View Full Version : Tom Cruise: My job as an actor is as hard as fighting in Afghanistan

11-09-2013, 02:43 PM
This could probably go in the dumb things liberals say thread, but it's such a colossal dumb fuck thing to say that it gets its own thread.

Too annoying to copy and paste the contents from my phone, so you'll have to suck it up and click the link.


11-09-2013, 02:45 PM
Its hard work lugging that ego around everywhere he goes.

11-09-2013, 02:49 PM
No party has a monopoly on idiocy.

11-09-2013, 02:50 PM
Tom Cruise is a religious extremist who does not believe in the use of modern medicine. That's conservative....not liberal.

So you're saying that Tom Cruise is a conservative?

You like guns. Therefore you're a conservative and not a liberal.

See what I did there?

11-09-2013, 02:51 PM
Tom Cruise is an idiot.

In other news, Charlie Sheen keeps rockin' it:

"Charlie Sheen just violated the gag order in his custody case in a spectacular way, calling the judge Mr. "I'm Italian judge anus-brain," and threatening him if his kids are hurt in the newest custody configuration.It's something of an understatement to say Charlie is not pleased that the judge just made Brooke Mueller's brother Scott the temporary guardian of twins Bob and Max. The judge also allowed Scott and the kids to live with Brooke so they could be close to school. That effectively puts Brooke back in the position of having full custody while she tries to beat her latest drug abuse problem.Charlie just tweeted, "So lemme see if I got this straight ... my twin boys are now in harm's way and in grave danger, being 'raised' by a gaggle of incompetent and lascivious marionettes all ruled and fooled by an Adderall snorting husk called Brooke."Now it gets good ... "And guess what CPS and 'I'm Italian' judge anus-brain, you may have gagged me temporarily, but mark my unspoken words, anything happens to my boys, and you will get to know me, know who I truly am, a loving father."He ends, "Tag -- I'm it."The judge just hauled Charlie into court a few days ago, telling him he's going to jail if he violates the gag order again.Charlie doesn't seem to care, saying, "*If this means being jailed for loving and trying to protect my children, then go for it."


11-09-2013, 02:51 PM
Cruise rarely ever expresses his political views, as opposed to his religious views which he tosses around all over. He did congratulate Obama, but not much more than that.

11-09-2013, 02:55 PM
The actual quote:

Lawyer: Now, your counsel has publicly equated your absence from Suri for these extended periods of time as being analogous to someone fighting in Afghanistan. Are you aware of that?

Mr. Fields (Tom Cruise’s lawyer): Object to the form of the question, you may answer.

Tom Cruise: I didn’t hear the Afghanistan, but that’s what it feels like, and certainly on this last movie, it was brutal.

He's talking about being away from his kids, not how hard his job is. The only ones running with that headline are TMZ and Fox News.

11-09-2013, 02:57 PM
Well...fuck him either way.

11-09-2013, 02:58 PM
The actual quote:

He's talking about being away from his kids, not how hard his job is. The only ones running with that headline are TMZ and Fox News.

First, the Middle East -- Tom says his location shoots are just like serving a tour in Afghanistan, "That's what it feels like. And certainly on this last movie, it was brutal. It was brutal."

11-09-2013, 03:00 PM
This. He is the unofficial spokesperson for a fairly backwards religious organization, the very definition of a social conservative.

Yet democrats embrace Islam, the most ass backwards religion to ever exist, even more so than Scientology.

11-09-2013, 03:02 PM
Yet democrats embrace Islam, the most ass backwards religion to ever exist, even more so than Scientology.

That construction primarily exists in the heads of conservatives.

11-09-2013, 03:04 PM
From what I read/saw, he was comparing his time away from his daughter while shooting movies was like a soldier being away from their family. Of course, it is his choice to pursue this profession. A soldier goes where he is told but, they also make the decision to be a soldier knowing the possibilities.

11-09-2013, 03:04 PM
Why do we have to assign Thomas a value on the lib/con scale? Why can't, like, we all, like, get along?

Did you know his birth name was Thomas Cruise Mapother IV!!??? It's a miracle he didn't end up a serial killer.

11-09-2013, 03:06 PM
Why do we have to assign Thomas a value on the lib/con scale? Why can't, like, we all, like, get along?

