through all those fluff things. Unless...I'm doing it wrong!

10-10-2015, 02:36 PM
Ah, I see - ;testme <skip>. I do like the readout at the end. Thanks.

10-10-2015, 02:36 PM
Does that save it to a log? And it's boring to have to run through all those fluff things. Unless...I'm doing it wrong!

Does it have a log he asks! Does it have a log!

Wait, does it have a log?

Oh yes, it does!

;vars set testme_save yes if you want all results to be stored in a text file log.

You can also start the script with "skip" as a command line variable and it will skip the zest test but still preform, you know like analyzing it, casting 405 at it and shit, all of which only takes a couple of seconds, then it will loresing.

So like: ;testme skip

10-10-2015, 02:40 PM
I call foul!!!

;vars set testme_save yes if you want all results to be stored in a text file log.
;vars set testme=save

:D - Thanks!

10-12-2015, 02:52 PM
In the sprite quest, if you tip the cleric more money (100 silver?) he'll give you a deed.

10-12-2015, 02:53 PM
In the sprite quest, if you tip the cleric more money (100 silver?) he'll give you a deed.

Really? I never knew that. I'll update the script with this.

Thank ya.

10-12-2015, 03:12 PM
Any chance of making a silver per hour tracker ?:)

10-12-2015, 03:17 PM
Any chance of making a silver per hour tracker ?:)


What do you mean exactly?

10-13-2015, 07:43 PM

What do you mean exactly?

Well. You know... silvers over time earned. But i guess thats kind of hard and/or inaccurate. I was thinking you could track deposits/withdrawal but may not work very well. If someone is hoarding gems you can't really get a good gauge of their income. Maybe if it only tracked it during a hunting session or during a loot sell.


10-14-2015, 03:17 AM
All the jobs you can do in Ta'Vaalor:


Pretty much every shopkeep takes some sort of crap you'd normally leave on the ground.

You can get scrap metal in the barn at Yander's Farm by searching the machinery. Don't have the room number handy.

10-14-2015, 03:23 AM
Well. You know... silvers over time earned. But i guess thats kind of hard and/or inaccurate. I was thinking you could track deposits/withdrawal but may not work very well. If someone is hoarding gems you can't really get a good gauge of their income. Maybe if it only tracked it during a hunting session or during a loot sell.


Doesn't ;sloot track how much silvers you earn? Or just like after you sell shit or some shit?

All the jobs you can do in Ta'Vaalor:


Pretty much every shopkeep takes some sort of crap you'd normally leave on the ground.

You can get scrap metal in the barn at Yander's Farm by searching the machinery. Don't have the room number handy.

Wow, didn't know they had so many job opportunities in Ta'Vaalor. I'll have to check them out one day and see if I can add them to the ;auto-level script.

10-14-2015, 10:39 AM
Doesn't ;sloot track how much silvers you earn? Or just like after you sell shit or some shit?

Wow, didn't know they had so many job opportunities in Ta'Vaalor. I'll have to check them out one day and see if I can add them to the ;auto-level script.
;sloot lets you know what you lost at the locksmith cause they are crooks, skin sales, gems, and any reagents you sell but it always seems it doesn't quite add up right when it totals.

10-16-2015, 06:01 AM
Woo hoo! ;auto-level has had a major overhaul to make it more amazing and more AUTOMATIC!

Key changes are as such:

There is no longer an "auto" mode nor an option to throw all of your items away. I figured to be on the safe side this script won't have your character perform any "negative" actions (reducing your skills or throwing stuff away, etc) so script will only look towards the future and will only progress! Rather there is now a setup menu where you can tell the script exactly how you want it to train your character whenever you level up. Some of these options are automatically set by default depending on your profession. The script no longer buys a weapon for you, instead you should provide the name of the weapon you want to use in the setup menu. All of this has the added benefit of you no longer needing to specify anything whenever starting the script, once you're done with the setup menu simply start the script as ;auto-level and it will automatically level you! No questions asked!

Script now has support for hunting with bolts!

Script now has "smart" unarmed combat support, meaning it will automatically tier you up and use kick when at excellent positioning and don't currently have an "opening."

Script is now setup to level you all the way to level 20 AUTOMATICALLY! But only in Icemule, other two cities are still stuck at 13.

Script now gives the cleric during the sprite quest 101 silvers, this should give you a deed.

