View Full Version : Twilight Hall 17th Anniversary Bash (starts 11/3)

10-30-2013, 04:05 PM
The big bash is back!


Lords and Ladies, children and pets, spread the bewitching news far and wide! You are invited to five nights of fun, enchantment, food, drink, and PRIZES GALORE! Twilight Hall is celebrating its 17th year as a magically elite member of the respectable Cooperative Houses of Elanthia in Wehnimer's Landing! The mystical events, hosted by your dedicated officers, begin on Restday, 3 Eoantos 5113 (Sunday, November 3, 2013) at 9:00 P.M. as the elven folk count the hour.

(all times eastern, all raffle tickets cost 50k silvers)

Sunday 11/3 9 pm: Open House Tour and Induction Ceremony with Kethore!

Sunday 11/3 10 pm: Twilight Hall presents "Imagine Magic" with Kethore and Jynai! Come demonstrate how much you know about Elanthian magic in this two part creativity and memory contest!

Monday 11/4 10 pm: Twilight Hall hosts Rolfard's Fireplace Chat! Join master sorcerer Grandpa Rolfard for the last of this year's magical lectures, and the first CHE forum on the magic of ensorcelling!

*Monday 11/4 11 pm: runestaff raffle #1 (4x fully unlocked Bazzelwyn runestaff with T1 ensorcell flares) - location outside house [Wehnimer's, West Ring Rd.]
a spiral-carved slender orase staff

Tuesday 11/5 8:45 pm: Twilight Hall hosts Magical Trivia with Allereli! Come best your comrades in this fast-paced game of knowledge and skill! Stick around for a house meeting afterwards! Prizes for top 5.

Tuesday 11/5 10 pm: House Meeting

*Tuesday 11/5 11 pm: runestaff raffle #2 (4x steam flaring steam zested runestaff that increases max mana for those with 40 trains) - location outside ye old candle shoppe [Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
a gear-strewn orase runestaff

Wednesday 11/6 9 pm: Twilight Hall presents Loralaii's "Quest for Kisses"! Join us for a "romantic" evening of magically-induced love, speedy expeditions, endless smooches, and mountains of prizes!

Wednesday 11/6 10:30 pm: Twilight Hall hosts "Get to the Point" with Velfi! Show off your prowess with darts at this unique game on the house's lovely back porch and win a prize or two!

*Wednesday 11/6 11 pm: runestaff raffle #3 (6x fully unlocked Bazzelwyn lor runestaff with T1 ensorcell flares) - location outside the bath house [Wehnimer's, Talon St.]
a slender silvery lor runestaff

Thursday 11/7 10 pm: Members Only Merchant Hour

Ongoing: Officers will be looking for anyone (members and non-members) wearing our giveaway item that is available on the house grounds to play a simple game for prizes. This item is "a twilight grey owl feather quill."

10-30-2013, 04:33 PM
A note on magical trivia. I learned a lot last time and there are zero answers that involve naming a lore. Answers must be fully spelled out (no "sorc" for sorcerer). I reserve the right to judge on spelling issues and any other issue.

If you missed it last time, I move the game along fast. There are 3 rounds of 10 questions worth 3, 5 and 7 points per question, point values increase each round and the questions get harder. There are point updates every 5 questions.

Top prize is an ensorcell up to T2 (you get one successful cast). If you win and choose this as your prize, you will have 5 minutes to bring me an eligible item. It can be sancted or enhancive, it can be 10x. If I have to break out the ensorcell outfit, I will. Don't try to bring me a claid or another item with similar weighting/padding.

11-02-2013, 11:40 PM
Bumpery! This is starting tomorrow (Sunday) night!

11-02-2013, 11:50 PM
Wow, my mage joined right after Twilight opened. Has it really been 17 years?

11-03-2013, 01:24 AM
Ongoing: Officers will be looking for anyone (members and non-members) wearing our giveaway item that will be available on the house grounds to play a simple game for prizes. This item will be "a twilight grey owl feather quill." The goblin head that is currently in the Spirit Night tent is NOT it.

