08-26-2003, 12:45 PM
Jes thought this was neat...
Celtic Warrior Dedication Ritual
Sacrifice of a future warrior to Scathach, asking for skill at arms and announcing to the gods that you wish to travel the warrior path. The rite is written in the Inis Glas format. Everything in italics is spoken.
Items Needed:
• altar cloth
• Symbols for Land, Sea and Sky (I use my Circle of Stones to represent all 3)
• milk or other offering liquid for the Spirits
• Mead or an appropriate offering for the gods
• Offering for the ancestors
• libation vessel
• Item to offer Scathach, such as a dagger or sword
• Shovel to dig a pit or access to a well
Dig a small hole, about 2 foot deep near and wide enough to hold the item, near the space you plan to work. Place your altar cloth on the ground with the Realm items arranged as such: Sky object is at the north. Sea is at the southwest. Land is at the southeast. If using the Circle of Stones, place it in the southeast, as it takes up a lot of room. If you have a symbol of Scathach, it should be to the north. Place the libation bowl, with the liquid offering in it, nearby. I put it in the southwest.
The Center Point:
Stand quietly facing the north and relax with your hands resting at your sides. Clear your mind and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in and out slowly and follow along with this meditation, which will place you in the center of the cosmos.
"I am at the center of the world"
Exhale, move to one knee with palms on the ground before you
"I stand firmly upon the land"
Inhale and rise to your feet, moving the hands behind at hip height, palms up, cupping. Exhale and move the hands in an arc until they meet in front.
"The sea always surrounds me"
Inhale, move the hands to the sides, spread the fingers wide, palms forward. Exhale and raise the arms, bringing the hands together above the head, thumb & forefinger meeting to create a triangle.
"The sky spreads itself above me"
Inhale, lower the hands to the heart again.
"I am at the center of the Three Realms."
Exhale and lower the hands to the sides Invocation:
Manannan mac Lir, Lord of the Mist, Ruler of Tir na mBam, Guardian of the gate of the Otherworld. I ask you to open the gates to the Otherworld. Allows my ancestors to watch over this rite. Spirits of the land below me, sky above me and sea around me, welcome to my rite. I ask that you attend and witness my offering. Scathach, I come to pay you tribute, please attend my rite and receive this gift.
Grasp the offering
Scathach, you have trained the greatest warrior CuChulain in the way of war. I ask that you take a guiding hand in my training as a warrior of the modern era. I place myself on the path of the warrior, to defend the truth in all its forms. As my ancestors did before me, I offer this weapon as a sacrifice. Bend the blade or break the weapon in some way, if you have not already done so. Bury the weapon in the pit and cover.
Scathach, accept this offering as tribute for your guidance.
Scathach, thank you for your attendance, I give you this wine for your travels
Pour half the the Mead
Family and friends, thank you for coming and go back to your rest in peace.
Offer libation for the ancestors
Manannan mac Lir thank you for opening to the gates, allow my family and friends to pass back to the Otherworld.Pour the rest of the meade
Spirits, thank you for bearing witness to this sacrifice. I ask you to watch over this site and not allow other to tamper with my offering.
Pour libation for the spirits, the rite is over.
Celtic Warrior Dedication Ritual
Sacrifice of a future warrior to Scathach, asking for skill at arms and announcing to the gods that you wish to travel the warrior path. The rite is written in the Inis Glas format. Everything in italics is spoken.
Items Needed:
• altar cloth
• Symbols for Land, Sea and Sky (I use my Circle of Stones to represent all 3)
• milk or other offering liquid for the Spirits
• Mead or an appropriate offering for the gods
• Offering for the ancestors
• libation vessel
• Item to offer Scathach, such as a dagger or sword
• Shovel to dig a pit or access to a well
Dig a small hole, about 2 foot deep near and wide enough to hold the item, near the space you plan to work. Place your altar cloth on the ground with the Realm items arranged as such: Sky object is at the north. Sea is at the southwest. Land is at the southeast. If using the Circle of Stones, place it in the southeast, as it takes up a lot of room. If you have a symbol of Scathach, it should be to the north. Place the libation bowl, with the liquid offering in it, nearby. I put it in the southwest.
The Center Point:
Stand quietly facing the north and relax with your hands resting at your sides. Clear your mind and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in and out slowly and follow along with this meditation, which will place you in the center of the cosmos.
"I am at the center of the world"
Exhale, move to one knee with palms on the ground before you
"I stand firmly upon the land"
Inhale and rise to your feet, moving the hands behind at hip height, palms up, cupping. Exhale and move the hands in an arc until they meet in front.
"The sea always surrounds me"
Inhale, move the hands to the sides, spread the fingers wide, palms forward. Exhale and raise the arms, bringing the hands together above the head, thumb & forefinger meeting to create a triangle.
"The sky spreads itself above me"
Inhale, lower the hands to the heart again.
"I am at the center of the Three Realms."
Exhale and lower the hands to the sides Invocation:
Manannan mac Lir, Lord of the Mist, Ruler of Tir na mBam, Guardian of the gate of the Otherworld. I ask you to open the gates to the Otherworld. Allows my ancestors to watch over this rite. Spirits of the land below me, sky above me and sea around me, welcome to my rite. I ask that you attend and witness my offering. Scathach, I come to pay you tribute, please attend my rite and receive this gift.
Grasp the offering
Scathach, you have trained the greatest warrior CuChulain in the way of war. I ask that you take a guiding hand in my training as a warrior of the modern era. I place myself on the path of the warrior, to defend the truth in all its forms. As my ancestors did before me, I offer this weapon as a sacrifice. Bend the blade or break the weapon in some way, if you have not already done so. Bury the weapon in the pit and cover.
Scathach, accept this offering as tribute for your guidance.
Scathach, thank you for your attendance, I give you this wine for your travels
Pour half the the Mead
Family and friends, thank you for coming and go back to your rest in peace.
Offer libation for the ancestors
Manannan mac Lir thank you for opening to the gates, allow my family and friends to pass back to the Otherworld.Pour the rest of the meade
Spirits, thank you for bearing witness to this sacrifice. I ask you to watch over this site and not allow other to tamper with my offering.
Pour libation for the spirits, the rite is over.