View Full Version : Most Memorable Moment(s)

Weedmage Princess
10-24-2003, 08:43 AM
So we spend hours and hours playing Gemstone...and although we have some negative experiences, we surely have good ones as well. (hey, we're still playing, right?) So here's the question...out of all the good times, what would you say were your most memorable moment(s)?

Mine include just about any ghoul masters hunt. It would be a bunch of us gathered down in the pit there (before they expanded that area with the tomb wights, there were only two rooms where the ghoul masters would be.) Stryka, Geion(Geijon), Ika, Elk, Cryheart, Mandy, Viandra..I know I'm forgetting some others but..it was a lot of fun..also Dovezkry and Keffal's (I think it was Keffal atleast) wedding. That was a blast...and last but certainly not least, my first hunt in fire mages!

10-24-2003, 08:48 AM
There have been a few memorable gems I've stumbled upon in people's pockets (golden lute-painted topaz from Ilyan Cloud). But as for moments, some years ago I fogged in to help some people in an invasion at Anwyn. I don't remember the name of the beasts, but they made short work of me, then proceeded to tear my dead body to shreds and hide my body (along with others) in the shadows. People had to search out our bodies and people in the landing had no clue who to fog to because most were hidden.

10-24-2003, 10:53 AM
Most of my memorable moments were with folks who are no longer in the lands or sold their souls. I moved to Pinefar in my mid-20s and had great times hunting with (the original)Yactaevia, (the original)Elendios, ad nauseum.

10-24-2003, 11:25 AM
I flicked a booger at Edine once. It was great.

10-24-2003, 11:40 AM
Treeeeee parties! Gods, I loved tree parties!

HarmNone really, really liked tree parties :D

Weedmage Princess
10-24-2003, 12:11 PM
Harm None!! Do you know I forgot about the tree parties?! Tree parties were way fun...also hunting in zombies with Shylynne (I think) her husband..and Razcor...

Teras when the porch in the Village was a node and everyone used to hang out there....ahh I can go on and on... :(

10-24-2003, 12:32 PM
My favorite moment was when i was hunting i think it was stone giants (maybe trolls?) in the landing with my sorcerer. I killed my first one rather easily as DC was a powerful spell then and so i howled and fell off this cliff and died. It was emberassing but pretty dang funny.

Weedmage Princess
10-24-2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Tendarian
so i howled and fell off this cliff and died. It was emberassing but pretty dang funny.


I think that's happened to everyone atleast once or twice...if not there, then on that ledge up by Pookas and Miners. I don't know if howling makes you fall off the ledge...but it used to be you couldn't pull someone or something.

10-24-2003, 10:53 PM
I will have to say my being crowned The Edine by a gm was most likely my most memorable moment so far and if there are any unbelivers out there i would be glad to share the log ::grins::

10-24-2003, 11:01 PM
Not to encourage you but id like to see the log of the deranged GM in question please.

