View Full Version : Are you prepared?

09-08-2004, 11:09 AM
Ya know, I'm watching Frances go up the coast and I thought Florida is not the only one who will be affected by this storm with outages and whatnot. I thinking that perhaps a few words on being prepared (since it is most on my mind at this moment with Ivan waiting in the wings) would be appropriate.

Most of us in Florida and on the coasts live with hurricane season in mind, but as my cousin found out in Tenn. when she was without power for a few days last year after the remnants of a storm passed though.. are not. Plus a few of you have moved to Florida in the past year, here are my recommendations of my experiences living in Fl all my life.

Take heed of a storm's path and strenght. If they tell you to get out.. DO. Most people die in storms when they realize that riding out the storm is not good and try to evacuate to late. They die in rising waters and wind in their cars. Some of the worse damage in Charlie was not the coast but inland in the middle of the state. Mobile homes are NOT safe even in Tropical Storm winds.

Even when your in a panic to get that last piece of plywood at Home Depot, remember the guy you elbow in the eye to get it, might be the guy who is helping you out after the storm.

Things to get to stay sane during a blackout.
Batteries for your radio, the worst thing during a storm is NOT knowing whats coming and where the worst is going to hit.
Ice. Buy a huge chest and stock it full, also stock your freezer full. When the power goes clear out the veggie bins and fill them with ice. That beer might seem important but milk and eggs are too.
Make sure you have an extra tank for your gas grill. My kids cooked a frozen pizza on ours and it worked great! Not counting the complete turkey dinner I finished after our power went down. I even boiled water for coffee on ours.
Hurricane Lanterns, extra wicks and oil.
Start early in gathering stuff, waiting to see if its coming your way is too late, by that time the stores are out of batteries and stuff.

GAS UP all your cars early. Fuel is a major issue during storms. Lots of folks were stuck, because they couldn't find gas when they decided to evacute.

Shelters : AIR MATTRESSES, lawn chairs, and cards or board games, are a must.

Just a few things that I know. Anyone else want to add?

09-08-2004, 11:11 AM
Condoms. Never, ever, forget the condoms.

09-08-2004, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Condoms. Never, ever, forget the condoms.

:lol: oh yea those too.. too much free time with no electric. The hospitals have a term for it.. Hurricane (insert name of storm) babies.

09-08-2004, 11:16 AM
I always find it funny that whenenver the weather men say the words "possible flooding" everyone rushes out to the grocery store in huge packs and buy up everything we have. Then it turns out they don't need any of it so they just buy it again the next time. We never prepare for these things and nothing ever happens, not to say it won't one day but... the worst part of it is that I am forever away from my classroom and gonna have to hike up this huge hill and across the parking lot in the rain.

09-08-2004, 11:19 AM
Communist literature and lots of it.

- Arkans


09-08-2004, 05:57 PM
In South/Central VA, we had a tornado watch for 15 minutes at school. Waste of time.