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10-06-2013, 10:19 PM
SBounty Walk Through Thingy
SpiffyBounty by SpiffyJr (
usage: ;sbounty [hunter=bigshot]
SBounty uses the Proxy pattern ( to interface with hunting scripts. A proxy for Bigshot is included by default. To use another proxy you should call ;sbounty <proxy_name>.
The screens
Locations / Options
New name: Used with the create button to create a new location by name.
Locations: Selectable list of stored locations that will load the options below it and let you configure them. Can be used with the delete button to remove a location.
Location: Enter the bounty location for the area. SBounty will use this to determine where bounties can be done.
Skins: Skins tied to the location. SBounty will use this to determine what skin bounties to do.
Targets: Target list that gets passed to the hunter-proxy and then to the hunter. By default, it uses bigshot, so this can be anything bigshot accepts.
Room #: The starting room number for the location
Boundaries: The boundaries to lock you into the location. Same as Bigshot boundaries.
In hunting rotation: If checked, this location will be used as a hunting location when you do not have a bounty available. You can have multiple hunting locations and one will be chosen at random if there are more than one.
Only attack bounty critters: If selected, modifies the targets (above) to only critters for the active bounty.
Only search here: If selected this location is only used for searching heirlooms. All other bounties will be skipped. Useful for locations where you can safely search for heirlooms but don't want to fight creatures.
Bounties: Check which bounties you want to do. Self explanatory.
pre-search commands: Commands to run prior to performing an heirloom search or forage (stow weapons, for example).
post-search commands: Opposite of above.
Forage retry delay: When foraging fails sbounty will wait this value, in seconds, before retrying and will fall back to regular hunting.
loot script: Sloot, or die.
Expedite bounties: Will use expedition tickets from the Simucoin store if available. This is very brute-force and could use improvement but I'm too cheap to buy them.
Hunting until complete?: If this is checked SBounty will hunt continually until the bounty is complete and only rests when you have a bounty to turn in or can not do a bounty.
Resting / Hunting
SBounty takes over any rest/hunting controls from the hunting script. This means you can skip these settings in Bigshot because they will be overwritten! Only settings listed in sbounty will be overwritten. Things like fleeing and wracking should be handled by your hunting script and are not set in SBounty!
Everything should be self-explanatory here so I will not go into details.
Known Issues
* Sometimes an herb fails to be stowed correctly. I've not determined the cause of this yet.
10-08-2013, 04:07 PM
First off this is a great script, thanks for doing this. Been toying around with it and havent had many issues. One thing I noticed is that it sent me back out to look for an heirloom while saturated. Was resting and it took me to get a new acceptable task then right out to hunt. Also is there any way to remove the bandit tasks immediately if we uncheck the box? Again, thanks for putting this script together!
10-08-2013, 05:12 PM
If you have hunt until complete checked then it will do any bounties while you are saturated. This is intended to provide a way to complete bounties as fast as possible. I should probably split that up into two separate settings, though. As for bandits, it just doesn't do the second step and ignores them until time to get a new bounty.
10-08-2013, 05:13 PM
ah good call with the bandits. I obviously didnt look close enough.
10-09-2013, 08:37 AM
loot script: Sloot, or die.
I concur...
Speaking of which, I have a few questions...
1. Which version should we be using (sloot3, sloot4, sloot6.7113, sloot-wtfiswrongwithyou people)
2. Could you update it to accept the following lines for the auto-bundler skin sacks:
put inc in sat
The tiger incisors is already a bundle. You carefully place a bundle of tiger incisors inside your grey wolf fur satchel, making sure not to ruin the bundle.
put other inc in sat
You carefully place the tiger incisor inside your grey wolf fur satchel, making sure not to damage the incisor.
put inc in sat
You carefully add your tiger incisor to your bundle of tiger incisors inside your grey wolf fur satchel.
3. Why is it that you always attempt to place boxes on the locksmith table/counter/whatnot, when that is no longer required (or possible). Everytime I get an update of sloot4, I always just comment that line out and never have any issues.
Looking forward to checking out Sbounty, it looks nice.
10-09-2013, 10:10 AM
;sloot, which doesn't have any "lines" for looting, so I don't need to add any of that crap. ;sloot doesn't place boxes on tables, either.
10-25-2013, 06:48 PM
Can you make this work in OTF? I can make this work anywhere but OTF it seems. Nothing is typed wrong that I can see etc, and others have told me OTF does not work for them either.
10-25-2013, 07:02 PM
I need specifics. Your setup, bounty message, etc.
10-25-2013, 07:12 PM
You should log into AIM
You have been tasked to suppress Ithzir seer activity in Old Ta'Faendryl. You need to kill 10 more of them to complete your task.
ask guardsman about bounty
The guardsman says, "Ah, so you're from the Adventurer's Guild? Yes, we do have a task for you. We've noted a troubling increase in Ithzir seer activity in Old Ta'Faendryl. We'd like you to cull their numbers a bit for us. Killing 20 of them should do nicely. Report back to me when you are done."
10-25-2013, 07:27 PM
The herbalist's assistant in Ta'Illistim, Jhiseth, is working on a concoction that requires some torban leaf found in Old Ta'Faendryl. These samples must be in pristine condition. You have been tasked to retrieve 6 samples. is the bounty message.
My info is:
Location: Old Ta'Faendryl
targets: gremlock,being,taint
room: 11996
Boundaries: 11995, 12977
Won't engage when I type ;sbounty. Failed to find a hunting area
10-25-2013, 07:47 PM
Herbs are based entirely on the map data. If there's no map data for torban leaf in Old Ta'Faendryl (or no map data at all) it won't work.