10-24-2003, 11:20 PM
this is heavily heavily edited...started out at about 50 pages and got it down to this...setup was perfect....if you were there you would know if not...
Dunrith says, "Sir Brinn, this barony will allow two more weeks before it reviews its situation regarding the Order of the Silver Gryphon. At that time it will be determined whether the state of support and friendship warrants continuation or not."
Deavon winces.
Brinn bows to Dunrith.
Deavon just touched a black enameled bracer with a silver gryphon set in a ruby circle.
Shikel frowns.
Charna closes her eyes for a moment.
Seablade whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with his virtuosity.
A black widow spider lowers itself on a silken thread from Koldeen's shoulder and then skitters out of sight beneath his cloak.
Cryheart bows to Dunrith.
Crio shakes his head.
Deavon sighs.
Kriztian nods to Dunrith.
Yviara curtsies to Dunrith.
Cemb begins chuckling at Mekthros!
Rekarth rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Errethe smiles at Miralissa.
Seaaira gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Brinn says, "In that time, I hope we can take action that will impress upon you that we understand the gravity of this situation."
Aeillwyna nods to Kadesha.
Songowl furrows his brow.
Deavon curtsies to Dunrith.
Dunrith says, "I do not dictate your actions, but I do control this barony and to what extent it will be abused."
Thurandur nods to Kadesha.
Metadi bows to Dunrith.
Brinn nods to Dunrith.
You feel more refreshed.
* Dicendarq returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Dunrith sits down.
(Zyanna slowly raises her hand)
* Great Lord Dicendarq Talicyte joins the adventure.
* Stillggar just bit the dust!
Edenmoon nods to Shirkon.
A low chirping sound comes from within a lacquered grey cricket box.
Edenmoon rubs Shirkon tenderly.
An aged chamberlain clears his throat loudly, then raps his staff on the floor once more.
Lady Jhayde came through a pair of large fel doors.
Tierus slowly empties his lungs.
An aged chamberlain says, "The court recognizes Edine."
Awnro's spirit appears to be bolstered by the singing.
The mirror images surrounding Awnro undulate and grow stronger.
Awnro renews his songs.
Tunder breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
Naina gazes up into the heavens.
Xeromist came through a pair of large fel doors.
Shikel raises his hand.
Xeromist gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Tunder's eyelid begins to twitch and quiver uncontrollably.
Xeromist nods to Shikel in greeting.
(Edine moves from his leaning position against the wall as he mutters something about "The Edine" under his breath as he glances at the chamberlain.)
Shikel nods to Xeromist.
Kindral snickers.
Paole chuckles
Act walks up with an arrogant swagger to his step.
>(Edine walks up with an arrogant swagger to his step.)
Frorin just opened some rugged worn boots.
Fewen nods to Xeromist in greeting
You darkly say, "Sirs, I have only one question, it will be both simple and to the point."
Deavon rubs Ruffeli
Xeromist nods to Fewen in greeting.
Tunder tilts his head up.
Xeromist leans softly against Fewen.
>(Edine stands before the court with regal posture.)
You belt out, "I demand to know why the Turamzzyrian Empire has not recognized my true title, and why all of your subjects, the peasants most of all do not refer to me as The Edine!"
Atlanteax stares at you.
Turinrond stares off into space.
Yviara glances at you.
Ichiko blinks.
Seablade laughs!
>Act stands tall and stares imposingly at the Earl and Baron alike, both in turn waiting for their response
Kadesha snickers.
Paole laughs!
(Edine stands tall and stares imposingly at the Earl and Baron alike, both in turn waiting for their response)
Aysia laughs!
Jhayde blinks.
Kriztian chuckles to himself.
Drallen glances at you.
Tunder rolls his eyes.
Shirkon rolls his eyes.
Seaaira glances at you.
Charna groans.
Edenmoon rolls her eyes.
Eddric blinks.
Yukito tilts his head down.
Yukito sighs.
Yviara waves a hand at you, dismissing you indifferently.
Goldstr shakes his head.
Haxley gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
>Aetheri laughs!
Sothog mutters mushrooms.
Morilinde coughs.
Eddric glances at Dunrith.
