View Full Version : Merchant whores.
09-11-2004, 12:18 AM
I'm going to post this now because I'm really fucking intoxicated, and well fuck, I don't care anymore.
Do you people not have lives? I mean, I walk into a room, and the merchant for premium has only been there for like 20 minutes and there are about 75 people in the room. That is all fine and dandy, but there are a few specific people who are consistantly the second or third person in the room.
I mean, what the HELL do you people do in real life that gives you the luxury of being so consistant in getting an item altered that you are only going to sell in an over-priced fashion a week later?
Fuck I'm really drunk, and thus it is taking me a long time to type this without typos. Anyway, get a life, and go drink. boyfriend would like to mention that we had hot crazy lovin' because we both have lives and don't spend hours waiting for a merchant to come.
Okay, that is all.
I'm going to hell.
09-11-2004, 12:23 AM
LOL That made me laugh, and I have those same thoughts about those events. I won't name names, but yeah the same few people are ALWAYS at the merchants first, second, third in line. It's odd. Only thing I can think of is they have GM contacts who let them know ahead of time where they will be. Otherwise, I dunno, maybe they just park at the location of the merchant for hours ahead of time in order to be first.
cool, i'm intoxicated right now too. ^5 you go girl
I also got 17 alters at the last Ebon's Gate festival, inherently making me the official, feared, Ebon's Gate alter whore-monkey.
09-11-2004, 12:35 AM
Um, not exactly. I got about 20 last Ebon's Gate. But I know that these unnamed merchant whores could easily get 40+ alters there...and that makes me want to stab them in the eye with a splintered wooden stick.
09-11-2004, 12:40 AM
I can name a dozen merchant whores off the top of my head without giving it much thought... If I really think about it, I could probably come up with 25. heh.
Michiko just missed Desian, didn't she?
Arrrgggghhhh. :heart: Desian and Verrath.
09-11-2004, 01:38 AM
<<Um, not exactly. I got about 20 last Ebon's Gate.>>
I got like 2.
09-11-2004, 01:58 AM
OH, one more thing, while my buzz is wearing off.
Don't be fucking second or third in line, ALL THE TIME, and not HAVE A FUCKING IDEA READY. If you don't, you should die, for being THAT stupid.
09-11-2004, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
OH, one more thing, while my buzz is wearing off.
Don't be fucking second or third in line, ALL THE TIME, and not HAVE A FUCKING IDEA READY. If you don't, you should die, for being THAT stupid.
My plan is just to be ahead of those buggers in line and you won't have to wait on them.
09-11-2004, 02:07 AM
That would mean I'd have to be first in line. :(
09-11-2004, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
Originally posted by Jesae
Do you people not have lives? I mean, I walk into a room, and the merchant for premium has only been there for like 20 minutes and there are about 75 people in the room. That is all fine and dandy, but there are a few specific people who are consistantly the second or third person in the room.
I do not mind the same people and Ardwen being second or third.
I do mind walking into a room and seeing this
normal player, normal player, normal player, Merchant, merchant whore, merchant whore, Ardwen.'
I am always curious how people get to a place before the merchant does.
When I got my last alter in the landing. The merchant and Ardwen were actually a group. He can deny it but then I will just mention how I was in the garden with them, outside the empath guild and then when the merchant followed me around east Landing to remind him I am not making this up
edited to remove nasty words
09-11-2004, 02:20 AM
Someone alter the harness Stunseed is going to sell me.
I've been drinking so I'm qualified to post here too.
I've have 2 years of premium alters and a 2 year old feature alter scroll that I haven't used. I am the anti-merchant ho.
Sex is always better than GS.
Now... time to go eat something that I'll regret in the morning.
Tra la...
09-11-2004, 02:36 AM
Vesi is my hero.
In truth though, I would love to be able to get an alteration at every single merchant event. Alas, I have to do things such as go to work, school, and have a social life. So I mean really, how do you people do it?
09-11-2004, 02:37 AM
Attend a pay event and snag a whole seasonal outfit worth of alters.
09-11-2004, 02:48 AM
Originally posted by Jesae
Vesi is my hero.
In truth though, I would love to be able to get an alteration at every single merchant event. Alas, I have to do things such as go to work, school, and have a social life. So I mean really, how do you people do it?
I agree. At the Dhu I got a total of four things done. Two of which I don't even use. Maybe it's because it was my first pay event and I wasn't ready for the merchant whores. But still.
School+work+sex+alcohol prevents me from having more than 4 alters.