The "game" will be a roll of the dice. The first die will indicate the prize you get. The second die is a bonus die where if you roll a 6, you also get a 50k note.

first die prizes:

1. 50,000 silver note
2. A burnished steel bracer etched with tiny crescent moons (+3 harness power bonus)
3. A black pebbled leather satchel with a silver owl clasp (5 lbs, shoulder/back worn LA)
4. Choice of permanent Twilight-themed ranger box (modwir-amulet, bamboo-anklet/bracelet, chimney-wand/rod)
5. Choice of darts (some twilight scarlet-tipped darts, some tiny golden-fletched darts) or dice ("a pair of crimson flecked bones")
6. A silver-etched starstone owl pin (crystal holder)

Characters may play once per day. Chances to play are entirely at the officers' discretion.

11-03-2013, 09:01 AM
Wow, my mage joined right after Twilight opened. Has it really been 17 years?

I remember a Landing without a Twilight. But, I wholeheartedly stand that Twilight has been a wonderful addition to the Landing. I was thoroughly amazed and impressed after attending one of the open house tour.

11-03-2013, 04:04 PM
Wow, my mage joined right after Twilight opened. Has it really been 17 years?

Yes ma'am! On Wednesday the 6th, it will be our official 17th birthday! I've only been on board for a little over a year now as an officer but I've had a blast.

I remember a Landing without a Twilight. But, I wholeheartedly stand that Twilight has been a wonderful addition to the Landing. I was thoroughly amazed and impressed after attending one of the open house tour.

Awesome, thank you! :) We love to hear that!

11-03-2013, 06:59 PM
The quill pile is out on the house grounds (you can get one quill per day), help yourselves. (;go2 8622)

Also all three raffle tables are set up. Tickets 50k per

Raffle rooms are 294, 225 and 226

11-03-2013, 09:32 PM
First game starts in a half hour. It has two parts.

I did a total of the value of silvers/items/services going out this week and it is over 20 million silvers.

11-03-2013, 10:52 PM
Raffles for Twilight Hall, Room 226, 225, 294. each runestaff is valued at over 1m, 2 are ensorcelled and one has Dyhne ambient scripts, they draw MON, TUES, and WED at 11pm est

11-04-2013, 10:59 AM
Thank you to everyone who participated last night in our two games! You were all fantastic and we had so much fun hosting.

We also had 12 people roll the dice for prizes. Get your quills and wear them, we are looking.

A pile of parchment was also placed on the grounds a little later in the night and you may take one of those per day per character. They do have a purpose, which we will explain to our members tomorrow evening at the meeting.

*Monday 11/4 11 pm: runestaff raffle #1 (4x fully unlocked Bazzelwyn runestaff with T1 ensorcell flares) - location outside house [Wehnimer's, West Ring Rd.]
a spiral-carved slender orase staff

Before the Raffle, come to Rolfard's lecture on Ensorcell at 10 pm. If there are any, there are few sorcerers who have put as much time and effort into unlocking the secrets of the spell since its release.

Now that inductions have passed, I can now announce that the Members Only Event on Thursday will be an hour-long GALD merchant. Please come prepared with a design and backup. Also, since we wish to serve as many members as possible, please leave the Joola and other more complicated items for another time.

Finally, and not anniversary related, members are reminded that ornament designs are due tonight.

11-04-2013, 03:27 PM
Wow Alle that's really nice. I should bring my mage to the Landing and attend at least one of the events since she's been a member for so long. I remember standing out and talking to one of the founders when my mage was thinking about joining and they were having their grand opening. I still can't believe it has been 17 years.

OH and Velfi, you are an awesome officer. My bard attended one of the open houses and you were so incredibly cheerful :)

11-04-2013, 03:48 PM
I really enjoyed doing events with Twilight when I played; glad to see you're still doing that Allereli.

11-04-2013, 04:45 PM
I really enjoyed doing events with Twilight when I played; glad to see you're still doing that Allereli.

Thanks, Anticor, great endorsement. We appreciate it

11-04-2013, 04:54 PM
I had a great time at the events last night, and really enjoyed the creative skit game a lot. Kudos to you guys for putting on such a large and varied event!

11-04-2013, 10:46 PM
Raffle 1 draws at the top of the hour! 51 tickets in the barrel. Room 294

11-05-2013, 03:07 PM
Put your quills on! Last night I went looking for people around town for quite a while and didn't find as many as I wanted to play with. Top prize is 100k silvers for rolling a 1 on the 1st die and a 6 on the 2nd.

Many attended Rolfard's fireside discussion last night on ensorcell and Jeril won the super secret ensorcell spin (or spider selection). A couple of sorcerers walked away with enhancives useful for ensorcelling.