10-29-2013, 12:31 PM
You have been tasked to hunt down and kill a particularly dangerous gnarled being that has established a territory in Old Ta'Faendryl. You can get its attention by killing other creatures of the same type in its territory.
name of area: Old Ta'Faendryl
targets: gremlock,being,taint
room: 11996
Boundries: 11995,12977
Sbounty failed to find a hunting area.
10-30-2013, 02:43 PM
Does this work for group bounties?
10-30-2013, 02:52 PM
You have been tasked to hunt down and kill a particularly dangerous gnarled being that has established a territory in Old Ta'Faendryl. You can get its attention by killing other creatures of the same type in its territory.
name of area: Old Ta'Faendryl
targets: gremlock,being,taint
room: 11996
Boundries: 11995,12977
Sbounty failed to find a hunting area.
Maybe try using full names such as gnarled being or festering taint?
10-30-2013, 05:18 PM
Maybe try using full names such as gnarled being or festering taint?
Did not make OTF work with that either.
11-21-2013, 09:48 AM
Is there any way to get the script to go back to the town where the bounty originated? Currently have a bounty on the trail between the landing and solhaven. I got the bounty in the Landing but the script keeps trying to turn in the bounty in Solhaven. Not sure if there are any other areas where this is a problem so maybe not worth it.
11-21-2013, 10:09 AM
I've been meaning to add that as its pretty simple I'm just lazy.
11-21-2013, 10:10 AM
OTF has different messaging than what I've done so I've been altering the regex as I go. Just post the messages here when they don't work and I'll get around to fixing them.
11-27-2013, 07:25 AM
The script doesn't seem to recognize dangerous critters. Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong? The last couple of times I've gotten a dangerous critter bounty, as soon as the critter shows up it just runs around ignoring the critter. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
11-27-2013, 08:56 AM
The script doesn't seem to recognize dangerous critters. Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong? The last couple of times I've gotten a dangerous critter bounty, as soon as the critter shows up it just runs around ignoring the critter. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Post up your configuration screen shots maybe?
11-29-2013, 11:32 AM
You have been tasked to recover a ruby and sapphire-inset ring that an unfortunate citizen lost after being attacked by an Ithzir adept in Old Ta'Faendryl. The heirloom can be identified by the initials OO engraved upon it. Hunt down the creature and LOOT the item from its corpse.
01-13-2014, 12:12 PM
anyone else having problems with sbounty lately? I noticed there was an update the other day and now it doesn't seem to recognize any of my bounty locations. Any help?
edit: just reverted to an old copy and is working fine now. not sure what the update was, but it wasn't working properly for me.
01-23-2014, 12:25 PM
Any way we can share locations? I'm sure someone has already set up all of the areas i'm setting up, and i'm quite lazy :)
01-30-2014, 03:25 PM
Rogue - Ta'Illisitm - ;sloot
All of my Dangerous Creature tasks have worked flawlessly. Along with Rescue Child, Skinning, and Cull Critters. I'm having problems with both heirloom tasks. I originally thought it may have had to do with my looting script setup, but everything worked perfect when the front gate guard disappeared in Illy yesterday and we had to use the postern gate guard.
As a side note...It must have been fate for Kips to land in Illy yesterday as he was able to bless the folks there with a line of code to patch the ;go2 targets list. If you missed it, the code is: ;e Room[714].tags.push('advguard'); Room[37].tags.delete('advguard');;. This line of code setup the Postern Gate Guard to be the alternative when the front one went missing.
Here is what happens when Orinelly has looted the heirloom from a creature and approaches the Front Gate guard for turn in:
(I accidently cut the log, and then cut something else & saved/closed the log...Will edit when it happens again shortly)
I've had to uncheck the "search for heirloom" tasks as ;sloot will not pickup the heirloom. I have to run back and manually get the heirloom off the ground. I'm going to try unchecking "Self Loot Only" within ;sloot setup to see if that makes a difference. Please chime in if that is a known issue.
Thanks Spiff for all that you do, you've made some great additions to the community!
02-19-2014, 10:50 PM
anyone else having problems with sbounty lately? I noticed there was an update the other day and now it doesn't seem to recognize any of my bounty locations. Any help?
edit: just reverted to an old copy and is working fine now. not sure what the update was, but it wasn't working properly for me.
Would you be willing to share this old copy? Something broke a while back and I am not exactly sure what it was but it stopped recognizing my hunting area.
"area"=>"Old Ta'Faendryl", is what is showing in my settings for the character, it works fine in Nelemar.
When I run either the old version I had or the newer version through a regex site they get matches just fine.
task_dangerous' => 'You have been tasked to hunt down and kill a particularly dangerous (.*) that has established a territory (?:in|on|near) (?:the )?(.*)(?:\s(?:near|between|under)|\.)\s+You can',
'task_dangerous' => 'You have been tasked to hunt down and kill a particularly dangerous (.*) that has established a territory (?:in|on) (?:the )?(.*)(?:\s(?:near|between|under)|\.)\s+You can',
All that happens is that it runs this:
get_bounty_location = proc {
location = target = nil
# remove search only locations for hunting areas
locations = CharSettings[:locations].dup
if ['task_skin', 'task_heirloom', 'task_dangerous', 'task_cull', 'task_rescue']