Did you know his birth name was Thomas Cruise Mapother IV!!??? It's a miracle he didn't end up a serial killer.

He kills thetans all the time.

11-09-2013, 03:09 PM
Well...fuck him either way.If I may offer a more succinct phrasing, which is obviously my raison d'être:

Irregardless. B|
Yet democrats embrace Islam, the most ass backwards religion to ever exist, even more so than Scientology.You might be surprised. Strictly speaking you wouldn't be, because you have decided to be incapable of seeing information that dissents with your whorled world-view, but it's the principle of the thing: the unstilled world still whirls.

11-09-2013, 03:15 PM
I think that's just an abnormality (accident? childhood abuse? hockey/football?) in the bottom of his nose, the bridge and above seem to line up quite well, perhaps only 1 millimeter off.

11-09-2013, 03:16 PM
What democrats "embrace" Islam? Perhaps you are thinking here of the assertion from far right pundits that Obama is a secret muslim? Hopefully you don't fall for that hype.

You are aware I hope, that Obama has not once during his entire tenure of office traveled in the same vehicle as the family dog. Yet he has no problem flying him in on the Presidential helicopter and costing taxpayers thousands of dollars in fuel, pilot and maintenance costs.

There's a reason for that. Many Muslims refuse to travel with an animal that's considered unclean.

Look it up yourself instead of having your opinion handed to you by Bill Maher and CNN.

Also when was the last (or the first time) you've ever seen Obama wearing bright colors? That's also prohibited in the Muslim culture and highly unusual for someone who has lived a major portion of their lives in Africa and Hawaii.

How do you know he isnt? The Muslim religion allows someone to hide their religion if they are doing works they consider to be good. He might be a total incompetent but even he isn't stupid enough to admit it because Americans would have his head.

When faced with a pathological liar like Obama, the quickest route to the truth is to ignore the words falling out of their mouth and pay attention to their actions instead. For someone who supposedly isnt a Muslim he sure has a keen interest in their well being....almost an obsession considering his ADHD when it comes to focusing like a laser on the economy.

11-09-2013, 03:20 PM
You are aware I hope, that Obama has not once during his entire tenure of office traveled in the same vehicle as the family dog. Yet he has no problem flying him in on the Presidential helicopter and costing taxpayers thousands of dollars in fuel, pilot and maintenance costs.

There's a reason for that. Many Muslims refuse to travel with an animal that's considered unclean....wat...
Also when was the last (or the first time) you've ever seen Obama wearing bright colors? That's also prohibited in the Muslim culture and highly unusual for someone who has lived a major portion of their lives in Africa and Hawaii.Brother, I haven't worn bright colors in 15 years, and (as you might expect by my Repulican party membership) I am a life long Christian. Sounds like you are just jealous of style.

I am worried that I will have to take back my previous rep to you... perhaps Ravenwood is a Nazi after all? Rubbish! Rubbish!

11-09-2013, 03:36 PM
Wait... Ravenstorm is ClydeR? is Ravenwood? Stormwood? Rojo's wood?
When he smiles wide the off center placement of the southern sphere of the face is even more prominent.You say this as if there were any other form of Tom Cruise smile.

11-09-2013, 03:48 PM
Ravenstorm..that's a name I haven't heard of for quite awhile. The character was well-played.

11-09-2013, 03:57 PM
You are aware I hope, that Obama has not once during his entire tenure of office traveled in the same vehicle as the family dog. Yet he has no problem flying him in on the Presidential helicopter and costing taxpayers thousands of dollars in fuel, pilot and maintenance costs.

There's a reason for that. Many Muslims refuse to travel with an animal that's considered unclean.

Look it up yourself instead of having your opinion handed to you by Bill Maher and CNN.

Also when was the last (or the first time) you've ever seen Obama wearing bright colors? That's also prohibited in the Muslim culture and highly unusual for someone who has lived a major portion of their lives in Africa and Hawaii.

How do you know he isnt? The Muslim religion allows someone to hide their religion if they are doing works they consider to be good. He might be a total incompetent but even he isn't stupid enough to admit it because Americans would have his head.

When faced with a pathological liar like Obama, the quickest route to the truth is to ignore the words falling out of their mouth and pay attention to their actions instead. For someone who supposedly isnt a Muslim he sure has a keen interest in their well being....almost an obsession considering his ADHD when it comes to focusing like a laser on the economy.

