View Full Version : December DMC Run
Tsk Tsk
11-29-2013, 07:34 PM
From Wyrom on the officials
Hey everyone, back by popular demand, we're going to be doing a ten batch DMC tournament. It will have 100 tickets, with 10 finalists competing for our grand prize. We are planning for tickets to go on sale next Friday, 12/6, at roughly 9pm EST. Premium subscriber will have first shot at the tickets. Tickets will be on sale for both Prime and Platinum. The actual tournament will be December 20th to 22nd. We'll have a complete prize list coming before tickets go on sale to help you make your decision. The grand prize package is definitely something a little more unique than what we've offered in previous runs.
11-29-2013, 07:36 PM
I'm going to nab 98 tickets.
Tsk Tsk
11-29-2013, 07:37 PM
I'm going to nab 98 tickets.
Not before I nab 100. GEMSTONE IS MINE!
11-29-2013, 08:51 PM
I have my program ready and timed to run at exactly 9pm EST, I'll have about 154 tickets if all works correctly ;)
11-29-2013, 08:55 PM
I have my program ready and timed to run at exactly 9pm EST, I'll have about 154 tickets if all works correctly ;)
ALL the tickets?! =p
11-29-2013, 09:57 PM
ALL the tickets?! =p
Plus extras, one can never be happy with ONLY all of something. Has to be all of it and then some. And why settle for just 110%, give me at least 154%!
11-29-2013, 09:57 PM
DMC, the one sure way to get me logged into prime. Yes, I'll be there to block. No, I don't care if you cry about it.
11-29-2013, 09:59 PM
DMC, the one sure way to get me logged into prime. Yes, I'll be there to block. No, I don't care if you cry about it.
>>Hey Wyrom.... is there a plan to us PC blockers or creatures again this year? (Please say creatures!)
We're PROBABLY going to stick to creatures, but possibly a few different ones from the norm. We'll see though.
~Wyrom, SGM
Try not to cry about it.
11-29-2013, 10:19 PM
>>Hey Wyrom.... is there a plan to us PC blockers or creatures again this year? (Please say creatures!)
We're PROBABLY going to stick to creatures, but possibly a few different ones from the norm. We'll see though.
~Wyrom, SGM
Try not to cry about it.
Very lame.
11-29-2013, 11:48 PM
Just setup a GSGuide wiki entry for this, will fill in as info is posted and I have time.
12-05-2013, 10:20 AM
Quick teaser while I work on the item list.
You glance down to see a distressed leather-wrapped bludgeon weighted with kelyn in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
You swing with a distressed leather-wrapped bludgeon at a cyclops!
AS: +442 vs DS: +95 with AvD: -6 + d100 roll: +23 = +364
... and hit for 30 points of damage!
Hearty smack to the head.
The cyclops is stunned!
Your bludgeon thumps the cyclops in the head. It looks a bit dazed, yet recovers after several quick missteps.
... 20 points of damage!
Hearty smack to the head.
Your leather-wrapped bludgeon unleashes an invisible burst of force!
... 15 points of damage!
The cyclops's right leg jerks momentarily but snaps right back.
Your leather-wrapped bludgeon unleashes an invisible burst of force!
... 35 points of damage!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You point your bludgeon into the sky and roar a battle cry!
From the officials. Unbalance flares, but what's with the second damage cycle before the flares?
12-05-2013, 10:35 AM
Knockout flares aren't they?
12-05-2013, 10:39 AM
Knockout flares aren't they?
Krakiipedia agrees with you. That's kinda cool, actually. Knockout plus unbalance seems like it'd be pretty damn effective. So long as the weapon's not like +2 or something.
Jace Solo
12-05-2013, 10:50 AM
Don't those flares take up the same slot?
12-05-2013, 12:09 PM
So how much money will this make it that Simu has gotten for pay events this year?
12-05-2013, 12:10 PM
So how much money will this make it that Simu has gotten for pay events this year?
A lot. My first thought when I saw the announcement was that someone high up the ladder was doing their Christmas budget for the year and came up a little short. Time for an impromptu DM Run!
