View Full Version : Talador Baronial Coronation Festival
12-24-2013, 04:29 AM
Hear ye, hear ye! For the first time since it fell to Jantalarian occupation, the Barony of Talador is reclaiming its power after an Imperial Decree relinquished the land back to its people and appointed a new ruling class! Among the most noble, Lord Kuligar Gardane has been selected to ascend to the position of Baron of Talador!
All allies of the Turamzyrrian Empire are invited to attend the Talador Baronial Coronation Festival which will last the entire month of Fashanos, 5114! (February, 2014) There will be local shops open to all, and traveling merchants from afar to set up their wares for everyone to enjoy during this momentous celebration!
Come visit Talador, a land rich in both tragedy and triumph! Explore the vast woodlands, but beware the monsters that lurk beyond the dark reaches of the forest! Tour the fabled dwarven Doggoroth Keep, or the old battlefield where Jantalar and Talador forces clashed decades ago, but be on your guard against the ghosts that still plague the torn land. But at all costs, avoid the abandoned silver mines, which are said to be haunted by the spirits of the past.
Do not miss a month long of festivities, a taste of the imperial life, and a baronial coronation that will be historic!
Players will have access to the town of Talador during the entire month of February, 2014. There will be a number of raffles and services spread out throughout February, and a plethora of local and traveling shops open to all! There will be some side storylines in Talador, a number of NPC's, and dangerous areas to test your combat skills. Below is a list of some of the shop names you can expect to see!
* All that Glitters
* A Sliver of Silver
* Summer Shades
* The Aura of Autumn
* The Tunes of Talador
* The Imperial Emporium
* All Mine
* Battle of the Keep
* Immensity
* The Turamzzyrian Sole
* Tots of Turamzyrr
* Consumption Junction
* The Splatter Pit
* The Snake Pit
* Recipe for Disaster
* Picknacks
* Festive Nights
* Quick Prick
* No Stranger Ranger
* Heart to Tart
* Conceal and Heal
* Palace of the Godking
* MechAnimal
* The Smoking Arrow
* Smoke and Mirrors
* Locks and Luck
* Taste of Turamzyrr
* Siolan's Daggers
* Rainbow's End
* Charleia's Charms
* Haute Hibernation
...and more!
-GM Kenstrom-
Wehnimer's Landing Guru
Human Guru
Giantmen Guru
This message was originally posted in Quests/Sagas/Events, Cross Into Shadows. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
Lady Lightning
12-24-2013, 09:56 AM
Super excited about all the imperial action!
01-29-2014, 07:06 PM
>>Any more info on the festival which I assume is beginning this weekend? Err, umm when will it begin? :)
>>Will the big stuff be spread out over the whole month, ie the raffles and such. Mainly on the weekends? Is there a tentative schedule, I haven't seen anything on the google calendar.
The festival begins Sat night, Feb 1st, probably around 10pm eastern-ish. I will try to get on sooner if I can to open the portal.
More details will be coming in the next two days on any kind of schedule, etc. The festival is a month long, so it's definitely not going to be merchant-palooza 24/7 like a shorter festival, like Ebon, etc. So things will be spread out, since there's raffles, shops, hunting, NPCs, and I've got some weekly "special" Talador stuff planned.
-GM Kenstrom-
Wehnimer's Landing Guru
Human Guru
Giantmen Guru
02-01-2014, 02:49 AM
At 10pm Eastern (give or take a little in either direction) the portal to Talador will be open. Once opened, the portal will be located on South Ring Road, just east of the Gemshop.
Below I will list the raffle items and services. The event lasts all of February, and I have asked the GameMasters who are helping out to give a heads up on the forums, if at all possible, for when they'll be setting up raffles, services, etc. Merchant work may not occur daily, as this is definitely not intended to be 28 days of non-stop merchant activity. However, there will be weekly raffles, mini storylines, shops, hunting, and plenty of NPC's with tales to share!
Some merchants you will see...
Tolby, Jellybeard, Eldurn, Toffit, Taeliryn, Zandeva, Jankus, Juramis, Charleia, Adelaid, Fitzwobbin, Fernalda, Madrim, Ledirth, and more!
Some shops you will see...
All that Glitters, A Sliver of Silver, Summer of Shades, the Aura of Autumn, the Tunes of Talador, the Imperial Emporioum, All Mine, Battle of the Keep, Immensity, the Turamzzyrian Sole, Tots of Turamzyrr, Consumption Junction, the Splatter Pit, the Snake Pit, Picknacks, Festive Nights, Quick Prick, No Stranger Ranger, Heart to Tart, Conceal and Heal, Palace of the Godking, Mechanimal, the Smoking Arrow, Smoke and Mirrors, Locks and Luck, Taste of Turamzyrr, Rainbow's End, Charleia's Charms, Haute Hibernation, Caravan Consignments, Tome Alone, the Motion of the Potion, and more!
