View Full Version : [Winterfest 5113] Vote for Frost King and Queen

11-16-2013, 04:25 AM
The nominees are set, the ballots created, and time to vote.

Voting takes place now and ends November 30th.

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-16-2013, 06:58 AM
Character Name: Neovik
Why does the character being nominated want to be Frost King? I like snow.

Sounds like a winner to me. I also enjoyed that Concise's answer was the least concise.

11-17-2013, 01:58 AM
Day 2 of 15

Lots of time to vote still.

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-17-2013, 05:52 AM
I like how the men are all pretty much local to Icemule, and the women are all pretty much not.

11-17-2013, 12:24 PM
I like snow.

11-17-2013, 12:41 PM
I like snow.

And mountains as well, judging by your avatar.

11-17-2013, 12:53 PM
The Mountain was bad ass as a fighter with the heavy armor... But...not my cup of tea for what he did to the Targaryen in the invasion of King's Landing and probably most things he does throughout the books..

11-18-2013, 09:37 AM
Day 3 of 15

Don't miss your chance to vote for the one you want to win.

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-19-2013, 04:14 AM
Day 4 of 15

See a favorite in the list from the nominees? Make sure you vote for them!

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-20-2013, 05:14 PM
Day 5 of 15

We have 7 running for King and 5 running for Queen. Make your choice who you'd like to see represent this year's Winterfest festival.

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-21-2013, 11:20 AM
Who is winning? I only vote for winners! If Neovik can't pull his weight I don't want to vote for him!

11-21-2013, 11:23 AM
Haashek is winning for both king and queen.

11-21-2013, 01:33 PM
Who is winning? I only vote for winners! If Neovik can't pull his weight I don't want to vote for him!

I'm the opposite, I'll go vote the the underdog! So...who is that?

11-21-2013, 01:56 PM
A vote for Banty is a vote for all that is good and sacred in the world.

Tsk Tsk
11-21-2013, 02:23 PM
A vote for Inurtia is a vote for awesome.

11-21-2013, 02:35 PM
Banty is running on a platform of free booze (and/or other drug of choice) for everyone. Also uh free kisses for the ladies.

Come on, you know you want it.

11-21-2013, 03:16 PM
I'm the opposite, I'll go vote the the underdog! So...who is that?

I hear it's Neovik. He doesn't have a chance at all. I've already changed my vote... :)

11-21-2013, 03:33 PM
Contestants can vote? Guess I need to register then.

11-22-2013, 03:36 PM
Day 7 of 15

Curious who's in the lead? Get your friends (in-game) to vote for your favorite and they just might be the one's on top of the others.

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-23-2013, 02:02 AM
Day 8 of 15

One week down, one week to go. We're at the halfway point. Did you vote yet?

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-23-2013, 05:46 PM
Oh, and sorry guys. I cannot tell you who the leader or the underdog is. Would spoil the fun when it comes to the crowning. Those who come to the crowning will find out that night. Everyone else will find out by word of mouth or on the site later that evening. I will say this - there are ties and close to each other votes. Will be fun to see how it turns out in the end and revealing the final votes on the opening of Winterfest. :)

11-24-2013, 01:57 AM
Day 9 of 15

Many of the nominees have been campaigning lately. Did they get your vote?

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-24-2013, 03:12 AM
I heard from quite a few people that they accidentally voted for someone other than their intended choice, which is Banty. Would you please correct that. Thank you.

11-24-2013, 03:34 AM
Ha, ha. :D

11-25-2013, 05:00 PM
Day 10 of 15

It's getting to be a close race. Make sure you vote.

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-26-2013, 01:51 AM
Day 11 of 15

Eldrec and Bellaja will be passing their royalty status onto two new people for Winterfest 5113. Who will they be? Come to the crowning next month to find out. Be sure to vote for your favorite and hopefully watch them get crowned.

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-27-2013, 03:28 AM
Day 12 of 15


Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-28-2013, 04:48 AM
Day 13 of 15

Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble on over to cast your votes!

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-29-2013, 06:57 PM
Day 14 of 15

Tomorrow is the last day to vote!

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-30-2013, 01:18 AM
Day 15 of 15

It's the final countdown.... tonight, the polls end. Join us December 12th at 9pm EST to find out who you voted in as Frost King and Frost Queen!

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

11-30-2013, 10:54 AM
Day 15 of 15

It's the final countdown.... tonight, the polls end. Join us December 12th at 9pm EST to find out who you voted in as Frost King and Frost Queen!

Vote for Frost King: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=20.0
Vote for Frost Queen: http://housewhitehaven.net/winterfest/index.php?topic=21.0

I like how everyone gave all super serious answers, and then...

Character Name: Neovik
Profession: Rogue
Race: Giantman
Town: River's Rest
Why does the character being nominated want to be Frost King?
I like snow.

If I wasn't too lazy to register on that site I'd vote for Neovik just for that.

11-30-2013, 11:01 AM
I like how everyone gave all super serious answers, and then...

Character Name: Neovik
Profession: Rogue
Race: Giantman
Town: River's Rest
Why does the character being nominated want to be Frost King?
I like snow.

If I wasn't too lazy to register on that site I'd vote for Neovik just for that.

Banty's wasn't super serious either!

But yeah, I liked Neovik's answer better.

11-30-2013, 11:04 AM
And since I cannot attend the Dec 12th (Thursday seriously??) event, I regretfully withdraw my character from consideration.