You fold your arms over your chest with an air of superiority.
Witcheaven winces.
Drallen turns to face Dunrith.
Aeillwyna furrows her brow.
Joter chuckles.
Shonison leans back.
Dunrith glances at Eddric.
Morilinde clasps her hand over her mouth.
Mydnight laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Kindral says, "Mr. The. Please sit down and let the important questions be asked."
Miralissa clasps her hand over her mouth.
Tierus glances over at you and winces.
Haxley laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Kadesha nods to Thurandur.
Gothique starts chuckling at you!
An aged chamberlain says, "I heard a boatload of refugees from the Terasian Asylum escaped last month, my Lords. Perhaps we've found a stray."
(Tierus mutters something that sounds like, "What a pity.")
Valicar says, "someone been at the keg a tad too long"
Witcheaven laughs
Sheelanagig grins at an aged chamberlain.
>"This is more important than anything you can even begin to comprehend.
Thurandur laughs!
Cappurnicus chuckles to himself.
Seaaira cackles!
You darkly say, "This is more important than anything you can even begin to comprehend."
Naina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Perigourd starts chortling.
Gothique grins.
Zyanna grins at an aged chamberlain.
Laella laughs!
Halodowan chuckles.
Awnro appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Dunrith nods to the aged chamberlain.
Charna frowns at an aged chamberlain.
Yukito coughs.
Joter cackles!
Yviara nods to the aged chamberlain.
Lissanne grins at an aged chamberlain.
Seaaira nods to the aged chamberlain.
Shirkon snickers.
Kraygon appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Bristenn snickers.
Risky chuckles.
Witcheaven clasps her hand over her mouth.
Shonison grins.
You scoff.
Halodowan nods to the aged chamberlain.
Cryheart appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Witcheaven coughs.
Gothique laughs!
Seablade snickers.
Eddric says, "It would appear so."
Bellelaide laughs!
Eahlstan flashes a wide grin.
Aysia grins.
Sothog says, "Some citizens have been picking the wrong kinds of mushrooms lately, too."
Rekarth shakes his head.
Sothog coughs.
Turinrond coldly says, "I believe this man is in great pain and I volunteer to release him from his misery."
Strathe grins slowly.
Laressa grins wickedly.
Turinrond strides a few steps forward.
Turinrond shifts his weight.
Paole nods to Sothog.
Seablade chuckles.
Sheelanagig chuckles.
Mekthros looks thoughtfully at Cemb.
>"I am The Edine. Why is it that you mock one as obviously perfect as myself
You darkly say, "I am The Edine. Why is it that you mock one as obviously perfect as myself"
Mydnight clasps her hand over her mouth.
Mydnight snickers.
Aysia grins at Deavon.
You scoff.
Edenmoon grins
Cemb shakes his head.
Edenmoon leans softly against Shirkon.
Turinrond clears his throat.
Turinrond raises an eyebrow.
Kindral asks, "Because your so mockable?"
Seablade chuckles.
(Gothique pets Edine gently)
Malikary raises his hand
Seaaira whispers, "mayhaps ya don deserve such title"
Shonison whispers, "oh that was hysterical. we needed some comic relief here"
Eddric stands up.
Gothique says, "We just humor him"
Valicar says, "Take a seat, great Edine."
Valicar nods to you.
Eddric bows to you.
Charna clasps her hand over her mouth.
Kriztian smiles.
Yukito blinks.
You darkly say, "Jealousy
>[Vornavis, Great Hall]
On a low dais, spanning the southern end of the hall, three regal chairs of state rest before an embroidered tapestry of the Rising Swan of Vornavis that covers the wall behind them. Banners bearing the coats-of-arms of knights in service to the barony hang from the railing of the second floor gallery that lines the other three sides of the Great Hall. Opposite the dais a pair of large fel doors, inlaid with gold scrolling, are set in the north wall. You also see a storm grey backpack, a storm grey backpack, a storm grey backpack, a braided rattan food hamper, a simple tanik chest, an emerald green backpack, an emerald green backpack, an emerald green backpack, an emerald green backpack, the Awnro disk, the Seablade disk, the Mydnight disk, the Aeillwyna disk, the Risky disk and an aged chamberlain.