locations.delete_if { |name, data| data[:enable_search_only] }
if bounty? =~ /#{bounty_patterns['task_skin']}/
# remember: don't swap the order or the global $ vars are lost!
target = $3.strip.downcase
skin = $2.strip.downcase.gsub(/s$/, '').gsub(/teeth/, 'tooth')
location = locations.find { |name, data| $[:targets]).find { |t| target =~ /#{t}/i } and data[:skins].find { |s| skin =~ /#{s.strip.downcase}/i }}
bounty_patterns.each { |key,value|
if bounty? =~ /#{value}/i
target = $1
location = $2
location = locations.find { |name, data| location.downcase.strip =~ /#{data[:location].strip}/i and $[:targets]).find { |t| target =~ /#{t}/i } }
if location
name = location[0].dup
data = location[1].to_hash.dup
if target
targets = data[:targets].dup
cleaned = $[:targets])
index = cleaned.index { |t| target =~ /#{t}/i }
target = targets[index]
if 'task_provoked' and target !~ /ancient|grizzled/i
new_target = "(?:ancient|grizzled).*#{cleaned[index].split(' ').last}".downcase
targets[target.index(target)] = new_target
target = new_target
if data[:enable_bounty_only]
targets = [ target ]
data[:targets] = targets
[name, data]
else 'could not find bounty location'
And says it can not find the bounty location. It just doesn't make much sense because the settings are correct and if you ask the script to respond you get:
targetswar griffinlocationOld Ta'Faendrylroom11842skinstalonenable_search_onlyfa lseboundaries1181311905118661191111858119911190012 05411967119491204611989enable_bounty_onlytrueenabl e_hunting_rotationtrue
02-19-2014, 11:23 PM
If you haven't updated ;sbounty-bigshot you should probably do so. I added another method to make sbounty more accessible for other hunting scripts.
02-20-2014, 07:47 AM
If you haven't updated ;sbounty-bigshot you should probably do so. I added another method to make sbounty more accessible for other hunting scripts.
Updated that and now sbounty returns the following error:
--- Lich: sbounty active.
--- Exception: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
sbounty:573:in `index'
If I remove war griffin as the only target and replace it with seer then it says it can't find the bounty location and removes it. Which makes sense because I don't have anything setup for the war griffin. If I then replace seer with just griffin I still get the above error.
Here are my general settings:
"primary"=>true, "herb"=>false, "bounty_critter_only"=>true, "lone_targets_only"=>false, "resting_commands"=>"wear shield", "resting_room_id"=>"13362", "wand"=>"", "invalid_targets"=>"", "signs"=>"", "hunting_room_id"=>"11842", "hide_for_ammo"=>false, "use_wracking"=>true, "rest_till_spirit"=>"9", "hunting_commands_b"=>"719 target(XX)", "monitor_interaction"=>false, "rest_till_mana"=>"75", "hunting_commands_c"=>"", "hunting_commands"=>"711 target,711 target,705 target (xx)", "wracking_spirit"=>"9", "targets"=>"war griffin", "hunting_boundaries"=>"11813,11905,11866,11911,11858,11991,11900,12054,11 967,11949,12046,11989", "area"=>"Old Ta'Faendryl", "dead_wand_container"=>"", "ammo"=>"", "fresh_wand_container"=>"", "rest_till_exp"=>"75", "spam"=>false, "depart_switch"=>false, "dead_man_switch"=>false, "ammo_container"=>"", "disable_commands"=>"", "wand_if_oom"=>false, "encumbered"=>"", "fried"=>"100", "hunting_prep_commands"=>"rem shield"}
It is the only hunting ground I have currently setup.
02-27-2014, 07:57 PM
I see there was an update on the 24th. However I continue to get the error above.
02-27-2014, 10:25 PM
The problem is that Ruby 1.8 doesn't allow the index method to use a block, and this code was written on something later than Ruby 1.8. It can be fixed by replacing line 573 which should be:
index = cleaned.index { |t| target =~ /#{t}/i }
index = cleaned.index(cleaned.find { |t| target =~ /#{t}/i })
Probably.. I didn't test it.
02-28-2014, 02:39 AM
Stupid Ruby.
02-28-2014, 02:44 AM
Upload sbounty with Tillmen's change. Let me know.
02-28-2014, 11:05 AM
Ruby 1.8 is still recommended?
The new version seems to work. I was only able to test one bounty so far. I will let you know if anything changes.
03-02-2014, 02:26 PM
So here is an update. It completed plenty of war griffin bounties but it got stuck on this one:
The guardsman says, "Ah, so you're from the Adventurer's Guild? Yes, we do have a task for you. One of our citizens was attacked by an Ithzir adept in Old Ta'Faendryl. She barely escaped with her life. Unfortunately, in her haste to escape, she dropped a family heirloom of great sentimental value to her. She has put up a reward for its safe return. The heirloom is a blue teardrop sapphire earring and you'll be able to identify it by the initials VW engraved upon it. Hunt down the creature that attacked her, retrieve the heirloom, and report back to me."
You have been tasked to recover a blue teardrop sapphire earring that an unfortunate citizen lost after being attacked by an Ithzir adept in Old Ta'Faendryl. The heirloom can be identified by the initials VW engraved upon it. Hunt down the creature and LOOT the item from its corpse.
Its not saying it can't find the hunting ground, it just says it is going to expedite it. So I am thinking it is not recognizing either the target or that I have the loot heirloom option marked.
03-02-2014, 08:10 PM
Line 106 looks like this:
'task_heirloom' => 'unfortunate citizen lost after being attacked by (?:a|an) (.*) (?:in|on|near) (?:the )?(.*)\s(?:near|between|under|\.).*LOOT',
This regex won't match if the area is followed by a period instead of in/on/near, because it wants a space before the period. It should be something more like:
'task_heirloom' => 'unfortunate citizen lost after being attacked by (?:a|an) (.*) (?:in|on|near) (?:the )?(.*)(?: near| between| under|\.).*LOOT',
The search heirloom regex has the same type of problem. The child rescue task seems to be missing the option of a period following the area.