Some raffles and services you will see...
General alterations, lightening, deepening, features, tattoos, unlocking scroll cutters, siege miniature customization, metamorphic weapons, krolvin skull weapons, shields with pockets, mechanical weapon flares, wandering tattoos, permabless services, animal companion alterations, demon rune teaching, fireworks press, goat pins, juggling pins, black ora weapon, animated music stand, custom perfumes, forehead gem, signature verbs, rare metal slabs, mechanical flaring services, Voln armor, and more!
I hope you all enjoy it. I'll see you tomorrow night.
-GM Kenstrom-
Wehnimer's Landing Guru
Human Guru
Giantmen Guru
This message was originally posted in Quests/Sagas/Events, Cross Into Shadows. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
02-01-2014, 11:57 AM
Is the only portal gonna be in the landing?
02-01-2014, 12:09 PM
Is the only portal gonna be in the landing?
I asked that on the officials a couple of weeks ago and was told yes.
02-01-2014, 12:40 PM
Talador is known for its silver mines, but that does not mean it is the only precious metal extracted from the ground. It should come as no surprise that Ledirth has secured a small supply of rare metal slabs from local mining operations. He will be distributing these at various points during the event.
Half of the slabs will be available to the general populace, while the other half will be reserved for master weapon smiths who can forge them (masters of Crafting and at least one weapon style).
GemStone IV will be up shortly!
Sorry guys, my bad :(
02-01-2014, 12:41 PM
Mark your calendars!
2/3, 8PM EST - Rainbow Wear (fully unlocked)
2/16, 10AM EST - Juggling Pin
2/23, 7PM EST - Haunted Animated Music Stand
2/27, 10PM EST - Rainbow Wear (fully unlocked)
~ Haliste ~
All Things MHO
02-01-2014, 01:15 PM
mechanical flaring services
Used to have the biggest boner for adding the puncture flavor of these to a high enchant dagger, but seemed impossible to find a merchant offering them after the initial release. Don't waste that shit on slash flares for your falchion.
02-01-2014, 05:19 PM
What the heck is rainbow wear?
02-01-2014, 05:40 PM
What the heck is rainbow wear?
A shimmering rainbow cloak?
02-01-2014, 05:50 PM
A Jara cloak :)
02-01-2014, 05:57 PM
A Jara cloak :)
Oh snap! Dayko's got jokes!
02-01-2014, 05:57 PM
>>How will banking be handled? Will it be a totally separate bank, ie bring a note you can convert there or silvers? Or linked to the landing bank ala EG (since that's the only portal I'm thinking?).
Players won't have access to any of Talador's banks, but shops should accept notes from all over. Let me know if you find one that doesn't.
>>Will the FWI transporters work there or will we need to step out to WL to use'em? I'm not sure if this is actually a town or more of a paid festival type space. :)
No clue, I didn't think to test FWI transporters. We'll find out tonight! hehe
Also, all of the shops will sell to anyone, but most of them might give a little discount to humans.
-GM Kenstrom-
02-01-2014, 11:41 PM
02-01-2014, 11:43 PM
Thanks for the map
02-01-2014, 11:56 PM
Thanks allereli. Very helpful.
CT Lady
02-02-2014, 12:29 AM
Rainbow wear:
an elegant white silk gown cinched with delicate satin ribbons
The creator has also provided the following information:
You carefully analyze your white silk gown and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. Your gown must remain some kind of dress or gown, and must be long and below the knees. You can change the article (the first 15), but it will carry forward to all variants of the gown, even after unlocking. IE: if you make it "an old white shirt", then it will always be "old".
You may alter the color to one of the following: red, blue, green, yellow, brown, black, white, orange or purple. You may alter the material to one of the following: silk, twill, wool, satin, linen, velvet, cotton, muslin, spidersilk or damask. You can alter the "extra" (the description after the noun.)
This is currently Tier 0 and has the following verbs available:
Your gown can only be unlocked by any talented merchant.
You can tell that the gown is as light as it can get.
>wear gown
You put on your white silk gown.
>pull gown
You tug lightly on your white silk gown, stretching it to fit your frame more comfortably.
>pinch gown
You tug on a loose thread hanging from your white silk gown, wishing it could be some other material.
>clean gown
With a gentle hand, you nonchalantly smooth out any offensive wrinkles from your white silk gown.
>rub gown
You rub your hand against your gown, wishing it could be another color.
02-02-2014, 12:32 AM
Careful of the mines if you go to the high level area. You can fall into a pit and get so hurt you can't search to get out. Also if you are standing on the ledge a slide can knock you in. No darkness out, no transference to the person in the pit and no fogging out. That last one might be temp. A bug was found when fogging.