I have my own suspicions about who you represent.

With that said, it's kind of funny when one of the tabloids that publicized that meme also disproved it in adorable fashion.



11-09-2013, 03:59 PM
Almost all my clothes are grey and I rarely eat pork. I also curse five times a day, which could be interpreted as praying, if heard by the right djinns. I R MUHAMMEDAN?!

Is this the other Ravens ClydeR account? lol Please let this be satire.

Has anyone ever seen Obama eat pork?

What's NASA's purpose now anyway? Muslim appreciation something or other now.

And plenty more things.

11-09-2013, 04:01 PM
Has anyone ever seen Obama eat pork?

What's NASA's purpose now anyway? Muslim appreciation something or other now.

And plenty more things.

He even stops at liberal hotdog stands.

11-09-2013, 04:05 PM
What's NASA's purpose now anyway? Muslim appreciation something or other now.

And plenty more things.

Get a clue. Maybe you could talk to someone who actually works for NASA before making such stupid statements.

11-09-2013, 04:18 PM
Get a clue. Maybe you could talk to someone who actually works for NASA before making such stupid statements.

Oh I'm sorry. I forgot it was Obama that said NASA's new purpose would be for Muslim outreach in what, 2009?



11-09-2013, 04:21 PM
Tom Cruise is a religious extremist who does not believe in the use of modern medicine. That's conservative....not liberal.


11-09-2013, 04:22 PM


EDIT: Rojo Jojo!!!!!11


11-09-2013, 04:27 PM
I heard that trusting interviews from Muslim networks made you a Muslim.

So just to be clear...you're saying that the whole NASA Muslim outreach is completely made up, right?

You can just say yes or no, even though I know how difficult giving straight answers is for you.

11-09-2013, 04:31 PM


11-09-2013, 04:32 PM
So just to be clear...you're saying that the whole NASA Muslim outreach is completely made up, right?

You can just say yes or no, even though I know how difficult giving straight answers is for you.

I'm being amused that you'd trust an Al Jazeera interview of a retired person hawking a memoir as a source. But then again they are the Muslim Fox News.

11-09-2013, 04:37 PM
Oh my goodness. Did we break Methais? :(

We're all broke because government.

What is a space program without shuttles anyway, besides not a space program?

11-09-2013, 04:47 PM
Speak for yourself. I rob powerpuff girls for a living and those bitches got money.

But do you have a super power that enables you to speak Spanish?

11-09-2013, 04:49 PM
I have my own suspicions about who you represent.

With that said, it's kind of funny when one of the tabloids that publicized that meme also disproved it in adorable fashion.



Neither of those colors are bright. I will admit thats the first time Ive seen a picture with him and the dog in the same vehicle and I follow more than a little bit of politics.I stand corrected on that count....provided the car is actually moving.

As far as youre suspicions about who I represent, I could care less about those.I wont lose any sleep over it I assure you.

Holder and the DOJ are the closest thing weve ever seen to the Gestapo in this county, it seems you have things all twisted around but thats par for the course in regards to libs anyway. Hitler was a socialist too.

11-09-2013, 04:49 PM
WHATS DIFFERENT ABOUT ROJO DISCO DRUMMER AND MOJO JOJO DRUMMER OTHER THAN BLATANT RACISM?!?!?!QUIT COPYING ME (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?50559-Thread-for-Things-That-Made-You-Frown-Today&p=1445346#post1445346)

I would be scared to enroll in the Rojo Dojo but only because I couldn't refrain from making Mojo Jojo references and I think she'd Nono my Ojos for that.


11-09-2013, 05:26 PM
Holder and the DOJ are the closest thing weve ever seen to the Gestapo in this county, it seems you have things all twisted around but thats par for the course in regards to libs anyway. Hitler was a socialist too.I think you vastly underestimate Roosevelt and Lincoln, sir or madam. Washington was genocidal in his own right, but I will admit that he was not much for police. Rather the army! Why do you think he was so earnest in his warnings against a standing army, if not his personal experiences in using them to commit atrocities?
Snort laughed chunky peanut butter into mysterious nose mouth places. Latrin your rhymes are freaking criminal.

