View Full Version : I despise hotornot.com

09-07-2004, 07:52 PM

What the fuck. Notice the hot chick that I previously voted for, and disregard that Ricky Martin is playing.

The Korean
09-07-2004, 07:56 PM
hah, you're listening to ricky martin!

09-07-2004, 07:58 PM
You want to make something of it? (http://www.hotornot.com/r/?eid=NLNMELE&key=CGV)

09-07-2004, 08:20 PM

09-07-2004, 08:24 PM

09-07-2004, 08:26 PM
Nothing wrong with the girl you posted Nakiro, she's pretty.


09-07-2004, 08:32 PM
She's a little scary to me.

09-07-2004, 08:32 PM
One thing that's wrong:

She's fat.

09-07-2004, 08:33 PM
You scared of big girls Nakiro? They need love too. :saint:

09-07-2004, 08:34 PM
So what if she is fat? I mean really..At least she can lose weight if she wants to. If she doesn't want to, that's fine too. She is married, so someone loves her for who she is.

Maybe you'll learn that there is more to someone than their body as you get older.:)

That's why I dislike things like hotornot.


09-07-2004, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Nakiro
She's a little scary to me.

Your avatar is a little scary to me.

09-07-2004, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Snapp

Originally posted by Nakiro
She's a little scary to me.

Your avatar is a little scary to me.

Yes, I need to update the picture for sure.

09-07-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane
So what if she is fat? I mean really..

:wtf: Its a website based on superficial judgements.

09-07-2004, 08:38 PM
Yeah, and she's not ugly, or scary by any stretch of the imagination.


09-07-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Nakiro
:wtf: Its a website based on superficial judgements.

But THIS one isn't. Well.. it kinda is with the same way people around here post. :shrug:

09-07-2004, 08:41 PM
<<Maybe you'll learn that there is more to someone than their body as you get older.>>

I'm very much conscious to le gf's not quite good looks, and I'm not complaining, so I think that lesson has already been learned. However, there's a difference between being ugly and being fat. You don't see too many healthy fat people. You don't see too many attractive fat people. They lose on both ends, are revolting, and I do not want them in my sight. If I'm going to rate women on their looks, they shouldn't look like they just ate a family.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-07-2004, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Snapp

Originally posted by Nakiro
She's a little scary to me.

Your avatar is a little scary to me.

That is funny.

09-07-2004, 08:59 PM
I never understood hotornot.com. It's... much ado about nothing, or a way for people with low self esteem to gain some?

09-07-2004, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
You don't see too many attractive fat people.

No... YOU don't see many attractive fat people. Other people might see a hell of a lot of them. Because it's all about what you're attracted to.

Nor can anyone honestly say whether or not that woman in the picture is really 'fat' or not. She has a very round face made more obvious by the pose and a broad smile. She's not anorexic, certainly. She is, quite possibly, a perfect example of the average woman in the US. Or at least outside the US where they don't have such a distorted image of female beauty.

From that photo she seems rather attractive even if you couldn't call her beautiful.


09-07-2004, 09:01 PM
Eh. I think a person's body says alot about them as a person.

09-07-2004, 09:01 PM
<<From that photo she seems rather attractive even if you couldn't call her beautiful.>>

YOU think she's attractive.

I think she needs a tranquilizer.

09-07-2004, 09:04 PM
Oh, hold it...

My mistake. I had a brain misfire and was commenting on Nakiro's picture while responding to Bob's post about his picture.

To quote Emily Latella... Never mind.


09-07-2004, 09:05 PM

09-07-2004, 09:07 PM
Actually, the point about beauty being in the eye of the beholder is still totally accurate. But yeah, that blond is a bit chunky even for non-US standaards.


09-07-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
Eh. I think a person's body says alot about them as a person. True. So does their personality. Though, body weighs quite heavily. no pun intended.

09-07-2004, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Ravenstorm
Actually, the point about beauty being in the eye of the beholder is still totally accurate.


Just wanted to comment that I am not a superficial person at heart, and I tend to agree heavily with this statement.

09-07-2004, 09:22 PM
It wasn't the blonde, it was the brunette he was linking to.


Annnnway..doesn't matter, shallowness is one thing I can't stand in anyone.

09-07-2004, 09:38 PM
One might reasonably assume that excessively hefty people have problems. Not being capable of controlling their eating habits, and thus their health, is indicative of a problem - lack of will-power being just one example.

I don't want a girl who lives to eat, I want a woman who eats to live. Furthermore, I'd like a woman who has the discipline and self-control to make it to the gym a couple times a week, as well as the self-control involved in turning down the wasted, empty calories latent in extra glazed doughnuts, even if only for the purpose of keeping her body and health in nice shape for my pleasure and enjoyment. And no, that's not sexist. I expect her to expect me to do the same for her.

This post is in response to the suspicions I had upon reading this thread that a "fat morality" analogous to Nietzsche's slave morality was being implicitly advocated by some unnamed posters. If you haven't read Nietzsche, I'll clarify simplistically: The fat people try to make the thin people feel guilty for considering their fatness when evaluating their worth as a person, or prospective suitor, or whatever.


09-07-2004, 09:47 PM
Of course, there's always the theory that people who feel inferior themselves need to find fault in others.


09-07-2004, 10:24 PM
Of course, there's always the theory that people who feel inferior themselves need to find fault in others.

Or maybe I think that someone being fat (baring the very rare diseases that preclude someone from losing weight) is indictive of a lazy personality and someone who is apathetic to their own personal welfare.

I have no problem with people being fat, but I wouldn't consider one to be my one true love, just as I wouldn't choose someone who refuses to learn anything, or further themselves.

09-07-2004, 10:35 PM
This world is full of people with less-than-perfect attributes. People can be liars, thieves, bastards, and criminals. People can be rude, inconsiderate, spiteful, mean, untrustworthy, and downright bad people.