02-02-2014, 12:39 AM
I went ahead and mapped the whole area, as far as I could tell. Not as pretty as Allereli's, though. :P However, I mapped it in Excel, so should anyone want to edit, they can easily do so. Mines section is incomplete.
Here's the excel:
02-02-2014, 01:05 AM
wow I can't even imagine using Excel for this. I use Visio (2003)
02-02-2014, 01:18 AM
This one came out of nowhere -
A silver-spiked black steel golem lifts its mechanical foot and tries to stomp on you!
A suit of pitch black vultite chainmail partially deflects the onslaught of the crushing attack.
AS: +727 vs DS: +464 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +96 = +396
... and hits for 40 points of damage!
Smash to the kneecap.
02-02-2014, 01:23 AM
Kuligar says, "The coronation will be at the end of the month, Lord Thermon will be announcing the details as the day grows near."
latest map of town
I've made a combo of the info from Lawless314 and my own mapping with numbers. No damned pine cones. :P
(also, fuck trying to figure out sizing on here.. that is all)
02-02-2014, 12:14 PM
kickass, but your avatar needs more clothes! I can't be seeing that every time I see "Rozy" in lnet or game.
Why do you think she wears that robe? ;)
02-02-2014, 12:29 PM
Thanks for the map - very useful
02-02-2014, 06:23 PM
2 new stores, Charleia's (room 7), Haute Hibernation (room 4)
Updated! 2/7 Frequent Fragrances added
Updated! Fitzwobbins Figures added
Updated! Snake Pit added
Updated! Stitch In Time location added (raffle location)
02-02-2014, 08:00 PM
Any info on the critters? Training...tactics and such.
CT Lady
02-02-2014, 08:02 PM
The golems fucking suck. They'll stop on you with a HUGE AS. The miners/zombies are 70-ish since my 67 wizard can learn from them easily.
>ask baker about Talador
The halfling baker replies, "Talador is a great place! The people are friendly enough and always have an appetite for my baked goods! Many will talk about it's sad history, but I prefer to look forward toward Talador's brighter future! I mean, we're getting a Baron! How exciting!"
>ask baker about Kuligar
The halfling baker replies, "Kuli...sorry, Lord Kuligar is a very kind and generous man. He's often called on my shop to supply an assortment of pastries for any events he may be hosting, or even for other members of the merchant's council. I'm really excited to see where he'll take us as our new Baron."
>ask baker about Council
The halfling baker replies, "Talador was ruled by a merchant council, who Earl Jovery has now elevated to a noble council, which was very generous of him. Now Kuligar, from the council, will become our first new Baron in ages, and I am happy to be alive during these times. I know a Baron Kuligar will work well with the Noble Council."
>ask baker about Woodlands
The halfling baker replies, "It was once a nice place to take a stroll, but even many of our farmers are scared or being forced to sell land and find safer jobs because of the increase in activity from ogres and such raiding into our territory. Our town sends patrols throughout the day to help, but it seems those ogres and goblins breed like rabbits!"
>ask baker about Rumors
The halfling baker replies, "Gosh, I try not to participate in the rumor mill. But...I have overheard that Lord Kuligar, while very warm and friendly, is even more so with women, if you know what I mean. But can you blame him? An unmarried handsome lord about to become a ruler? I'm sure he's looking for a good wife."
>ask knight about Talador
The steel-clad knight proudly says, "Our people have known decades of suffering, first with the ogre and orc clans and then at the hands of our supposed allies, the Jantalarians. We have many allies to thank for helping to break Jantalar's occupation and we are grateful the Empire has finally allowed us to readmit a new Baron into power."
>ask knight about Kuligar
The steel-clad knight says, "I have yet to meet Lord Kuligar personally, but many speak well of him. I am told he is a very amiable man with a great deal of honor and duty to the people of our land. I look forward to Talador's tomorrows under a new Baron Kuligar."
>ask knight about Mines
The knight frowns, "The silver mines are depleted, and now are nothing more than a burial ground for the victims of one of the bloodiest conflicts between Talador and Jantalar. Entire mines and caverns were collapsed by both the dwarves of Talador, and the forces of Hochstib, the Baron of Jantalar back then. Thousands were killed, hundreds buried alive. I dare not go near it now, as many claim it is haunted."
>ask knight about Rumors
The knight chuckles, "Ah, the streets and inns are always full of rumors. But which are truth, we must wonder? Rumor or not, I have heard talk that there has been an increase in Scourge activity along the Demonwall in the south. It is good then that we have the Order of the Golvern Star to push them back."
>ask knight about Woodlands
The knight replies, "To the west of town, you'll find the woodlands and an old battlefield, where once Taladorian dwarves made Jantalarian troops bleed. But now you'll find only a smattering of farms and some unfriendly orcs along the outskirts, where we send out soldiers daily to hunt down."