09-11-2004, 02:58 AM
I got three services at the Dhu. I was all set to spend the weekend online and then some other, more exciting stuff, happened IRL.
Don't let it get to you, Jesae, just rest secure in the knowledge that you'll never have to have your ass surgically removed from your desk chair.
09-11-2004, 02:59 AM
Wouldn't your constant presence be necessary to realize that these same people are at every merchant event? Therefore, aren't you a merchant whore yourself, only on a slightly less successful level? I mean, if you didn't go to every fucking merchant, you wouldn't notice the same person at every fucking merchant, now would you?
09-11-2004, 03:02 AM
You missed the point. It's the same people FIRST IN LINE at every merchant she goes to.
Therefore, they must have the time to take out of their non-busy lives in order to make sure they arrive early enough to be first every freaking time.
09-11-2004, 03:05 AM
Talented merchant whore: Someone who is at every merchant, first in line.
Sucky merchant whore: Someone who is at every merchant but complains that the good merchant whore beat them to the punch.
09-11-2004, 03:19 AM
I would qualify for the merchant whore catagory. Even though I didn't go to this one tonight. BUT...
Who cares if these people are merchant whores or not? I can understand if the merchant only does 5 or 10 people, then that's annoying. If you go through all the stupid shit that you have to do to get to the merchant before a lot of other people do... that means you worked harder than the other people who putz around and just show up later. So who cares?
If you think people who do that kinda thing suck and have no lives, whereas you do, I can understand that. That's reasonable. But then why be pissed about it?
09-11-2004, 03:44 AM
Cause she's drunk, heh.
Originally posted by Lady Satira
I would qualify for the merchant whore catagory.
Yep, same here. :(
In my defense, if the merchant (Kyalia) is ever unsure of how to pick, I always suggest one room order, one spin.
09-11-2004, 03:47 AM
I :heart: Michiko
09-11-2004, 04:05 AM
I prefer the title of Merchant Hunter. I certainly don't whore myself.
09-11-2004, 04:26 AM
If the merchant is doing every person in the room and everyone that walks in after things have started, I have no problem with it.
This is where I have a problem, lists and short duration sessions.
While I do not play any longer it always annoyed the hell out of me to walk into an event like the Jug or the Air ship, go to where there is an announced merchant, wait .... wait some more ... watch the stupidity scrolling across my screen ... wait some more ... watch 10 people get service ... wait some more ... 4 more people and done. Sorry folks, I'm closing for the night.
Well fuck.
Then maybe 20 minutes later another merchant is announced. Well cool, I still have a chance. Repeat the above with over half of the people serviced being the same as the last group.
After the third you tend to give up.
Then you read all the thanks you messages on the official board, the ass kissing and what not, you read "I got 10 alterations ... you guys rock!", "OMG! I am so spoiled, 22 here!" and you think to yourself, am I playing the same fucking game? Am I even paying for the same fucking game?
Pay events? I attended the Ebon's two years ago and my time in prime time was limited, I got dick, nothing but a waste of money. The standard merchant offerings were sub-par and anything good, as usual, was sold in limited supply. Meaning the shit was on the selves for less than 5 minutes with about 20 or so people buying all available stock.
So, offence is intended, merchant whore's suck ass. Your selfishness doesn't ruin the game play, but it ruins that special quality (what is left) of the game. The ability to have something unique is reserved for those who don't give a fuck about anyone else.
Be first in line, in the top 10 spots at as many merchant events as you can. 10 alterations? 50? 100? When is enough? When do you let someone else have a turn?
The merchant verb was the best idea they had, unfortunately they never enforce it.
Am I bitter? I was at one time. Quitting the game was the best sugar for me. I just get sick of the endless supply of merchant whores.
09-11-2004, 05:10 AM
I agree.
I'm not alter happy. I don't want or need hundreds. But often I come with up an idea that would suit Caiy and it will take me months to get one done. Whereas I will hear people talking about the tons of alters they get all the time. Once I waited an entire year for an alter that I wanted.
All of the alters I get are usually made specifically for Caiy and meant to be a special item. So its annoying to go to merchant after merchant, see the same people get alters every time, and those alters show up on black net or a few days later. When all I want is something to help my char.
Wouldn't it be nice if even one GM would be someone who only alters for people who haven't received an alter is Xmonths. And showed up enough to make a dent in the amount of people who want an alter but never get one....
09-11-2004, 05:20 AM
Who cares? Let the dumb, sick fucks who waste their lives pursuing alterations in a text game waste their lives. If this keeps their moronic, fat ass sitting in a chair out of my sight.... THANK GOD.