I had to google this villain a little. I like to know what kind of people I align myself with. But I'm okay with this. Carry on.I am equally pleased by your praise and scandalized by your ignorance of the mother of the Power Puffs. Some feminist!!!...?

11-09-2013, 09:17 PM
Adherence to tradition and orthodoxy is part of the definition of social conservative politics. I'm not sure what you're confused about.

I'm confused by how someone can be consistently as dumb as you are.

I'm conservative.. yet I am also an atheist and embrace modern medicine.

11-09-2013, 10:30 PM
You'll be okay. Here's the conversation on this topic thus far:

If you would like for me to further explain the well-established definition of a social conservative I can. Do you understand the meaning of anecdotal? I'm sure you do. In this instance the details of your personal life, though interesting, are completely irrelevant as they do not change the definition of social conservative. Tom Cruise is a public social conservative. His strict adherence to religious orthodoxy completely rules his life. I'm not sure I can put it more plainly.

You can attempt to put as plainly as you want.. doesn't mean you are correct.

There are plenty of Conservatives that aren't religious.. there are plenty of Liberals that are religious.

Sorry to burst your imaginary bubble, but Tom Cruise is a registered Democrat who has contributed all of his political contributions to Democrats.

Like Methais said, this should have gone under "Dumb things liberals say".. but thank you for your own "special" contributions to that thread.

11-09-2013, 11:18 PM
You can attempt to put as plainly as you want.. doesn't mean you are correct.

There are plenty of Conservatives that aren't religious.. there are plenty of Liberals that are religious.

Sorry to burst your imaginary bubble, but Tom Cruise is a registered Democrat who has contributed all of his political contributions to Democrats.

Like Methais said, this should have gone under "Dumb things liberals say".. but thank you for your own "special" contributions to that thread.You are insistent that religious is not the definition of conservative, then you blithely equate Democrat with liberal. I don't even know what to say.

11-10-2013, 07:34 AM
This. He is the unofficial spokesperson for a fairly backwards religious organization, the very definition of a social conservative.

I just have to say. This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

You DO realize there are LOTS of Religious liberals right? If Religious = Conservative, then half the Democratic party really should be Republican.

There are Dems against Abortion. That doesn't make them Conservative. There are Fiscally conservative Dems, once again, Not conservative. There are Dems against any number of "liberal" Ideas, that doesn't make them conservative.

Just because Tom cruise is a fucktard that thinks Aliens are going to enslave Earth does not make him a conservative.

11-10-2013, 08:02 AM
In almost any other case you and Methais would be correct but Tom Cruise is a public spokesperson for his religion. Consider how you would define Pat Robertson if he happened to be a democrat as well. Pat Robertson will always be a social conservative politically and so will Tom Cruise, who has contributed politically to both parties.

Unfortunately for your theory, an individual gets to decide which political party he is a part of.. regardless of what he does religiously.

Tom Cruise did this and choose DEMOCRAT.

11-10-2013, 08:47 AM
Just because Tom cruise is a fucktard that thinks Aliens are going to enslave Earth does not make him a conservative.

I think we're all just waiting for Battlefield Earth to become a reality and for Tom Cruise and Barry Pepper to rescue us all...

11-10-2013, 08:57 AM
I think Cruise's main allegiance is to Scientology. He's supported Democrats more though.

11-10-2013, 09:10 AM
This is too funny. Jarvan and PB read the words social conservative and fire back with "You're so stupid! He's a democrat!"

11-10-2013, 10:02 AM
This is too funny. Jarvan and PB read the words social conservative and fire back with "You're so stupid! He's a democrat!"

Where do you see "social" conservative in this post:

Tom Cruise is a religious extremist who does not believe in the use of modern medicine. That's conservative....not liberal.

Just because Rojo was forced to change her words, doesn't make the initial post any less stupid.

11-10-2013, 10:05 AM
It seems that people do not understand that conservative and liberal are not synonymous with Democrat and Republican. You guys are real fucking dumb.

11-10-2013, 10:12 AM
Just because Rojo was forced to change her words, doesn't make the initial post any less stupid.

Your inability to read her response is the only thing that's stupid here. For example:

Unfortunately for your theory, an individual gets to decide which political party he is a part of.. regardless of what he does religiously.

Tom Cruise did this and choose DEMOCRAT.