12-05-2013, 12:15 PM
I'm betting they have made enough this year from pay events to hire a full time, professional coder for a full year.
Too bad they'll spend the money on other things and not reinvest shit into GS.
12-05-2013, 12:30 PM
Love DM but can't summon up the energy to wake up at 2am Saturday Morning GMT to get a ticket. Will participate as a heckler if they operate the variable time format they usually do. And of course, there's always undressing Droughtman with my eyes. :D (I make a shit blocker so that's a non starter for me.) May even do some betting :shocked:
Needless to say, will be a sell out.
12-05-2013, 01:20 PM
Grand Prize
The grand prize is going to be a little bit different this time around. You will get the following:
3,000 SimuCoins
And then choose one (1) of the following:
+1 fusion slot (cap of 4 slots)
+5 enchant
+10 sighing
+10 weighting
+10 or padding.
Wow.. ADDING a fusion slot? Seems like they love breaking their own rules.
12-05-2013, 01:22 PM
Grand Prize
The grand prize is going to be a little bit different this time around. You will get the following:
3,000 SimuCoins
And then choose one (1) of the following:
+1 fusion slot (cap of 4 slots)
+5 enchant
+10 sighing
+10 weighting
+10 or padding.
Wow.. ADDING a fusion slot? Seems like they love breaking their own rules.
Hrm... 5x blink claidh with 1 fusion slot? Or will it just add an extra slot to pre-existing fusion gear?
12-05-2013, 01:24 PM
Hrm... 5x blink claidh with 1 fusion slot? Or will it just add an extra slot to pre-existing fusion gear?
I bet it is add to existing.. I can't imagine something them opening it up to anything.
12-05-2013, 01:28 PM
Prize Pool
a tenebrous globe of ether
a tenebrous globe of ether
a pair of thick rolaren gauntlets with articulated fingers
a pair of thick rolaren gauntlets with a brass-riveted plate on each palm
a bejeweled quartz stone case embossed with a coiled maze roa'ter
an enruned dark glaes scarab brooch covered with a silver-swept crystal carapace
an enruned witchwood box
a cabochon of silver-ringed cerulean aetherstone
some matte black spidersilk robes banded with viridian satin on the sleeves
a lacquered silvery sephwir longbow with curved spiral nocks
a folded silvery eonake katana with a polished eahnor guard
a folded black rolaren katana with a polished eahnor guard
an enruned dark ironwood greatshield inlaid with polished eahnor chevrons
an enruned black rolaren buckler with a polished convex surface
a suit of smoky glaes platemail with polished rolaren poleyns
an opalescent cobalt vaalin band set with a nacreous blue waterweb
a ruic-stemmed dark glaes pipe with a faceted firestone bowl
a glaes-runed verdant faenor claidhmore
a thin-bladed silvery zorchar kris engraved with a line of blackened runes
a tapered ruddy gornar espadon with a deep-carved fuller
a rectangular rolaren-headed maul set with rhimar and drakar runes
a drakar-spiked blackened steel morning star with a scorched white oak handle
a double-edged cobalt rhimar warblade set with a frost agate pommel stone
an iron-reinforced wyrwood heavy crossbow with a brass-plated stock
a suit of triple-linked golvern augmented chainmail with dagged sleeves
a suit of celestial blue rolaren scalemail with ermine trim
a pair of thick golvern arm greaves inset with bars of polished rolaren
a darkened grey illthorn harp strung with silvery rolaren
a slender kelyn-tipped pike with a polished white oak shaft
a fel-hafted golvern waraxe
a thick rolaren-studded tetsubo with a polished ironwood haft
a pair of copper-banded mithglin bracers set with tiny rolaren gears
a copper-coiled fireleaf rune staff capped with a glowing glaesine orb
a pair of lead-toed leather boots
a pair of rolaren-threaded casting gloves with scorched fingertips
an engraved crimson eahnor greathelm with a glaes-paned visor
a rune-carved silvery lor staff
a slender dark illthorn staff
a pair of golvern-studded thick leather gauntlets
an ermine-lined cobalt wool cloak with a clasp of fused gold coins
a heavy golvern slab