But, ain't it grand we can hate fat people on sight because their "flaw" (which does not change how they treat us, unlike the above) is visible?


Edited to add the parenthetical part.

[Edited on 9-8-2004 by Jorddyn]

09-07-2004, 10:43 PM
I don't feel that there is an inherent moral flaw or anything in overweight people. I do think, however, it is kind of ridiculous to try to pretend they are "beautiful" or anything like that. It's not going to make me hate them, but I'm certainly not going to date someone I'm not physically attracted to. That would just lead to a boring and stale relationship.

09-07-2004, 10:44 PM
Who said anything about hating fat people?

No one.

No one is under an obligation to find fat people attractive, and no amount of guilt trips will change that. If you like to mess with Rude, Lying, bastards than that is your perogative, just as it is mine to not date fat people.

09-07-2004, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
Who said anything about hating fat people?

No one.

No one is under an obligation to find fat people attractive, and no amount of guilt trips will change that. If you like to mess with Rude, Lying, bastards than that is your perogative, just as it is mine to not date fat people.

I honestly had not directed my post towards you. The following is what may not exactly give people warm fuzzies.

You don't see too many attractive fat people. They lose on both ends, are revolting, and I do not want them in my sight.

My entire point is that we're all flawed. Consider yourself lucky that you do not wear your flaws in such a visible way.


09-07-2004, 10:52 PM
Eh. I actually do

09-07-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
Eh. I actually do

Perhaps I should have stated personality flaws? And, not knowing your flaws, I guess I can't think of which would show. A tattoo of "I drink too much" on your forehead?

Jorddyn, curious

09-08-2004, 12:07 AM
Eh, if she loves the person she's married to so much she might want to try and get in better shape if for no other reason but to not keep herself at such a risk of death so she doesn't hurt her family.

I personally don't find her pretty, regardless of her weight. More of a blondes guy :)

09-08-2004, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Ilvane
So what if she is fat? I mean really..At least she can lose weight if she wants to. If she doesn't want to, that's fine too. She is married, so someone loves her for who she is.

Maybe you'll learn that there is more to someone than their body as you get older.:)

That's why I dislike things like hotornot.


Ironically enough, hotornot was created by two hideously looking guys who undoubtedly wanted some pussy.

I'm sure they are getting some as we speak. It's amazing what a $6.99 domain and some basic programming can get you. Geeks around the world rejoice.

09-08-2004, 12:41 AM
<Ironically enough, hotornot was created by two hideously looking guys who undoubtedly wanted some pussy.

I'm sure they are getting some as we speak. It's amazing what a $6.99 domain and some basic programming can get you. Geeks around the world rejoice.>

I must have missed the E True Hollywood story on the hotornot.com founders. So, how exactly do they score pussy from this website of theirs? "Please post my pic on your site and I'll blow you, even though anyone can post their pic for free!"

09-08-2004, 12:45 AM
There are websites for rating everything.

For Example Rate My:

Poo (http://ratemypoo.com)
Kitten (http://ratemykitten.com)
Mullet (http://ratemymullet.com)
Vomit (http://ratemyvomit.com)
Gas Mask (http://ratemygasmask.com)
Finger (http://ratemyfinger.com)
Wedgie (http://ratemywedgie.com)
Rave (http://ratemyrave.com)
My Noise (Karoke sound clips) (http://ratemynoise.com)

There are even Rate My Magic Deck sites out there, I just didn't have the heart to post the link.

09-08-2004, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by RangerD1

Or maybe I think that someone being fat (baring the very rare diseases that preclude someone from losing weight) is indictive of a lazy personality and someone who is apathetic to their own personal welfare.

And, how would you know if a fat person has a disease (or some uncurable problem) that impedes them from losing weight?

You'd actually have to talk to them to figure that out, but instead you'd rather just assume everyone that's fat is lazy and/or apathetic about their situation? Wild.

I love how we (humans) dish out judgements to others like we know what's right from what's wrong, and everyone else doesn't. The idiots that rage on with their "UR FAT AND WRONG, K" rants, claiming that they know the way everyone *should* be, are merely compensating for their own flaws by pointing at someone else's. (By the way, I am NOT indicating you were engaging in said rants, RangerD1).

~Tirayana, thinks picking on people's flaws is for nerds that still pee the bed.

09-08-2004, 12:50 AM
I hate it when fat people blame their weight on genetics. I mean, if that were the case, they'd at least have the smarts to DO something about their genetic flaw (ie: run, lift weights, diet).


09-08-2004, 12:51 AM
I must have missed the E True Hollywood story on the hotornot.com founders. So, how exactly do they score pussy from this website of theirs? "Please post my pic on your site and I'll blow you, even though anyone can post their pic for free!"

I can only assume they are rich now, since you can upgrade your membership on hotornot and pay for it. The allure of the upgrade is very intriguing! I'll use all the premie members of GS to prove my point.

Anyway, money = power = hot chicks at your doorstep. :)

09-08-2004, 12:56 AM
On topic, http://meetme.hotornot.com/r/?emid=NSKMAZN

Now, with a picture like that, obviously you're not going to get rated high. I'm kind of confused why anyone would use a picture with a hat like that on hotornot.

09-08-2004, 01:07 AM
The internet and reality aren't really the same thing. She put her picture on a webpage used explicitly to rate people on their attractiveness not their personality. Although putting her picture on hotornot does say something about her personality ... that she wants us to judge her on her appearance. Being overweight is part of that appearance. Some people find it attractive others don't neither is anymore correct than the other, however I know I personally would rather meet and fall in love with someone who I find physically attractive as well as mentally stimulating.

PS. If you take bob seriously or care about the opinion of a 13 year old kid on the internet I really don't think you'll find anything but frustration here and should just step away.