09-11-2004, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by Caiylania
So its annoying to go to merchant after merchant, see the same people get alters every time, and those alters show up on black net or a few days later.
It's a toss up for me. That or the folks that are a walking alteration tree. Were it not for Kyalia my rogue would have been put on the shelf alterless. At the first Ale fest she did a round of virgins first. She is perhaps the only GM I have seen do that.
I think it's great that GMs are willing to take the time to do alteration and run merchants but shit, why don't they use the merchant verb EVERY time? Why don't they take a look at the character standing in line?
The problem is never addressed. Like I said, the merchant verb may as well not even be there.
The problem gets exponentially worse when a known alter-whore arrives after selection and gets pulled into a closed room. AND THEY JUST CAME FROM AN ALTERATION SESSION WITH A DIFFERENT GM!
It ranks up there with the society re-set. What a fucking dumb ass move.
In order for me to start forking over cash to Simu again they would have to grant one character the first 32 levels of exp for accidentally figuring out how to get out of COL and not allow him back in after 2 previous players were allowed back in at full rank just a week prior. They would also have to grant another character 26 levels of EXP for guild expulsion because of a crybaby who reported guild skill abuse during a conflict she started.
Additionally they would have to grant, what 9 years since AOL pre-unlimited?, worth of alteration (including enchanting, weighting, zesting, and anything else I can think of). Whatever the average merchant whore receives in a years time divided by 4 and multiplied by 9. That and two pay event refunds. I'd settle for credit.
Until then, they can fuck off.
09-11-2004, 06:59 AM
Nice healthy productive posts from you, I am impressed.
I must agree that anyone who PAYS for an event should recieve some sort of secured alteration slots, etc. Some people for sure abuse the system, and then end up looking like a walking shopping cart.
09-11-2004, 09:15 AM
I've gotten less than 15 alters in my Gemstone history so quit the bitching. It's really not hard to get a big list of every merchant in the game, put them in highlights, and know where they generally set up shop or read a calendar to find the location. I personally don't care for merchant hunters, but get over it.
PS: I just checked my inventory and I am wearing all of 2 items I have gotten altered myself (with 5 alters total).
09-11-2004, 09:17 AM
The merchant verb was the best idea they had, unfortunately they never enforce it.
>merchant soulpieced
Your last merchant alteration was 894 days ago.
09-11-2004, 09:22 AM
Its not really twenty people, its probably more like six with MAing spread accross the group.
Alterations are frivilious anyways.
09-11-2004, 09:26 AM
I got more alters in 1 day on the Dhu than all of my time playing before that. I'm not sure if that makes me a merchant whore or not.
09-11-2004, 09:28 AM
I think I have every right to bitch Soul. Anyone that gets passed over to give another merchant whore yet another alteration has the right to bitch.
Some people have lives to live and can't do so in front of a connected computer like some of these people and those are the ones that get the shaft a majority of the time.
Per the merchant verb, it does indeed work, but it was my understanding that this verb was to be used as a way to limit the number of alteration a person could get during a metered amount of time.
You were able to get some work done, good for you. Just realize that your 15 pieces is about 15x greater than the casual player.
I personally think GM ran merchant names should not appear on the "who" list, I also think they need to start enforcing a limit on the number of alterations you can receive in a 3 month period. I'm not saying you get x amount and that's it until the number re-sets. I'm saying if you have 1 alteration and you're standing in a room waiting for your next one, while in the company of 5 that have none, 3 that have 2-4, and the 10 regulars that have 1,000 plus and counting ... room order should be 0, then you, then the 3, and close up shop.
As it is now, whoever knows about the merchant and location first and can get there the fastest wins. I'm sorry, but that's a crock.
Agree or not, don't step in and tell people to stop bitching when you yourself have trove to stand on.
09-11-2004, 09:35 AM
Agree or not, don't step in and tell people to stop bitching when you yourself have trove to stand on.
I made my silvers the old fashioned way, not merchant hunting. Alters != Happiness in Gemstone. Alterations are a dime a dozen now anyway, so I'd rather be out making silvers hunting or even *gasp* merchanting than brown nosing some worthless GM's.
09-11-2004, 09:40 AM
As it is now, whoever knows about the merchant and location first and can get there the fastest wins.
Unless they do the random spinners.
09-11-2004, 09:46 AM
Or raffles, or contests (eye spy, elimination games, scavanger hunts w/clues).
I've only been to one that has done room order before in the last two years.
