View Full Version : Gift for my wife

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-22-2013, 11:41 AM
My wife has been doing clinicals overnight for the past few months, and I worry about her. So I bought her a Guard Dog Security Electra Concealed Lipstick Stun Gun (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BP3UNJY/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I got it yesterday and it comes fully charged - I turned on the light, and 100 lumens is pretty bright, good enough for walking to the car.

Then I turned the stun gun on, and I have to say, seeing the electric blue arc and actually HEARING it made my hear rate increase. I'll be honest and say I'm kind of afraid of it!

Anyone have much experience getting zapped? It's 3 million volts, and I read that police typically have 2 million. I get that it doesn't incapacitate the person, but I feel like it's better than her having nothing - and like I said, the sound and sight of it alone is probably enough to deter someone.

11-22-2013, 11:48 AM
If collapsing on the ground in excruciating pain, semi-conscious and shitting yourself isn't incapacitating, I don't know what is.

11-22-2013, 11:58 AM
A friend of my man's has one. And a bunch of the guys were hanging out messing with it and someone "accidentally" zapped someone. He went down and was swearing up a storm. He said it hurts like a mother and you can't do anything while those prongs are in.

I've been hit with a stun gun, which is different than a taser. It HURTS. But yes, most people who have used them say the sight and sound alone is enough to scare people off.

11-22-2013, 12:03 PM
I've been hit with a stun gun for about a second, which yeah, not a taser. It felt like an intense burn, and sucked a lot.. Though I didn't fall down or anything, again though it was only for about a second max. Supposedly if you left it on for 5 seconds it causes loss of bowel control. I didn't wish to test that.

3 million volts is pretty damn high though. Police tasers, the thing with the air darts, are usually about 50,000 volts. A cattle prod is about a million.

11-22-2013, 12:14 PM
I've been hit with taser, stun gun, and pepper sprayed. I would say the taser was the worst of all of it. The stun gun we used to get drunk and zap each other and it was never very effective. That one was like 750K. Honestly, if you can't have her carry a gun, I would suggest bear mace. It works 60% of the time, all the time. Shit will put anyone down, its made for bears, duh.

11-22-2013, 12:31 PM
I've been hit with taser, stun gun, and pepper sprayed. I would say the taser was the worst of all of it.

Seriously? Pepper spray is the worst, it sticks with you for hours and can reactivate. I had to pee 2 hours later and when I finished my junk was burning. Getting tased sucks for about 10 seconds then you're more or less ok.

11-22-2013, 12:42 PM
Seriously? Pepper spray is the worst, it sticks with you for hours and can reactivate. I had to pee 2 hours later and when I finished my junk was burning. Getting tased sucks for about 10 seconds then you're more or less ok.

The pepper spray sucked for sure and yeah, it was on my hands when I went to the bathroom later and that sucked, those evil failed to mention that it just lasts forever and everything you touch reacts to it. But when I got tased I fell right on my face and that was the worst part of it. Fuckin Bear Mace, dude. Shit can kill people.

11-22-2013, 12:45 PM
Seriously? Pepper spray is the worst, it sticks with you for hours and can reactivate. I had to pee 2 hours later and when I finished my junk was burning. Getting tased sucks for about 10 seconds then you're more or less ok.

I'd say stun gun and taser are better for getting someone down and then running away. Pepper spray the person can still fight if they don't panic.

11-22-2013, 12:54 PM
My wife has been doing clinicals overnight for the past few months, and I worry about her. So I bought her a Guard Dog Security Electra Concealed Lipstick Stun Gun (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BP3UNJY/ref=oh_details_o06_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). I got it yesterday and it comes fully charged - I turned on the light, and 100 lumens is pretty bright, good enough for walking to the car.

Then I turned the stun gun on, and I have to say, seeing the electric blue arc and actually HEARING it made my hear rate increase. I'll be honest and say I'm kind of afraid of it!

Anyone have much experience getting zapped? It's 3 million volts, and I read that police typically have 2 million. I get that it doesn't incapacitate the person, but I feel like it's better than her having nothing - and like I said, the sound and sight of it alone is probably enough to deter someone.The voltage is irrelevant once you get past the voltage needed to create current past skin/clothing. The relevant parameter is amperage. A car battery is 12 volts, but it hurts a hell of a lot more than a 9 volt battery because its amperage is a thousand times higher. A defibrillator only has 1000 Volts or so, but the amperage again is way higher, which is why it stops your heart.

I suspect they massively overstate the voltage, but if it's anywhere close I think the biggest issue she'll have is keeping it charged.

11-22-2013, 12:56 PM
The voltage is irrelevant once you get past the voltage needed to create current past skin/clothing. The relevant parameter is amperage. A car battery is 12 volts, but it hurts a hell of a lot more than a 9 volt battery because its amperage is a thousand times higher. A defibrillator only has 1000 Volts or so, but the amperage again is way higher, which is why it stops your heart.

I suspect they massively overstate the voltage, but if it's anywhere close I think the biggest issue she'll have is keeping it charged.

They always do that shit too. 1,000,000,000,000 VOLT STUN GUN! But then it's like putting your tongue on a 9 volt. But hey, it sells products.

11-22-2013, 01:09 PM
Last time I was OC Sprayed, level I anyways, we had a Marine Correctional Specialist with us. He said the Taser is worse than spray while it is happening, but he'd take that over the OC because it doesn't last an hour +. I remember the first time I got sprayed, that night in the barracks you'd hear people just start screaming because that crap would reactivate while they were sleeping or they'd go take a shower and it'd run down their face into their junk.

11-22-2013, 01:13 PM
I'd say stun gun and taser are better for getting someone down and then running away. Pepper spray the person can still fight if they don't panic.

Yeah, definitely. I was just talking about how how much the experience sucks for the... spray-ee? For everything else the taser is a lot better. Easier to store, easier to use, and you don't have to worry about the wind shifting and spraying yourself. Plus there's always That Guy who is immune to capsaicin, which is probably a lot more common than you'd think.

11-22-2013, 01:23 PM
Yeah, definitely. I was just talking about how how much the experience sucks for the... spray-ee? For everything else the taser is a lot better. Easier to store, easier to use, and you don't have to worry about the wind shifting and spraying yourself. Plus there's always That Guy who is immune to capsaicin, which is probably a lot more common than you'd think.

We had one in every platoon I was in. One guy got sprayed, put his blouse back on, and smoked a cigarette while we were in the "cool down" circle. (Actually, we were trying to crawl under the Humvee because we did it in a huge open helo landing spot with no shade anywhere.) Other guy in another platoon I was in, he wasn't effected until he put water on his face, so he got through the entire course without any pain.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-22-2013, 01:38 PM
Well I also got her pepper spray, but obviously I'm hoping she never has to use either.

So far as keeping it charged, it comes with a charger, and I also got a car charger for it - she'll keep it on her keychain and use it for light each night. A jogger who bought one uses it every day jogging for light, and recharges it weekly stated it would be fine that way.

There are many what if scenarios where she won't even get it out, but I think at least having it gives her an option. Her car is keyless entry so she wouldn't even have her keys out normally. If she uses the flashlight, it'll be in her hand. Which is why I got it with the light... so it'd be 'at the ready' versus in her bag.

11-22-2013, 01:47 PM
You really want to ruin a mugger's day, tase him AND spray him. Then take his wallet.