09-08-2004, 01:12 AM
<<I hate it when fat people blame their weight on genetics. I mean, if that were the case, they'd at least have the smarts to DO something about their genetic flaw (ie: run, lift weights, diet).


Someone needs to study a little bit of high-school level biology.


PS: I hate fat people.

09-08-2004, 01:18 AM
I generally dislike fat people greatly.

99% of fat people can help themselves, but choose not to. What they do choose to do is make stupid excuses. For example, "They just project their flaws on my fatness" or "It's all about personality." Unfortunately, this is hardly true.

Let's face it, we all have standards about appearance. People will call me a scum bag for it, but I am not as nice to a fat girl as I would be to a thin one. I find fat women (and men) lacking self-control, respect for their body, lazy, slothful, and gluttonous.

To me, there is no excuse to be obese. Is it really that important to eat McDonald's every day and hurt our insurance costs? Is it really that important to eat donuts and chips every day? No, it's not and I find it disgusting.

Also, fat people have lots of flaws as well. For instance, they tend to sweat heavily, thus smell. They tend to be sloppy eaters and wear stained shirts, and fat women tend to wear tight clothes. It's disgusting.

Not everyone needs to have a Hollywood type body, but being morbidly obese? Give me a break. Stop making excuses, change your diet, and work out. Simple as that.

- Arkans

09-08-2004, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Jorddyn
This world is full of people with less-than-perfect attributes. People can be liars, thieves, bastards, and criminals. People can be rude, inconsiderate, spiteful, mean, untrustworthy, and downright bad people.

But, ain't it grand we can hate fat people on sight because their "flaw" (which does not change how they treat us, unlike the above) is visible?


Edited to add the parenthetical part.

[Edited on 9-8-2004 by Jorddyn]


09-08-2004, 01:35 AM
Don't forget about taking up the whole aisle at the grocery store in their little mart kart while their ass cheeks hang off each side of the seat, only inches away from the floor...sometimes actually dragging on the floor leaving a trail of grease.

09-08-2004, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I generally dislike fat people greatly.

99% of fat people can help themselves, but choose not to. What they do choose to do is make stupid excuses. For example, "They just project their flaws on my fatness" or "It's all about personality." Unfortunately, this is hardly true.

Let's face it, we all have standards about appearance. People will call me a scum bag for it, but I am not as nice to a fat girl as I would be to a thin one. I find fat women (and men) lacking self-control, respect for their body, lazy, slothful, and gluttonous.

To me, there is no excuse to be obese. Is it really that important to eat McDonald's every day and hurt our insurance costs? Is it really that important to eat donuts and chips every day? No, it's not and I find it disgusting.

Also, fat people have lots of flaws as well. For instance, they tend to sweat heavily, thus smell. They tend to be sloppy eaters and wear stained shirts, and fat women tend to wear tight clothes. It's disgusting.

Not everyone needs to have a Hollywood type body, but being morbidly obese? Give me a break. Stop making excuses, change your diet, and work out. Simple as that.

- Arkans

That's a funny post. And while it made me laugh, it also made me think: But, why is it your place to tell anyone to diet, work out, etc.? If a fat person is happy, why should they change? Just for YOU?

09-08-2004, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
To me, there is no excuse to be obese. Fashion aside, I do everything you list in your post. McDonalds, chips, donuts, junk food all the time. And yet, I rarely gain weight. Therefore, it behooves me to consider the opposite end of the spectrum: someone who eats healthily, exercises, etc, but can't get thin.

Thus: It's not my fault I'm thin, so it can't be their fault they're fat.
People will call me a scum bag You scum bag. :saint:

09-08-2004, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by Methais
Don't forget about taking up the whole aisle at the grocery store in their little mart kart while their ass cheeks hang off each side of the seat, only inches away from the floor...sometimes actually dragging on the floor leaving a trail of grease.

:lol: I hate the people that take carts at the grocery store and they are perfectly capable of walking, just too lazy to do so.

09-08-2004, 01:51 AM
<<Fashion aside, I do everything you list in your post. McDonalds, chips, donuts, junk food all the time. And yet, I rarely gain weight. Therefore, it behooves me to consider the opposite end of the spectrum: someone who eats healthily, exercises, etc, but can't get thin.

Thus: It's not my fault I'm thin, so it can't be their fault they're fat.>>

If I had a slow metabolism like most fat people do, you can bet your asscrack you'll see me eating a veggie delight at Subway instead of a triple bacon cheeseburger with super size fries and an extra large chocolate shake at McDonald's 99% of the time.

Granted some fat people are gonna be fat no matter what they do, but most of them just don't give a shit. If someone doesn't give a shit about themselves, why should someone else?

09-08-2004, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by Methais
Granted some fat people are gonna be fat no matter what they do, but most of them just don't give a shit.

And you know this how..? Did you take a poll or something?

09-08-2004, 01:57 AM

09-08-2004, 02:00 AM
No shit Methais, I mean if some fat fucktards don't give a shit about how they look, why put up with their whining or attitude when you call them a fat fuck. BAH genetics my ass, accept your own self image ya bastards

09-08-2004, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Methais
instead of a triple bacon cheeseburger with super size fries and an extra large chocolate shake at McDonald's 99% of the time.

BULLSHIT! Everyone knows that they get a diet coke with their meal to help "cushion" what they are eating. I laugh when I see a fat guy ordering like 2 double bacon cheeseburgers, large fries and a diet coke. What the hell? Do you think you are going to lose weight because you got a diet coke instead of a regular one?

09-08-2004, 02:03 AM
ROFL I was almost gonna say that too, but the extra large chocolate shake came out first.

09-08-2004, 02:04 AM
Diet soda tastes better.


09-08-2004, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by Ravenstorm
Diet soda tastes better.


Yeah, if you like licking feet.

