View Full Version : Landing Defense Irregulars Recruitment Drive!

11-27-2013, 10:30 PM
We have a fun little series of events coming up the second sunday of December!

Winter isn't coming, its already here! With mystery and danger afoot in Wehnimer's Landing the LDI is looking to bolster its ranks in preparation! Come join us for fun, frivolity and of course a bit of dancing! We'll begin our drive in the early afternoon of Restday, Eorgaen 8th at 4pm (Sunday, December 8th, 4pm EST) with a series of events that will run late into the evening! The festivities will open with an armor raffle, quickly followed by auctioning off dates with some of our most eligible members, then later in the evening we'll have another raffle, this time for a special bag full of spiders. Finally, we will end the evening by co-hosting our first annual Officer's Ball with the Order of the Silver Gryphons.

4:30pm Est - Join us as we raffle off a very special set of armor. This a full suit of brightly polished steel platemail has been enchanted six times and blessed by Voln once. (6x T1 VOLN fullplate).

5pm EST - Date Auction! In between patrols, drills and fighting off the denziens of the Landing wilds, the LDI has been known to enjoy a good party. Come join us as some of the LDI's most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes are auctioned off for a single date to the highest bidder!

9:30 pm EST - Yet another raffle! This time, we will be raffling off a bag full of spiders! Not only will you have your own family of super special spider friends, but they will even pick things up off the ground for you! This bag has nine spiders and is worn on the belt!

10pm EST Officer's Ball - You purchased a date and your own invite to the first annual Officer's Ball sponsered by the Landing Defense Irregulars and the Order of the Silver Gryphons. Join us as as we end the evening with good music, good drink and of course very good company!

We hope to see you there! If you have any questions please feel free to ask one of our members!

12-01-2013, 03:03 PM

Listed below are the ladies and gentlemen who have volunteered to be auctioned off! List is subject to change due to real life conflicts!

Come bid for the chance of escorting or being escorted by one of our fine volunteers to the Officer's Ball next Restday!

and Cruxophim!

12-01-2013, 03:04 PM
Also... we wanted to announce that the Voln plate we are raffling off is going to be a delayed prize item. Enchanting on it is taking an extra week (unfortunately!) but we plan on getting it to the winner as quickly as possible!

And! In good news... the spider bag will now have 10 spiders, not nine!

12-05-2013, 06:28 PM
Only 3 days away!

12-07-2013, 01:19 PM
Both raffles are set up! Armor at the north gate, Bag outside thrak's! Both draw tomorrow! As a reminder, due to increased enchant times, the armor will be a delayed win. =(