View Full Version : Trespassing question

01-04-2014, 01:54 PM
I can't seem to find the answer on Google so I turn to the most knowledgeable people on the internet.

Okay so person A and person B both own a house together and live together.

If person A invites person C into their home but person B then tells person C to leave even though person A doesn't want person C to leave, is person C trespassing?

The only sort of thing I can find on the internet about this type of situation is a landlord/tenant deal.

01-04-2014, 02:11 PM
Depends on where they live. Check the statutes for whatever State they're in.

As far as I know, where I'm at anyway, it's equal rights...if both names are on the paperwork, person B should be allowed to tell person C to leave and/or press trespassing charges without the input of person A.

01-04-2014, 02:29 PM
Just be polite and leave when asked.

01-04-2014, 02:30 PM
Just be polite and leave when asked.

Your first three words would solve a lot of the world's problems, not just this one.

01-04-2014, 02:34 PM
Just be polite and leave when asked.

Oh you.

01-05-2014, 01:15 AM
Depends on where they live. Check the statutes for whatever State they're in.

As far as I know, where I'm at anyway, it's equal rights...if both names are on the paperwork, person B should be allowed to tell person C to leave and/or press trespassing charges without the input of person A.

Pretty much this. If someone living at a place isn't comfortable or whatever with someone there and wants them out, they're generally going to have to leave one way or another.

01-05-2014, 01:25 AM
Just be polite and leave when asked.

But what if person B is being a cunt?

01-05-2014, 01:26 AM
That's what I thought too but apparently a landlord can tell someone they aren't welcome on their rental property but unless the tenet agrees to this in the lease the tenant can invite that person onto the property and it isn't considered trespassing.

I guess maybe it's different because the landlord doesn't actually live in the home/whatever? Hmm....

01-05-2014, 03:08 AM
In a landlord/tenant situation it's not just person A and person B living together/owning a house together anymore... Why don't you just spill it and tell us who you walked in on and why they don't care.

01-05-2014, 03:13 AM
In a landlord/tenant situation it's not just person A and person B living together/owning a house together anymore... Why don't you just spill it and tell us who you walked in on and why they don't care.

Hey hey hey! This is a legit "my friend was wondering" type of thing. Honest! :(

01-05-2014, 09:42 AM
Hey hey hey! This is a legit "my friend was wondering" type of thing. Honest! :(


01-05-2014, 01:34 PM
Are the people photobombing the squirrel or is the squirrel photobombing the people?

01-05-2014, 01:38 PM
Are the people photobombing the squirrel or is the squirrel photobombing the people?

I was wondering the same thing. It's kind of hard to tell.

01-05-2014, 02:43 PM
What state? Kinda matters here.

01-05-2014, 03:49 PM
What state? Kinda matters here.
