View Full Version : 4x fire-flaring UAC boots, unlocked scripts

11-03-2013, 07:19 PM
some ankle-strapped leather boots with silver flame toecaps
4x, fire flaring. unlocked at last Solhaven festival.
Changing the MB to flat price: 100k
SOLD on in-game bid of 35k.

Wear: You slide the leather boots over your feet, the supple leather warm against your skin. Slowly curling and uncurling your toes, you test the feel of the leather until you arrive at an ideal fit.

Remove: You remove first your right boot then your left, taking the time to massage out any tightness in the soles of your feet.

Tap: You bounce lightly on the balls of your feet and, eager in your anticipation, adopt an aggressive stance.

Pull: You pull at the ends of your leather boots, tightening the fit as your toes flex inside them.

Point: Pointing your foot, you draw an imaginary line along the floor with your toe, daring anyone to cross.

Stomp: In a bid to draw attention to yourself, you loudly stomp your foot against the floor as heatless, blue flames erupt around your boot, and then quickly fade.

11-05-2013, 02:12 AM
Bump for changing MB to flat price.