View Full Version : Oprah..

09-03-2004, 05:16 PM
So I admit it, I was watching Oprah today.

What was she discussing? Essentially it was cleanliness.

So first here are a few of the questions she asked.

How often you do wash your sheets?
How often do you change your razors?
How often do you change your kitchen sponge?
How often do you clean your childrens toys?
How often do you replace your pillows?
How often do you change your tooth brush?
How often do you change your vaccuum bag?

09-03-2004, 05:39 PM
How often you do wash your sheets? weekly
How often do you change your razors? depends
How often do you change your kitchen sponge? oy I need to take stock in them, I throw them out way to quickly
How often do you clean your childrens toys? I don't...they do
How often do you replace your pillows? again it depends
How often do you change your tooth brush? every month
How often do you change your vaccuum bag? don't change it, got one of those bagless kind!

09-03-2004, 05:55 PM
How often you do wash your sheets? Every Sunday
How often do you change your razors? Usually after a month or so but depends on usage
How often do you change your kitchen sponge? uh parents job
How often do you clean your childrens toys? I don't think we ever did
How often do you replace your pillows? LOL uh I don't thinkI ever did but after seeing that show, I'm getting it for my birthday in a few weeks
How often do you change your tooth brush? Just whenever, guess I better start doing that more
How often do you change your vaccuum bag? I don't think we do.

09-03-2004, 06:15 PM
Somehow I get the feeling this is intended for a female audience.

09-03-2004, 06:23 PM
Not necessarily! They had a woman on the show, her bed had 14x the dust mites most people do, which was way above the cut off limit for being ok. Plus they told her they she should eat a carrot dropped in her toilet before one dropped in her sink.

Her sink had 5000x the amount of bacteria than her toilet did. They said most often your kitchen has more bacteria because of the fact that it's a wet environment and you're leaking chicken and meat juices in there.

This woman ALSO had a thing of bagels and another thing of ground beef from 1996 in her freezer. They said you shouldn't keep anything in your freezer for over a year.

What else... Don't use medicine after a few months past the expiration date (one woman had medicine from 1988)

09-03-2004, 06:25 PM
OH and the woman with the dust mites and the dirty sink, she also had underwear about ten years old (pillows thirty years old) that was being held together with safety pins.

For being embarassed on live tv, she had about 3k worth of stuff from Ralph Lauren and a year supply of underwear from Victoria's secret.

09-03-2004, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Not necessarily!Ah, ok, let me run down the list real quick:


Ok! :)

09-03-2004, 07:43 PM
it doesn't matter because I'M OPRAH!!!!!!!!

09-03-2004, 07:44 PM
::gobbles down an entire cheesecake::

09-03-2004, 07:44 PM
People survive with less, so I know I can. Just sounds like another excuse to Spend Spend Spend.

09-03-2004, 09:56 PM
it doesn't matter because I'M OPRAH!!!!!!!!

:lol: I loved that one! I yell that on occasion. Was thinking about being Oprah for Halloween just to yell that a lot and well... Yeah. *cough* anyway.

How often you do wash your sheets? Once a week, once every other if I am being lazy.
How often do you change your razors? Depends.
How often do you change your kitchen sponge? every couple weeks or so depending on how icky they get.
How often do you clean your childrens toys? Don't have kids.
How often do you replace your pillows? I don't think I have either. Maybe I should get on that.
How often do you change your tooth brush? Every 2 months or sooner if I see a cute one.
How often do you change your vaccuum bag? Like never, I make my Roomies do it along with the garbage.

09-03-2004, 11:42 PM
How often you do wash your sheets? I have 2 sets of sheets for each bed, twice a week I switch and wash.
How often do you change your razors? I shave every shower so when they get dull.
How often do you change your kitchen sponge? I think they are nasty, so I don't use them. I use dishrags and use a clean one every day.
How often do you clean your childrens toys? When my kids were little I would fill up the bathtub with bleach water and throw them all when they looked dirty or when they had been sick, IF they were plastic, the others I would wash in the machine. The others would mysteriously disappear into the trash, if they couldn't be washed.
How often do you replace your pillows? When they lose their fluff, I hate flat pillows, so I guestimate twice a year.
How often do you change your tooth brush? I remember my Mom used to boil ours once a week. But I just buy new ones when the brushes get bent, works out to about every month.
How often do you change your vaccuum bag? I have ceramic floors, I have a bagless stick broom for them, I mop A LOT! I vacume my furniture once a month with a canister vacume and throw out the bag when I'm finished. Dogs+cats+florida=fleas.

09-03-2004, 11:43 PM
..holy shit. Myshel wins.

09-03-2004, 11:44 PM
This was their actual things.


