View Full Version : Necropolis

10-27-2013, 02:16 AM
I pulled a lever set the start and was crushed because I was alone. Has anyone figured out how to bypass this? I'd appreciate a pm

10-27-2013, 04:16 PM
Yeah. Have more people which is what the ig message tells you.

10-27-2013, 06:53 PM
I actually found a way around....

10-28-2013, 03:12 PM

10-28-2013, 04:06 PM
Please explain or send me a pm. I can get out solo with no problem but I don't want to get out, I want to finish it! Preferrably without dragging a bunch of other people with me.

10-28-2013, 04:25 PM
ill go with you gwen. i need to do it too.

10-28-2013, 04:44 PM
Some hints about this quest would be appreciated. I can't even figure out how to start, which doesn't bode well for the ending.

10-28-2013, 05:08 PM
Go into the mausoleum where the gravedigger is. Search and you see a staircase and go through until you find miner. Give him 25000 coins and your in the quest area.

10-28-2013, 05:20 PM
I found a way around the lever, but it didn't matter as I was dead within the next 10 seconds. It might be possible to do this area alone, but I don't recommend it.

10-28-2013, 07:18 PM
Definitely bring a group with you. Or sit around waiting until more people show up, like I did. But once you have the people, it's very straightforward. The part I kept getting hung up on, early on, was the mine cart and then the spectral forest and such. You don't need to go that way for the quest. It's more of a quick exit. I don't want to give too much away. Bring a skull insignia with you.

10-28-2013, 09:18 PM
As the sign says, there is a sanctuary, but it's a bit over halfway through the quest. You can't rely on it to survive early.

10-29-2013, 12:18 AM
Does anyone capped-ish want to go tomorrow around 8 or 9 o'clock pm eastern?

10-29-2013, 09:48 AM

Bristenn, Crux, Raelee and I are going around 7-8 CST... COME WITH!

p.s now I see why that dragon was so funny. rofl

10-29-2013, 10:28 AM
Err so that's 5-6 PST... which is 7-8 EST... argh, whyfor you make me do timezone conversions at 7:30am?

I think that will work! I am trying to rope Cryheart into going, and he'll be available at 8 EST.

P.S. That dragon kills me, it looks like the dragon version of Bad Joke Eel

10-29-2013, 10:37 AM
Dragon? I completed the quest sans dragon :/

10-29-2013, 02:31 PM
what dragon?

10-29-2013, 02:43 PM
the one currently making a cameo appearance as my avatar...

10-29-2013, 04:33 PM
I can bring TK or my little lockpicker tonight (29th) if anyone is planning a run. Tomorrow is game 6, no can do.

10-29-2013, 04:46 PM
You should definitely bring TK and go with us =)

10-29-2013, 05:24 PM
Yeah.. they need to instance this damn thing.

How are you supposed to do it with anyone under 80 when there are capped people hunting in it all the time?

10-29-2013, 07:07 PM
I would agree that instancing is probably a good idea for this. Too many capped folks out there that will make this really difficult for younger folks. On the other hand, we were able to gather in a couple stragglers and help them finish when they otherwise might not have. So I guess it cuts both ways.

My one piece of advice is to be prepared like an adventurer when you go in, not like some one trick pony who only knows how to do one thing. IE: those who have tertiary skills, a backup plan for various situations, and a sack of herbs will be better off than those who only know how to blast away.

10-29-2013, 07:19 PM
Thread: Necropolis

What's this? A quest that's somewhat challenging? It requires teamwork? Impossibruu! Keep on bitching and kissing those rainbows.

There is a difference between a challenge, and being level 25 in a area where there are capped players spawning level 100 undead. How about this, why don't the big man that wrote that rep go pick a fight with a couple of MMA heavy weight champs. I mean, that would be FAIR, right? Since it would be a challenge. Fucking moron.

10-29-2013, 08:31 PM
I don't mind the challenge but I would like to get past the capped folks hunting in the starting area (trying to do this with two level 16 characters). Would anyone mind sharing the route through the maze via PM? I didn't bring any high level characters to EG this year.

-- Faulkil

10-14-2014, 12:34 PM
I'm going to Necro this thread since I really would like to try and complete the Necropolis this year at EG. Last year ended in death and dismemberment as I was, and still am, not even close to 50 with my main. I'm either looking for some suggestions as to the best way to tackle this as a lower level character or a fine group of upstanding superheroes to allow me to join them on a trip through.


10-14-2014, 12:48 PM
I'm going to Necro this thread since I really would like to try and complete the Necropolis this year at EG. Last year ended in death and dismemberment as I was, and still am, not even close to 50 with my main. I'm either looking for some suggestions as to the best way to tackle this as a lower level character or a fine group of upstanding superheroes to allow me to join them on a trip through.


