View Full Version : Lich Errors

10-15-2013, 07:00 AM
I just came back in the country after being out for six months and my lich seems to be broken. Is there a fix or do I have to re-install the program? Here is a shot of the problems.

--- error: Alias.init: marshal data too short
--- error: Favorites.load: marshal data too short

--- Lich: lnet active.
--- Lich: updater active.
--- Lich: infomon active.
--- error: CharSettings.load: marshal data too short
--- error: CharSettings.load: marshal data too short
--- error: SpellRanks.load: dump format error(0x48)
[infomon: checking stats...]

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[infomon: checking skills...]
[infomon: checking society...]
[infomon: checking citizenship...]
[infomon: checking combat maneuvers...]

[infomon: done]
[updater: updated spell-list.xml]
--- Lich: 'infomon' has been stopped by updater.
--- Lich: infomon has exited.

And when I try to add new alias I get this:

>;alias add tc =;go2 2300
--- error: client_thread: marshal data too short
C:/Users/Mid/Downloads/lich-4.4.6/lich/lich.rbw:1934:in `load'

10-15-2013, 09:08 PM

10-16-2013, 01:04 AM
Your settings are corrupted for whatever reason. Log out of all characters and rename the data folder (...\lich\data) to data.bak or something. That should get everything working again, but with none of your old settings. Then you could try recovering some of the old settings if you really need them.