09-11-2004, 09:47 AM
There are those, like myself, that would rather have something altered for my character and not buy something off of a merchant whore.
Who said anything about merchanting? I made my silver picking boxes and hunting. I left my accounts with several hundred million in silver spread over two characters. I had some damned good equipment. I earned the silver and I had to buy the equipment through the fucking merchants.
I applaud that you are happy with what you have. The point you are not getting is that other people want to have things personalized for their characters as well. I just seems like in order to do that you have to contract a fucking merchant whore to do it.
People like to play the game and would like something unique for themselves, yet in order to get something unique to help flesh out their characters they have to stop playing for hours at a time for a good chance of getting zilch. Hmm ... Do I keep hunting or role playing to go sit in a room with bunch of hounds that only attempt to RP in front of a GM, have penis envy and feel they must compensate by flexing their insignificant GS muscle, and end the night with a killer headache with nothing to show for the effort? Hard choice there.
Again, because this means nothing to you, because you seem to think that buying an alteration is just as good (if I read right) then it only boils down to the silver aspect of it. To others it isn't about the silver, it's about the character and what they envision yet are not able to do because of a huge self serving and inconsiderate crowd.
[Edited on 9-11-2004 by Tsa`ah]
09-11-2004, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
People like to play the game and would like something unique for themselves, yet in order to get something unique to help flesh out their characters they have to stop playing for hours at a time for a good chance of getting zilch.
[Edited on 9-11-2004 by Tsa`ah]
Sounds like you're not a big fan of MMORPGs.
09-11-2004, 10:01 AM
Who said anything about merchanting? I made my silver picking boxes and hunting. I left my accounts with several hundred million in silver spread over two characters. I had some damned good equipment. I earned the silver and I had to buy the equipment through the fucking merchants.
Without knowing who your PC was, it is doubtful you made that much money only hunting and picking boxes.
09-11-2004, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Nakiro
Sounds like you're not a big fan of MMORPGs.
I'm not a big fan of poor implementation, lack of consideration and the apathetic staff calling the shots and running the show.
09-11-2004, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Originally posted by Nakiro
Sounds like you're not a big fan of MMORPGs.
I'm not a big fan of poor implementation, lack of consideration and the apathetic staff calling the shots and running the show.
I don't see much of any of that in Gemstone.
09-11-2004, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Without knowing who your PC was, it is doubtful you made that much money only hunting and picking boxes.
I should have said a couple hundred, but no. The only merchanting I have ever done was selling off old equipment, selling my orb and pulsing gems, or clearing out the lockers once a year.
My hunting habits were rather scavenger like. If it sold for over 50 silver, I didn't leave it after the search.
Also consider I rarely spent silver. In 8-9 years don't you think that would add up?
But since you haven't done it, it can't be done. :rolleyes:
09-11-2004, 10:13 AM
Haven't you said you quit at least 1-2 years ago? That said, I somehow doubt you were playing on GEnie.
09-11-2004, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Haven't you said you quit at least 1-2 years ago? That said, I somehow doubt you were playing on GEnie.
Umm ... no. Do I have to go through this again. I thought you had some retension and basic recall ability. Next time search.
I did not quit 1-2 years ago. I stopped playing almost 6 months ago. I started playing before unlimited.
Please do get your facts straight before you post.
09-11-2004, 10:20 AM
Well, if you'd just say who your PC was, would make things much easier to determine how much BS was spat in the previous post in regards to your wealth.
09-11-2004, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Well, if you'd just say who your PC was, would make things much easier to determine how much BS was spat in the previous post in regards to your wealth.
Am I here to appease you?
You have this really really arrogant effort to be the GS aficionado of the world and it baffles me.
Did you get bored collecting ice age items? Now you want to know my Character names because you even know every detail of their actions and method of game play?
I haven't mentioned my character names on a message board for over 5 years, what makes you think you can pull the "that's BS card" and make me cave?
I'm not going to get into another bull shit argument over how long I've played, how much silver my characters have, what trainings I've attained, what I've done or haven't done. If you want to start another thread ON THAT TOPIC, be my guest.
This topic is about merchant whores. You should know that.
[Edited on 9-11-2004 by Tsa`ah]
09-11-2004, 10:27 AM
And looking at the fame list, only Tsin, Boomsplat, Neimanz, and Kaustic have what I would consider "several hundred million". That said, you could be the last person..
09-11-2004, 10:28 AM
Barumples made 1 million every 10 hours, after the skinning changes. I see no reason Tsa`ah couldn't have made a ton of money over 8 years.