>ask alchemist about Talador
The alchemist looks up and replies, "Talador's history is rich first in silver, then in death and oppression. Yes, Jantalar's hold is gone. But are we really free? No, I think not."
>ask alchemist about Kuligar
The alchemist looks up and replies, "Kuligar the Great, the Generous, the Pious, the many labels, but how many truths? A warm smile does not make a leader. I have always found those with the biggest smiles have the darkest secrets."
>ask alchemist about Mines
The alchemist looks up and replies, "There is nothing in those dark mines but the cursed undead forms of dwarves, orcs and Jants. If that is your thing, then by all means, descend to your death. If you're looking for metal veins? You'll find none. Trust me."
>ask alchemist about Rumors
The alchemist looks up and replies, "I have heard krolvin warships have been raiding ships along the Empire's western coasts, attacking only imperial ships and almost purposely ignoring any other vessels from the Elven Nations or otherwise. Peculiar, is it not? I have never known krolvin to be so picky. But, such is the troubles for coastal lands, we've no worry here surrounded by tree and rock."
>ask alchemist about Festival
The alchemist looks up, sighs and replies, "A baronial coronation, yes I'm sure it's going to be wonderful. But a giant festival open to the masses from all over? We've enough trouble in these parts, we needn't open our gates to more."
>ask priest about Talador
The dwarven priest replies, "Talador has seen so much tragedy in its time. But our liberation is only surface deep. The shadows will come, and no high walls or cavernous mines will save us then!"
>ask priest about Kuligar
The dwarven priest lowers his voice then says, "Kuligar has served on the council for many years, lending his wisdom to the leadership of Talador. Now he rises as the first Baron since the Jantalarian invasion? A worthy man, but the honor has changed him. I just can't put my finger on it yet."
>ask priest about Mines
The dwarven priest closes his eyes and mutters a quiet prayer before saying, "Stay far away from the old mines. They have claimed hundreds of lives, and hold thousands of dangers. The curse of the mines have no prejudice in the victims it has claimed."
>ask priest about Shadows
The dwarven priest grows anxious for a moment, his eyes darting about before whispering, "Many have forgotten the past, and the great shadows of chaos. Darkness is coming, I have seen it. A great dark tide engulfing the world in blackness, consuming all light, all life...even the Arkati."
>ask priest about Temple
The dwarven priest sighs, "My Lord Eonake has gone still and his temple has been abandoned long ago. I seek his guidance and his wisdom on how to face these dark times coming. I still patiently await a sign from the Great Artificer, unless his silence is all-telling."
>ask blacksmith about Talador
The dwarven blacksmith replies, "I recently came to Talador after ole Baron Hochstib kissed the afterlife. Jantalar's occupation is now over and this city has begun to rebuild its own image again. I'm happy the noble council has finally decided on a Baron to rule our lands. One ruler is better then twelve right?"
>ask blacksmith about Kuligar
The dwarven blacksmith shrugs, "I've heard him speak at a noble s council meeting recently. Bright and charming lad, and it seems more than a few lady folk be lining up to marry into royalty. I just hope, being a human and all, he can appreciate the true history of Talador."
>ask blacksmith about Mines
The dwarven blacksmith replies, "The nearby old silver mines are depleted and barricaded up. I heard only the undead linger in its depths now, but I ain't one for going down there to confirm, Voln forgive me. But we've still our fine share of imports and smaller silver mines that allow me to stay in business."
>ask blacksmith about Rumors
The dwarven blacksmith replies, "Oh, there's plenty of them. Some folks, crazy lot they be, are in talks about trying to go on expeditions within the mines, Ghost Mines, I call 'em. They claim some shaman told them precious veins still exist in the deep tunnels. I say if folks are looking for adventure, go collect some ogre scalps."
>ask blacksmith about Scar
The dwarven blacksmith traces the line of the scar across his face, "A beauty, ain't it? I got it while fightnin' ogres, believe it or not, outside o' Doggoroth Keep. I had been payin' respect to my ancestor's home when I happened upon a farmstead being invaded by those smelly brutes. Lucky for them farmers I was there. You think my scar is bad? The ogre got one worse. He's out there still I'm sure, licking his wounds."
>ask barkeep about Inn
The dwarven barkeep smiles, white teeth parting his blue beard and says, "The Bitter Bite has been in my family for many moons! We're home to the infamous Winter's Bite, a drink so cold you'll see snowflakes in your breath!"
>ask barkeep about Talador
The dwarven barkeep replies, "Talador was founded by dwarves long ago, primarily by the Egrentek Clan. After the mines dried up, many of my clansmen left Talador, and humans from all over came flooding in. But now, after many years of oppression under Jantalar, and finally on the cusp of a new Baron, the community is seeing a return of some of my brethren."
