View Full Version : a sharp-bladed black ora scythe with a sinuous grey-hooded cobra wrapped around it

11-04-2013, 09:10 PM
9lbs, 4x, halberd base, with snake zests(not flares)

>rub scythe
As you touch your scythe, the sinuous grey-hooded cobra recoils defensively and rattles its tail.
>tilt scythe
You tilt your scythe from left to right, the light playing off of it. The sinuous grey-hooded cobra wrapped around it looks highly annoyed and hisses, baring its fangs.
>tap scythe
You gently tap your black ora scythe and the sinuous grey-hooded cobra hisses as it hurriedly slithers down the length of it in a tight spiral. Just as quickly, it turns and slinks back to its original position.
>pull scythe
You grab your sinuous grey-hooded cobra wrapped around your scythe and give it a solid yank! It hisses dangerously at you.
>prod scythe
You prod at your black ora scythe with the tip of your finger, and the sinuous grey-hooded cobra coiled around it lunges out at you, flickering its silvery black tongue as a warning signal.
>hug scythe
As you ignorantly attempt to hug your black ora scythe, the sinuous grey-hooded cobra lashes out at you aggressively! What ever were you thinking?
>stare scythe
You stare intently at the sinuous grey-hooded cobra spiraled around your black ora scythe. With a transfixed stare, its icy black eyes seem to follow you cautiously as if ready to strike.

MB: 1m

11-10-2013, 06:12 PM