09-11-2004, 10:29 AM
Yet I don't play any longer, I'm not Kaustic, and I amended my claim to a couple hundred. Forgive my overzealous accounting.
09-11-2004, 10:45 AM
I guess we could say your statement was a "little over the top", similar to Kerry's claims on the vietnam atrocities.
09-11-2004, 10:49 AM
WTF? What does Genie have to do with it? Even if he DID quit 2 years ago and started when it went to the web it means he played for 5 years. You can make quite a hunk of money with that amount of time. I didn't merchant and I had at one point 10 mil in the bank and that was with me spending it on dumb merchant fluff all the time. You can build up millions of silver without having to sell off altered stuff to the highest bidder.
09-11-2004, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Nakiro
I guess we could say your statement was a "little over the top", similar to Kerry's claims on the vietnam atrocities.
It wasn't over the top in any measure.
It's almost 9 am, I've been up since 7am yesterday morning. I meant to say several million, but I recalled clearly in excess of 200. I botched my post ... big fucking deal, it has nothing to do with politics so don't bring that BS up.
Several indicates more than a few. The term is subjective. Several hundred could be 4-99 to a number of people.
Then again, this is now wildly off topic. Mind getting back on it?
I'll help.
Merchant whores suck dog shit.
09-11-2004, 11:41 AM
Eh. Some people devote themselves to different things. I know people who merchant really well because they do nothing else...advance really well because they do nothing else...and are involved in every single bit of a quest because they do nothing else... oh, and we can't forget after the implementation of Scroll Infusion.... have every spell on them constantly because they do nothing else.
It's all a matter of devotion. Having a lot of friends also helps in most of the above.
In the case of many of the above categories I'm glad people fall into them because it means they aren't annoying me.
09-11-2004, 12:05 PM
To me the alterations are what helps set this game apart from all the others on the market being as we can truely have customized characters ... some people take it a bit further than others but you got your sex and they got their alter so you both are happy in your own ways eh?
I wouldve shown up for the merchant last night being as my bow is seriously ugly as hell but alas I <3 Milla Jovovich kicking zombie ass.
09-11-2004, 01:22 PM
Does Ardwen care if you call him a merchant whore? Hell no, he doesn't. He is a merchant, that is the character he plays, and does it quite well. HE does know all the g merchants, what they sell, alter, ect. where they are and so forth. He makes it his business to know. His friends are merchants, they are part of the economy of GS. So your pissed that merchants know him? Of course they do, he is their best customer. That he has been ig for years, he makes it his business to know because that is his character. You play yours differently, more power to you, be pissed off, but don't expect him to care much. He is doing what any business man would do, knowing his product and how to get ahold of it and make a profit. His character is just as valuable to GS as yours. Get over it, if you want alters, take the time to learn how to get them, I know he did.
BTW, thats with holding down a full time job rl and having a life.
09-11-2004, 01:43 PM
[I feel] there is a difference between playing a merchant that associated himself with other merchants, and those people who are just highlighting merchants and plopping their butt in their presense and being obnoxious about it.
Burning Scorpion
09-11-2004, 03:02 PM
It really is all about having patience, I believe. I've had three alterations in my time, one of them was made by a friend I gave a design to and they got it on the Dhu. I think, if you just put up with the merchant hunters a little, they'll go away, maybe to another merchant, and then you might get something done.
Heck, I waited a butt-numbing three hours on getting a try at Desian last night. Three hours full of people flirting like sluts with the merchant, taking up his time with talking, when his time was VERY specifically limited and it was a race to see how many would actually get something done.
God, Kailya (I'll go ahead and mention names because this fucking deserves it) was FIRST IN LINE. She was there many people before the merchant was even on the room list. She must have had some time on her hands before the merchant got there, waiting. When the merchant starts up, SHE'S NOT READY. What is that??? How can someone be sitting there, waiting for hours, and NOT FUCKING BE READY??
Alright, I've vented my spleen. Luckily, she left quickly when she finally got done so I didn't have to put up with her giggling and flirting. It wouldn't have been nearly as bad if she'd been fucking ready. Merchant hunters should at least be READY.
09-11-2004, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Jesae boyfriend would like to mention that we had hot crazy lovin' because we both have lives and don't spend hours waiting for a merchant to come.
What's funny about this entire post is that had you have parked it, when you asked where the merchant might come - you would have been exactly TWO rooms from where he set up his shop. You would have had an extremely good chance of being in the front of the line.
He sent out a message to all 4 Winds folks that detailed his location.
