View Full Version : Obsidian Tower T5 Ensorcell Raffle

11-10-2013, 08:10 PM
The Obsidian Tower will be hosting a raffle for a Tier 4 to Tier 5 Ensorcell.

What: T5 Ensorcell Raffle
When: Friday the 15th of November
Where: Wehnimer's Landing [Town Square, Small Park]
Time: 9PM EST
How Much: 100k
Who: The Obsidian Tower
Why: Because Monkeys.

The tickets will be 100k. It will be your typical ticket in a barrel raffle. Limit 1 per account. The tickets should be available a couple hours before the drawing.

You do not need to be present for the drawing. You will be hunted down and drawn and quarte.... errr.. Given your prize.

I'll be the one providing the ensorcell service. For Tier 5, I should be able to handle most moderate items, but things get quite difficult when you start reaching for those higher tier ensorcells. We will reserve the right to decline items that that are too difficult but we're definitely willing to work with the winner in any way possible.

The winner may break down the T5 to lower tiered ensorcells if need be as long as long as we can work out something fair.

After the raffle, we will also be hosting a telling back at the Obsidian Tower for those who wish to attend.

11-12-2013, 12:45 AM
Bumpage. Need a T5? Don't want to spend a bunch of silver for it? Try your luck this friday at 9 PM EST for a mere 100,000 silvers. All proceeds will go to the Tower in support of more fun events and games in the future (ones that more than likely PAY)

11-14-2013, 04:38 PM
The raffle is currently live in the small park and will draw at 9pm EST tomorrow the 15th.