>ask barkeep about Kuligar
The dwarven barkeep replies, "While I'd rather see dwarven blood in a seat of power, I know that ain't about to happen in the Empire, especially with lingering racial tension. But I suppose for a human, he'll do."
>ask barkeep about Mines
The dwarven barkeep replies, "Some of my ancestors are buried down in the collapsed tunnels of the mines. Heroes, the whole lot of them. Them bloody Jants were cruel when they dropped the rocks on my clan, but my kin dished out their own justice, trapping those humans as well. A tragedy though, for sure. Hopefully Talador won't see any more of those."
>ask barkeep about Rumors
The dwarven barkeep glances around skeptically then replies, "Oh, you hear many things in the Bitter Bite. Like how half of the noble council appreciates Wehnimer's Landing's role in the defeat of Baron Hochstib years ago, but the other half is full of disdain for a town run by a mayor who used to be a former Jantalatian soldier."
>ask lumberjack about Woodlands
The lumberjack smiles warmly and says, "Our knights and guards run daily patrols along the woods, because they're still clans of orcs, ogres and hobgoblins who sometimes feel bold enough to get a little too close to town. But it's nothing I'd be worried about. If you're ever needing protection, we've also got a garrison set up in the Doggoroth Keep nearby."
>ask lumberjack about Keep
The lumberjack smiles warmly and says, "Doggoroth Keep was built, what, about six hundred years ago or so? The old dwarves made it to help them protect their silver mines. It eventually fell into the hands of those smelly orcs, until the Jantalarian occupiers cleaned them out. After Baron Hochstib was killed and Jantalar's control ended, we finally replaced their garrison in the Keep with our own boys."
>ask lumberjack about Kuligar
The lumberjack smiles warmly and says, "He is very liked among the Noble Council, which I suppose is why they elected him for the honor of Baron. What do I think? Just another politician with too much gold and too little dirt on his hands."
>ask lumberjack about Mines
The lumberjack shakes his head, "The boys and me call them the Dead Mines. Nothing down there living any more, that's for sure. Just foul, dark creatures that forgot to depart when their flesh did. Do yourself a favor, avoid those caverns."
>ask lumberjack about Rumors
he lumberjack grins widely and says, "Oh sweet Koar, we've a lumber mill outside the walls, and a rumor mill inside the walls. I heard one of the rulers on the Noble Council's daughter ran off with her little lover and snuck off into the old mines and went missing. A few brave folks went searching for them, but never returned either. Did I say brave? I meant foolish."
>ask human about Talador
The beak-nosed human replies, "The finest city that ever existed, if you ask me, which you did! The blood of struggles has not marred our land, but has instead strengthened it! Our people have survived so much, through many wars and many winters we have endured. I encourage you not to leave Talador without some kind of souvenir to remember it by."
>ask human about Kuligar
The beak-nosed human replies, "If Kuligar is the council leader who was voted in to ascend to the role of the new Baron, then it probably has more to do with the secrets he has on the other members and less to do with his real traits. If you ask me that is, which remember, you did."
The beak-nosed human behind the counter shouts, "Never forget the memory of Talador and your visit! Get a souvenir today!"
>ask human about Rumors
The beak-nosed human replies, "Well, since you asked...I hear talk that Kuligar, once Baron, is going to start new expeditions into the cursed mines as he claims a gypsy told him that deep beneath the old tunnels lies deposits of an unknown metal, its surface bone white with crimson veins he's now dubbed Blood Marble."
>ask human about Secrets
The beak-nosed human replies, "Well, since you asked...Kuligar isn't one to travel far from town, and is usually seen every day mingling with some important segment of the town, be it merchants, lumberjack's guild, or even us simpler folk. One time, few months ago, he wasn't seen in or around town for days. No one asked, but you've got to wonder right? Secret tryst with some lover? Unplanned vacation? Maybe just a stomach ache, who knows."
>ask human about Gossip
The beak-nosed human replies, "Gossip, there's plenty of that, and I've plenty to share...since you asked of course. I hear dark tidings from Mestanir, that sorcerers in the shadows have grown more bold in their magical arts and I also hear reports that arctic giants and ice trolls have come down from the Dragonspine Mountains to steal sacrifices from the people of Gallardshold. A tough spot, those Bourth people. Caught between the mysterious Wyrdreep and the dangers of the Dragonspines."
02-02-2014, 11:04 PM
The real irony is you can't skin the ogres in the farmland. :)
Has anyone found any critters around level 20? The farmland jumps from level 10 to level 30.
02-03-2014, 07:16 AM
Does anyone know which creatures are where? I'm curious about going to go hunt, but I don't want to wander in somewhere that's ridiculous.