I didn't bother to try and attend, I went to hunt as I told you I was preparing to do (in Ta'Illistim ;) )
As for whomever mentioned something about Ardwen. Guess that no one knows that he paid silvers so that more folks could get work. Like a couple of million. (How exactly does that benefit him if he's toward the front of the line?)
09-11-2004, 04:02 PM
Merchant whores are very annoying to the casual player who wants to have work done once in a blue moon (Like my 3 alters total.. one of which Mint got me).... but I don't see it as a major problem. Some people play for the hack-n-slash, some people play to level super quick, some for socializing, and some just like merchanting. It's a preference I guess.. and if they want to sit there for 10 hours, go for it.
I do have to agree about the usage of the Merchant verb though. What's the point if they aren't going to enforce it? Like I said, I had 2 alters done by my own character (at Ebon's) and it says this:
>merchant gerbill
You show no merchant alterations record that would prevent you from getting any alterations.
Why have a verb that no one's going to use?:?:
09-11-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
He sent out a message to all 4 Winds folks that detailed his location.
I didn't bother to try and attend, I went to hunt as I told you I was preparing to do (in Ta'Illistim ;) )
As for whomever mentioned something about Ardwen. Guess that no one knows that he paid silvers so that more folks could get work. Like a couple of million. (How exactly does that benefit him if he's toward the front of the line?)
oh yea I forgot that.. he paid for everyone's alter last night, its not the first time he has done that. Thanks for the reminder RL!
09-11-2004, 04:17 PM
People keep mentioning that people play for different reasons which is why they get the most out of it because they focus most of their time on that one part of the game.
What about the people who actually take advantage of all parts of the game? They hunt, roleplay, go to merchants, go to festivals, attempt to join quests and yet aren't able to get something unique simply because they don't dedicate so much time into only one thing? Shouldn't they be able to have chances at alters without needing to wait around for hours and hours, highlight the merchants and run after them while they're in the middle of something?
I guess I don't see why everyone can't be catered to. I see no reason why most people should show "You show no merchant alterations record that would prevent you from getting any alterations." when checking their merchant verb.
09-11-2004, 04:21 PM
Shouldn't they be able to have chances at alters without needing to wait around for hours and hours, highlight the merchants and run after them while they're in the middle of something?
I'd say I'm one of these people. The best way to get an alter is to go to a festival with a limited number of people allowed. I got like 15 alters on the dhu, 3 of which were for friends. I had merchant names highlighted (easy, when there's a list of all the merchants on the website), had the .dhu script which helped a ton, and was good at deciding whether or not leaving a line would be good or bad.
09-11-2004, 04:30 PM
Hehehe, damn, posting while drunk is just as bad as talking to people irl when drunk. Because when you're sober you regret having done it.
All in all, I'll be first to admit I like merchant hunting. Merchant whoring is when you consistantly kiss ass with every single merchant, even the ones that are typically in-char assholes and intentionally play the char that way, only to have people continuously suck up to them. Only THEN, to be one of the first 5 people in line (after having camped there for a good hour) and not have an idea ready.
RoseLady, I wasn't able to "park it" and listen to the announcements he made because the boyfriend got home and I quit paying attention to the game to make dinner plans with him.
I don't really mind missing THAT specific merchant because there are always bazillion there acting like dorks. My statement was made in general to all those people who wait hours for a merchant to come, and when they do, don't have an idea ready and bury their noses in the brown stuff.
The Cat In The Hat
09-11-2004, 05:07 PM
Khaladon said he either DID or was trying to, get rid of the 4 month rule.
Some merchants actually did use it, but it was more a preemie rule than a basic rule.
09-11-2004, 05:36 PM
I just wish I could get the few alters for Caiy that I've wanted forever done. Yet I either never know about the merchants in town til its to late or I'm so far back in line I know its pointless.
Caiy, never in the know.
09-11-2004, 05:53 PM
I don't think I'm considered a 'merchant whore' however when Stun and I went to EG and the Dhu (2 runs actually) I ended up with quite a bit of alters. I don't kiss a merchant ass, nor does Stunseed. However, when we paid 70 bucks almost to go on the Dhu the 2nd run and then not much less then that the third run, I damn sure did merchant hunt. I used the .dhu script, I was in the chat rooms with the rest of the 'merchant circle', I had merchants highlighted, I was on the DHU channel on PsiNet and I used the thought net as well.