a pair of thick leather gauntlets with eonake knuckle studs
a gold-runed crimson eahnor quiver
a glass-topped ironwood humidor inset with curled rolaren scrollwork
a black rapture cloak
an eahnor and silvery leather bracer
a reinforced crimson eahnor cuirass inset with numerous thin golden rods
a checkered azure and silver silk cloak clasped with a burnished golvern chain
a bronze shade-lizard
a rounded black cobblestone painted with a pair of golden feline eyes
a pair of lead-weighted leather gauntlets
a rhimar-cored silvery glaes greataxe with a leather-wrapped white oak handle
a polished cabochon of fulgurite pendant set on a rune-carved rolaren backing
a woven reed and dried wiregrass pouch
a tanned leather wand bandolier with waxed brown canvas loops
an enruned white ora armilly sphere with brass and copper rings
a curved dark ironwood scabbard set with faceted firestone cabochons
a coiled black vaalin wyvern ring set with smoky quartz crystal claws
a coiled green vaalin serpent bracelet set with smoky quartz crystal scales
a faceted sliver of grey shadowglass
a sturdy tanned leather belt set with silver-flecked white crystal beads
a circular faenor ivy vine medallion
an ebonwood gilt-worked staff
an eonake-runed mithril mace
an eonake-runed mithril talon sword
an eonake-runed mithril warlance
an eonake-runed mithril flamberge
a cyan-speckled alabaster mushroom
a roan-speckled alabaster mushroom
a lime-speckled alabaster mushroom
a kohl-speckled alabaster mushroom
a fawn-speckled alabaster mushroom
a weathered leather coin pouch stitched with strands of veniom thread
a deeply hooded black muslin burnoose stitched with argent runes down its sleeves
a blackened leather harness traced with argent scrollwork
a gleaming eonake naginata with a single wing-shaped blade
a distressed leather-wrapped bludgeon weighted with kelyn
a white opal torus
a grooved eahnor dagger with an onyx-inset bone handle
some opalescent vaalin-framed spectacles
a grey moonstone cube
a slender silver and alexandrite anklet
some raven black full leathers with tenebrous straps
a faded silver spidersilk belt clasped with a circular krodera buckle
a faded silver spidersilk belt clasped with a circular eonake buckle
a faded silver spidersilk belt clasped with a circular golvern buckle
a faded silver spidersilk belt clasped with a circular eahnor clasp
a faded silver spidersilk belt clasped with a circular veniom buckle
a reinforced steel coat-of-plates
a tarnished steel javelin with a sharpened razern tip
a shredded section of a gown
some sturdy black leather boots heeled with solid illthorn
some sturdy black leather boots heeled with solid glowbark
some sturdy black leather boots heeled with solid lor
some sturdy black leather boots heeled with solid witchwood
a vitreous alexandrite bracelet
a translucent alexandrite bracelet
a slim alexandrite bracelet
some dark steel full plate lined with plush honey badger fur
a tarnished steel breastplate
some honey badger pelt robes
some sculpted steel armor lined with plush honey badger fur
some honey badger pelt leathers
some supple full leather stitched together from honey badger pelts
a tarnished steel katar with sharpened razern blades
an eonake-caged soulstone amulet
a torn section of a cotehardie
a flat-topped golden rolaren band set with spectral blue crystal runes
a leaf-bladed veil iron partisan
a thin-bladed dark veil iron wakizashi
Prize list for DM December run, from the officials
12-05-2013, 01:34 PM
If the globes of ether are the same as one that appeared in monthly Plat raffle earlier this year, it is unlimited invisibility, no MIU required.
12-05-2013, 01:35 PM
Shredded section of a gown....looks like Jeril already had hands on one of the prizes...
12-05-2013, 01:35 PM
If the globes of ether are the same as one that appeared in monthly Plat raffle earlier this year, it is unlimited invisibility, no MIU required.
Very nice...
{adds that to his wishlist}
12-05-2013, 01:37 PM
The honey badger pelt-themed stuff made me roll my eyes, but still got a small, forced chuckle.