Keep in mind that since the script will no longer reduce any skills you should make sure your skills are setup properly or are all set to 0 before running script. Script has no way of knowing if you have enough TPs to train in any particular skill, rather it simply goes down the line of skills and tries to set them based on how you set them in the setup menu.

I haven't done much testing for these new features so it would be awesome if some people wouldn't mind giving it a go and letting me know of any bugs or kinks that need to be worked out.

10-16-2015, 06:04 AM
I also have plans for the script to work up to level 20 in Vaalor and Landing, then afterwards possible go even higher.

There are also plans to have the script train in and use CMANs and possibly even incorporate doing bounties automatically as well. I'd also like the script to have an option to hunt undead and automatically bless/edge/eblade weapons if the spell is known and etc etc.

However I'd like to have it tested a bit first before I get into all of that.

10-16-2015, 09:01 AM
Might as throw in the Society option while you're making this sweet script! ;)

10-16-2015, 03:09 PM
Might as throw in the Society option while you're making this sweet script! ;)

I'm thinking about it. I already setup my own hunting script to automatically level up in GoS upon receiveing enough prestige so that should be easy enough.

Aren't there already scripts to go through col and voln? If so those should be easy enough to incorporate into the script.

10-16-2015, 03:22 PM
A little rundown on how to setup skills in ;auto-level:

#x or #.#x indicates how many skills times your level the script should train in said skill. Like if you're level 20 then 1x would set current skill to 20, .5x would set said skill to 10. Fractions only train in said skill on whole numbers so .33x would only train every 4 levels (since .33 times 3 is only .99). Fractions haven't been tested at all so if someone could test this that would be great.

+# tells the script to simply add this many skill ranks to said skill, in addition to #x. So +1 just tells the script to only add 1 to this skill. For example if you're level 20 and you have script setup with only +1 and nothing else then it will put 1 into this skill at level 0 and never touch it again. However if you have skill setup as 1x +1 then at level 20 it will set the skill to 21 (20 x 1) + (1).

max:# tells the script to stop training this skill at # ranks. For example if you're a wizard and want to single in armor use but stop at 4 ranks for full leather then you could do 1x max: 4. This would keep your armor use ranks equal with your level but as soon as you hit level 4 it would stop training.

.5x +2 max: 10

At level 15 the above example would set said skill to .5 x 15 (7.5 truncated which is 7), +2, so it would set the skill to 9 at level 15.

10-16-2015, 03:33 PM
Also keep in mind I take no responsibility for any lost weapons or anything due to disarming critters. I'd recommend not hunting with your ultimate weapon of doom with this script unless you're ready to stop it at any second and get a disarmed weapon back...you aren't afk scripting, are you? Unless you're in Shattered, then it's okay.

I suppose I could incorporate my own ;disarm-no-more script into this...but still, even that isn't 100% fool proof.

I only say this because I'm pretty sure wall guardians disarm and I have that in the script at the moment since they're a stepping stone to higher levels.

10-16-2015, 07:14 PM
Uploaded a new version of ;auto-level with some minor bug fixes I noticed. Namely the script wasn't properly targeting all possible critter it is supposed to target and it wasn't running to the inn after every level up to do skills.

These bugs should be fixed.

10-16-2015, 07:39 PM
Yay more bug fixes. Apparently the script wasn't actually, y'know, attacking shit. But it should be now. Also wizards will now attempt to sleep critters (as long as they don't choose CS as their attack style) if they have enough mana and know the sleep spell.

10-17-2015, 01:29 AM
;auto-level has more updates!

There is now a healing tab in the setup menu that lets you choose whether you want to try and find a healer in TC to heal you when wounded, or use the script ;useherbs to heal yourself when wounded, or to just have the script head back to TC and exit and let you deal with the wounds when wounded.

There are also options to set a custom "thank you" message to be spoken to the person who heals you, an option to tip a specific amount of silvers for healing (silvers are withdraw from bank), and an option to set how many times you want to ask for healing before giving up and either having the script exit or use ;useherbs to heal. Script will ask for healing every 60 seconds until the number of tries reaches 0.

This is all untested but I'm pretty sure it should work. Someone give it a whirl!

ETA: Oh yeah, empaths should automatically use 1101 to cure their own blood lose if they are low on blood but doesn't do any other healing as of yet because I think you can't even heal scars until level 11 or some shit. So yeah, I might get around to letting empaths heal themselves.