03-11-2014, 09:08 PM
A couple of bugs I noticed:
1. Pre-rest commands: they're in the GUI, but not used anywhere that I can find. I ended up adding a rest_prepare proc to process any commands found and called it at the end of the rest_run_scripts proc. No particular reason for that, it just suited my setup better.
2. IME, if Bigshot rests due to encumbrance sbounty will not correctly check if you are no longer encumbered and start hunting again.
03-17-2014, 12:02 PM
Bug: jewelrysack is not initialized, so turning in heirlooms tasks fails.
I added this line in the same spot lootsack and skinsack are initialized:
jewelrysack = GameObj.inv.find { |i| i.noun =~ /#{UserVars.jewelrysack}/ } or GameObj.inv.find { |i| =~ /#{UserVars.jewelrysack}/ }
03-29-2014, 01:12 PM
So, I start the script and it runs me to EN from the Landing. No bounties or hunting area currently set. Any idea why?
03-29-2014, 01:31 PM
You set them yourself.
03-29-2014, 01:33 PM
I am getting
--- Lich: sbounty2 active.
[sbounty2: pausing scripts]
[sbounty2: -- ... pausing voodoo2]
--- Lich: voodoo2 paused.
[sbounty2: ... complete]
[sbounty2: getting new bounty]
[sbounty2: finding taskmaster]
--- Exception: undefined method `go2' for main:Object
sbounty2:352:in `start_script'
[sbounty2: resuming scripts]
--- Lich: voodoo2 unpaused.
--- Lich: sbounty2 has exited.
I am sure it's something stupid I am doing, not 100% sure what. Just trying to grab a task automatically, first. Then set up area after that...etc etc. I haven't used this script so I am just floundering for a hot minute until I get the basics down I suppose.
I have what tasks I want set.
03-31-2014, 08:12 PM
Guessing no one knows why I am getting this bug?
03-31-2014, 08:23 PM
Sounds like a typo. There's a go2 without quotes around it around line 352.
04-01-2014, 10:34 AM
I'd suggest at least setting up one area first - perhaps your favorite hunting ground, and then trying it.
12-15-2014, 04:15 AM
Just upgraded to the latest lich and getting the following error from sbounty:
--- Lich: sbounty active.
--- Lich: sbounty-bigshot active.
--- Lich: sbounty-bigshot has exited.
--- Lich: error: undefined method `split' for #<Array:0x007ff82915e950>
sbounty:541:in `block in trusted_script'
sbounty:1343:in `call'
--- Lich: sbounty has exited.
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
12-15-2014, 04:24 AM
Remove ".split" from line 541.
12-15-2014, 04:48 AM
I've changed the line so it looks like this:
is_bounty = proc { |types|
result = []
types.each { |type| result.push(bounty_patterns[type]) if not bounty_patterns[type].nil? }
!(bounty? =~ /#{result.join('|')}/).nil?
Attempting to run sbounty now gives this:
--- Lich: error: undefined method `each' for "help_furrier":String
sbounty:541:in `block in trusted_script'
sbounty:1345:in `call'
Thanks again.
12-15-2014, 04:54 AM
I guess types is both a string and an array at different times. Try adding
types = types.split if types.class == String
on a new line after
is_bounty = proc { |types|
12-15-2014, 04:57 AM
That gives this now:
--- Lich: error: empty range in char class: /You have been tasked to hunt down and kill a particularly dangerous (.*) that has established a territory (?:in|on|near) (?:the )?([\w\s-']+)(?:\s(?:in|on|near|\.).*)\s+ You have provoked|You have been tasked to hunt down and kill a particularly dangerous (.*) that has established a territory (?:in|on|near) (?:the )?(.*)(?:\s(?:near|between|under)|\.)\s+You can/
sbounty:544:in `block in trusted_script'
sbounty:631:in `call'
12-15-2014, 05:13 AM
It looks like the dash in the regex needs a backslash in front of it, which is on line 104. I couldn't reproduce this error on Ruby 2.1, so it could be something else. Seems odd that this would work on Ruby 1.8 and 2.1 but not 2.0.
12-15-2014, 06:35 AM
Very odd indeed. Any reason not to install 2.1?
12-15-2014, 01:17 PM
Here is what I did
is_bounty = proc { |types|
result = []
for i in 0..(types.length.to_i)-1
result.push(bounty_patterns[types[i]]) if !bounty_patterns[types[i]].nil?
if !(bounty? =~ /#{result.join('|')}/).nil?
12-15-2014, 03:44 PM
Very odd indeed. Any reason not to install 2.1?
There is a reason not to install 2.1, if you're using Windows. Ruby 2.1 is new enough that the sqlite and gtk gems aren't pre-compiled for it. On Linux, this doesn't really matter, because compiling gems usually requires no effort at all. On Windows, it's a pain, and people have enough trouble as it is.
12-16-2014, 05:13 AM
Here is what I did
is_bounty = proc { |types|
result = []
for i in 0..(types.length.to_i)-1
result.push(bounty_patterns[types[i]]) if !bounty_patterns[types[i]].nil?
if !(bounty? =~ /#{result.join('|')}/).nil?
I tried this with no luck. It seemed to load ok, but ended up taking me to the furrier to ask the furrier about bounty even though I wasn't on a skin task. Then came up with a bunch of errors.
There is a reason not to install 2.1, if you're using Windows. Ruby 2.1 is new enough that the sqlite and gtk gems aren't pre-compiled for it. On Linux, this doesn't really matter, because compiling gems usually requires no effort at all. On Windows, it's a pain, and people have enough trouble as it is.