09-08-2004, 02:07 AM
Not usually, no. It still tastes better. Regular soda is way too sweet.


09-08-2004, 02:09 AM
And thats why we drink beer....but nooooooooooooo you can;t buy a fuckin beer at Mc Donalds in the US

09-08-2004, 02:11 AM
The Pict has a point.


09-08-2004, 02:12 AM
Hey man, just because the picts invented a new way of using tattoos.....gives you no reason...to ...Hang on I'll think of something......I give up lol

Wait a minute, Picts were midgets!! Full body tatooed midgets!!

09-08-2004, 02:13 AM
Soda is icky, in general. Carbonation + rancid flavors + 90-99% water = tasty beverage?


09-08-2004, 02:26 AM
Is that link supposed to turn people off of soda? I don't find anything it says objectionable.


09-08-2004, 02:27 AM
Seriously, I've made more toxic beverages at trips to bars and dennys

09-08-2004, 02:33 AM
>>Therefore, it behooves me to consider the opposite end of the spectrum: someone who eats healthily, exercises, etc, but can't get thin.

ROFL. Minus food from your diet and you'll slim down. Duh.


09-08-2004, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101

Originally posted by Ravenstorm
Diet soda tastes better.


Yeah, if you like licking feet.


But yeah, the thing I hate the most about obese people is their smell. They just can't seem to get to certain spots on their body in the shower.


09-08-2004, 03:13 AM
I generally dislike fat people greatly.

Arkans = Atkins perhaps?

09-08-2004, 03:14 AM
It's about hotornot.com right? I never understood why people go on that site. Rating is stupid. Some people can't help but be a bit...big boned. Some people are just freakin' lazy and obese. I know a couple girls that have tried everything to lose a couple pounds, but it just goes up and down for them. But, they know how to cover it up though, they don't go around wearing skimpy crap that's 20 sizes too small for them.

09-08-2004, 03:32 AM
Yeah don't you just love the chicks that wear super skimpy tank tops with their gut hanging out down to their knees?

There's nothing worse than a fatass that honestly believes they're hot and sexy <vomits>.

09-08-2004, 03:37 AM
LOL you know you love it Methais. More cushion for tha pushin'. Bang bang.

09-08-2004, 03:48 AM
More bounce to the ounce.

09-08-2004, 03:55 AM
Now that's what I'm talking about. Pass the bucket of KFC hunny.

09-08-2004, 06:22 AM
If someone is so fat that they can't work and they're living off of the government, I can see why someone would hate that. That isn't fat though, that's obese.

Beyond that, hating fat people because they're fat is the stupidest thing in the entire world. If that's the case, I hope you hate every drug addict and alcoholic in the world too. Because they have no self control either.

Who the hell cares? You don't have to choose that person, but is it really necessary to treat someone like shit over it? And say mean crap about them? I can think of a million things that are worse than being fat, but NO. Not in this piece of crap society.

Everyone has a standard as far as looks go, and I accept that. However, generally I'm disgusted by most people's view on what is and isn't attractive. Nothing is ever good enough.

*edited for a typo

[Edited on 9-8-2004 by Lady Satira]

09-08-2004, 06:25 AM

Um. :?:

[Edited on 9-8-2004 by Caiylania]

09-08-2004, 06:29 AM
www.amigeekornot is much more fun...

09-08-2004, 06:40 AM
I think that if people actually went up to fat bodies on a daily basis and said, "Hey, you're fat. That is gross.", people would tend to lose weight. Peer pressure works wonders. Unfortunately, we got some kind of hippy "you might hurt their feelings shit". Good, I hope I do hurt their feelings, they hurt my eyes.

- Arkans

09-08-2004, 06:45 AM
I have an overwhelming urge to hurt your eyes with my fists.

I think that would pretty much take care of both of our problems.


09-08-2004, 06:48 AM
Nah, I agree with Arkans, fat people suck.

09-08-2004, 06:48 AM
I'd still smell a fat person on a humid day 2 miles away.

- Arkans

PS: I can't stand the ones that have to walk sideways throught doors.

09-08-2004, 07:01 AM
Ok, everyone has discussed the fat thing. Now...... how about those fangs??


09-08-2004, 08:14 AM
That's a funny post. And while it made me laugh, it also made me think: But, why is it your place to tell anyone to diet, work out, etc.? If a fat person is happy, why should they change? Just for YOU?

I feel the same way about unintelligent, ignorant people. Who are *you* to tell them to read a book or gain some perspective.

09-08-2004, 08:19 AM
I hope you hate every drug addict and alcoholic in the world too. Because they have no self control either.

I do actually.

The bottom line is, there is a reason that obesity is going up in America and it has nothing to do with genetics.

09-08-2004, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I think that if people actually went up to fat bodies on a daily basis and said, "Hey, you're fat. That is gross.", people would tend to lose weight. Peer pressure works wonders.

Right, just like telling smokers that smoking gives you cancer and kills you works them into quitting.

How about you HELP them rather than lecturing them? This is the problem right now. People would rather just talk down to people with problems rather than help them through it.

Instead of wasting money on stupid fucking ads of people lying on the ground in front of a tobacco company, open up health quit-smoking clinics, give out patches and gum, give them an INCENTIVE to quit.

Same with overweight people. Sponser them in a Weight Watchers meeting. Go walking with them in the morning. Take them out for a healthy meal.

Until you help someone with their flaw, let them be as we all have flaws and we are no one to judge others for theirs.

09-08-2004, 08:31 AM
Hating a person because they are fat is like hating a retarded person because they are retarded. It's retarded any way you look at it.

I'm sure everyone on the PC has one or two or three overweight relatives in their family. Give me a break people. Hate the food, not the people.

