View Full Version : Spinning, Sancted, 4-10x Morning Star

11-12-2013, 11:31 AM
I can deliver anywhere to include Teras and FWI.

I will accept cash offers at $10 per

Additional information: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthrea...light=spinning

A steel-linked eonake morning star with polished golvern spikes. MB 8m CB

Base 4x, sancted. You can "spin" the star up to 10x with a moderate RT with each successive 'spin'.

You spin your star causing the ball to rotate quickly, pulling the chain taught.
Roundtime: 1 second. (first spin +2)

You spin your star vigorously, adding to the speed of the rotating ball!
Roundtime: 2 seconds. second +6

You spin your star vigorously, adding to the speed of the rotating ball!
Roundtime: 2 seconds. third spin +12

You spin your star vigorously, adding to the speed of the rotating ball!
Roundtime: 3 seconds. ((last spin) fourth +27 )

You put all your energy into spinning your star, but it doesn't seem to spin any faster. (if you try and spin it a third time)

You stop your star from spinning.
You put a steel-linked eonake morning star with polished golvern spikes in your crimson leather cloak. (stops the ball from spinning and reduces the bonus when sheathed or stowed)

Note: Once in your container, you can spin it to max and leave it there, ready for use.

It works well "spinning it up" during stance dances and after fights to get an extra umph!

11-12-2013, 12:57 PM
Has anyone ever found out if this thing can have weighting/flares added?

11-12-2013, 12:58 PM
Not I

11-13-2013, 12:09 PM
How long do the spins last before it goes back down to 4x

11-13-2013, 01:06 PM
The first swing.

11-13-2013, 01:10 PM
One easy way of testing this might be having a paladin see if s/he can give it guiding light flares?