To get your kitchen sink clean: Use a germicide and a brush with chlorine and water.
Dishrags and sponges: Clean them in a washing machine with bleach. No one should use a sponge for more than a month.
Trashcans should be sprayed with a disinfectant every time you change the bag. If you see any liquid material, thoroughly wash it.
Air-dry everything. Dryness kills germs and prevents them from growing.
Humidifiers: Bacteria grow in the water and spreads when you run the humidifier. Before you add new water, thoroughly clean the system.
Dust mites: Vacuum your mattress, carpeting and drapery at a very high setting. You can also use a chemical cleaner you can buy in stores called benzyl benzoate. Impervious covers for your pillows and mattress will prevent dust mites from coming through.
Sheets, pillow casings and impervious casings should be washed in 150 degrees Fahrenheit every seven days.
Pillows functionally last 3–5 years.
Vacuum bags should be changed once a month.
Stuffed animals: Vacuum weekly and/or throw them in the dryer at a high setting to kill germs.
Experts say disposable razors are only good for three uses. They become dull, knick your skin, and the old skin cells become a breeding ground for infection.

09-03-2004, 11:47 PM
Ladies, it really doesn't matter...

09-03-2004, 11:53 PM
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You say that again when the dust mites are in your nose and making you have asthma!

09-03-2004, 11:58 PM
A clean cooch is inequivocally more important to maintain than dust bunnies and will also keep your mind off of mites.

09-04-2004, 08:37 AM
How often you do wash your sheets? Twice to three times a month.

How often do you change your razors? After around 10 uses or if they show any sign of wear or rust, whichever comes first.

How often do you change your kitchen sponge? Around once a month.

How often do you clean your childrens toys? Not applicable.

How often do you replace your pillows? Feather pillows: Once every 4-5 years. Synthetic: When they get too lumpy from washing them, which I do every 4-6 months. My thermal tempurpedic pillow: Never. 8 years and just as perfect as when I bought it.

How often do you change your tooth brush? When the blue bristles turn white, just like the instructions say!

How often do you change your vaccuum bag? When it's full - we only have 3 area rugs in the house, the rest of it is hardwood floors.

But - they didn't ask me how often I dust the furniture. Answer: I don't. I'm allergic to housedust. If it isn't bothering me, I ain't bothering it. It can pile up 6 inches deep for all I care, I won't be the one to set that shit flying up into the air to make me sneeze every 20 minutes all day long. DIRT on the other hand, I try to clean as soon as it shows up, or within a few hours of noticing its existence.

09-04-2004, 10:26 AM
I wouldn't even know how often to be honest. My girl takes care of those things. I change my toothbrush every 3-4 months though.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-04-2004, 10:50 AM
How often you do wash your sheets? Once a week
How often do you change your razors? Once a week
How often do you change your kitchen sponge? Once a month probably -- just when they look dirty
How often do you clean your childrens toys? I clean my toys pretty often... static guard the tv's, oil my furniture, etc
How often do you replace your pillows? hmmm, can't say as I have ever replaced a pillow, except when they don't wash clean (I wash them about every two months or so)
How often do you change your tooth brush? once a month
How often do you change your vaccuum bag? Bagless, N/A

I cannot stand clutter, so spend a lot of time cleaning unfortunately

09-04-2004, 11:20 AM
How often you do wash your sheets?--Once a week, I have about 4 sheet sets, so it's easy on the laundry
How often do you change your razors? Every other week.
How often do you change your kitchen sponge? At least every couple of weeks to a month, depends on how much it's been destroyed..
How often do you clean your childrens toys? I don't have children. My mom used to throw stuffed animals in the laundry, though.
How often do you replace your pillows? Every 3 months or so, or if I like one particular one, I wash it out to get the germs out! ;)
How often do you change your tooth brush? Once a month, otherwise it starts to get old and the bristles get ratty.
How often do you change your vaccuum bag? Once a month, unless the house is really dirty, then once every other week. I try not to let it get that way though.


The Cat In The Hat
09-04-2004, 12:25 PM
How often you do wash your sheets? every 3 days
How often do you change your razors? I use Veet
How often do you change your kitchen sponge? usually weekly
How often do you clean your childrens toys? Wvenever she gets them dirty
How often do you replace your pillows? Every 3 months
How often do you change your tooth brush? about 2 months
How often do you change your vaccuum bag? when it's full

09-04-2004, 12:55 PM
How often you do wash your sheets? Weekly.
How often do you change your razors? Every 5 shaves.
How often do you change your kitchen sponge? I don't use sponges.
How often do you clean your childrens toys? I get rid of my dog's toys when he starts ripping the stuffing out.
How often do you replace your pillows? I've had my feather pillows for a year and a half, and they're still holding strong.
How often do you change your tooth brush? When it starts looking rough.
How often do you change your vaccuum bag? Vacuum?