09-08-2004, 08:40 AM
And I'm supposed to think that just because someone is thin they are automatically better looking than someone who is a little heavier? I don't know about you but I've seen some fucking ugly thin people. If someone is comfortable and confident with their weight, either thin or heavy who the fuck really cares? I work with a lady who is very heavy and if I stuck to the mentality of "Fat people suck and should all die, they offend my eyes" or the other crap I've read and hated her on sight I'd never have gotten to know what a genuine caring, funny, intelligent woman she is. Such a shallow society we live in, truly.

09-08-2004, 08:55 AM
After reading all this bullshit (pardon my language) I feel absolutely disgusted by most of you.

I personally am overweight and don't really care if people can't get past that, it's thier loss. If you don't want to get to know me because you consider me fat, you are the one with the problem. I have been 97 pounds from starving myself and have been over 200 in the opposite direction.

Now I'm in the middle, but still considered overweight by America's standards. Does that make me any less attractive? I tend not to think so, but I am secure enough with myself to not worry about it. Aside from that, those of you who say they are sickening, or smell, or are lazy, you have no idea.

As my mother said once to someone--"I may be fat, but I can always lose weight--you will always be an asshole."

-A, sickened.

P.S. I exercise 5 times a week have normal cholesterol, blood pressure and don't have diabetes or any other health issues.

09-08-2004, 08:58 AM
As far as I'm concerned, anyone shallow enough to judge another by nothing more substantial than their appearance is, him/herself, not worth the effort of getting to know. People are more than their appearance, their IQ, or their material worth. Each is an individual worthy of consideration and tolerance. They might even be someone who could have a major, positive impact on one's life. This cannot be known unless everyone is given a chance to shine from within.


09-08-2004, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
As far as I'm concerned, anyone shallow enough to judge another by nothing more substantial than their appearance is, him/herself, not worth the effort of getting to know.
HarmNone :clap:

09-08-2004, 09:10 AM
Yes, after reading the nasty remarks some of you have posted, I can see why eating disaorders are so rampant. I can also understand why some people have such low esteem.

I can understand school age children talking about things like this, but adults? It is a sad thing, when you think so highly of yourself, and you have no flaws that you can stand and pass judgement on others.

09-08-2004, 09:38 AM
I could care less if a person is fat, or black, or a redhead. People are people. It's the assholes and the bitches that I hate. I dunno, I was just brought up not to judge other people and that is one of the best lessons I've learned (I've made many friends that I wouldn't have normally made because I didn't judge them by what they looked like). Unless they are stupid, then it's Judge Judy time.

09-08-2004, 09:39 AM
In my previous job I worked with children and I was shocked when the 4th and 5th grade girls were calling themselves fat. 10 and 11 year old girls who are by no means overweight should NOT be thinking they are fat. It's so messed up.

09-08-2004, 10:48 AM
To me it's the whole "tolerate fat people" that's creating the problem. We're becoming a society of enablers by just accepting people and making excuses. Genetics? My ass. More like twinkies.

Let's face it, if you're fat, you already have something working against you whether it be when you go for a job, look for a date, or finding rienforced stairs to walk up. There is no reason why I should have to accept that.

If fat people can't respect themselves enough and lose weight, then ugh, there is no reason that respect should come from me.

Also, about helping the problem? I already do. I have a morbidly obese step-father and whenever I visit my mother I give him pointers on how to lose weight. Things that work and he's able to do. Guess what I see? The bastard snacking on cheese sandwiches and chocolates. I should tolerate this why?

- Arkans

09-08-2004, 10:54 AM
Okay, I could care less if you are fat as a person. That doesn't preclude me from being nice to you or becoming friends. However, I don't have to pretend that I find it attractive, and no it's not the only thing I base attractiveness on. I don't think I ever alluded to any such thing, but it is a factor. I just think it's sick that people are not allowed express their preferences because it's not PC. If you like plump people, fine. If you like anorexic people, fine. That has no bearing on what *I* personally like.

09-08-2004, 01:10 PM
I have this one co-worker who's 22 but looks 30 because of her morbid obesity. She doesn't drive so before her lunch break, she was whining about how no one was willing to drive her to Jack-in-the-Box. So she walks to Pizza Hut and devours some pizza.

The end.

[Edited on 9-8-2004 by kheldarin]

09-08-2004, 02:09 PM
My problem is the people who whine about being overweight yet do absolutely nothing to change it.

I also don't see why people don't do everything in their power to stay healthy. My family has a small history of heart disease so I'm gonna exercise, eat (semi) healthy, and do the best I possibly can to live a long and healthy life.

09-08-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Kadumi
My problem is the people who whine about being overweight yet do absolutely nothing to change it.

I also don't see why people don't do everything in their power to stay healthy. My family has a small history of heart disease so I'm gonna exercise, eat (semi) healthy, and do the best I possibly can to live a long and healthy life.

And then basically boast about what an alcoholic you are? Sorry man but thats not healthy either.

09-08-2004, 02:31 PM
After reading some of the posts a few of you have...you have entirely set my opinion of you in stone.

Yes, it is one thing to be attrackted to a fat or skinny person. This is your prerogative. Yes, it is also your right to decide if you want to get to know/make friends with a fat or skinny person.

But to come off throwing insults that fat people are dumb, smell, lazy, etc, really says something about YOU as a person.

As someone said...fat people always have the option to change, but an asshole will always be an asshole.

And to tell the truth, there are some overweight people I know, that go to McDonalds, order a combo mean (with a diet coke, I know, I don't get it either) but are happy just the way they are. Are they going to want to get to know you anyway with a mentality that they're "lazy, stupid, etc"? Fuck no. I'd rather hang out with a geniune person than some close-minded idiot with the mentality of your typical junior high school bully.

Clearly a line has to be drawn somewhere regarding overweight/obesity. But instead of poking fingers, there's always an option to help these people. It also leaves me baffled when these people clearly need help and no one is making the effort (I mean, who the hell was buying the food for the woman who was stuck to her couch!?!)