I'm using a mac. Is that easy enough?
12-16-2014, 12:35 PM
I tried this with no luck. It seemed to load ok, but ended up taking me to the furrier to ask the furrier about bounty even though I wasn't on a skin task. Then came up with a bunch of errors.
The problem with that code is that types may be an array or a string. When it's a string, it's going to take each letter of the string and stick it into a regex separately. So, when it checks to see if you have "task_skin", the bounty text only needs to contain "t" (or any of the other letters) for it to think you have a skinning task.
I'm using a mac. Is that easy enough?
I don't really know. I haven't tested any of the new stuff on Mac yet, but Mac has been a pain in the past. If you've already got 2.0 installed, there's not really any advantage to upgrading to 2.1.
01-01-2015, 03:31 PM
I used my brother's account to fix the issues and uploaded a new script. I didn't really test anything but it should work, in theory.
01-01-2015, 11:03 PM
--- Lich: error: calling insecure method: set_setting
sbounty-shunt:28:in `block in trusted_script'
sbounty:814:in `call'
--- Lich: sbounty has exited.
01-01-2015, 11:07 PM
;trust sbounty-shunt
01-01-2015, 11:32 PM
--- Lich: 'sbounty-bigshot' is now a trusted script.
--- Lich: sbounty active.
--- Lich: sbounty-bigshot active.
--- Lich: error: uninitialized constant Bigshot
sbounty-bigshot:57:in `trusted_script'
C:/Users/Spraggeth/Google Drive/Games/GemstoneIV/lich/lich.rbw:1710:in `eval'
--- Lich: sbounty-bigshot has exited.
[sbounty: -- could not find bounty location]
[sbounty: -- could not find bounty location]
;k sbounty
--- Lich: sbounty has exited.
01-01-2015, 11:33 PM
;trust sbounty-shunt
--- Lich: error: calling insecure method: set_setting
sbounty-shunt:28:in `block in trusted_script'
sbounty:816:in `call'
--- Lich: sbounty has exited.
01-02-2015, 04:27 PM
Looks like Bigshot isn't being initialized like it used to. Try running ;bigshot load then redoing ;sbounty. Tillmen, is there a bug related to start_script that was introduced in 4.6?
01-02-2015, 05:41 PM
Looks like Bigshot isn't being initialized like it used to. Try running ;bigshot load then redoing ;sbounty. Tillmen, is there a bug related to start_script that was introduced in 4.6?
so far that seems to have fixed it
01-02-2015, 05:52 PM
well, now it seems that it doesn't want to run any of the resting scripts or commands after hunting.
02-16-2015, 12:17 PM
;trust sbounty-shunt
--- Lich: error: calling insecure method: set_setting
sbounty-shunt:28:in `block in trusted_script'
sbounty:816:in `call'
--- Lich: sbounty has exited.
I resolved the error by updating line 19 in sbounty-bigshot to "start_script('bigshot', [ 'load' ] )" (just removed the "true" parameter at the end).
06-02-2015, 04:13 PM
Is there any way to make the Rescue Child portion more like ;child2?
Without the auto-calm/sanct feature, my kids keep getting whacked on the way home.
06-02-2015, 04:30 PM
Is there any way to make the Rescue Child portion more like ;child2?
Without the auto-calm/sanct feature, my kids keep getting whacked on the way home.
Or you could actually play the game and do it yourself...
06-02-2015, 05:57 PM
Or you could actually play the game and do it yourself...
You could also pay your taxes. Get off my nuts, shitbrains. kthx.
Edit: I'm sure you'll bring on the shart rep. Oh, please, no. Don't hurt me! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Mr. Wrathbringer DON'T SHARTREP ME!!!!
06-02-2015, 06:58 PM
You could also pay your taxes. Get off my nuts, shitbrains. kthx.
Edit: I'm sure you'll bring on the shart rep. Oh, please, no. Don't hurt me! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Mr. Wrathbringer DON'T SHARTREP ME!!!!
06-02-2015, 07:12 PM
Thread: sbounty guide thingy
I see that you're in need of a good old fashioned face sharting.
r u?
06-02-2015, 07:49 PM
Thread: sbounty guide thingy
I see that you're in need of a good old fashioned face sharting.
r u?
No, I leave that for everybody.
06-05-2015, 01:06 PM
Is there any way to make the Rescue Child portion more like ;child2?
Without the auto-calm/sanct feature, my kids keep getting whacked on the way home.
Any ideas here?
I'm also getting a random "no hunting area found" message once a bounty is completed, but not yet turned in.
06-09-2015, 01:17 PM
Any ideas here?
I'm also getting a random "no hunting area found" message once a bounty is completed, but not yet turned in.
For "no hunting area" make sure you choose one location to be "In Hunting Rotation". It will go there after or between bounty tasks.
To make it run child2, you could just replace most of the code in task_escort with
start_script "child2"
wait_while running? "child2"
06-09-2015, 01:59 PM
For "no hunting area" make sure you choose one location to be "In Hunting Rotation". It will go there after or between bounty tasks.
To make it run child2, you could just replace most of the code in task_escort with
start_script "child2"
wait_while running? "child2"
Ok, we'll see how that edit works (or, how well I did it).
What I mean for "no hunting area" is that after I complete certain bounties (say, complete looting an heirloom), the script won't transition back to the Guard. It just stagnates on standing in that room (does not continue with bigshot).
06-11-2015, 01:26 PM
Change your "turn in when mind >=" to a low number
Choose "In hunting rotation" to designate a place to hunt when not on a bounty task
11-13-2015, 11:01 PM
you know what would be cool.....if sbounty could use different weapons for different creatures. like....use my fire-flaring weapon for trolls, my blessed weapon for undead and my other weapon for everything else.
any ideas?
