View Full Version : Hard Time Installing Lich on MacBook.

10-27-2013, 11:37 PM
Hi, I'm having a really hard time installing lich on a macbook pro.

Anyone have any tips/advice?

I downloaded Xcode off of the app store, but I am stuck on what to do now...

Is Avalon(Feels like a cheap Wizard FE) the only way to play GS other than browser?

Can you resize any of the icons in Avalon?

Sorry for all the questions, just coming back after a long time and now forced to deal with all of this!

Thanks in advance, happy adventuring!

10-28-2013, 09:05 PM

No one GS on a mac?

10-28-2013, 09:16 PM
I think most people run a partition with windows on it for lich... if you search the PC you will find threads on this.

10-28-2013, 09:43 PM
You should be able to use Tillmen's minimalist Ruby FE on a MAC with relative ease. It's probably your best option, though I've never used Avalon and only heard the horror stories.

10-28-2013, 10:20 PM
Can you use the minimalist rube fe with Lich? I can't figure out how to install it. I been trying to follow the guide, but I'm stuck on what to do after installing xcode.

10-29-2013, 02:40 AM
I don't use OSX, but here's some information that could possibly be correct...

First: Ruby version

OSX comes with Ruby preinstalled, and it will run Lich. However, the preinstalled Ruby doesn't have the GTK bindings. If you use that version, Lich won't be able to create GTK windows. For the most part, this just means narost won't work and various scripts that use a GTK windows for setup won't work. You may or may not be able to set up these scripts using the command line. For example, you could still use waggle, but not bigshot.

If you want Lich to be able to create windows, you'll have to do something. This is where installing Xcode and MacPorts and a new version of Ruby comes in. There's one set of instructions on the Lich download page, with a link to another set of instructions. You may even be able to skip all that and install the GTK bindings for the version of Ruby that comes with OSX by typing the following two commands into a terminal:
brew install gtk+
sudo gem install gtk2

It's hard to tell what will or won't work for whatever random system configuration, especially since I haven't tried any of them.

Next: the frontend

Assuming you don't want to dual boot or use an emulator, your options are Avalon, WizardFE, and ProfanityFE.

Avalon will probably be the easiest to use. Just get Avalon like normal and enter some command like:
sudo ruby lich.rbw --gemstone --avalon
into a terminal, and then log into the game using Avalon. There may be a problem if you're trying to use Lich, Avalon, and a Platinum account. I'm not sure what the deal with that is.

To use the WizardFE without an emulator, you need to install WINE. WINE is... not an emulator. It's an implementation of the Windows API. The interwebz says you install WINE on OSX by typing:
brew install wine
into a terminal. Apparently homebrew (brew) may not be installed. There's probably something somewhere that tells you how to install that. In theory, if you have WINE installed and Lich can make GTK windows, you can download the Simutronics Launcher (http://www.play.net/software/lnchInst.exe), install it using WINE (open a terminal, change to the directory with lnchInst.exe, and type wine lnchInst.exe), double-click lich.rbw or otherwise start lich.rbw with no command line parameters, and then log in using the Lich game entry. It's basically just the same thing that people using Linux do, except installing WINE and GTK is different. Technically you can also use Stormfront the same way, but it runs annoying slow under WINE.

ProfanityFE is a terminal based frontend that I've been working on. It's not at all complete, but it's not that bad either. It's the only frontend I've used for a few months now. Currently it can only be configured by editing the XML file. It's missing some random stuff like displaying what's in your hands, but has other stuff like a progress bar to countdown stuns, and bars for encumbrance and stamina which are missing on the WizardFE. The regex highlights can be pretty cool too. The number of colors that can be displayed is limited by the terminal. This can be a good or bad thing. The Windows terminal is limited to 16 colors, making everything look like crap. On Linux it's only limited to 256 colors being displayed on the screen at once. That doesn't mean you're limited to 256 highlight colors. You set as many different colors as you want using html codes and they should all show up right as long fewer than 256 different colors are needed on the screen at any given time. I think ProfanityFE requires Ruby 1.9 or later. ProfanityFE is not user friendly yet. Lich will need to be able to create GTK windows so you can save quick login info. Then you should be able to type a couple commands into a terminal to log in with Profanity. If that goes well, you'll probably have to figure out how to get your terminal into 256 color mode. There's a thread about it on here somewhere.

If there's something specific that's causing you problems, tell us what it is.