Basically, I took advantage of every single thing I could in order to get the most out of the pay events we have attended in order to make it worth the cost of RL money. I also sat at merchant for hours in order to get work done from them if it was someone I really wanted to work with. If that makes me a merchant whore? Oh well, don't know what to say. However, between Stun and I on the 2nd run of the Dhu we got 57 services. The third run we had 46 and during EG we had a collective 29. Most of that is due to time put in (yes I have no life during merchant events like this, because I -want- to get my money's worth out of it) I for one, would gladly be called a merchant whore knowing that I got what I put into it. :D
Edited to add in that only one of those items has been sold and that was an altered amulet that someone saw on Keyvon and offered him 1 million silvers, another altered amulet with a show and a golvern candy tin for. Obviously an offer we could not pass up. Everything else is being used by the characters we had them made for.
[Edited on 9-11-2004 by Jolena]
09-11-2004, 06:06 PM
Personally, I wouldn't really consider those going to pay events specially to merchant because, let's face it, that's how they advertise it. All these merchants and when they will be available. It nearly encourages people to pay and go to get those long awaited alters and I think that's great for those who can afford it.
The "whoring" for me is really only when it's done on a daily basis, when the merchants show up on a whim or surprise, not really the planned ones. Since some people have all these merchants highlighted, that NPC logs in, they tell two friends, then they tell two friends, and so on, and before you find out from a comrade whom you are roleplaying with that a merchant is in town, it's too late to go there because the doors are locked and they've chosen the people. Dude!
Same with a merchant just strolls through a quiet part of town where there's perhaps a handful of people. The ones there are roleplaying and chatting with each other, easing into a merchant session, when all of a sudden there are hordes of people from all over Elanthia wanting in on the action. If the NPC is cool, they'll work with the people that were already there first, but there have been times that the NPC let's people suck up to them and the people who were there first get the shaft.
Those are the merchant hogs that annoy me. Definitely not the festival merchant ones. Those are practically expected to hunt them down.
09-11-2004, 06:13 PM
Yeah...What CT just said. This is why I don't use AIM when in game often. I don't want to be tempted into using it as a intercom for events. I like small impromptu things. I hate the merchant/attention whores that must swarm everything.
09-11-2004, 06:13 PM
Yeah I guess when you put it like that, I definately don't fall under that category of a merchant whore. I rarely ever make it to a merchant in town or in FA in time to get anything done and a lot of times I don't even show up. The only exception has been recently during Katana month where I went to every one of Tgara's sessions if I was available because I wanted my katana fixed up for a family member. Other than that, nah I have other things to hunt or spend time with others. I will go to all the raffles though hehe.
09-11-2004, 06:18 PM
IMO, Jolena, you do not fall into the category I listed. Paid events I think are a whole other ball game because you are paying extra money for this experience. I know I already have time blocked off from work for Ebons.
I pretty much concur with everything CT said.
09-11-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
All in all, I'll be first to admit I like merchant hunting. Merchant whoring is when you consistantly kiss ass with every single merchant, even the ones that are typically in-char assholes and intentionally play the char that way, only to have people continuously suck up to them. Only THEN, to be one of the first 5 people in line (after having camped there for a good hour) and not have an idea ready.
Well I will agree with this statement, wholeheartedly. I hate the people who flirt with the merchants like whores. Just ask for their IM so you can get em off so you can stop nauseating the rest of the people who are trying to get services.
09-11-2004, 08:50 PM
lolz you still play Jesae?
09-12-2004, 02:59 PM
I'm a merchant whore and laugh whenever I read about such things. It boils down to I am capable enough to find merchants and get merchant work. I can justify the time and the expenses spent. You people who whine are just sad you aren't as fast or smart. Half the time there is a prem merchant there is a forewarning, and often some people spend hours before-hand waiting. Suck it up and stop crying.
09-12-2004, 03:04 PM
Why do you care if you "don't play"? I think you're a fucking loser, my friend.
09-12-2004, 03:12 PM
I can not play and still be interested in board topics about a game I used to play. How is that hard to understand?
09-12-2004, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Barumples made 1 million every 10 hours, after the skinning changes. I see no reason Tsa`ah couldn't have made a ton of money over 8 years.
Is making 1 million every 10 hours considered to be good?
09-12-2004, 03:15 PM
Its incredibly sad. Let go. Unless of course you're lying, which I'd be more willing to believe.
And 1 mil per ten hours isn't exactly loads, Artha. Prior to the skinning changes, millions were easily had in certain areas. Still are today. I average 375k every hour and a half.
09-12-2004, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Its incredibly sad. Let go. Unless of course you're lying, which I'd be more willing to believe.
