09-01-2004, 11:33 PM
just as the topic says, im lookin ta buy some 6x brig. nothing flashy needed really..
mithril in the descrip is definately a bonus tho.
if i find some 6x brig, ill have some 4x mithril chain hauberk for sale :)
edit- oh yeah, and im in the landing, so being in the landing will definately help me to pick up the armor from ya ;)
[Edited on 9-2-2004 by iohova]
mithril in the descrip is definately a bonus tho.
if i find some 6x brig, ill have some 4x mithril chain hauberk for sale :)
edit- oh yeah, and im in the landing, so being in the landing will definately help me to pick up the armor from ya ;)
[Edited on 9-2-2004 by iohova]