View Full Version : Ego2 and platinum

10-07-2013, 09:14 AM

Could you make just a minor change to ego2 por favor.

In platinum (possibly shattered too), whenever you run ego2, it tries to escort the person through the portals. If you could just have it call the go2 and either temporarily set portals off, and back on if the setting is enabled. I'm at work, so I can't exactly look at it myself to see what would work.

10-08-2013, 10:09 AM
Wow... Who's the fucking asshat for no goddamn reason...

Thread:Ego2 and platinum

Or you could just not be a lazy fuck and have to script every single fucking thing in the game.

1401 downvotes, wtf.

10-08-2013, 10:17 AM
That's the PC forums. No matter what gets said, someone will find a way to not only disagree, but blast you into oblivion for mentioning it. It's more of a 'browsing' forum, if you're worried about post-karma.

Also, in regards to your post, can't you just put in something like ;go2 portals=off and it'll go the long way? That's what I always did.

10-08-2013, 10:27 AM
That's the PC forums. No matter what gets said, someone will find a way to not only disagree, but blast you into oblivion for mentioning it. It's more of a 'browsing' forum, if you're worried about post-karma.

Also, in regards to your post, can't you just put in something like ;go2 portals=off and it'll go the long way? That's what I always did.

Yes, but inside of the ego2 script, you can modify the go2.call / step2.call (or whatver it is) to include an option to temporarily turn off portals for that specific call and not have it effect your saved settings.

Basically, it should be a 2 second fix that would save anyone who tries to use it and forgets to change the setting - the 5 minutes it takes to stop, move the guy back, once you realize you're headed (or at) the portals.

The reason I asked tillmen is four-part. First, it's his script. Second, He can update it for everyone else. Third, I'm 99% sure he knows exactly how to do it, since he showed me how to do it in the past. Lastly - if any changes needed to be made for any reason to the other scripts, he controls ;go2, and possibly ;step2 (not sure on this one) as well.

But apparently I'm a lazy fuck who has to script every single fucking thing in the game.

10-08-2013, 03:12 PM
Updated ego2. I didn't test it cause I aint got no portals. I think there's a fair chance it'll break something because platinum has a fork of the map database, updater, and go2.

10-17-2013, 01:19 PM
Reputation Comment:
Thread: Ego2 and platinum
You should have stayed gone. No one missed you or your rage fueled rants. Die in a fire fucktard.

...hahahaha, case in point. I'm glad there'll always be people who lack the nuts to say something like that with anonymity to hide behind. Miiiiiisssed yooooouuuu. ;) (Seriously Athias, this is like, what happens on the PC forums. Prime example. Best bet is to ignore red rep comments, and any post not directly helping the issue you post in regards to. I'd probly ask any Lich/Ego2/Ruby questions in the GSPlat chat first. I usually get everything cleared up there pretty fast.)

10-17-2013, 01:27 PM
Reputation Comment:
Thread: Ego2 and platinum
You should have stayed gone. No one missed you or your rage fueled rants. Die in a fire fucktard.

...hahahaha, case in point. I'm glad there'll always be people who lack the nuts to say something like that without anonymity to hide behind. Miiiiiisssed yooooouuuu. ;) (Seriously Athias, this is like, what happens on the PC forums. Prime example. Best bet is to ignore red rep comments, and any post not directly helping the issue you post in regards to. I'd probly ask any Lich/Ego2/Ruby questions in the GSPlat chat first. I usually get everything cleared up there pretty fast.)

Honestly, it just threw me for a loop at first - because I didn't understand what the reputation crap was. At first I thought it was like a downvote system, which basically would have meant nobody would have seen my request (which Tillmen kindly obliged - although I haven't had a chance to test it yet). I find it amusing though that I pissed someone off enough to want to tank my reputation.

As far as GSPlat chat goes however - I find when it comes to lich I end up answering more questions than getting answer lately. I still have quite a bit to catch up on though after coming back from hiatus.

Edit - Also, once I remember to save all my scripts and make them available to me at work (massively stupid IT security) I will finally be able to start looking at some of spiffyjr and TG01's scripts to help clean up some little error I run across in plat. Tillmen's I can at least see on github, so I've recently started taking a look at those in my spare time.