Even after Rojo clarified her definition of social conservative you continue to insist that this is a Democrat vs. Republican issue. It goes to show that either you don't understand what she means (which isn't that hard to understand) or that you only see the World in this Me vs. Them kind of light.

Essentially, all you want to to do is fight. You pick out people that you think are politically different than you and you attack their words no matter what they say. It's pathetic dude. Why are you so angry? It's clouded any ability you have for reason.

11-10-2013, 10:45 AM
Your inability to read her response is the only thing that's stupid here. For example:

Even after Rojo clarified her definition of social conservative you continue to insist that this is a Democrat vs. Republican issue. It goes to show that either you don't understand what she means (which isn't that hard to understand) or that you only see the World in this Me vs. Them kind of light.

Essentially, all you want to to do is fight. You pick out people that you think are politically different than you and you attack their words no matter what they say. It's pathetic dude. Why are you so angry? It's clouded any ability you have for reason.

I don't pick out people who are politically different.. I pick on really stupid people. Typically, they tend to be liberals... for obvious reasons.

You and Rojo are perfect examples of this.

I've stated repeatedly.. one of my character flaws is an impatience for really stupid people.


11-10-2013, 10:56 AM
I don't pick out people who are politically different.. I pick on really stupid people. Typically, they tend to be liberals... for obvious reasons.

You and Rojo are perfect examples of this.

I've stated repeatedly.. one of my character flaws is an impatience for really stupid people.

Sorry.Don't you mean Democrats?

11-10-2013, 11:16 AM
Don't you mean Democrats?

Same thing.

11-10-2013, 11:18 AM
Don't you mean Democrats?

He doesn't know what he means. If he did he'd articulate a position that makes sense and his responses wouldn't be so tangential.

11-10-2013, 11:22 AM
I've stated repeatedly.. one of my character flaws is an impatience for really stupid people.


This answers the question "Why is PB so angry?" Self-loathing is a terrible thing.

11-10-2013, 11:28 AM
This answers the question "Why is PB so angry?" Self-loathing is a terrible thing.

That was even worse than an Atlanteax insult. Just saying.

11-10-2013, 11:29 AM
That was even worse than an Atlanteax insult. Just saying.

yeah, even I didn't touch that. And I'll touch anything.

11-10-2013, 11:31 AM
yeah, even I didn't touch that. And I'll touch anything.

Even penis?

11-10-2013, 11:31 AM
yeah, even I didn't touch that. And I'll touch anything.


11-10-2013, 11:33 AM
Even penis?

I'm not above touching a little penis every now and then. A little meaning a small amount, not a small penis.

11-10-2013, 11:43 AM
I don't pick out people who are politically different.. I pick on really stupid people. Typically, they tend to be liberals... for obvious reasons.

You and Rojo are perfect examples of this.

I've stated repeatedly.. one of my character flaws is an impatience for really stupid people.


If you don't believe me will you believe Bob? Even he pointed out that this was not a Dem V Rep thing.

It seems that people do not understand that conservative and liberal are not synonymous with Democrat and Republican. You guys are real fucking dumb.

11-10-2013, 03:12 PM

11-10-2013, 03:27 PM
This answers the question "Why is PB so angry?" Self-loathing is a terrible thing.


At this point in the thread, I just feel pity for you.

11-10-2013, 03:34 PM
So you do not know the difference between political party and political leaning. Good to know.

Nice try Rojo.

You got called out on your idiotic posts and decided to change "conservative" to "social conservative".

You were wrong and continue to be wrong. There's nothing socially conservative Scientology.

11-10-2013, 03:52 PM
If I could wave a magic wand and put everyone on PC in an Octagon to fight it out in person while I drink beer and eat popcorn, it would be fucking amazing.

11-10-2013, 04:12 PM
It was clear to everyone what I meant from my first post.

It wasn't clear at all.

I chose to change it because you called me out and I realized it was dumb

I've corrected this for you, for the sake of reality of the situation.

Back to religion, and assuming you understand conservative and liberal for a moment, Scientology which decries modern medicine, social traditions, holidays, forms of communication, internationally recognized borders and modern forms of government for a completely raw existence reminiscent of "ancient times". They have been compared to the Amish for there isolationist tendencies and the Aryan Brotherhood for their anarchist ones. And you would like to imply they are leftist? Really? I'm sure you have some sort of anecdote at this point about "Hollywood liberals" to confirm your theory here.