Also here: Lord Lavistan, Evelith, Xeromist, Lady Jhayde, Kindral, Lord Fewen, Laressa, Lady Eiadh, Shikel, Gothique, Lady Witcheaven, Izalude, Drallen, Lord Menos, Lady Jayleena who is sitting, Bellelaide who is sitting, Jouqim, Paole, Crio, Haxley who is sitting, Lady Charna, Joter, Jaysehn who is sitting, Rinika, Kilthal, Ulial, Briah, Awnro, Malikary, Azerius, Seablade who is sitting, Journeyman Yukito, Halodowan who is sitting, Lord Kraygon, Copernicus who is sitting, Seaaira, Sente who is sitting, Miralissa, Zentalin, Lady Mydnight who is sitting, Lord Rekarth, Gnaeusprimus, Ruffelin, Songowl, Aetheri, Aglaia, Aeillwyna, Sheelanagig, Kadesha, Thurandur, Lord Bristenn, Lady Elaerina, Risky, Laella, Goldstr, Errethe, Morgiest, Lady Aysia, Thrassus, Morilinde, Tyraesa, Lord Tunder, Tierus, Cappurnicus, Lady Deavon, Mekthros, Kabo, Koldeen, High Lord Atlanteax who is kneeling, Lady Melina, Sothog who is sitting, Lord Turinrond, Perigourd, Lady Naina who is sitting, Lord Shonison who is sitting, Shallimar, Kriztian, Lady Yviara, Shirkon, Tagari, Tatiyanna, Xanith, Geijon, Yarx, Cryheart, Evia, Brinn, Strathe, Zyanna, Azaton, Chura who is kneeling, Metadi, Edenmoon, Lord Frorin, Kinshack, Lissanne, Lord Galesmight who is sitting, Eahlstan, Lord Catthief, Ichiko who is sitting, Sapphirea, High Lord Valicar, High Lord Cemb, Earl Eddric, Baron Dunrith who is sitting
You turn to face Eddric.
You turn to face Dunrith.
You stand there stubbornly, folding your arms over your chest
Thurandur whispers, "that was classic"
Seablade softly says, "Sheesh I thought only the elves over the dragonspine were that bad"
Tierus asks, "Is he one of yours?"
Seablade shrugs.
An aged chamberlain clears his throat, adjusts the fit of his robes and raps his staff upon the ground. All the while, he seems to be trying to supress a chuckle.
Tunder touches one finger to his lips.
(Tierus cocks his head toward Edine.)
Seaaira chuckles.
An aged chamberlain says, "Order, please. Order."
Mekthros clearly says, "He is now."
Kriztian grins at an aged chamberlain.
Naina giggles at an aged chamberlain!
You quietly whisper to Thurandur, "the timeing was perfect"
Mekthros stares off into space.
Eddric says, "The Edine, while I must regard your question with some surprise, I thank you very much for your sense of timing, and assure you that we fail to address you as you wish only out of ignorance."
Shonison laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Eddric bows to you.
Kadesha chuckles.
Eddric winks at you.
Yukito beams!
Kriztian appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Seablade chuckles.
Charna clasps her hand over her mouth.
Shikel coughs.
Eddric sits down.
Witcheaven laughs!
Errethe chuckles to himself.
You nod to Eddric.
Charna snickers.
Shikel appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Morilinde laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Thurandur whispers, "aye, holy cow that was good"
Aysia grins at Eddric.
Joter snickers.
Ruffelin appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Halodowan gives a half-hearted grin.
Awnro chuckles.
Turinrond laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Laella starts chortling.
Atlanteax chuckles.
Risky appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Bristenn appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Turinrond quietly says, "Ah, well done, well done, sir."
(Kindral mutters quietly, "And because we don't care.")
Azerius whispers, "good show
>"I accept your apology
Izalude whispers, "There you have it. I shall call you The Edine from now on.
You darkly say, "I accept your apology"
Errethe whispers, "full points for sheer balls if nothing else :)"
Eddric nods to you.
Gothique says, "great... Now we have to live with an even more smug Edine"
Eddric says, "Thank you.
Naina serenely says, "gads, encouragin the delusion . .
You strut about arrogantly
Kilthal strides a few steps forward
You darkly say, "shall i take my seat beside you or would you rather we manage the Intricacies later".
You blink
Kindral taps you lightly on the shoulder.
Kindral says, "I think you've been dismissed
>Eddric says, "We can discuss future seating arrangements at a later date.
(Kadesha whispers to Edine a bit too loudly, "why would ya wanna?")