Also, the map that lawless314 posted earlier is very nice, but my computer is shitty and had to be rebooted when I tried opening it (go netbook, go!). So I made a new one which is also hopefully easier to print. Here's a link ( where it can be obtained. I kept the room numbers the same and hopefully didn't make any transcription errors.
If anyone has creature info, I can update with that too.
02-03-2014, 03:05 PM
I only know that deep in the mine past the maze of darkness and past the rope you have to jump over the pit the 90's/capped hunting area. There are lesser undead in the mines if you wander, along with some living things like bats.
02-03-2014, 03:10 PM
All I know is there's nothing in the low 80s range. Spiders are high 80s, and a BIT outside my reach with the abilities. I'm only 78 though, paladin. Unless I missed a critter type?
02-03-2014, 03:31 PM
Raffletopia! on 02/03/2014 02:07 PM EST
Links-arrows 294
Reply Reply
I wanted to get you guys a rough timeline for when I'll be putting up raffles in Talador, as well as some information on what will be happening. They will all be held inside a sturdy dark wooden wagon, 'A Stitch In Time', which Relyna and Seletha have unselfishly allowed a few of us to use for other things, as long as we keep it clean! Once I've set up a particular raffle, I will do my best to post up another announcement here with the specific times. As per usual, you WILL have to be logged in to win. In total, I'll be raffling off 10 Animal Companion groomings, 5 'goat pins', and one of my fully unlocked treat pouches.
AC groomings DO require QC, so they will not be instant redemptions. If the winner is not present when the huckster draws their name and does not arrive within a short time, I will send you an email to your address, and you can also email me at If I have not heard from you or been able to track you down within 2 weeks of when your name is pulled, you will automatically FORFEIT your win.
Winners DO need to be present within a timely manner to redeem the goat pins. As there are 5, and they are all different, the winner will be able to select from the available pins. The pins available are: a scaly lizard pin, a black raven pin, a white-striped black skunk pin, a shaggy black goat pin, and a dark green turtle pin. Once a particular pin is chosen, it will no longer be available for my subsequent Talador raffles. If the winner does not arrive within 5 minutes of their name being drawn, a new winner will be selected from those present.
The winner of the treat pouch will have the option of customizing it. If the winner does not arrive within 5 minutes of their name being drawn, a new winner will be selected from those present.
goat pin #1 - setup Monday 2/3, pull Tuesday 2/4
AC Groomings #1-3 - setup Wednesday 2/5, pull Friday 2/7
pouch - setup Saturday 2/8, pull Sunday 2/9
goat pin #2 - setup Tuesday 2/11, pull Wednesday 2/12
AC Groomings #4-6 - setup Thursday 2/13, pull Saturday 2/15
goat pin #3 - setup Sunday 2/16, pull Monday 2/17
goat pin #4 - setup Wednesday 2/19, pull Thursday 2/20
AC Groomings #7-10 - setup Friday 2/21, pull Monday 2/23
goat pin #5 - setup Tuesday 2/24, pull Thursday 2/27
With all that being said… the raffle for goat pin #1 is setup and draws Tuesday evening around 8:30 PM!
~~GM Kynlee~~
Private Property Guru
02-03-2014, 05:21 PM
All I know is there's nothing in the low 80s range. Spiders are high 80s, and a BIT outside my reach with the abilities. I'm only 78 though, paladin. Unless I missed a critter type?
Spiders are over lvl 100
02-03-2014, 05:33 PM
I'm working on putting together a page for the festival on GSGuide. I've been busy all weekend or else it'd have been done sooner! Anyway, I need a map to refer to and add to the page. Would anyone like having their map put on GSGuide? It must have room numbers since I use that to give specific locations for the different shops.
02-03-2014, 06:32 PM
Speaking of which...
It's obviously not finished at the moment, but I'm putting in information as much as I can. The page is not locked, so anyone can update it as they wish.
02-03-2014, 06:37 PM
I'm working on putting together a page for the festival on GSGuide. I've been busy all weekend or else it'd have been done sooner! Anyway, I need a map to refer to and add to the page. Would anyone like having their map put on GSGuide? It must have room numbers since I use that to give specific locations for the different shops.
anyone is welcome to use my map anywhere. I've been updating it in this thread when able to
02-03-2014, 07:00 PM
Fantastic. Just drop a line here or in a PM when you update it and I'll make sure the most recent copy is on the page. Thank you!
02-04-2014, 12:43 AM
I'm working on putting together a page for the festival on GSGuide. I've been busy all weekend or else it'd have been done sooner! Anyway, I need a map to refer to and add to the page. Would anyone like having their map put on GSGuide? It must have room numbers since I use that to give specific locations for the different shops.
If you'd like to use a map of the surrounding area as well, I don't mind if you use mine.
Speaking of which...
