View Full Version : Dyhne Unlock

09-14-2013, 11:24 AM
Anyone have an example on this? Seems best placed on non-fusion (doesn't cooperate with exhisting scripted?) armor after consulting the Charts of Clarity (http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/The_Charts_of_Clarity).

I'd like to see if someone could post what they're Dyhne does or if there is a desire for this service before I drop it on something that I will regret later.

Armor and Weapon Moods Package (Dyhne Scripts)
Service: Sets of scripts with different messaging depending on the properties of the item, including an ambient script that has a chance to fire off on its own every so often.
Slots per run: TBD
Merchant: Siolan
Location: A Dark Oak Wagon, room 13
Method of choosing: Auction and raffle
Cost: TBD
Eligibility: Items either without scripts, or possibly with Dyhne scripts already, should custom work be available
Restrictions and notes: Items with Dyhne scripts may have custom messaging added for ambient scripts, as well as for RUB, CLENCH, or WAVE. The custom messaging is stressed to be an illusion, but allows for a large variety of effects. Custom messaging may be different from the item owner's perspective as well. The owner may also PROD the item to stop the ambient scripts from firing. Some item properties do not have a corresponding ambient script.

09-14-2013, 03:12 PM
A very fun service. I'll PM you with what I had made in a few moments.

09-14-2013, 03:39 PM
Thanks, I presume this service is going on a set of damage padded full plate with a layer of ensorcell over it. I guess i'll start brainstorming what my rogue can do as he gets shinier and happier. My current sorcerer armor is simple with naught but ensorcell over it so I doubt using the service on it would be the better option.

09-14-2013, 04:24 PM
Keep in mind, it doesn't really matter what you put it on. The scripts that fire off don't have to necessarily reference the item.

09-14-2013, 04:35 PM
Keep in mind, it doesn't really matter what you put it on. The scripts that fire off don't have to necessarily reference the item.

Here's what I need from you guys to get things shaking:

You get three sets of messaging. One set responds to RUB, one responds to CLENCH, and one is just a sort of idle/moody messaging.

Unlike EZscript messaging, these can be a little more mystical or magical in nature than a normal item script (there can be some sparklies and wind and eyes glowing and suchlike), but they still shouldn't effect other players nor should they force emotions or perceptions on other players. So, while you can clench your fist and make your eyes glow blue, you can't dictate that JoeRogue over there is scared of your sudden and fearsome transformation!

Also, since there has been some recent confusion around exactly what sort of scripts/messages these are supposed to be, let me clarify. These scripts are not intended as a way to give a character a "freebie" custom verb or as a way to break any sort of rules. They're designed to create an illusion of sorts that is triggered by your armor (or weapon). This being the case, all of your messaging will need to reference the item bearing the script, and the illusion you create should have a clear beginning and a distinct ending.

For example:

Xayle clenches her fist and raises it to the heavens as electricity begins to crackle along her form. (This is NOT okay because no weapon is mentioned and the messaging makes it look like the effect is originating with the player.)

Xayle grips her uber vorpal sword of ultimate doom, and it begins to crackle with electricity as she raises it to the heavens. Her eyes flash a brilliant blue before the energy recedes and leaves her as she was before. (This is OKAY because the item with the scripts is clearly activated before the effect occurs, and it has a distinct end.)

Xayle thinks happy thoughts and concentrates, becoming perfectly in tune with the whole of life and nature and the great beyond. She leans on her staff and sighs contentedly. (This is NOT okay because though the weapon is mentioned, it is mentioned only after "illusion" has occurred and can't be known as the source. Also, you can't give yourself super uber powers like that. Who do you think you are? Gandhi? Thbbbt.)

Xayle tightens her grip on her staff and a soft light begins to emanate from beneath her hand. The light washes over her hand and courses up her arm, seeming to seep into her skin as she smiles contentedly. (This is OKAY because the item with the scripts is activated and the effect has a clear end.)

If you need help coming up with this messaging, please feel free to ask. I'm more than happy to help if you can point me in the right direction with a theme or color or a certain feel/look you want.

These messages will be like any other messaging: there will be a version that you see and a version that other people see. If you want those to differ significantly in wording, please provide both. If not, just the message from your point of view will do.

If you guys have any questions or concerns, just let me know.

So the rules have become a bit more strict in that regard. Still a damn cool service.