I THINK there will be different instances of the necropolis to divide the level ranges and prevent what happened last year (capped groups taking it over as a hunting ground)

10-14-2014, 12:50 PM
here it is:

This year, I was hard at work updating the Necropolis. I won't go into all the updates, as some of them are puzzles. There are four versions of the Necropolis this year, one for each 25-level group. That means levels 1 through 25 will all be contained in one "instance" of the Necropolis. And then it goes 26 to 50, 51 to 75, and 76 to 100. The opt out path has been removed, but there are still ways to opt out if you need to. You'll just have to figure it out. There are rooms that appear to be dead ends, but they are guess-the-verb puzzles. Some require special items. This year, all the items you need are contained in the Necropolis. I tried to make them feel like an old text-based dungeon crawl for what you have to do. So keep that in mind. The throne room was destroyed due to the sink holes in the verge collapsing, so there are 40 new rooms to explore. The Hall of the Dead is a brand new puzzle as well. A little over half of the Necropolis is filled with creatures, the other half is more a straight maze to the final boss.

You may select one of two prizes this year. If you didn't get last year's prize, you can get it, or you can get a second. If you have last year's prize, you can boost it this year. You might think, "Hey Wyrom, why would I boost it when I can just grab a second." I've put a lot of thought into the future of the prize, and that's all I'll say.

Special thanks to GM Liia, Retser, and Spalt for giving me a hand this year. As well as all my alpha testers!

~Wyrom, APM

>>They call him Wyrom, not afraid to get dirty; work all day, in game by 5:30; loresongs eloquent, item embellishment, double speed development... ~Silvean


10-18-2014, 08:07 PM
here it is:

This year, I was hard at work updating the Necropolis. I won't go into all the updates, as some of them are puzzles. There are four versions of the Necropolis this year, one for each 25-level group. That means levels 1 through 25 will all be contained in one "instance" of the Necropolis. And then it goes 26 to 50, 51 to 75, and 76 to 100. The opt out path has been removed, but there are still ways to opt out if you need to. You'll just have to figure it out. There are rooms that appear to be dead ends, but they are guess-the-verb puzzles. Some require special items. This year, all the items you need are contained in the Necropolis. I tried to make them feel like an old text-based dungeon crawl for what you have to do. So keep that in mind. The throne room was destroyed due to the sink holes in the verge collapsing, so there are 40 new rooms to explore. The Hall of the Dead is a brand new puzzle as well. A little over half of the Necropolis is filled with creatures, the other half is more a straight maze to the final boss.

You may select one of two prizes this year. If you didn't get last year's prize, you can get it, or you can get a second. If you have last year's prize, you can boost it this year. You might think, "Hey Wyrom, why would I boost it when I can just grab a second." I've put a lot of thought into the future of the prize, and that's all I'll say.

Special thanks to GM Liia, Retser, and Spalt for giving me a hand this year. As well as all my alpha testers!

~Wyrom, APM

>>They call him Wyrom, not afraid to get dirty; work all day, in game by 5:30; loresongs eloquent, item embellishment, double speed development... ~Silvean


Ah, nice. Thanks!

With that in mind, I'll be looking for a 25-50 group for Friday night!

10-18-2014, 09:33 PM
Ah, nice. Thanks!

With that in mind, I'll be looking for a 25-50 group for Friday night!

I'd be more than happy and grateful to join that group, if you don't mind; assuming you're talking about the 24th. Also depends on the time you're looking at. I'm doing a Troubled Waters run at 11pm EST that night. Keep me posted.

10-18-2014, 10:34 PM
Did we ever figure out what the "boosting" of the black ora hearts actually does??

10-18-2014, 10:47 PM
Did we ever figure out what the "boosting" of the black ora hearts actually does??

Prob just make it hold more charges.

10-18-2014, 11:28 PM
Prob just make it hold more charges.

Fuckin sexy.

10-19-2014, 12:08 AM
I'd be more than happy and grateful to join that group, if you don't mind; assuming you're talking about the 24th. Also depends on the time you're looking at. I'm doing a Troubled Waters run at 11pm EST that night. Keep me posted.

I'd love to join the group as well. I have a 30 empath going to EG and didn't do the quest last year. I'm pretty much available any time from the 24th to the 27th, took off Friday and Monday.

Send me a PM to get something scheduled!

10-25-2014, 11:17 AM
stuck on gondola, where the fuck do I row?

10-25-2014, 11:39 AM
dock somewhere after going north.