View Full Version : 3x bronze hilted black sickle & perfect 5x ironwright dagger set

10-03-2013, 11:54 AM
A. 3x Bronze hilted black sickle -3x sickle with a dagger hilt nothing special

After a careful inspection you determine that a bronze hilted black sickle requires skill in edged weapons to use effectively. It appears to be a modified scimitar.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This item can be altered with either a long or a show, but if the description mentions the pommel it must be hollow. The inserted dagger fills the pommel.

The hilted black sickle is fully unlocked.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the hilted black sickle for you.

put spike in my sick
Finding the narrow opening at the end of your hilted black sickle's hollow pommel with the tip of your spike, you push the blade of your spike inside until it is enveloped within the hilt. Only the spike's pommel remains visible, merging seamlessly with the sickle's hilt.

get spike
Grasping only the pommel of your hilted black sickle with the tips of your fingers, you draw a deadly eahnor-traced spike out from within a narrow recess in the sickle's hilt. Once the spike's hilt is exposed, you change your grip to grasp the hilt securely. The sound of metal sliding against metal hisses sharply as you unsheathe the blade and brandish it before you.

wave sick
You swing around your hilted black sickle, creating an arc around your body.

pull sickle
You pull your hilted black sickle closer to your body protectively.

spin sickle
You raise your hilted black sickle above your head and launch into a spinning leap! You bring the sickle slashing down around your body and land in a wide-set defensive stance.

point sickle
You raise your hilted black sickle to eye level and point it straight ahead

tilt sickle
You relax as you lower your hilted black sickle to your side, allowing your guard to fall.

pet sickle
You draw your finger along the narrow hollow at the end of your hilted black sickle

B- Deadly eahnor traced spike- 5x perfect with ironwright flares (fire,web, and disrupt (this one I am not positive )

Traced down the center with eahnor, the incredibly sharp metal blade of this deadly weapon glimmers faintly in the light. A bloodstained cloth is tightly wound around the lower half of the spike forming a comfortable grip. Below the grip, a small orb of golvern forms the butt of the weapon and a single word has been etched into the metal. A faint aura of holy light radiates from the spike.You notice a small enchanter's glyph and Dulgroth's crafting mark.
There appears to be something written on it.


10-03-2013, 01:18 PM
Hm. Only really into the dagger, but sure, 5m.

10-03-2013, 05:16 PM
You left out a ton of the zests! You can aim a lot of them at people. I think it is WAVE, but if you wave it at someone who is kneeling it looks like you knight them.

Wave at kneeling person (first person): You extend your crimson vaalorn katana out over (Person)’s head as (he/she) kneels before you. You grace (his/her) right shoulder with the tip of the blade, followed by the left.

Wave at kneeling person (third person): Nilandia extends her crimson vaalorn katana out over your head as you kneel before her. She touches your right shoulder with the tip of the blade, followed by the left.

Complete List of Zests(http://www.nilandia.com/merchants/ebongate12.htm - search for "To the Hilt" )

10-03-2013, 05:24 PM
Is this a matched set from something special?

10-03-2013, 05:34 PM
The sickle is a fully unlocked Hkala zested weapon.

10-03-2013, 05:37 PM
Yeah, I have a fully unlocked Hkala longsword. Cool zests, but nothing else that special.

10-04-2013, 09:04 AM
going twice