Tsk Tsk
12-05-2013, 02:09 PM
Now to hope my power isn't knocked out by this ice storm before tickets go on sale.
12-05-2013, 02:27 PM
Wyrom with a little elucidation...
>>+1 Fusion slot... would that be to ANY item, or only to existing fusion gear?
The item must be fusion prior to adding the additional slot.
The enchant, weighting, padding, or sighting is added on. There are hard caps. I'm not going to go into them all, but just use this as a guideline. If we wouldn't touch it at RtCF, don't try it at DMC.
>>Any adjustments in the distribution of tickets or way the maze is run to discourage scripting?
Tickets will go on sale tomorrow at 9pm ET, we won't do any micro-batches. They will all go on sale at once, with Premium getting first crack.
Scripting -- there isn't a whole lot we can do. We can't really combat third-party scripting. We're using creatures instead of player blockers to at least stop the scripting/collusion of griefing blockers.
12-05-2013, 02:32 PM
Brinret's got a GSGuide wiki page up with the prizes, filling them out as much as possible.
Tsk Tsk
12-05-2013, 02:33 PM
a vitreous alexandrite bracelet
a translucent alexandrite bracelet
a slim alexandrite bracelet
Wonder what these are...
12-05-2013, 02:36 PM
Wonder what these are...
They generate maps that can be used to track down the vicious soul that destroyed all the gowns in the hopper.
Tsk Tsk
12-05-2013, 02:38 PM
They generate maps that can be used to track down the vicious soul that destroyed all the gowns in the hopper.
R.I.P Hopper gowns.
12-05-2013, 03:04 PM
Brinret's got a GSGuide wiki page up with the prizes, filling them out as much as possible.
They could have just edited mine instead of creating a new one and doing a redirect from the page I started...
12-05-2013, 03:16 PM
a faded silver spidersilk belt clasped with a circular eahnor clasp
Clasped with a clasp, you say...
12-05-2013, 03:29 PM
Anyone know why they would add more items if they already got 110 good items? Seems like it's a way for them to sneak in some uber crap to piss people off.
12-05-2013, 03:35 PM
Anyone know why they would add more items if they already got 110 good items? Seems like it's a way for them to sneak in some uber crap to piss people off.
Seems to me like they'll go the other way, so some people will end up with lesser prizes.
12-05-2013, 03:56 PM
Wonder what these are...
I just hope they aren't crumbly. I hope nothing is crumbly or stupid like some of the past DM prizes. Unlimited crystal amulets? <shakes head>
12-05-2013, 04:21 PM
Schedule posted:
Date Time
Friday 12/20 7:30pm
Friday 12/20 9:30pm
Friday 12/20 11:30pm
Saturday 12/21 11am
Saturday 12/21 1pm
Saturday 12/21 7pm
Saturday 12/21 9pm
Sunday 12/22 11am
Sunday 12/22 7pm
Sunday 12/22 8:30pm
* Sunday 12/22 10pm
*Championship round.
Date Time
Friday 12/20 7pm
Friday 12/20 9:30pm
Friday 12/20 11pm
Saturday 12/21 9am
Saturday 12/21 10:30am
Saturday 12/21 8pm
Saturday 12/21 9:30pm
Sunday 12/22 10am
Sunday 12/22 11:30am
Sunday 12/22 8:30pm
* Sunday 12/22 10pm
*Championship round
Date Time
12/21 10pm
12-05-2013, 04:27 PM
Reply Reply
>>-chuckles- Why add buffer items? If you have 110 that's all you need.
So people on later runs don't feel hopeless should the they not like the remaining items, as per feedback from last year's run when we didn't have any buffer items. It will hopefully allow for things to stay mixed up better.
>>Just don't throw in 10 crystal amulets or some such, please.
We have it so you'll get 23 feras weapons. We've outdone ourselves by adding one more.
Actually, all item quality is being heavily monitored so we're not trying to squeeze in garbage.
Feras Weapons... eesh. Too soon, Wyrom.
12-05-2013, 04:38 PM
I kinda think it's funny, actually. Joking about it implies that there is a recognition of failure to please, and an interest/effort to avoid it going forward.