Using a religion based on a book from the 1960's about alien life certainly doesn't sound much like something a socially conservative individual would do.

Let's pretend for a second that Scientology was this bastion for social conservativism (which I think we both know it's not..) what other values does Tom Cruise hold that would make him a real social conservative? Belief in a religion isn't the litmus test for someone being a social conservative, is it? I mean, if that's the case.. Reverend Jesse Jackson, Reverend Al Sharpton and Pastor Jeremiah Wright would be social conservatves.

11-10-2013, 04:55 PM
Scientology is not a religion. Most religions of the world would be insulted if you called Scientology a religion.

Personally I consider it a rather successful scam targeted against some really really gullible people.

11-10-2013, 05:08 PM
Why are politics even being discussed here? The only topic at hand I thought was that Tom Cruise needs a loony bin, stat.

Politics seriously have NOTHING to do with any of that. Did I miss something? This is so confusing.

11-10-2013, 05:15 PM
Why are politics even being discussed here? The only topic at hand I thought was that Tom Cruise needs a loony bin, stat.

Politics seriously have NOTHING to do with any of that. Did I miss something? This is so confusing.

All part of my plan to turn the PC into the next Free Republic.

11-10-2013, 05:17 PM
All part of my plan to turn the PC into the next Free Republic.


11-10-2013, 05:19 PM
Why are politics even being discussed here? The only topic at hand I thought was that Tom Cruise needs a loony bin, stat.

Politics seriously have NOTHING to do with any of that. Did I miss something? This is so confusing.

Because I said it could have gone in the dumb things liberals thread but it was so stupid it deserved its own thread, and then Rojo said Tom Cruise is conservative because scientology and it's been a clusterfuckfest since.

11-10-2013, 05:23 PM
Because I said it could have gone in the dumb things liberals thread but it was so stupid it deserved its own thread, and then Rojo said Tom Cruise is conservative because scientology and it's been a clusterfuckfest since.

Ahhhh, so it's YOUR FAULT! Bad Methais. Bad.

11-10-2013, 05:40 PM
If I could wave a magic wand and put everyone on PC in an Octagon to fight it out in person while I drink beer and eat popcorn, it would be fucking amazing.If you think I can't install universal surveillance cameras on cyclone fencing you are sadly, sadly mistaken.


Is Scientology socially conservative? Here is what Hubbard says about homosexuality:

"The sexual pervert (such as homosexuality, lesbianism, sexual sadism, etc., and all down the catalog of Ellis and Krafft-Ebing) is actually quite ill physically... he is very far from culpable for his condition, but he is also far from normal and extremely dangerous to society..."

Hubbard on abortion:

"The child on whom the abortion is attempted is condemned to live with murderers whom he reactively knows to be murderers through all this weak and helpless youth! ... However many billions America spends yearly on institutions for the insane and jails for the criminals are spent primarily because of attempted abortions done by some sex-blocked mother to whom children are a curse, not a blessing of God."

Anti-gay, pro-life, what more do you want to classify someone as socially conservative? Certainly it's possible for an adherent of a particular group to not represent the group's philosophies (c.f. Latrinsorm the Republican), but I think the burden of proof would rest on demonstrating the exception.


Still, if certain people can't distinguish between Democrat and liberal, I doubt this will make a difference.

11-10-2013, 08:22 PM
Ahhhh, so it's YOUR FAULT! Bad Methais. Bad.


11-10-2013, 08:25 PM
All part of my plan to turn the PC into the next Free Republic.

Because they really represent you.

11-10-2013, 08:26 PM
The beginnings of the religion are irrelevant in this case as the practicum of scientologist functionality calls for obedience to their militarized command structure. They have come a long way.

Considering we began this exchange with my explaining to you the meaning of social conservatism, I would like to hear where you think the bastion is located. As your list of famous political names indicates you actually understand that political leaning is a greyscale from left to right. The scale is never black and white for conservative or liberal. Political leanings aren’t hard determinations and I’ll cede that Jesse Jackson is an excellent example of someone we could fight over for hours and hours. However, for reasons I’ve already pointed out, Scientology is far right on that sliding scale. And Tom Cruises religions adherence to orthodoxy and tradition put him in the same boat as some one like Pat Robertson. But unlike Pat Robertsons organization, the militarist command structure of scientology puts them one terroristic incident away from being extremely more dangerous than any of the other rightist organizations. In my opinion this puts them to the right of Westboro Baptist Church and affiliated conservative groups. If we're looking at operational reasoning, scientology could never be labeled a liberal organization. They are a supremely capitalist religion. Their corporate structure is modeled on that of the Vatican, the oldest corporation in the world. They do not redistribute anything, as would something on the opposite side of that greyscale, such as communist or liberal organization.