Mokoto won the first runestaff raffle. #2 draws tonight at 11 pm est.

*Tuesday 11/5 11 pm: runestaff raffle #2 (4x steam flaring steam zested runestaff that increases max mana for those with 40 trains) - location outside ye old candle shoppe [Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
a gear-strewn orase runestaff

Don't miss Magical Trivia tonight hosted by yours truly. Please start gathering in the auditorium (accessible from the house grounds) around 8:30 for rules to start promptly at 8:45. Top prize is a not so secret ensorcell up to T2 (one cast). Please see post #2 for additional details.

11-05-2013, 10:34 PM
raffle #2 draws in 27 minutes. by "zested" I mean dhyne scripted. ;go2 225

11-06-2013, 02:34 PM
Last night we did 12 more rolls of the dice for prizes after the raffle. Drafix was the big winner of Magical Trivia and over 4 million in prizes were handed out.

Loralaii and Velfi are hosting another round of games tonight. No trivia involved! Loralaii's is a two parter love potion scavenger hunt and mixer, and Velfi's is darts, so that's 3 more chances to get prizes.

The house workshop will be locked at certain times during tonight's event. Please use your guild workshops (as they are equivalent in strength) if you need a workshop between 8:45 and 10 pm eastern.

Our final runestaff draws tonight at 11 pm est, there were less than 60 tickets in the barrel last night!
Wednesday 11/6 11 pm: runestaff raffle #3 (6x fully unlocked Bazzelwyn lor runestaff with T1 ensorcell flares) - location outside the bath house [Wehnimer's, Talon St.]
a slender silvery lor runestaff

We also announced the purpose of the parchment and quills. We are collecting members' favorite memories of Twilight and we will be making a book out of these to put in our library. The more detailed the better, please include your character name. We will be collecting parchments with stories starting Thursday night at the merchant. If you don't want to write on a parchment, you can PM me your story here with your character name and I'll include it with the others.

11-06-2013, 10:37 PM
25 min to 6X WAND HOLDING (PERM) T1 RUNESTAFF raffle in Landing. go2 226

11-07-2013, 02:08 PM
Last night was a fantastic end to our public events. Loralaii hosted the love potion hunt and mixer and everyone was laughing hysterically.
Love game winners:
Kestis sloppiest
Vaerdn knock your socks off
Roiken awkward
Xixtrataa Unusual
Gweneivia romantic

Velfi followed that up with darts into the wee hours of the morning, Calandris was the big winner.

Emoth won the 3rd and final raffle. The officers were all pleased to see a house member win. We sold over 300 tickets for the three raffles and consider that an astounding success. We'll definitely be looking to have more raffles in the future.

Tonight is our merchant hour beginning at 10 pm est. Please be prepared with your items and designs. Please keep the items simple. Also if you have your favorite Twilight memory written down, feel free to pass it along to an officer. The more detailed, the better, and please include your name.

11-08-2013, 01:47 PM
Thanks to all the members who came out and celebrated last night and got some work done. We also rolled some dice while hanging out in the gazebo.

News, crier, calendar Kethore
Raffle items Rolfard & Allereli
Tour & Inductions Kethore
“Imagine Magic” Kethore & Jynai
Ensorcell Lecture Rolfard
Magical Trivia Allereli
“Quest for Kisses” Loralaii
“Get to the Point” (darts) Velfi
Dice Game creation Allereli
Scorekeeper (all games) Velfi
Quill design Rolfard & Allereli
Parchment design Rolfard & Luneth
Charleia Luneth
GM Event Support Luneth

All officers pitched in to help each other with rule issues, judging or hosting the dice game.

Thanks to GM Luneth for going above and beyond.

Thanks to Silvean and Seomanthe, two non-members, for their recent contributions to the house. Silvean donated the armor in Bleeds's room, and Seo's contribution is secret until the Teras annex opens.

Congrats to Jynai to was promoted to a full officer position, Ambassador, at the end of last night.

And finally a huge thanks and a big hug to Zzentar, who stepped down last night after years of service as an officer.

Pumpkin Queen
11-08-2013, 01:56 PM
Thank you to all who came out to celebrate with us! I know I had a blast with my event, and seeing everyone have so much fun made it so much more sweet!

Thanks to all the other officers for hard work to make this past week such a good time!!

Cant wait till next year!