Don't get me wrong, I got one of those really bad 'filler' items on the first DMC series (stun removal pin), and I wasn't exactly thrilled. My wife though, loved the idea of it, despite it having a limited number of charges, and traded me her unlimited cigar box for it.
12-05-2013, 04:41 PM
I kinda think it's funny, actually. Joking about it implies that there is a recognition of failure to please, and an interest/effort to avoid it going forward.
Don't get me wrong, I got one of those really bad 'filler' items on the first DMC series (stun removal pin), and I wasn't exactly thrilled. My wife though, loved the idea of it, despite it having a limited number of charges, and traded me her unlimited cigar box for it.
Here is the thing though.. if you have 110 good items, why would you need filler? If the 110 items aren't good, why are they there?
If all that's left is a scripted plant, what makes them think people will be happy instead that they got a scripted gown? Adding filler just seems like it's a way to say "Oh, here is 110 awesome items.. but you MAY not even see some of these go out so don't get your hopes up... and we won't tell you in advance what the filler is"
So ya, if you were to win the grand prize, but not want the fusion component, I'd be a buyer. Let me know.
12-05-2013, 04:53 PM
So ya, if you were to win the grand prize, but not want the fusion component, I'd be a buyer. Let me know.
100 million.
100 million.
Thats probably unrealistic considering what price premium a 3 slot fusion commands over a 2 slot, or a 4 over a 3.
12-05-2013, 05:18 PM
Thats probably unrealistic considering what price premium a 3 slot fusion commands over a 2 slot, or a 4 over a 3.
110 Million then.
12-05-2013, 05:40 PM
Add a fusion slot to the dead cat. Win Gemstone.
12-05-2013, 05:43 PM
is the consolation prize pile a random award?
12-05-2013, 05:49 PM
I don't think there is a consolation prize pile. I really want to know what kind of quiver that is though!
12-05-2013, 05:50 PM
Since Brinret's seemed geared for Plat, I reopened my page for all of you Prime people to keep track of things as well -
12-05-2013, 05:52 PM
I don't think there is a consolation prize pile. I really want to know what kind of quiver that is though!
so what are all the other prizes for?
12-05-2013, 05:52 PM
I don't think there is a consolation prize pile. I really want to know what kind of quiver that is though!
probably perm mechanical quiver
12-05-2013, 06:47 PM
so what are all the other prizes for?
I think they have extras in the pool that never go out. You'll have 10 leftover prizes, isn't that the way it was before too? There were some items that never went out so no one knew exactly what they did?
On a side note, the top prize is nice. I'd love an extra +10 padding to my heavy padded leathers. I'll just hope for a ticket at this point.
12-05-2013, 06:48 PM
I think they have extras in the pool that never go out. You'll have 10 leftover prizes, isn't that the way it was before too?
oh, in the guide it said people didn't even do the runs and just stuck around for the prize pile after.
12-05-2013, 06:51 PM
oh, in the guide it said people didn't even do the runs and just stuck around for the prize pile after.
When you do the run, the first person through the door triggers something and everyone is warped into the room, alive and you get all your clothes back. Some people just wait in the starting room and never actually do the maze. After the winner is through the door they warp into the final room and grab their prize and leave.
12-05-2013, 07:16 PM
I'll gladly give the winner 100m for their spot. Or when it comes down to it if any of the finalists want to offer their spot up for auction I will jump in on that as well.
Everyone gets a pull from the prize pool as long as they stick around until the white door is open. The extra 10 prizes are for the people who win a run to randomly get. 10 runs*10 entrants=100 prizes. 1 run for the 10 winners=10 prizes. 100+10=110. Grand prize for the winner. It's really not as complicated as you two seem to want to make it.
12-05-2013, 07:29 PM
That was the first design. When I ran DM, the prize for making it to the final round was an enchant not a second pull.
12-05-2013, 07:31 PM
It's really not as complicated as you two seem to want to make it.
well first off I meant by "extra" prizes that there would be a whole lot left over if everyone didn't pull from the pile.
Does it say how much tickets are going to be anywhere?
