View Full Version : 20 Siegery Items Plus Repair Case

09-26-2013, 01:02 PM
Various minis, castles, and siege items as well as a repair case. Once you're done battling, you stick them in the repair case and close it. It fixes them without putting you into the RT. The minis are from a number of places. Some are really old, some are from past EGs, some are ones I bought in the landing for events and people gave them back to me after the event was over and added one from RtCF

a copper-hinged ebony case:

a hooded monk figurine

a scantily-clad sea nymph figurine

a plump tavern barkeep miniature - Quite rotund, the barkeep miniature has a fleshy face, a wart-tipped nose and a double chin. Her bleary storm grey eyes match her long, unruly hair that has been tied back into a greasy bun. Her large dingy apron has been stained with old food and ale while even a layer of grime stains her tiny gold engagement ring. A dirty towel hangs over her shoulder and the name "Helga" has been carved into the miniature's foot.

a beguiling sea nymph miniature - Meticulously carved of smooth modwir, the slender nymph is clothed in a flowing white robe that clings to her curvaceous feminine form. A circlet of seaweed dotted with miniature cowrie and nautilus shells sits lopsidedly atop her golden curls. Her tiny features are painted on a perfectly oval face, and delicately veined and webbed appendages peek out from under the hem of her garment. Her right hand is tucked within the folds of her robe.

a robed archmage miniature - Carved into the likeness of a middle aged man, the archmage miniature has dark eyes and even darker hair that hangs down long with just a touch of grey at his brow. Simply garbed in only a deep black robe, the miniature's face appears free of wrinkles. The name "Pherantyr" is carved has been carved into the miniature's foot.

a red-robed summoner miniature - Garbed in a deeply hooded red robe, the miniature's face is cloaked in shadows. A smooth black satchel is the miniature's only other feature, the tiny container clasped with a small silver eye-shaped clasp.

a stitched flesh golem miniature - Overlapping layers of skin are stitched together in a patchwork pattern over the frame of the golem, as dark creases stretch along its face, resembling crude features. Its body is mostly a blubbery mass of flesh, a macabre assortment of assembled parts from humans, to kobolds, to krolvin.

a skinny frozen corpse miniature - With taut features, the frozen corpse is skinny and pale. Chunks of flesh hang loosely from its icy body, its skin dark blue and covered with black veins. Two bright, fiery orange eyes stare out from the corpse's gaunt and gnarled face.

a raging vathor miniature

a stern-faced locksmith miniature - Sporting cropped black hair and a crooked nose, the old locksmith has a sleepy glaze to his hooded brown eyes. The miniature's attire consists of simple black and grey garb, but his thick belt holds a number of folded lockpick pouches. The name "Larton" has been carved into the miniature's foot.

a red-eyed werebear miniature - The werebear stands perched on its hind legs, its eyes red and glittering with hatred. Thick, dark fur covers the creature's body, while razor-sharp claws stretch out from its massive paws.

a carved guild taskmaster miniature - Two tiny eyes from blue crystal chips contrast the tiny cobalt blue tunic and matching breeches on the carved figure. The majority of the miniature is left unpainted, the wood's natural tones giving the figure a deeply tanned look. His hair, primarily dark, has a few painted touches of grey on it. The name "Taskmaster Rhetegar" has been carved into the miniature's foot.

a wild-eyed crimson wizard miniature

a deformed shrickhen miniature - The shrickhen miniature has been crafted to resemble an assortment of leftover body parts, with its lower body of a troll, supporting the torso of a fire salamander. Two gnarled orc arms extend from the malformed body, and a huge timberwolf head juts up from its massive neck. A huge cyclops' eye is set into the center of the creature's canine face.

a tiny curved deep black ballista

a tiny pale sapphire ballista

a seashell and sand-covered castle

a copper-bucket miniature oak catapult

a tiny metal-banded catapult

an Estefan miniature - You see a Master Tailor. He is the perfect height and very young. Striking blue-green eyes and flawless skin are nicely complimented by flowing auburn hair that is to die for. He has a slightly effeminate face, a fabulous nose, and delicately pointed ears. He is incredibly handsome and impeccably dressed in a crisply pressed coat, white silk shirt, and dark linen trousers. Scratched into the bottom of one of his dress shoes is the name, 'Estefan'.

MB: 100k CB: 200k to Akhann sold

09-26-2013, 01:12 PM

09-26-2013, 03:58 PM

09-26-2013, 04:13 PM

09-26-2013, 08:52 PM

09-27-2013, 01:44 PM

09-28-2013, 08:40 AM