It's obviously not finished at the moment, but I'm putting in information as much as I can. The page is not locked, so anyone can update it as they wish.
The two books upstairs in the Bitter Bite Tavern are here:
A Traveler's Guide to the Turamzzyrian Empire (
History of the Turamzzyrian Empire (
02-04-2014, 01:35 PM
If you'd like to use a map of the surrounding area as well, I don't mind if you use mine.
Wonderful! Which map was yours, so I can make sure I'm using the right one?
The two books upstairs in the Bitter Bite Tavern are here:
A Traveler's Guide to the Turamzzyrian Empire (
History of the Turamzzyrian Empire (
They are also found on the official website.
02-04-2014, 01:40 PM
I know a shit ton of maps are floating around now, but I did make one and finished it today, including the new area that opened last night. Uploaded it to krakii, too.
If anyone wishes a .pdf of it, there's that, too and I purposely made it to fit into a letter size sheet.
Hunting area for eastern part of Talador!
02-04-2014, 02:22 PM
Correct me if I am wrong, but none of the hunting areas provide for learning opportunities for a capped character.
Johnny Five
02-04-2014, 02:27 PM
I feel that looking at Rozy's avatar is a good way to go to jail.. :(
02-04-2014, 02:33 PM
Correct me if I am wrong, but none of the hunting areas provide for learning opportunities for a capped character.
The Dwarven Den
02-04-2014, 02:53 PM
The Dwarven Den
Ah thanks.
02-04-2014, 03:07 PM
Anyone know if any of these creatures are about level 50-55ish?
02-04-2014, 03:24 PM
I haven't really seen anything ranging from 40ish to 65ish.
02-04-2014, 04:02 PM
Ok, I am SO not a numbers person. Anyone willing to convert these AS numbers into training numbers.....pretty please
02-04-2014, 04:46 PM
Ok, I am SO not a numbers person. Anyone willing to convert these AS numbers into training numbers.....pretty please
There is no direct correlation between AS and level.
Take a look at this random Ta'illistim sample of DSs and TDs versus level that I made for a cleric thread to highlight the lack of numerical correlation to level!
Kiramon Defender|48|184|201
Kiramon Worker| 40|142 |169
Three-Toed Tegu|33|105 |173
Hunter Troll|30|90|105
Scaly Burgee|29|90|150
Giant Hawk-Owl|28|84|186
Plains Orc Shaman | 18|72 |145
02-04-2014, 06:56 PM
It's really hard to guesstimate the levels but suffice it to say: farmlands appear to be in the teens, Murkwood is 20s, battlefields 30, silver mines (northern portion) are 60-70s, and Dwarven Den are capped.
*Edited because I typoed this while in a warcamp.
02-04-2014, 07:32 PM
I think the farmlands and woodlands are both around level 10 or less, my level 19 could barely learn from the bears/ogres. The battlefield is level 29-30 except for the Jantalarian soldiers which are in the lower 20's.
02-04-2014, 08:08 PM
It's really hard to guesstimate the levels but suffice it to say: farmlands appear to be in the teens, Murkwood is 20s, battlefields 30, silver mines (northern portion) are 60-70s, and Dwarven Den are capped.
*Edited because I typoed this while in a warcamp.
Judging from my Sunfist points earned the necromaners on the battlefield are a good bit higher than the other creatures in the same area...despite having a lower AS on the list.
02-04-2014, 08:53 PM
Ah, I put together a new map with corrections and additions last night but since I don't have internet at home yet I couldn't put it up.
Here's the pdf ( and here's the png (
I definitely learned from the vanguards and warriors on the battlefield and I'm level 39, but they assessed as being reasonably like level (I didn't have my undead arrows out so I didn't try the soldiers). The necromancer assessed as providing me a challenge, but I didn't try him 'cause I had to take off.
Dafuq. I've managed to fail again at the inter webs.
Hunting area for western part of Talador!
02-04-2014, 09:40 PM
Um... that's actually the eastern portion.
Whoops! There's a reason why I use my GPS so much. ;) Fixing!
Great work on everyone's part for mapping, they all look fantastic!
EAST Hunting & Festival (
WEST Hunting (
02-05-2014, 10:55 AM
updated town
02-05-2014, 01:08 PM
Anyone find any UAC gear besides what's in Palace of the Godking?
02-05-2014, 01:14 PM
There are some in Heart to Tart as well. Two sets each for hands and feet.
02-05-2014, 01:17 PM
Can I get confirmation as to the female only armor that someone randomly ran by me and told me about the other day?
02-05-2014, 01:48 PM
Can I get confirmation as to the female only armor that someone randomly ran by me and told me about the other day?
there is a sign that says the armor is female only
02-05-2014, 02:03 PM
there is a sign that says the armor is female only
Specifically, these sets of armor.
