View Full Version : Fortune Tellers outfit/tools. EG prize from bag game.

11-22-2013, 08:16 PM
This auction is for a full set of clothing and tools used for fortune telling. All items are highly scripted it seems. I have provided minimal information and scripts, there are many more I am sure.

In the woven sack you see a deck of cards, a crudely sewn grubby muslin sachet, a small ebon ash-filled pouch, an oddly tied mugwort leaf necklace, a withered chicken foot, a moss-covered grey stone totem and a powder white sack.

an oddly tied mugwort leaf necklace

a small ebon ash-filled pouch

a withered chicken foot

a deck of cards backed with wide-mouthed wraiths

a powder white ridgeweaver silk sack

a handful of brownish-green powder
a handful of yellowish-brown powder
a handful of reddish-black powder
a handful of yellowish-red powder
a handful of purplish-red powder

moss-covered grey stone totem

a crudely sewn grubby muslin sachet

Synz nibbles experimentally on the mugwort leaf necklace in her hand.

Synz fusses with her mugwort leaf necklace, rearranging a few bits and pieces.

Synz rubs her mugwort leaf necklace between thumb and forefinger, releasing its unusual fragrance.

Synz holds her mugwort leaf necklace out in front of her face, letting it dangle there limply.

Synz turns her mugwort leaf necklace over and over in her hand, staring at it intently all the while.

Synz rubs furtively at her ash-filled pouch.

Synz kisses her ash-filled pouch with obvious gratitude.

Synz gives her ash-filled pouch a threatening shake.

Synz tugs at the twine knots holding her chicken foot.

Synz fiddles with the chicken foot dangling from her hand, spinning it around on its length of twine.

Synz kisses her chicken foot for good luck.

Synz clenches the chicken foot in her hand a little too tightly, nearly breaking off one of its claws.

Synz expertly shuffles her deck of cards, then cuts it several times. You watch as she takes the top card from the deck, moving it to the bottom. After tapping the cards a single time, she slowly turns over the top card. It is the card with six gems on it. After she is sure you have seen it, she replaces it back into the deck.

Synz reaches into the center of her deck of cards and removes a single card. A moment passes while she studies it. Turning it slowly around, the card is revealed as the card bearing a steed upon it. Quickly, she places the card back into her deck.

Synz reaches into the center of her deck of cards and removes a single card. A moment passes while she studies it. Turning it slowly around, the card is revealed as the card bearing seven wands upon it. Quickly, she places the card back into her deck.

Synz reaches into the center of her deck of cards and removes a single card. A moment passes while she studies it. Turning it slowly around, the card is revealed as the card bearing ten cups upon it. Quickly, she places the card back into her deck.

Synz reaches into the center of her deck of cards and removes a single card. A moment passes while she studies it. Turning it slowly around, the card is revealed as the card bearing a pauper upon it. Quickly, she places the card back into her deck.

You kiss your grey stone totem in gratitude.

You clench your grey stone totem as hard as you can, drawing strength from its enduring, compact form.

You turn your grey stone totem over and over in your hand, gaining reassurance from its weight and solidity.

You toss your grey stone totem up into the air and let it fall back into your hand with a gentle thud.

You shake your grey stone totem around in a circle, consecrating the area and setting up a ward against malign spirits.

You wave your grubby muslin sachet around wildly, scattering bits of graveyard dirt and filling the air with the heavy scent of death.

You analyze your ash-filled pouch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You sense that the pouch can be altered so long as remains some sort of small stuffed leather pouch.

You can try to RUB, KISS, WAVE, SHAKE, PUSH, and CLENCH the pouch.

You get no sense of whether or not the pouch may be further lightened.

You analyze your mugwort leaf necklace and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You sense that the necklace can be altered so long as it retains a similar noun, and it must be made out of herbs.

You can try to PULL, RUB, EAT, PUSH, and TURN the necklace.

You can tell that the necklace is as light as it can get.

You analyze your deck of cards and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
Any talented merchant can work on a deck of cards backed with wide-mouthed wraiths within some specific guidelines that he can go over with you, but most importantly, the cards must remain a deck of cards.

You can TAP, TOUCH, TURN, and TILT the cards.

You get no sense of whether or not the cards may be further lightened.

You analyze your chicken foot and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You sense that, actually, it cannot be altered.

However, you can try to PULL, TURN, KISS, CLENCH, and TOUCH the foot.

You can tell that the foot is as light as it can get.

You analyze your grubby muslin sachet and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You sense that the sachet can be altered so long as it remains a "sachet."

You can try to RUB, SMELL, KISS, WAVE, CLENCH, and PUSH the sachet.

You get no sense of whether or not the sachet may be further lightened.

You analyze your powder white sack and sense that the item is free from merchant alteration restrictions.

You can tell that the sack is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

You carefully inspect your powder white sack.

You estimate that a powder white ridgeweaver silk sack can store a small amount with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the sack, attaching it to your belt. The sack appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.

You analyze your grey stone totem and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You sense that the totem can be altered so long as the noun and type of item remain the same.

You can try to RUB, WAVE, KISS, CLENCH, PUSH, TURN, TOSS, and SHAKE the totem.

You analyze your yellowish-brown powder and sense that it cannot be altered - doing so would remove its protective powers.

You can SMELL and KISS the powder. You can also RUB and TOSS it, though when you get down to a pinch, you will have very little left to use. You can LOOK at your powder to estimate how much you have left.

You get no sense of whether or not the powder may be further lightened.

In the powder white sack:
other (5): handful of purplish-red powder, handful of brownish-green powder, handful of yellowish-red powder, handful of yellowish-brown powder, handful of reddish-black powder.

You sniff at your yellowish-brown powder, inhaling a few of the grains. They tickle the inside of your nose, and you sneeze loudly, just barely managing to avoid scattering the powder everywhere.

It sort of smells like it might protect you against troubled spirits.

You sniff at your brownish-green powder, inhaling a few of the grains. They tickle the inside of your nose, and you sneeze loudly, just barely managing to avoid scattering the powder everywhere.

It sort of smells like it might protect you against recurring phantoms.

And so on and so forth.

I have no idea what exactly the powders do, as I didn't want to use up any charges they have. Each has 9 tosses, it seems.

MB: 2 million silvers

11-27-2013, 04:06 PM
bump, price lowered, limited time before I use it

01-26-2014, 05:18 PM
This is still available should anyone wish to become a fortune teller before I do!