To seal this point I would like to add that the Scientology belief structure could even be called Randian, determinist, "survival of the fittest" (or Darwinist if we are using the term incorrectly). They are betting on the long game of their survivalist mentality. They are waiting for the rest of the world to die off from weakness and vulnerability. And now you know the law enforcement reasoning for why they are not yet a violent terrorist organization.


11-13-2013, 09:55 AM
Don't think Marky Mark's a big TC fan.

After Luttrell explained how he and Berg teamed up for the film, the moderator turned to Wahlberg to ask about his rigorous training and the rough shoot. Wahlberg looked visibly pained by the question and started on what would become an almost five-minute monologue. “For actors to sit there and talk about ‘oh I went to SEAL training’? I don’t give a f-ck what you did. You don’t do what these guys did. For somebody to sit there and say my job was as difficult as being in the military? How f-cking dare you, while you sit in a makeup chair for two hours,” Wahlberg said.

He continued: “I don’t give a sh-t if you get your ass busted. You get to go home at the end of the day. You get to go to your hotel room. You get to order your f-cking chicken. Whatever the f-ck it is. People talk about what do we do to bond the way that those guys bonded. We just knew what they did. It didn’t matter. I didn’t have to say a word to Emile [Hirsch] or a word to Taylor Kitsch, Ben Foster…who’s my brother even though he’s the kind of actor who wants to continuously debate the debate and everything else…and I love him for it. I gave him half my salary…whatever I gave him…to do it because I knew how great he was and for us to be on that mountain together and in the end I could just look at him and it would break my heart knowing that that’s my brother and I may never see him again. But it just seems like so much more than that.”

11-13-2013, 11:03 AM
Because they really represent you.

I made an account there once just to see if it was really as bad as everyone made it out to be. I was banned after 3 posts and 10 minutes, apparently I wasn't conservative enough for them :(

11-13-2013, 11:16 AM
Is that why you have so many accounts here?

11-13-2013, 11:22 AM
Is that why you have so many accounts here?

Yes :(

11-13-2013, 12:27 PM
I made an account there once just to see if it was really as bad as everyone made it out to be. I was banned after 3 posts and 10 minutes, apparently I wasn't conservative enough for them :(

I bet it was epic.

11-14-2013, 01:22 AM
Get a clue. Maybe you could talk to someone who actually works for NASA before making such stupid statements.

Rep Comment: Get educated: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2010/07/07/nasas_muslim_outreach_106214.html

And from the link, here's most of the first paragraph:

It's not really surprising that President Obama told NASA administrator Charles Bolden that his highest priority should be "to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering."


...but my comment still holds. Ask a NASA employee whether they are involved in some Muslin outreach program. Ask them if they know *any* NASA employee who is involved in a Muslin outreach program.

And once you get those answers, you can then start asking yourself...what did Obama really say to the NASA Administrator? What was the actual message/tone of the conversation? Is your only source a few liberal media sources? Is is possible...gasp...that they are misrepresenting what was said?

The faith of many liberals in their liberal media sources is quite impressive.

11-18-2013, 04:40 PM
So, this was all apparently a big distortion of the record, I wasn't sure if this had been posted in this thread yet or not... As the article is from the 9th.

"Now your counsel has publicly equated your absence from Suri for these extended periods of time as being analogous to someone fighting in Afghanistan," opposing counsel asks him. "Are you aware of that?"

"I didn't hear the Afghanistan," Cruise replies. "That's what it feels like and certainly on this last movie it was brutal. it was brutal."

"Do you believe that the situations are the same?" Cruise is asked.

"Oh come on," Cruise says, "you know, we're making a movie."

Cruise's attorney, Bert Fields, tells CNN in a statement, "Headlines stating he equated his job with those in the military are demonstrably false. They are a distortion of what is provable and on the record."