In the vine-etched armoire you see some red-laced black leather armor, some slender bluish-black leathers, some red and pale pink leathers, some red and grey hide leathers, a gold-inlaid scarlet mithril breastplate, a vine-etched emerald vultite breastplate, a suit of red and gold armor, a suit of black vultite brigandine, some polished reddish-gold imflass plate and some gold-traced white imflass plate.
02-05-2014, 02:14 PM
I haven't really looked around as of yet so... guess I'll need to.
02-05-2014, 07:47 PM
Heart to tart
In the rosewood trunk you
see a suit of heavy plate ornamented with ruby-crusted patterns, full plate 995000
a suit of tiny plate draped with black gear-shaped pauldrons, full plate 995000
a suit of small full plate set with a golden mithril tart, full plate 995000
a hammered blue breastplate etched with pale dwarven sigils, plate torso only 389000
a tiny polished breastplate inlaid with smoky grey gears,
a small breastplate spattered with bright jelly stains,
a suit of chainmail meshed by mithril anvil-shaped links,
a suit of tiny chainmail interlocked by gear-shaped links,
a suit of small chainmail woven by silver tart-shaped links,
a suit of armor enameled with a series of golden axe buckles, Brig 240000
a suit of tiny armor ornamented with blackened steel gears, Brig 240000
a suit of small armor with colorful tart-shaped plates,
some burnished blue leathers fitted with dark mithril studs,
some oiled grey leathers rigged with interlocking gears and some
small black leathers with gold tart-shaped buckles.
Whill let me try on the suit of tiny armor ornamented with blackened steel gears, so I know a forest gnome can wear it and so can has zests did not run the full zesttest on it just something about jumping around when you tap it.
02-08-2014, 04:19 PM
Madrim has just set up a raffle for three Mayhem, otherwise known as wandering, tattoos on Silver Lane outside of the sturdy dark wooden wagon. It will draw on Volnes the tenth at eight in the evening as the elves tell time.
Madrim has just set up a raffle for a fireworks press on Pine Avenue, in Talador, outside a silver-traced burnished oak wagon. The raffle will draw on Niiman the thirteenth at nine and half past the hour as the elves tell time.
I've updated the maps. They're now in my signature, and in my profile quote in game (if I'm logged in).
02-11-2014, 03:16 PM
Goat pin raffle is set up and will draw on 2/12. I am not sure where it is in Talador though.
02-18-2014, 06:12 PM
I guess I will jump on the bandwagon and announce my raffles here. I want to be one of the cool kids too! And Reffletopia is just so apropos. Anyway, here's what I have in store for you guys:
Thursday, 2/20
Tier 1 Voln Armor - 3 winners
Metamorphic Weapon Alters - 1 winner
Friday, 2/21
Mechanical Flares - 5 winners
Tier 2 Voln Armor - 3 winners
Tuesday, 2/25
Tier 1 Voln Armor - 3 winners
Tier 2 Voln Armor - 2 winners
Metamorphic Weapon Alters - 2 winners
Wednesday, 2/26
Tier 1 Voln Armor - 4 winners
Pre-made mechanical flaring weapons - 3 winners
Friday, 2/28
Permablessing - 2 winners
Tier 3 Voln Armor - 1 winner
Metamorphic Weapon Alters - 2 winners
I will post more specific information, such as times and ticket prices, when the raffles are actually set up which I will try to do at least 24 hours before they will be drawing.
AGM Reidyn
02-20-2014, 07:31 PM
Sooo....Where's those raffles? *drool*
02-20-2014, 07:43 PM
Sooo....Where's those raffles? *drool*
They've been posting on the officials.
02-20-2014, 07:59 PM
They've been posting on the officials.
All i see is the black ora khopesh, nothing from the list posted here.
:::edit:: never mind somehow they were obscured as read even though I've never been in that thread.
02-21-2014, 12:15 PM
here you go, lazy people
see here for price list for Voln armor and Mechanical Flares
02-22-2014, 11:47 PM
On this day, someone is so angry they did not win the forehead gem they crashed gemstone iv to cause a roll back until they DO win a forehead gem.
02-22-2014, 11:55 PM
On this day, someone is so angry they did not win the forehead gem they crashed gemstone iv to cause a roll back until they DO win a forehead gem.
02-22-2014, 11:56 PM
at least i didn't buy my two raffle tickets?
From the officials...
All Forums
GemStone IV
Cross Into Shadows
Talador Shopping on 02/24/2014 04:54 PM EST
Here is a friendly reminder to get all of your final Talador shopping needs done before Friday. The coronation is this Saturday, March 1st at 10pm Eastern.
I cannot specify when access to Talador will be gone, so don't be left with regrets!
-GM Kenstrom-
Wehnimer's Landing Guru
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