12-06-2013, 10:37 AM
Wyrom explained on the officials. They are adding even more prizes to the hopper so that hopefully some of the good ones would be left by the time the last preliminary ones are done. In the past people complained there was nothing good left by the time they got down to the last run.
Also winners do get a second pull this time, which wasn't the way it worked when I did a run. They got all the same prize, not a second pull.
12-06-2013, 10:41 AM
Does it say how much tickets are going to be anywhere?
Not that I can find. How much was it last go-round?
12-06-2013, 12:11 PM
Honey badgers are very territorial so they make great defenders. Their fur is so prized in that it provides masterful padding!
Note: This is not official lore!
Forums Manager
Also, named weapons hit harder.
In case anyone is wondering about the eonake-runed mithril stuff and ebonwood gilt-worked staff...
These are new items recently added to the DMZ prize pool.
They are of fairly high enchantment, have vacuum flares, and are sanctified. They also have my "Smart Weapon" script on them, unlocked and fully customized for the maze.
You will need to become friends with them to see their unlocked benefits!
Have fun pulling ropes!
Icemule Trace Guru
Halfling Guru
12-06-2013, 01:16 PM
Wyrom explained on the officials. They are adding even more prizes to the hopper so that hopefully some of the good ones would be left by the time the last preliminary ones are done. In the past people complained there was nothing good left by the time they got down to the last run.
Also winners do get a second pull this time, which wasn't the way it worked when I did a run. They got all the same prize, not a second pull.
-chuckles- To me this just means that now there is a chance that those items won't get pulled, and I walk away with something else I don't want. Since the odds are so low that a specific person gets a specific prize, it's rather silly to further reduce those odds. I can see why they are doing it... but if person A wants items x, y, and z.. having 15 more items in there really wont help if x,y, and z either don't get pulled at all, or go out in the first run. It's all random luck.
Wyrom explained on the officials. They are adding even more prizes to the hopper so that hopefully some of the good ones would be left by the time the last preliminary ones are done. In the past people complained there was nothing good left by the time they got down to the last run.
Also winners do get a second pull this time, which wasn't the way it worked when I did a run. They got all the same prize, not a second pull.
Yea that sucked last time. Everyone getting that case and statue instead of another pull. Made me sad.
Tsk Tsk
12-06-2013, 07:26 PM
$33 tickets
-chuckles- To me this just means that now there is a chance that those items won't get pulled, and I walk away with something else I don't want. Since the odds are so low that a specific person gets a specific prize, it's rather silly to further reduce those odds. I can see why they are doing it... but if person A wants items x, y, and z.. having 15 more items in there really wont help if x,y, and z either don't get pulled at all, or go out in the first run. It's all random luck.
Yes, I feel as though those who complained of this aren't very good at math.
12-06-2013, 08:25 PM
$33 tickets
They were what, 25 last year? 8 Buck increase. Next year they will be 40, and in 2015, 50.
that captcha threw me for a loop. Didn't realize at first they wanted you to pick two pictures, I kept picking one then going purchase ticket, fail, rinse repeat.
But bravo to simu for adding something.
I still got 78 tickets though.
12-06-2013, 09:09 PM
that captcha threw me for a loop. Didn't realize at first they wanted you to pick two pictures, I kept picking one then going purchase ticket, fail, rinse repeat.
But bravo to simu for adding something.
I still got 78 tickets though.
Yeah, that was unexpected. Nice, but unexpected. Was looking for a purchase ticket link tho myself.
12-06-2013, 09:11 PM
that captcha threw me for a loop. Didn't realize at first they wanted you to pick two pictures, I kept picking one then going purchase ticket, fail, rinse repeat.
But bravo to simu for adding something.
I still got 78 tickets though.
LOL, yeah I was about to go ballistic at a broken security prompt then realized the same thing. Doah! I missed out on my first choice of slot, but got my first alternate at least. :)
I'm betting we see some non premium runs added.
12-06-2013, 09:17 PM
LOL, yeah I was about to go ballistic at a broken security prompt then realized the same thing. Doah! I missed out on my first choice of slot, but got my first alternate at least. :)
I'm betting we see some non premium runs added.
