View Full Version : You will all be wankers.

08-25-2003, 07:40 PM
*** Host Jobsen is here to answer your assist. ***

>prep 115
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Burst spell...
Your spell is ready.
You feel the magic of your spell rush away from you.
You stare at nothing in particular.
>act puts his spell away.
(Tayre puts his spell away.)
You yawn.
Chica cackles at you!
Davlos confidently says, "now ya gonna mash a critter"
Jobsen says, "Hello, Tayre. I am GameHost Jobsen here to answer your ASSIST."
Chica gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Chica gestures.
Chica suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Chica is surrounded by a white light.
* Jarlstrom Klendalsa joins the adventure.
You smile.
>hold job
You reach out and hold Jobsen's hand.
>prep 220
You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Major Sanctuary spell...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture.
A brilliant light bathes you as your surroundings blur for a moment...

A grey, swirling mist surrounds you, its tendrils creeping around your feet and twisting into a thick, translucent mass that vaguely forms a curved wall around the chamber. A feeling of calmness and protection passes over you as you sense that nothing harmful may pass the swirling walls.
Also here: GameHost Jobsen
Obvious exits: out
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You say, "Hi."
You scratch yourself where it itches. That feels better.
>l jobsen
You see GameHost Jobsen.
He appears to be a Sylvankind.
He appears to be very young and tall. He has tired blue-grey eyes and tanned skin. He has short, grey hair. He has a broken nose and broad shoulders.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a mug of hot Elanthian coffee in his right hand.
He is wearing some reinforced leather, a heavy backpack, and a visored helm.
Jobsen says, "Hello"
Jobsen smiles.
Jobsen asks, "How may I help you?"
You shift your weight.
>'You saw my inquiry?
You ask, "You saw my inquiry?" ***(I had asked if 'wanker' was an acceptable term)***
Jobsen says, "I'm afraid I did."
>grin tayre
You try hard not to grin.
Jobsen chuckles.
>'Well the subject has come up quite often lately..
You say, "Well the subject has come up quite often lately.."
Jobsen says, "I see."
Jobsen says, "I won't ask how."
You nod.
Jobsen grins at you.
>You say, "Please."
>'Thank you.
You say, "Thank you."
You grin.
>'I promise I didn't start it.
You say, "I promise I didn't start it."
You nod.
You scratch yourself where it itches. That feels better.
Jobsen asks, "So you just want a guideline on whether that word violates TOS?"
You chuckle.
>"The latter.
You say, "The latter."
Jobsen says, "Let me see what I can found out for you."
You nod.
* Elanella Gwyther joins the adventure.
* Deschaiyn joins the adventure.
* Kcutter just bit the dust!
* Widtsoe just bit the dust!
You pace back and forth.
* Mazerak DreshModave joins the adventure.
Jobsen says, "Well here's what I can tell..."
>snap en
You snap sharply to attention!
Jobsen says, "It is not a violation on grounds of vulgarity, but could be considered diruptive behaviour depending on curcumstances."
* Deschaiyn just bit the dust!
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
* Auragin has disconnected.
* Lady Auragin Darkwynde joins the adventure.
Jobsen says, "Make that 'disruptive' behaviour."
>'So.. use with caution is your advice?
You ask, "So.. use with caution is your advice?"
You scratch yourself where it itches. That feels better.
Jobsen nods to you.
You nod.
Jobsen says, "I personally would avoid it altogether."
>"I believe I understand entirely.
You say, "I believe I understand entirely."
You nod.
>grub (My fingers were on the wrong keys. I thought that was pretty funny though)
I don't understand what you typed.
You grin.
Jobsen says, "But, if you MUST use it, be advised that some may find it disruptive."
>laugh soft
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
You nod.
* Pinacle Lightfoott joins the adventure.
>"If I must.
Jobsen smiles.
You say, "If I must."
A grey, swirling mist surrounds you, its tendrils creeping around your feet and twisting into a thick, translucent mass that vaguely forms a curved wall around the chamber. A feeling of calmness and protection passes over you as you sense that nothing harmful may pass the swirling walls.
Also here: Senior GameHost Orleandra, GameHost Jobsen
Obvious exits: out
* Jurporia just bit the dust!
Jobsen nods to you.
>blink orl
You blink at Orleandra.
You squint.
Orleandra winks at you.
Jobsen asks, "Anything else I can help with today?"
>'You people just pop out of the walls.
You say, "You people just pop out of the walls."
You mutter something inaudible.
Orleandra nods to you.
Orleandra says, "Always be watching..."
Jobsen nods to you.
Orleandra waggles her fingers mystically at you! Ooh! Scary!
You stare at nothing in particular.
You gulp.
Jobsen smiles.
Orleandra grins slowly.
>'Yes, that will be all.
You say, "Yes, that will be all."
>gaze up
You gaze heavenward.
>mutter about lightning.
You mutter something about lightning..
Jobsen exclaims, "Then you have a great day!"
>nod job
You nod to Jobsen.
>'You as well.
Jobsen waves to you.
You say, "You as well."
>You grin.
A grey, swirling mist surrounds you, its tendrils creeping around your feet and twisting into a thick, translucent mass that vaguely forms a curved wall around the chamber. A feeling of calmness and protection passes over you as you sense that nothing harmful may pass the swirling walls.
Also here: Senior GameHost Orleandra, GameHost Jobsen
Obvious exits: out
* Phelin just bit the dust!
You wave.
Orleandra waves to you.
Jobsen vanishes in a puff of smoke!
>glance orl
I could not find what you were referring to.
>You wave.
A grey, swirling mist surrounds you, its tendrils creeping around your feet and twisting into a thick, translucent mass that vaguely forms a curved wall around the chamber. A feeling of calmness and protection passes over you as you sense that nothing harmful may pass the swirling walls.
Obvious exits: out
You flail your arms about.
You say, "Bah"
>'Disappear just as quietly.
You say, "Disappear just as quietly."
You mutter something inaudible.
A bright light surrounds you and your visions of sanctuary slowly fade...

08-25-2003, 07:49 PM
lol, so I can call you the wankingest wanker to ever wank a wank?

Miss X
08-25-2003, 07:57 PM
stop calling me a wanker in TC or il report you, warn you then keep whispering horrible things to you because I think I'm allowed! ::cackle::


[Edited on 25-8-03 by Miss X]

08-25-2003, 08:01 PM
Haha... Gracy has been rated XXX by the MPAA (or whatever).

08-25-2003, 08:16 PM
warn tayre wanker

08-27-2003, 10:14 PM
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and cite general simu policy:

1. You can use whatever cussing you like as long as it could remotely be considered en genre, but we don't really have a genre cuz we have no set time period ::blink:: Okay then....

2. Depending on which GM observes you, you might get a warning and/or banned based on your prior record.

3. Depending on how much a GM likes your character, you will or won't be warned (as per the Chuckaar/Angellisa etc tests of the language system).

4. Damn, I'm glad that certain other RPing games have grown up and realized warning for langugae is completely pointless. In the game I work for, we won't pull you to consult for occasional curses as they're part of speech anyway. The system there is more: act like an adult, be treated like an adult. Act like a child, be treated like a child. I swear, SIMU actively tries to mold grown people into a child role through negative reinforcement.


08-27-2003, 10:23 PM
Fact, 2 wanks a day will help keep a healthy prostate.

08-27-2003, 10:24 PM
Well at least one part of Bobmuhthol is healthy.

08-28-2003, 12:01 AM
And like you, he probably has one very well defined forearm.