11-17-2015, 01:42 PM
Alright. I want to make a change to the script and will definitely need some help.
Right now, you can't chain bounties unless your settings are... "should hunt < 100% exp". This works well if you can do 100% of your bounties. but doesn't work well when you don't have a bounty because it hunts at < 100%.
In other words, the process is currently:
complete bounty @ 100% exp --> saturated
drain until 100% and complete second bounty
if no bounty, drain until < 100% --> start hunting until 100% exp.
It's rather pointless to constantly hunt at 90%-100% exp and generates a lot of spam so I don't like doing it.
Chain bounties no matter what, regardless of rest exp if exp is < 100. This would allow me to set my "rest until 50%" but it would still do a bounty if there is one available. For example if i was at 90% exp, and my bounty timer reset, I would go check the bounty and do the bounty if possible, even though my rest exp was set at 50%.
Hope this makes sense!
11-17-2015, 01:55 PM
I chain bounties fine. If something comes up that I don't have selected, then bigshot takes over for one of my hunting spots.
Make sure "keep in hunting rotation" is checked for at least one hunting area.
11-17-2015, 01:56 PM
Or maybe I'm mis-understanding.
11-17-2015, 02:16 PM
I chain bounties fine. If something comes up that I don't have selected, then bigshot takes over for one of my hunting spots.
Make sure "keep in hunting rotation" is checked for at least one hunting area.
I have that working fine. The problem is if you have REST UNTIL 50% EXP. It won't try and do a new bounty even if one is available to do.
11-17-2015, 02:50 PM
What if you put "rest until" at 100?
11-17-2015, 06:31 PM
What if you put "rest until" at 100?
Then you hunt every time it drops below 100%. So if you have a bounty unavailable for 15 minutes, you will hunt between 90% and 100% for 15 minutes. Which is just horribly inefficient and spammy, etc.
11-18-2015, 03:13 PM
Another example.
I have hunt > 101% exp, or 30% encumbrance.
Rest until < 50%.
Turn in bounty at 100%
It simply never turns in the bounty because I keep getting full and never reach 100% exp. So I hunt, get 6 boxes, 75% exp. It returns to town does my loot, then rests until 50%. Rinse, repeat.
11-18-2015, 05:26 PM
Alright. I put some changes in and it's working great.
Okay, this code exits rest mode if 1) bounty is ready to be turned in, or 2) bounty is available to do. AND 3) You can hunt. e.g. mana/spirit are ok.
while not or
elsif CharSettings[:should_rest_wounded].call
elsif not and not Spell['Next Bounty'].active?
elsif ( or ['success', 'success_guard', 'success_heirloom']) and
fput 'exp'
if rest_reason.nil?
rest_reason = hunt_reason
end "still resting because: #{rest_reason}"
sleep CharSettings[:rest_sleep_interval]
This second piece of code modifies should hunt to allow hunting if bounty is 1) ready to be turned in, or 2) bounty can be done. It does not override the spirit/mana checks. It still uses the exp states and standard procedures if the bounty is not ready or not doable.
should_hunt = proc {
if (not or ['success', 'success_heirloom', 'success_guard'] or not CharSettings[:enable_hunt_complete]) and percentmind > CharSettings[:should_hunt_mind].to_i
hunt_reason = 'mind is full'
true if or ['success', 'success_guard', 'success_heirloom']
elsif not checkmana(CharSettings[:should_hunt_mana].to_i)
hunt_reason = 'out of mana'
elsif not checkspirit(CharSettings[:should_hunt_spirit].to_i)
hunt_reason = 'low spirit'
11-18-2015, 05:35 PM
neat. so this is effective for uber-bounty point farming?
11-18-2015, 06:25 PM
neat. so this is effective for uber-bounty point farming?
Sort of. People could achieve this same result by setting there rest state at >100% exp. (only rest at saturated) I just dont like to hunt between 90 and 100% exp. I'd rather drain to 50% if i don't have a bounty I can complete or waiting on the bounty timer.
11-18-2015, 10:10 PM
Small update. This extra bit will stop the extra huntcheck from activating at saturated.
should_hunt = proc {
if (not or ['success', 'success_heirloom', 'success_guard'] or not CharSettings[:enable_hunt_complete]) and percentmind > CharSettings[:should_hunt_mind].to_i
hunt_reason = 'mind is full'
true if ( or ['success', 'success_guard', 'success_heirloom']) and checkmind !~ /saturated/
elsif not checkmana(CharSettings[:should_hunt_mana].to_i)
hunt_reason = 'out of mana'
elsif not checkspirit(CharSettings[:should_hunt_spirit].to_i)
hunt_reason = 'low spirit'
12-10-2015, 12:39 PM
I've been making some updates to this script as well. Let me know if you guys need/want any changes and I'll keep an eye out as I move through it.
12-10-2015, 12:43 PM
Current issues: (off the top of my head)
Incorrectly recognizing "greater bog troll" as "bog troll."
Foraging for herbs even without an area being set. (might be a feature but annoying)
12-10-2015, 12:57 PM
you know what would be cool.....if sbounty could use different weapons for different creatures. like....use my fire-flaring weapon for trolls, my blessed weapon for undead and my other weapon for everything else.
any ideas?
bump this because I still think it's an awesome idea, but have no idea how to implement it
01-02-2016, 01:49 AM
alright sure it is something i have messed up but when running sbounty. i get
--- Lich: sbounty active.
--- Lich: sbounty-bigshot active.
