View Full Version : White Haven Hosts Rat Races

09-24-2013, 08:13 PM
White Haven Hosts Rat Races

When: Fri, September 27, 9:00pm – 9:30pm

Where: Rat Race Tent (Commerce Burrow, Bazaar) Icemule Trace

Description: Join us for fun with rats. You choose your rodent to race. Races will continue in rounds with many winners. Racers must supply their own silver to race, and the cost per race is 5,000 silvers. Having financial issues? White Haven will supply racers with silvers, but only one time per person. Winners of each round will not only get the bounty from all racers, but prizes (must come to the event to see the prizes) from the House as well. Anyone, except those who are racing, can make side-bets. Place your luck on your friends and their rat. Make money or go home broke. The event will last for approximately a half hour to forty-five minutes. At 10:00 P.M. elven, a raffle ticket will be drawn for a Rat constellation clasp. Drawing will be held outside the Rat Race Tent. Cost for a raffle ticket is 25,000 silvers. Good luck and see you at the Rat Races!

09-27-2013, 12:14 PM
Rat Races are tonight. Bring 5k silvers if you want to race. You just might leave with more. Raffle afterwards.