Anyway, I would just like to say that some of you here need to do a serious ego-check. There are those of you that have clearly ripped up overweight people up one side and down the other, and have yet to post YOUR pictures on the picture thread, but are willing to digustingly make fun of others.

On a last note, I've known many gorgeous the-next-supermodel-type people who may be nice to look at, but you would sooner want to stab them in the eye with a rusty spoon based on their personality than hang out with them.

Think about it.

[Edited on 9-8-2004 by Jesae]

09-08-2004, 02:32 PM
I :heart: Jesae

09-08-2004, 02:37 PM
The "hating someone for being fat is like hating someone for being retarded" argument doesn't work.

I also dislike retards. I don't care what they do as long as, like fat people, it involves anyone but me. Call me Hitler, but I like to be exposed to things that are enjoyable to me.

09-08-2004, 02:39 PM
I hope you don't ever plan on leaving your house. Or just accept that life outside of your home wont change to accomodate you Bob.

09-08-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
The "hating someone for being fat is like hating someone for being retarded" argument doesn't work.
It works for me.

09-08-2004, 02:41 PM
You can get rid of fat, ugly stays with you forever.

09-08-2004, 02:42 PM
And disliking fat/retarded people works for me.


09-08-2004, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
And disliking fat/retarded people works for me.

OOH, BURNED. It's cool with me, Bob. I didn't say it couldn't work for you now did I.

09-08-2004, 02:50 PM
I posted my picture.

- Arkans

09-08-2004, 02:50 PM
Then why are you telling me that it's retarded to dislike fat people?

09-08-2004, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
I posted my picture.

- Arkans

Is it the picture of the Peon?

09-08-2004, 02:55 PM

- Arkans

09-08-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Then why are you telling me that it's retarded to dislike fat people? Let's not get into this. You know full well what my statement implied. We can agree to disagree.

09-08-2004, 02:56 PM
We can agree that fat people suck.

- Arkans

09-08-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
But to come off throwing insults that fat people are dumb, smell, lazy, etc, really says something about YOU as a person.

Very well said. And so true. It's pretty obvious who the really ugly people are on the board and it has nothing to do with weight.


09-08-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
As someone said...fat people always have the option to change, but an asshole will always be an asshole.What a curious thing to say. I thought a big idea in this topic was that we can defeat what our genes and environment drive us towards? Why should a personality trait be any different than a physical trait?

09-08-2004, 03:12 PM
<<I thought a big idea in this topic was that we can defeat what our genes and environment drive us towards?>>

Anyone who thinks this is very stupid.

09-08-2004, 03:26 PM
Bob's right: people born with dark hair can never have blonde hair. People born with light skin can never have dark skin. People born without talent in any particular field can never excel at that field.

09-08-2004, 03:31 PM
<<If that's the case, I hope you hate every drug addict and alcoholic in the world too. Because they have no self control either.>>

Don't forget MMORPG addicts. They (we?) have no control either. :D

That being said...I don't hate fat people because they're fat. I don't even hate fat people, and I have a lot of fatass friends that are cool people.

However, I do hate fat people that are disgustingly trashy, wear skimpy clothes because they think they're hot (big beautiful woman (BBW) is an oxymoron in my opinion, and you know damn well they're not referring to "what's inside". They honestly think they're physically hot and sexy). Quit being in denial and have some self respect. If I was a 350 pound tub of grease, you bet your ass I'd be wearing a shirt to go along with my swim trunks, instead of wearing nothing but a pair of speedos, regardless of whether I was fat due to genetics, or because I can't stop going to Burger King 6 times a day.

The ones who couldn't give 2 shits that while they're in the middle seat on the airplane, they're forcing you out of your aisle seat and onto the floor, and the other guy through the window. The ones that literally take up 2 seats on an airplane, then protest Southwest Airlines for making fat people buy 2 tickets. IF YOU TAKE UP 2 SEATS, YOU ***SHOULD*** HAVE TO BUY 2 TICKETS! The ones who don't have a genetic problem, yet don't have enough self respect and/or discipline to eat anything that's not deep fried. The ones who you do try to help, yet they refuse to accept advice or constructive criticism and blow off your advice.

And you're right, it's no different than an alcoholic who refuses to seek treatment and better himself. People like that I have no respect for. Alcoholics that muster up the will to control what they have, I do respect, because they have enough sense to realize they have a problem, and have enough self-respect to actually do something about it.

So yeah -- Fat people who couldn't give a shit how their appearance might effect others and how being fat can hurt their own life, (and anyone who says seeing a 400 pound guy wearing speedos doesn't bother them is full of shit, barring those with strange fetishes), because that 3rd double whopper of the day with extra cheese is just TOO tasty to resist, yeah I have no respect for them. Fat people who realize they have a problem with eating too much fried chicken and being a lazy ass, and decide they want to better themself by eating right and/or exercising do deserve respect.

On the flip side, people (usually women) that complain about being fat when they know damn well they're not also piss me off. They're no different than the fat person that thinks they're hot, it's just opposite ends of the spectrum.

But until someone starts a thread about skinny people or alcoholics or crackheads or whatever, I see no reason to get into that, since this thread is about fat people.

That all being said, I'm still gonna continue to crack fat jokes, even though I'm not a fat-Nazi person. Likewise I'll still continue to crack jokes about arabs, asians, blacks, mexicans, jews, fags, anorexics, fat people, whatever. It doesn't make me a racist or whatever term you wanna use, and I don't have anything against these people. I'm Italian and I'll be the first person you hear cracking a joke about greasy spaghetti eating wops. Why? Because I don't have a stick up my ass, and I'm secure enough about myself to not get all bent out of shape when I hear Archie Bunker talking about daigos, and can see the humor in it. I don't go out burning crosses, and I have friends from just about every race out there, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna alter my sense of humor.