--- Lich: sbounty-bigshot has exited.
You are already holding a weapon.
--- Lich: bigshot active.
| ERROR: Missing required setting: hunting_commands
| (fried? is percenthealth and oom is percentmana)
[bigshot]>stow left
[bigshot: Cleaning up hunting scripts: haste.]
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
but bigshot runs fine on its own.
01-07-2016, 11:42 PM
alright sure it is something i have messed up but when running sbounty. i get
--- Lich: sbounty active.
--- Lich: sbounty-bigshot active.
--- Lich: sbounty-bigshot has exited.
You are already holding a weapon.
--- Lich: bigshot active.
| ERROR: Missing required setting: hunting_commands
| (fried? is percenthealth and oom is percentmana)
[bigshot]>stow left
[bigshot: Cleaning up hunting scripts: haste.]
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
but bigshot runs fine on its own.
Sbounty passes variables to bigshot. Make sure sbounty has all commands entered in the GUI. If a variable is present in bigshot, but not sbounty, then edit the variable in bigshot.
01-07-2016, 11:43 PM
Another current issue: When grizzled/ancients spawn, sbounty strips (a)(b)(c) commands when creating the new target, making the grizzled/ancients default to (a) attack.
01-16-2016, 12:10 AM
Been having a problem with one of my characters not picking up the heirloom during search heirloom bounties. Tried changing a number of the boxes around, but still couldn't see where the script was trying to run my loot script after each attempt in searching.
Any thoughts?
01-16-2016, 12:20 AM
Been having a problem with one of my characters not picking up the heirloom during search heirloom bounties. Tried changing a number of the boxes around, but still couldn't see where the script was trying to run my loot script after each attempt in searching.
Any thoughts?
Loot is not controlled through sbounty. Sbounty uses bigshot which contains the loot script. Any setting not in sbounty needs to be controlled through bigshot.
Open up bigshot and set/change your loot script. If it's not picking up the heirloom it is a loot script issues. I personally use sloot but ive heard loot is good too.
01-16-2016, 11:53 PM
having a issue where the location is plugged in and will go hunt there after completing a bounty some where else, but if a bounty comes up in that area. i get the area not found and it dumps it. this is mainly happening in shadow valley for miners and night mares
01-17-2016, 09:26 AM
you need the make sure the creature is inputted too, otherwise you'll get the "area not found" message.
01-17-2016, 01:36 PM
creature is plugged into, everything is filled in. does the location in the drop down menu have to match the "quest location"? i have night mares named mares and miners named miners but the location is shadow valley.
01-17-2016, 04:55 PM
creature is plugged into, everything is filled in. does the location in the drop down menu have to match the "quest location"? i have night mares named mares and miners named miners but the location is shadow valley.
Nope, but the quest location must match the location on the bounty exactly.
Or, if you have "search only" selected, it might dump creature bounties.
01-17-2016, 05:37 PM
The location box should be "Shadow Valley" not one of the smaller areas listed on the map.
01-18-2016, 07:47 PM
I made a small update that allows $global variables to be passed into the UI fields for commands and scripts. I may have enabled scripts in the command boxes as well, but that was an earlier change. I would not attempt to use this function if your script has multiple variables.
current syntax is:
For "command" or "script" boxes in the UI.
script script_name $global_variable
replace the following code in sbounty
run_commands = proc { |commands|
next if commands.empty?
if commands.class != Array "run_commands expects an input Array"
commands.each { |command|
if command =~ /^script\s+(.*?)(\s|$)(.*)/i
script_name = $1
script_args = $3
if command =~ /\$/
command_regex = /^script (\w+) (\S+)/.match(command)
temp1 = eval("#{command_regex[2]}").to_s
cmd_run_script(command_regex[1], temp1 )
cmd_run_script(script_name, script_args )
run_scripts = proc { |scripts|
scripts.each { |script|
if script =~ /\$/
script_regex = /(\w+) (\S+)/.match(script)
args = eval("#{script_regex[2]}").to_s
script = script_regex[1]
cmd_run_script(script_regex[1], args )
args = script.split(' ')
script = args.shift
start_script(script, args, true)
wait_while { running? script }
01-23-2016, 06:55 PM
Ok, still having issues with sbounty not picking up herilooms on searching tasks. What should be in the post-search command box on the sbounty setup screen? I believe this is where my issue is.
01-23-2016, 08:22 PM
Is it leaving it, or is it picking it up and dropping it? It might be because it can't find a loot container.
01-23-2016, 09:00 PM
it's not even attempting to pick it up
01-23-2016, 10:02 PM
There shouldn't be any commands in pre-search or post-search. Can you post a snippet of you searching and not picking up the heirlooms?
01-25-2016, 11:03 AM
hmm... having trouble with posting the snip... again, it never attempts to pick the item up.... oh well... works on my other characters
01-30-2016, 01:27 PM
Just had this happen:
You search the Neartofar orc.
You discard the orc's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
Interesting, he carried a solid moonstone cube on him.
You spy a bloodstone studded hair pin, which looks like the heirloom that you are searching for!
He also left an ayanad crystal behind.
He had nothing else of value.
--- Lich: 'bigshot' has been stopped by sbounty.
[sloot]>get #126593523
A Neartofar orc collapses into a pile of dust.
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
You pick up an ayanad crystal.
[sloot]>put my crystal in #126426089
You put an ayanad crystal in your black leather pack.
[sloot]>get #126593522
You pick up a bloodstone studded hair pin.
[sloot]>put my pin in #126426089
You put a bloodstone studded hair pin in your black leather pack.
[sloot]>get #126593521
You pick up a solid moonstone cube.