And 1 mil per ten hours isn't exactly loads, Artha. Prior to the skinning changes, millions were easily had in certain areas. Still are today. I average 375k every hour and a half.
In a little over two hours I made 1288863 this weekends play.
no skins just gems and boxes.
09-12-2004, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
lolz you still play Jesae?
LOL, yes I do! Cept, well..I rerolled her again. I'm hoping to have her be every profession by the end of this year. ;)
09-13-2004, 01:25 PM
Call me a merchant whore, a merchant hunter, a merchant stalker, I don't really care. I like stuff and so I go out and get it. My character is a fashionable character so I need keep her up to a certain stand as far as dressing is concerned.
Right now I'm kind of merchanted-out tho. The Dhu was like...a lot. And out of curiousity I went to Desian's, there weren't that many people in front of me (20) and when he asked who wasn't ready at least 8 of them said they weren't. I can understand someone being new or...just happen to run there with only the idea of something but a couple of them are hard core merchanting characters. SO JUST BE READY. I don't mind those same people getting there first every dang time, I do mind the lack of being prepared.
Needless to say, I left and went hunting.
09-13-2004, 02:27 PM
I loved the spinners, eventhough I rarely got picked. But a couple of times I would arrive after the merchant started spinning. The thing picked me as I walked in the room. That rocked. I didn't have to wait at all. Though everyone who were waiting a long time were like, wtf!? no fair!
I hate it when well seasoned players didn't have an item ready, or would take forever because they would want something that's not allowed. And then would proceed to argue with the merchant taking half an hour. Pissing off the merchant so the merchant is like okay after this I am only doing two more. Pissing off everyone in the room, because the person should know better. If you've been playing for several years, you know the drill, have something ready within the guidelines.
09-13-2004, 02:45 PM
Especially when you go looking for the merchant and then sitting there for hours before he begins. There's no reason to not have something ready. Then again, many of those are people who get in most merchant lines just to get something, regardless of whether they need/want anything or not.
I used to always have a list of items that I wanted to alter at all times for different items, so I was ready whenever I crossed paths with one. You just never know. :)
09-13-2004, 02:50 PM
Eh. It depends. I often am moving very quickly at festivals and stumble over merchants performing weird services I never planned for... with that said, however...I can write a decent alter pretty quickly.
09-13-2004, 02:55 PM
I remember when I started playing and had no idea about alters and merchants yet. I was sitting in helgas tavern talking to friends I had just made. A guy Filifor was in there. I didn't know who he was. I began handing out tarts and gave him one. He asked me to give him my cloak. I was like why does this guy want my cloak. Its the only I have and my only container. It was just a cheapie cloak from the clothiers. So I was like oh well I'll just get another cloak later and handed him my cloak. He asked me what was my favourite colour. I told him silver, and he asked me If I liked fur. I said yes. He asked what kind of fur, then I said snowcat or something along those lines. A few minutes later he hands me a really beautiful cloak with a long show descript. I was like OOOoooh thanks! How did you do that?! He said he was magic. lol.
Later I find out he was an alterer. That's one of my favourite experiences I had in GS. I guess cuz I was new and obilvious to the alterer thing.
09-13-2004, 02:57 PM
I pay for people to get work for me often because I'm not around or have terrible luck with merchants. If it's there thing to chase merchants great. If not that's cool too.
09-14-2004, 03:15 PM
How the Fuck do you make that much money? I've played for 7 years, and the most I've had in the bank at one time was 5mil. Someone send me an e-mail and tell me what I'm doing wrong.
09-14-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Skeeter
How the Fuck do you make that much money? I've played for 7 years, and the most I've had in the bank at one time was 5mil. Someone send me an e-mail and tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Just create a new thread here. You will get tons of advice.
09-14-2004, 06:45 PM
Sometimes sarcasm is lost on the computer.
Are you making fun of my off topic reply, that is in line with the current conversation, yet unlikely to generate a response
Are you seriously suggesting I start a thread on making money somewhere, and that people will really be likely to help out?
09-14-2004, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Skeeter
Sometimes sarcasm is lost on the computer.
Are you making fun of my off topic reply, that is in line with the current conversation, yet unlikely to generate a response
Are you seriously suggesting I start a thread on making money somewhere, and that people will really be likely to help out?
Defensive much?
Make a new thread. You'll probably get 15-18% of the replies that are people trying to help you.
09-14-2004, 07:05 PM
Hey, I'm just not used to helpfull board forums. Call me crazy ;)
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