10-29-2013, 04:26 AM
Default mac term should be 256 colors. But you should be using iterm2 because it definitely supports it and also because it's not a piece of shit.

I'm curious to play with your new toy though Tilmen. Next time i'm stuck home visiting the family without a real gaming PC i'll load up a trial account just to see what you've done.

10-29-2013, 04:48 AM
Gemstone should only be played on real gaming PCs.

10-29-2013, 04:49 AM
I use Lich with Avalon on my MacBook Pro and iMac. Am at work at the moment but I do remember it being difficult to get everything up and running, but now that it's working I think the setup works fine. I use uberbarwiz and a couple of the Avalon windows which give all the info I need. All the window sizes can be changed.

I followed the instructions on the lich page (don't have the link right now) but can post it later if you can't find it or still having trouble.

10-29-2013, 06:33 AM
Gemstone should only be played on real gaming PCs.

Bro, my CPS (characters per second) is through the roof thanks to this rig.

10-29-2013, 10:49 PM
I'm still stuck on the basics...

I got xcode, downloaded the command lines...

But how do I open up terminal?

After I open up terminal, I am suppose to copy and paste all that coding? (After, I do that, can I still download brew and rune wine for Wizard FE? Seems like the easiest solution?)

10-30-2013, 10:18 AM
I used these two sites:

I didn't do any of the extras options. After xcode looks like you need to do macports. Then follow the commands in the terminal which is located inside the utilities folder. I've put a copy in my dock for easy access. I didn't have to do anything with brew but then again, I don't know anything about it so maybe it's easier. I just followed the instructions on those pages and it worked so hopefully you'll get it too.

10-30-2013, 12:41 PM
I'm still stuck on the basics...

But how do I open up terminal?

Either just search (spotlight, the little magnifying glass) for terminal, click on the application, or go to your applications folder. Terminal is probably inside either the "Other" folder or the "Developer" folder. Double click, it acts like a normal application.

After I open up terminal, I am suppose to copy and paste all that coding? (After, I do that, can I still download brew and rune wine for Wizard FE? Seems like the easiest solution?)

Yes, copy and paste in the terminal window. You will have to wait a long time for Ruby to finish installing, probably 60-90 minutes (maybe it's more, I haven't done it in a while). Check the error messages against the instructions, if you have any errors.

The 'easiest' is to use Avalon. That's not saying it's the best (I haven't used Wizard since about 2001, so I can't advise on that). Lots of people on the PC side prefer Wizard to StormFront, the 'current' PC software. There was the above comment preferring Wizard to the 'horror' that is Avalon. One thing to note, Avalon hasn't been updated for years (including the beta), and doesn't include, for instance, updated spell lists, and certainly not monk spells. I don't use the spell menu item anyway, unless I'm too lazy to go to krakiipedia, but it's sadly out of date.

I have just enough messing around skill with the computer to consider trying Tillmen's FE, but it'll be a week when I have lots of free time (Thanksgiving, probably), since if something goes wrong, it will take me a while to figure it out, most likely.

11-01-2013, 05:30 PM
I'm trying to install brew now, after finding the terminal. Thank you Sim.

But now I get this error.

dalsewnv01:~ jamestran$ brew doctor
Your system is ready to brew.
dalsewnv01:~ jamestran$ brew install wine
wine: Unsatisfied dependency: XQuartz
Homebrew does not package XQuartz. Installers may be found at:
Error: An unsatisfied requirement failed this build.

11-01-2013, 06:25 PM
Maybe a silly question, but, you downloaded and installed xquartz?

11-07-2013, 03:29 PM
Quick question: is it possible to install a version of ruby with the GTK bindings through RVM? I'm a rails developer and I prefer to let RVM manage my ruby versions—I did some quick searching around but couldn't find anything. Other than that I've been loving using Avalon with Lich on OS X.

Tillmen: I'd love to give your ProfanityFE a try when you're ready, I had a quick look at what was on the GH repo, is that the latest build? THANKS!

11-08-2013, 04:19 PM
Ah, OK. Never messed with GTK before, I grabbed the GTK2 gem but I'm still getting the "warning: failed to load GTK bindings"

11-15-2013, 05:34 PM
Ah, OK—round 2. I figured it out, guess I had an older version of XQuartz that was not playing nice with Mavericks. Updated it, and now everything works super great. Thanks.

11-16-2013, 11:45 PM
Tillmen: I'd love to give your ProfanityFE a try when you're ready, I had a quick look at what was on the GH repo, is that the latest build? THANKS!