10-17-2015, 02:49 AM
I'm thinking about it. I already setup my own hunting script to automatically level up in GoS upon receiveing enough prestige so that should be easy enough.

Aren't there already scripts to go through col and voln? If so those should be easy enough to incorporate into the script.
Yea, there are, but not any I've seen that do it automatically through without crapping out a bunch of times in the process.

10-17-2015, 07:01 PM
Another update to ;auto-level!

There is now an option to have the script ask for spells while resting in TC. The script won't bother asking if there is no one in the room with you, also the script only asks after every other hunt.

If you don't have all of the spells of a particular set on you (elemental, ranger, spirit, etc) and you can't cast said spells, or you don't currently have a disk and can't cast a disk, then the script will randomly ask for one set of spells.

For example if you don't have ranger spells, wizard spells, or a disk then then the script will randomly ask for either a disk, ranger spells, or wizard spells.

Get auto leveling today and get auto begging for spells right away!

ETA: Oh yeah, this is another untested feature but it should work flawlessly. Let me know!

10-17-2015, 07:54 PM
Keep up the good work. I want to be able to log on Jan. 1, start the script, go afk, then return to stop the script on Dec.31 once I'm capped.

10-17-2015, 07:57 PM
Keep up the good work. I want to be able to log on Jan. 1, start the script, go afk, then return to stop the script on Dec.31 once I'm capped.


10-17-2015, 07:59 PM


10-17-2015, 09:31 PM
I was bored so I wrote up a script real quick, it's called ;tgo01-rep

When run this script will send a random rep Tgo01 has received to the Lnet channel. Perfect for when things are pretty dull and quiet on the Lnet channel. Run this puppy to get the conversation going!

So far I only have ~120 reps in the script and I have about a thousand or so to go. I'll add more reps to the script on a semi regular basis until I get them all in there.

Behold! The power of the script in action:

[LNet]-You: "Time for another RANDOM TGO01 REP: 'Show me your tits'"

ETA: Oh yeah, I have decided to keep all names out of rep comments, unless it is a character that belongs to me. If it's someone who signed their rep I just didn't put their signature in the rep. If the whole rep specifically talks about another person I didn't add that rep at all to the script.

10-17-2015, 10:41 PM
Arrot gave me a good idea for the ;tgo01-rep script.

You can now specify which channel to send the message to.

By default the script sends to the lnet channel by typing:


If you want to specify a different channel type:

;tgo01-rep channelname

10-18-2015, 09:27 PM
Tgo! Can you write up a little script for us occasional outfit-changers that takes a look at your inventory and removes everything you're wearing into a specified container? And maybe with a neat additional re-dressing feature of wearing everything wearable from a specified container?

10-18-2015, 09:44 PM
Tgo! Can you write up a little script for us occasional outfit-changers that takes a look at your inventory and removes everything you're wearing into a specified container?

GameObj.inv.each{ |item|
sleep 0.1
fput "remove ##{item.id}"
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{script.vars[1]}"

Start it with the name of the container you want to move everything to as the first command line variable, such as:

;undress cloak

And maybe with a neat additional re-dressing feature of wearing everything wearable from a specified container?

container = GameObj.inv.find{ |container| container.name =~ /#{script.vars[1]}/ }
fput "look in my #{container}"
container.contents.each{ |item|
sleep 0.1
fput "get ##{item.id}"
result = dothistimeout "wear ##{item.id}", 2, /You can\'t wear that\.|You (attach|wear|don|slip|put)/i
if result =~ /You can\'t wear that\./i
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{script.vars[1]}"
elsif result =~ /You (attach|wear|don|slip)/
elsif result.nil?
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{script.vars[1]}"

Same as above, name of container as first command line variable:

;dress cloak

10-18-2015, 10:05 PM
GameObj.inv.each{ |item|
sleep 0.1
fput "remove ##{item.id}"
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{script.vars[1]}"

Start it with the name of the container you want to move everything to as the first command line variable, such as:

;undress cloak

container = GameObj.inv.find{ |container| container.name =~ /#{script.vars[1]}/ }
fput "look in my #{container}"
container.contents.each{ |item|
sleep 0.1
fput "get ##{item.id}"
result = dothistimeout "wear ##{item.id}", 2, /You can\'t wear that\.|You (attach|wear|don|slip|put)/i
if result =~ /You can\'t wear that\./i
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{script.vars[1]}"
elsif result =~ /You (attach|wear|don|slip)/
elsif result.nil?
fput "put ##{item.id} in my #{script.vars[1]}"

Same as above, name of container as first command line variable:

;dress cloak

Awesome, thanks!! :heart:

10-21-2015, 03:51 AM
;auto-level just got slightly better!