Some of you (usually the ones with the stick in your ass) will just say "That's just because you hate yourself, so you have to find fault in others." To those people I say: Fuck you, you're wrong, go eat another 10 pounds of ribs.

I'll be down the road at Vinnie's eating a plate of spaghetti and meatballs while I look for a car to toss someone's corpse in the trunk and dump it in the river cause they wouldn't pay up on their "protection" money. Mama-mia that's a spicy meatball-a!

[Edited to fix a typo, and to say FUCK YOU to nobody in particular once more just for kicks.]

[Edited on 9-8-2004 by Methais]

09-08-2004, 03:35 PM
<<I'm Italian>>


09-08-2004, 03:43 PM
Jesae, I hope that wasn't directed at me. I have no problems with just because of their size. I have some good friends who are 200+ lbs. If they are happy just the way they are, that's fine and they still have all the respect I'd give anyone else. I just don't like to hear people gripe about their weight while they're super sizing their value meal at mcdonalds. I would have the same kinda beef with the person who says math is hard but doesn't open the book to study.

09-08-2004, 03:47 PM
Um...can you people with ugly faces wear a paper bag with eyes cut out over your head please? It really digusts me to look at you walking down the street. Thanks.

As for the fat people who complain about it, don't want help, and eat 5 Big Macs, to that extent I will have to agree, you're getting no sympathy from me. But I just saw a this reference to fat people being more general than cutting it down to a specific attitude that some overweight people have.

09-08-2004, 03:49 PM
<<Um...can you people with ugly faces wear a paper bag with eyes cut out over your head please?>>


<<But I just saw a this reference to fat people being more general than cutting it down to a specific attitude that some overweight people have.>>

All fatties suck.

09-08-2004, 03:59 PM
That will work Bob. Thanks. :grin:

09-08-2004, 04:10 PM
<<Um...can you people with ugly faces wear a paper bag with eyes cut out over your head please?>>

09-08-2004, 04:12 PM

I was waiting for someone to do that.

09-08-2004, 05:53 PM
Playboy seeking female Mcdonalds employees for a feature. (http://money.cnn.com/2004/09/08/news/fortune500/playboy_mcdonalds/index.htm)

09-08-2004, 06:02 PM

Mmmm, so beautiful.

09-08-2004, 06:04 PM
What would you rate HER on hotornot, Bob? hehe

09-08-2004, 06:04 PM
If I wasn't afraid of being absorbed by her, 10.

In this case, 1.

09-08-2004, 06:05 PM
As far as the hotornot thing is concerned, I put my picture on there just out of curiosity.. Depending on what picture I put on there really varied my rating.. It's hard to tell what somone looks like from just one picture... My friend brandon who is just about one of the handsomest guy's I know put his picture on there and only got like a 8.9.. when he is no doubt a ten.. plus it is inacurate because people (like Bob apprently) will just give a bunch of 1's to every person that comes on their screen just for kicks. And as far as fat people go.. I used to be over 200lbs and Now i'm a healthy 135 (with alot of muscle) And it is VERY hard to finally lose that weight, it is possible yes, but when you are eating for reasons such as depression etc... some people don't understand why they eat so much etc.. so they don't know what to do to help themselves. I'd also like to add, being extreamly obese isn't attractive but the main concern is somone's health. And just because somone is skinny, doesn't mean they have a healthy diet at all. I mean from the pictures I've seen of people like Bob, extreamly thin but has a million pop cans (yes, that is an exageration) around his computer desk (very unhealthy). I happen to find girls that aren't thin as rails 10x more attractive then girls that are. So girl's ... stay thick!

09-08-2004, 06:06 PM
<<plus it is inacurate because people (like Bob apprently) will just give a bunch of 1's to every person that comes on their screen just for kicks.>>

Actually it's because I want to see pictures. Less time thinking about ratings, more pictures seen.

09-08-2004, 06:08 PM
Hence being inacurate.

09-08-2004, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
The internet and reality aren't really the same thing. She put her picture on a webpage used explicitly to rate people on their attractiveness not their personality. Although putting her picture on hotornot does say something about her personality ... that she wants us to judge her on her appearance. Being overweight is part of that appearance. Some people find it attractive others don't neither is anymore correct than the other, however I know I personally would rather meet and fall in love with someone who I find physically attractive as well as mentally stimulating.

PS. If you take bob seriously or care about the opinion of a 13 year old kid on the internet I really don't think you'll find anything but frustration here and should just step away.

What he said.

Good post Tijay.

09-08-2004, 06:24 PM

09-08-2004, 06:25 PM
edit: I know you forgot to type the rest:

Artha! Thank you, I can't get enough of your wonderful and insightful posts, a few of which (and my personal favorites) include pictures such as that one. She's beautiful on the inside! So are you, but more so than everyone ever except maybe Jesus.

Any time.

[Edited on 9-8-2004 by Artha]

09-08-2004, 07:23 PM
You know what? Nobody asked you to look. Feel free to gaze in another direction.

I've been an object of mirth since grade school dodgeball. I've gained weight on an 1100 calorie diet with exercise.. and no, I didn't cheat, and I was medically supervised. (You know it's not going well when six weeks into the program, the doctor stares at your chart and says, "You could have gained weight at Auschwitz.")

The good news is that if Armageddon ever happens, I'm not going to die of starvation because I'm a hell of a lot more metabolically efficient than most people. The bad news is that if I want to be Twiggy, I need to stay at 750-800 calories and be bitchy and miserable because I feel deprived.

I'm easily 120 pounds less than my peak right now. I've literally lost a whole person and kept it off for 10 years now. I've worked damn hard to get here. I'm never going to be anything remotely resembling normal weight without a hell of a lot of plastic surgery and the means to have a personal trainer 3 times a week and all my meals prepared for me. Unfortunately, I have to work for a living and that's all kinda ruled out.

