View Full Version : Playing with my third leg!

08-26-2003, 12:00 AM
Vashtee screams!
>get my third leg
You remove a severed dark elven leg from in your spidersilk backpack.
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
>hurl vash
With great effort, you heft a severed dark elven leg and hurl it and also managed to strain a few muscles doing so. You're going to feel that in the morning!
You throw a severed dark elven leg at Vashtee!
AS: -20 vs DS: +154 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +100 = -57
A clean miss.
Momentum carries a severed dark elven leg past Vashtee to land nearby.
Roundtime: 12 sec.
Vashtee shrieks!
You notice Vashtee sneak in around behind you.
>get leg
You pick up a severed dark elven leg.
>pre 117
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Strike spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
An invisible force guides you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
>kill scong
You swing a severed dark elven leg at Scong!
AS: +125 vs DS: +30 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +98 = +213
... and hit for 43 points of damage!
Weapon arm mangled horribly.

* Scong drops dead at your feet!

The guiding force leaves you.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You hear the ghostly voice of Scong say, "KLAIVE OMG1"
Vashtee gawks at you.
Vashtee giggles.
Vashtee asks, "Wasn't that his leg love?"
You nod.
You hear the ghostly voice of Scong say, "MY GOD"
>"Yes, my child?
You ask, "Yes, my child?"
You hear the ghostly voice of Scong say, "KLAIVE"

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

08-26-2003, 12:04 AM
Dude... you need a hobby.

08-26-2003, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Sharkie17
Dude... you need a hobby.

This is my hobby.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

08-26-2003, 02:01 AM
Beating people with their own legs is fun.
-personally did it to Lugubrious-

08-26-2003, 08:20 AM
Damn that was pretty funny. Killed him with his own leg lmao.

[Edited on 08-26-03 by Gokkem]

08-26-2003, 12:50 PM
He needs shot in his head. Or have his wheelchair priveledges revoked.

08-28-2003, 09:43 AM
He needs some serious MEDS. People like him are why I am for the legalization of marijuana. Never met a violent pot head.

08-28-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Terrorize
He needs some serious MEDS. People like him are why I am for the legalization of marijuana. Never met a violent pot head.

I take Celexa for depression, but unfortunately, there's no known medication for my Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Of course, that isn't why I beat him to death with his own leg. I did it cause it was funny. :bouncy:

But by all means, if you know where I can get some of what you mentioned in Reno without it being a sting, please let me know by IMing Thepa Rkqua Ker (No Spaces). I'm growing my own Salvia divinorum currently, but it won't be ready until next year. So any help would be appreciated.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

08-28-2003, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

Originally posted by Terrorize
He needs some serious MEDS. People like him are why I am for the legalization of marijuana. Never met a violent pot head.

I take Celexa for depression, but unfortunately, there's no known medication for my Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Of course, that isn't why I beat him to death with his own leg. I did it cause it was funny. :bouncy:

But by all means, if you know where I can get some of what you mentioned in Reno without it being a sting, please let me know by IMing Thepa Rkqua Ker (No Spaces). I'm growing my own Salvia divinorum currently, but it won't be ready until next year. So any help would be appreciated.

- --[ Klaive ]-- -

Yup, burn those cortical cells up buddy, it increases your IQ! Stoner.

08-29-2003, 09:09 AM
Falling back on the claim that you have some diagnosed disease as an excuse for being an asshole gets old.

08-29-2003, 09:11 AM
Ya, it makes me feel sorry for the really sick people. Like Bob.

08-29-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Falling back on the claim that you have some diagnosed disease as an excuse for being an asshole gets old.

People with APD don't have to be assholes. I'm an asshole because I see morons like you and feel the need to beat them to death (with their own legs if possible). The fact that I have APD has little to do with the way I act. It just helps me not to care that most of you humans hate me. :lol:

- --[ Emperor Klaive ]-- -

08-29-2003, 01:22 PM
The fact that I have APD has little to do with the way I act. It just helps me not to care that most of you humans hate me
This is a message board. Unless someone has trained an ape to type, I'd assume we are all Humans here

[Edited on 8-29-2003 by Kurili]

Weedmage Princess
08-29-2003, 02:36 PM
Klaive isn't a Human...he's a...super Sayan or whatever the hell those things are called, right Klaive?

08-29-2003, 02:54 PM
Mmmhmmm. Sure, Weedmage Princess, encourage him.

08-29-2003, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Klaive isn't a Human...he's a...super Sayan or whatever the hell those things are called, right Klaive?

Yes, that's right.

http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/GemStone/goku1.gif http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/GemStone/goku13.gif

Weedmage Princess
08-29-2003, 04:39 PM
It's amusing!!!

edited because I just noticed Klaive's signature...

WTF is up with the little daisies in each corner of the picture?

You are a freakshow.

[Edited on 8-29-2003 by Weedmage Princess]

08-29-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
It's amusing!!!

edited because I just noticed Klaive's signature...

WTF is up with the little daisies in each corner of the picture?

You are a freakshow.

[Edited on 8-29-2003 by Weedmage Princess]

Klaive's woman made that for him. STFU.

Weedmage Princess
08-29-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Klaive's woman made that for him. STFU.

Friggin ouch!!

....you're still a freakshow.

08-29-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess

Friggin ouch!!

....you're still a freakshow.

Yeah, but I'm still cuter than you.

Weedmage Princess
08-29-2003, 08:02 PM

08-29-2003, 11:01 PM
Daisies are the universal symbol of not-sexually frustrated/confused young men everywhere.

08-30-2003, 12:25 AM
Someone who proudly claims to have an APD over some game-related message boards makes it clear that they do not desire treatment.

08-30-2003, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by Adhara
Someone who proudly claims to have an APD over some game-related message boards makes it clear that they do not desire treatment.

Self-diagnosis does not APD make.


08-30-2003, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone

Originally posted by Adhara
Someone who proudly claims to have an APD over some game-related message boards makes it clear that they do not desire treatment.

Self-diagnosis does not APD make.


Once again, it's not a self-diagnosis. I was suspected to have APD when I was very young, but when I was 18, I was officially diagnosed with it by Dr. Robert M. Sheally in Lancaster, SC. You can look him up if you like. I believe he's a Duke University Graduate and a Psychiatrist.

For one who's out to "Harm None", you certainly are quick to attack the validity of claims made by those you don't like. Which wouldn't even be much of an issue except... it shouldn't matter. It's just online crap. True or not, it doesn't effect your every day life.

I see no reason to say that you have APD if you don't. It has its advantages, but the drawbacks far outweigh them. Anyway, I'm sleepy and off to bed. Later.

08-30-2003, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
For one who's out to "Harm None", you certainly are quick to attack the validity of claims made by those you don't like.

I do not dislike you, Klaive. I find you rather sad, but I do not dislike you. You jump too quickly to that conclusion.

Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
I see no reason to say that you have APD if you don't.
Believe me, young Darien, neither do I... except that to certain individuals suffering from certain disorders, APD sounds much more interesting and exciting than do the abberations from which they actually suffer.

It is of no importance to me. You create the atmosphere in which you find yourself. If it suits you, so be it.


08-30-2003, 02:26 AM

08-30-2003, 10:58 AM
I know a few people like that Maimara. Funny how after a while you can sense them from a distance.