;auto-level now handles any disease or poison your character gets, AUTOMATICALLY!

If your character gets diseased or poisoned it will run to the nearest TC and if you know undisease or unpoison then the script will heal yourself. If not the script will keep asking for assistance until someone either cures you, or the disease/poison runs its course or...your character dies :)

11-17-2015, 02:56 PM
Couple of tpick bugs/quirks.

First, I have calipers now. Yay. I can finally use it correctly.

1) If you roll above the lock roll and do not open the box, it attempts a second time. For example, if i roll an 80 with a copper lockpick and my lock roll is 70, it will attempt a second time.
2) If any lockpick variable names are the same name it creates an endless loop between the two lockpicks. This happens with ;tpick and ;tpick v.
3) Tpick v (no caliper loop trick) - Only works if copper lockpick and vaalin lockpick variables are the same name.
4) If a non-standard lockpick breaks, the script breaks. e.g. hatpin. This was a pretty easy fix. Changed the regex a bit. Line 2179.
5) Gem traps only use vaalin lockpick var, would be nice if you could specify the lockpick or if it could swap if no vaalin available.
6) Every once in a blue moon the script pauses on disarm. I'll keep an eye out to see if i can figure out why.
7) Is there any way to use lockpicks that have the same name? Like "green lockpick"(copper) and "green lockpick" (ora)?

I think that's it. Fantastic script!

11-17-2015, 03:00 PM
I can take a look at all of this later.

7) Is there any way to use lockpicks that have the same name? Like "green lockpick"(copper) and "green lockpick" (ora)?

Like, the exact same name? I don't see an easy way of doing it, unless analyzing it or inspecting it determined what type of lockpick it is.

11-17-2015, 03:23 PM
Can you write me a script that helps me take a dump faster at work?

11-17-2015, 03:52 PM
Can you write me a script that helps me take a dump faster at work?

For $9.99.

11-17-2015, 03:53 PM
I'm still waiting on my forging script. Since forgery and forge-perfects hate me and keep breaking. Get on it!

Please. I heart you.

11-17-2015, 03:53 PM
Can you write me a script that helps me take a dump faster at work?
Why would you want to go faster? That's the only time I get to sit and relax.

11-17-2015, 04:20 PM
I'm still waiting on my forging script. Since forgery and forge-perfects hate me and keep breaking. Get on it!

Please. I heart you.


11-17-2015, 04:55 PM
For $9.99.


Why would you want to go faster? That's the only time I get to sit and relax.

I want to become a flash shitter.

11-17-2015, 05:21 PM
I want to become a flash shitter.

11-17-2015, 05:24 PM
I want to become a flash shitter.

I can help you with that.


11-17-2015, 06:16 PM

I said please!

11-17-2015, 06:26 PM
I said please!

With sugar and cherry on top?

11-23-2015, 02:06 PM
I can take a look at all of this later.

Like, the exact same name? I don't see an easy way of doing it, unless analyzing it or inspecting it determined what type of lockpick it is.

Yeah. its really silly. if i have a "green ora lockpick" and a "green mithril lockpick" the only keywords are "green lockpick." Someone needs to be punched for that.

I wouldn't worry about making a fix for it. I'm just going to try and avoid the same keywords for now.

11-24-2015, 12:11 PM
Tried using your ;auto-level script and it made it until the messaging thing in Ta'Vaaor. It couldn't find the first delivery. Also, had a bug where when it would hunt fire ants, it would always stow my weapons first, then draw them for each attack. FIX ME!!

11-24-2015, 02:47 PM
Tried using your ;auto-level script and it made it until the messaging thing in Ta'Vaaor. It couldn't find the first delivery. Also, had a bug where when it would hunt fire ants, it would always stow my weapons first, then draw them for each attack. FIX ME!!

Do you have the latest version? That weapon thing seems like something I've fixed.

11-24-2015, 09:22 PM
Do you have the latest version? That weapon thing seems like something I've fixed.
Thought I had the most recent but I'll check again.