Am I internalizing some of the bullshit posted in this thread? Well, yeah. Much as I would like to blow it all off, it still hurts to think that I'm being judged and dismissed as unworthy or subhuman by anyone passing me in public for having the audacity to like food and a super-efficient metabolism.

Fortunately, I have a wonderful guy and a terrific group of friends who could care less what I weigh as long as I'm happy. Am I thrilled with what I look like? Hell, no. I'd love to be Selma Hayek for a day, or Catherine Zeta-Jones, or Angelina Jolie. But for better or worse, this is the only body I get to have, and it's taken me a number of years to come to an uneasy truce with it.

So if my adipose tissue offends you, feel free to look the other way. I'm sure my life will be complete without you. Honest.


PS - Angela's hot.

09-08-2004, 07:33 PM
<<Nobody asked you to look. Feel free to gaze in another direction.>>

Nobody asked you to care what other people think. Nobody asked you to be fat. Feel free to lose weight. (I don't even know what you look like and this only applies to fat fucks who complain because people don't like that they're fat fucks.)

09-08-2004, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<plus it is inacurate because people (like Bob apprently) will just give a bunch of 1's to every person that comes on their screen just for kicks.>>

Actually it's because I want to see pictures. Less time thinking about ratings, more pictures seen.

I do the same thing.

09-08-2004, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
If I wasn't afraid of being absorbed by her, 10.

In this case, 1.

:lol: I posted that in reference to the Playboy article. He just got that fat girl in before I finished my post.

EVIL ARTHA. And his spider minions.

09-08-2004, 07:48 PM
I'm bored, so let's see just how inaccurate my vote makes the rating.

Let's say someone is, based on popular vote without any of the Bobmuhthol or Wezas votes counted, a 7. Let's also say they have 1,240 votes. 1/30 people voting 1 all the time is a very generous number, so let's go with that. Instead of a 7.00 after 1,240 normal votes, their rating is now 6.80 with 42 additional votes of 1. Quite inaccurate.

09-08-2004, 07:51 PM
<<I posted that in reference to the Playboy article.>>

I'd probably give her a 6 for being better than most but also not good.

Edited to clarify that better than most = most on hotornot.com as they are all ugly.

[Edited on 9-8-2004 by Bobmuhthol]

09-08-2004, 08:08 PM
This thread is making me laugh, I'm sorry.

09-08-2004, 08:20 PM
That picture Artha posted makes me want to cry.

09-08-2004, 08:24 PM
How could she possibly find a bikini to fit her? Also, why would a company ever make a bikini that size, knowing who would have to wear it?

09-08-2004, 08:26 PM
It looks kind of like a steel ball chain attached to some cloth.

09-08-2004, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Ylena
You know what? Nobody asked you to look. In fact, that is exactly what they asked. Putting a picture on a site called "hot or not" doesn't exactly imply that nobody will judge your picture.

09-08-2004, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Ylena
You know what? Nobody asked you to look. Feel free to gaze in another direction.

I've been an object of mirth since grade school dodgeball. I've gained weight on an 1100 calorie diet with exercise.. and no, I didn't cheat, and I was medically supervised. (You know it's not going well when six weeks into the program, the doctor stares at your chart and says, "You could have gained weight at Auschwitz.")

The good news is that if Armageddon ever happens, I'm not going to die of starvation because I'm a hell of a lot more metabolically efficient than most people. The bad news is that if I want to be Twiggy, I need to stay at 750-800 calories and be bitchy and miserable because I feel deprived.

I'm easily 120 pounds less than my peak right now. I've literally lost a whole person and kept it off for 10 years now. I've worked damn hard to get here. I'm never going to be anything remotely resembling normal weight without a hell of a lot of plastic surgery and the means to have a personal trainer 3 times a week and all my meals prepared for me. Unfortunately, I have to work for a living and that's all kinda ruled out.

Am I internalizing some of the bullshit posted in this thread? Well, yeah. Much as I would like to blow it all off, it still hurts to think that I'm being judged and dismissed as unworthy or subhuman by anyone passing me in public for having the audacity to like food and a super-efficient metabolism.

Fortunately, I have a wonderful guy and a terrific group of friends who could care less what I weigh as long as I'm happy. Am I thrilled with what I look like? Hell, no. I'd love to be Selma Hayek for a day, or Catherine Zeta-Jones, or Angelina Jolie. But for better or worse, this is the only body I get to have, and it's taken me a number of years to come to an uneasy truce with it.

So if my adipose tissue offends you, feel free to look the other way. I'm sure my life will be complete without you. Honest.


PS - Angela's hot.

I don't even know where to begin with ANY of that.


09-08-2004, 10:14 PM
Hah! Right on.

- Arkans

09-08-2004, 10:19 PM
Today after going to the gym, I decided to cancel all of that out by going to Jack-in-the-Box. I have a fatass mentality when it comes to food.

Some Rogue
09-08-2004, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by kheldarin
I have a fatass mentality when it comes to food.

And a jackass mentality when it comes to life.

09-08-2004, 11:42 PM
Some Rogue is OBVIOUSLY ub3r fat.

On a more serious note, you probably did more than cancelled out working out. This is of course a guess considering I don't know how much you hate/worked out.

- Arkans

09-08-2004, 11:44 PM
I hump goats.

09-09-2004, 12:05 AM
Such things don't surprise me anymore, comrade.

- Arkans

09-09-2004, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Methais
I hump goats. Speaking of which, humping is a good cure for jelly rolls and love handles.

09-09-2004, 01:18 AM
<<Such things don't surprise me anymore, comrade.>>


[Edited on 9-9-2004 by Methais]