They would have to do a whole other run, not sure they will right now.
I honestly think we may see a FULL DM run this year.
12-06-2013, 09:19 PM
I hope they do add a non-premie one with the same quality of goodies.
12-06-2013, 09:21 PM
I dunno, on the plat boards Wyrom mentioned this year doing something about the power creep of items. I don't think he likes these events much. I get where he's coming from but I also would like more powerful stuffs for myself. :)
Maybe more temporary or account/character bound items is what he meant.
12-06-2013, 09:23 PM
Are there really that many nice items? I don't feel that way.
12-06-2013, 09:24 PM
Are there really that many nice items? I don't feel that way.
They all hide in people's lockers.
12-06-2013, 09:26 PM
Are there really that many nice items? I don't feel that way.
It's like Life.
90% of the power items are owned by 1% of GS players.
I don't think we will see 1000 power items added to the game, but there are lots of nice prizes that aren't power items.
To be honest, I would love a DM where the prize was merchant work. Grand prize 1 hour merchant session, winning a run, 5 min merchant session. Prize pool, individual alter things that are well above the norm. Example.. Custom mini's, logon/offs, verbs, etc etc.
12-06-2013, 09:27 PM
What is the definition of power item? 5x blink claim?
10x masterful and over among other toys!
12-06-2013, 10:31 PM
It's like Life.
90% of the power items are owned by 1% of GS players.
I don't think we will see 1000 power items added to the game, but there are lots of nice prizes that aren't power items.
To be honest, I would love a DM where the prize was merchant work. Grand prize 1 hour merchant session, winning a run, 5 min merchant session. Prize pool, individual alter things that are well above the norm. Example.. Custom mini's, logon/offs, verbs, etc etc.
I'd be happy with custom titles and log on off. Not unbalancing in the least bit too.
12-06-2013, 10:35 PM
I'd be happy with custom titles and log on off. Not unbalancing in the least bit too.
I wouldn't mind them, but I would prefer alters then those myself.
12-06-2013, 10:44 PM
What is the definition of power item?
As Justice Potter Stewart so eloquently stated - "...I know it when I see it..."
edit: side note, guess I'm missing this run...forgot the tickets went on sale tonight, and I just got home from the bar 5 minutes ago.
12-06-2013, 10:49 PM
Is anyone else wanting to quit because they couldn't get a ticket?
12-06-2013, 11:30 PM
LOL, yeah I was about to go ballistic at a broken security prompt then realized the same thing. Doah! I missed out on my first choice of slot, but got my first alternate at least. :)
I'm betting we see some non premium runs added.
Same here, I tried like 3 times with picking 1 image before I realized they wanted 2. I was at work, using my laptop and was about to flip my lid. Luckily I caught my mistake in time and got the 8th ticket to the run I wanted to go on. Phewww.
12-06-2013, 11:48 PM
From Wyrom on the officials:
Hey guys. I updated the prize list and the front page news item. The prize pool is now numbered, so you can see there are 110 items with ease. While we were going to offer some buffer items, it seems the concept isn't taking hold like we hoped. So the prize pool will stay "as is." There will be no updates or additions to it going forward. We removed the golvern slab and shade-lizard as prizes, and replaced them with two mana-flaring runestaves.
Here are some sneak peeks to some of the items:
• The bracelets are all pocketed and enhancive, with the "Steampunk" script on them (they have silvery gears).
• The belts with the rare metal buckles are all pocketed enhancives with a belt script on them.
• The boots with rare wood heels are pocketed and enhancive with a neat tie/untie script on them, complete with scarab shells inside them (Heh, you'll see if you win a pair).
• The grey moonstone cube casts Spirit Guide (130) 5x a day, but takes a whole day to regain a single charge.
• The armillary sphere casts Warding Sphere (310) 3x a day, recharges a single charge in 8 hours.
• The white opal torus cats Spell Shield (219) 2x a day, recharges a single charge in 12 hours.
• The shredded dresses are funny, see Tamuz's teaser post to understand what they can be.
• The witchwood box has a greater black ora jewelry piece inside. It's a mask.
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