[sloot]>put my cube in #126426089
You put a solid moonstone cube in your black leather pack.
[sloot]>get #126593519
You pick up an orc knuckle.
[sloot]>put my knuckle in #126426089
You put an orc knuckle in your black leather pack.
--- Lich: sloot has exited.
[sbounty: ** failed to find a hunting area]
--- Lich: sbounty has exited.
I'm not sure why it failed to find a hunting area, as it JUST finished the heirloom task. Rest area is set properly i believe. What would cause this? This is my setup:
02-09-2016, 11:48 PM
Okay, I just picked this up and I'm still really new here so bear with me. I'm sort of confused as to how the setup goes for this. I've been gone from GS for nearly 2 decades and the entire bounty system is new in general.
If I read correctly, then this script is supposed to auto populate some of the fields to allow for automation of bounties... I'm confused as to what steps I take, exactly, to setup this script for the assortment of bounties at WL.
Pardon if I'm being dense, but I'd appreciate if someone could humor a noob.
a.) After creating a location and selecting it from the dropdown box, I'm really not sure what to do after that. Should I just go about this like in bigshot, defining everything in the rest of the fields myself in order for the script to function?
Ex: I have a heirloom bounty in Graendlor Pasture. I need to hunt through critters until I find some random trinket, then return it. I created the location named for the bounty for ease of understanding, but then not sure about the rest, or how the script functions via the menu. Am I supposed to enter in the skins I might pick up in the area, targets myself? I figure the room # and boundaries are something I should personally define, as per what I could gather from the guide, but after that I'm a bit unsure.
The resting/hunting is fairly comprehensible for me, and I have a pretty firm grasp on bigshot. I'm just a little confused on how this script operates, and the fact that I'm startlingly green after being gone so long doesn't help.
02-10-2016, 03:24 AM
Just had this happen:
I'm not sure why it failed to find a hunting area, as it JUST finished the heirloom task. Rest area is set properly i believe. What would cause this? This is my setup:
This error happens when you are below your turn in exp and don't have a hunting area set. For example, your "Turn in at 95%" means you only turn in at MUST REST. If your EXP is below that, it will try to hunt. That means you need to have an area with the "in hunting rotation" box checked.
02-10-2016, 03:30 AM
Okay, I just picked this up and I'm still really new here so bear with me. I'm sort of confused as to how the setup goes for this. I've been gone from GS for nearly 2 decades and the entire bounty system is new in general.
If I read correctly, then this script is supposed to auto populate some of the fields to allow for automation of bounties... I'm confused as to what steps I take, exactly, to setup this script for the assortment of bounties at WL.
Pardon if I'm being dense, but I'd appreciate if someone could humor a noob.
a.) After creating a location and selecting it from the dropdown box, I'm really not sure what to do after that. Should I just go about this like in bigshot, defining everything in the rest of the fields myself in order for the script to function?
Ex: I have a heirloom bounty in Graendlor Pasture. I need to hunt through critters until I find some random trinket, then return it. I created the location named for the bounty for ease of understanding, but then not sure about the rest, or how the script functions via the menu. Am I supposed to enter in the skins I might pick up in the area, targets myself? I figure the room # and boundaries are something I should personally define, as per what I could gather from the guide, but after that I'm a bit unsure.
The resting/hunting is fairly comprehensible for me, and I have a pretty firm grasp on bigshot. I'm just a little confused on how this script operates, and the fact that I'm startlingly green after being gone so long doesn't help.
Sbounty is essentially a wrapper for bigshot. Almost all of the variables are passed into bigshot so set them as you would in bigshot. Any variables not in sbounty are set within bigshot. Such as flee, etc. I would use bigshot for awhile then add in sbounty.
I'll quickly run you through. Create, an area, it doesn't matter what its called, it doesn't do anything except identification. Enter a "new name" then click create.
Find the area in the dropdown box. Location = Location of the bounty. Download uberbounty and use the location it gives. Otherwise its a semi obvious 1-2 words in your bounty command text. You can also use the "location" command to confirm.
Targets, same as bigshot. orc, rat, giant(a), cow(b)
Skins: knuckle, tail, wig
Room #: Starting room
boundaries: same as bigshot
in hunting rotation: hunt for EXP based on exp variables set on the other menu
only attack bounty: only attack creatures in the list
All the stuff on the bttom fairly self explanatory. All the other stuff is similar to bigshot.
Good luck!
There should be an sbounty thread in here that has a walk through. FIND IT.
02-10-2016, 11:15 PM
Sbounty is essentially a wrapper for bigshot. Almost all of the variables are passed into bigshot so set them as you would in bigshot. Any variables not in sbounty are set within bigshot. Such as flee, etc. I would use bigshot for awhile then add in sbounty.
I'll quickly run you through. Create, an area, it doesn't matter what its called, it doesn't do anything except identification. Enter a "new name" then click create.
Find the area in the dropdown box. Location = Location of the bounty. Download uberbounty and use the location it gives. Otherwise its a semi obvious 1-2 words in your bounty command text. You can also use the "location" command to confirm.
Targets, same as bigshot. orc, rat, giant(a), cow(b)
Skins: knuckle, tail, wig
Room #: Starting room
boundaries: same as bigshot
in hunting rotation: hunt for EXP based on exp variables set on the other menu
only attack bounty: only attack creatures in the list
All the stuff on the bttom fairly self explanatory. All the other stuff is similar to bigshot.
Good luck!
There should be an sbounty thread in here that has a walk through. FIND IT.
Thanks for the help. I did find another sbounty thread, but the last post was sometime in November and it was a link to this thread, saying something about this being the new version.
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