10-24-2003, 11:25 PM
as you can see The Earl Eddric has taken it upon himself to give his apology for his own ignorance in not referring to me as The Edine and in doing such has obviously made it know that all shall call me The Edine from this point on.

10-24-2003, 11:38 PM
Hehe, that was good. I'm still not calling you The Edine yet though. :)

10-24-2003, 11:43 PM
That was great to see,thanks for posting it ... Edine.

10-24-2003, 11:44 PM
THE Edine. ::mutters something under his breath::

10-25-2003, 03:17 AM
OK, that was really funny.

Well done, made me laugh. :)

10-25-2003, 08:49 AM
Heh. Well done. Looks like you gave most folks a pretty good chuckle, even the GMs.

Thankfully, I no longer play. That will save me from the necessity to avoid you completely. :lol:

HarmNone would not call you The anything

10-25-2003, 09:12 AM
you would be suprised how many hundred people call me The Edine instead of just edine it keeps me happy

The Cat In The Hat
10-26-2003, 01:11 AM
Any time I spent with Barberik and Virtis.. anyone know what happened to them?

Weedmage Princess
10-28-2003, 12:42 PM
Virtis whoa that's a blast from the past. That guy was great..heh.

10-28-2003, 05:22 PM
I've had alot of memorable moments...I think some of the few were Communing during the jant occupation of the landing...Me, Niomar, Savaard, and Bisco were all communing(well those of us could did) and we connected to V'tull...we we're asking him if he would grant us the power to expell the jants...and then a black scimitar came from the sky and smoted Bisco, and V'tull took over his body...said we were and killed us all...one by one anyone who walked into the room or fogged in for us was killed by the black scimitar...there was more deady people in our room then there was killed by the jant invasion, it was silly. Another funny time was when we had everyone believe Ardwen was having an action and tickets we're being sold...people were begging to be on the list or get a ticket...we said so many lies on the net...people we're loving it...I go away from the weekend and come back, to find out they added more to the story that i didn't know...that i robbed ardwen of all the auction coins and now was on the run. When i logged back in the game the first thing on monday..I had like 700 locates, people fogging to me threatening to kill me if I didn't pay ardwen back...man it was hilarous

11-11-2003, 01:48 PM
I have a few memorable moments.. hunting trips with my father in game.. he always takes me to insanely high level areas and gets me killed but we always have a good laugh and it's exciting to test yourself like that against creatures.
Also one night Michiko, Whirlin, myself and Elronae and I think a few others were with Vif and we were discussing something in a private room.. when a GM was listening and started messing with Vif, she got killed and drug out of the room by some men (per GM involvement, Go Khaladon!) we had to go on a quest to find her body. After finding her, several very funny things happened. Vif was muttering about how the Gods are jealous of her and Michiko made the comment that at least no pigeons had landed on her..of course Khaladon had pigeons appear and perch on her dead form.. and then after someone else said at least they didn't poop on her..well then they did.. and before we knew it there were a flock of pigeons flying about over her head..it honestly had me laughing so hard I cried.. I gained a new respect for GM involvement that night becuase GM Khaladon gave all of us in Vif's group that night a lot of fun with his actions. It was priceless.

My daughter, Auraline,'s birth was very memorable as well. Also being knighted by IZalude in front of my family and friends was something I won't forget.

11-13-2003, 10:44 AM
What is the story behind The Edine and what does it mean to be The Edine?

I don't have too many memorable moments yet when I get a spectacular one I'll post.

11-14-2003, 10:11 AM
Jumping out of the tree in TSC with 25k in coins and living to tell about it.

11-14-2003, 01:20 PM
I would have to say for me, the Abandon Inn war, between the Black fists against the Temple Knights and Luna.

CvC fight that started with a few players, by the end of the night there were at least 50 players at war killing eachother.
Fun Fun Fun.

Moist Happenings
11-14-2003, 01:38 PM
Ariond and I at the end of the war with someone..I forget who(I think the Black Fist). We were ordered to put an end to it, so we went and met with the two leaders(I forget their names). Anyway, we asked for peace, and they started using acts like:

(Soandso dies, like Ariond.)
(Soandso keels over and acts like Neff)

A lightning bolt came down from the sky and struck the both of 'em dead. we got peace.

11-18-2003, 04:44 PM
Wars R Teh Rulingest