View Full Version : Diary of Kkian Zorbett

KKian Zorbett
09-10-2013, 11:57 AM
Diary of KKian Zorbett "Kkianocske' Xor'batiamun"
Today Imaerasta, Tilamaires
Talked with the Grandmaster this morn again. Third time.. he seems to be pondering my requests. I am very afraid for the landing these days. Have been for months.. the folk in the landing seem flippant to their troubles. And some .. are collaborating with the shadow and the demon Marlu. I have been torn apart inside since My wife, Tykeara was tricked into betraying the landing, her companion .. and me.. at the pools.. I know she was trying to heal the land but. She should not have trusted a demon with her soul.. we have parted.. I have found great love and solice with Featherstripe , who saved my life.. with a misplaced kiss. I will continue to beseech the grandmaster for some help, any help we can foster for the sake of the good landing folk. I will kill Walkar .. and therendil .. and anyone else in the town council if I get the chance.. there are few who will not treat them with respect.. I do not understand this. They seem to be collaborating with the demon to me. I will fight this evil. Not on his terms. I will not wait .. and watch while these trees grow and folks sell their souls without knowledge. I will not stand for treachery and lies from Mayor walker and the town council.. I know I will most likely pay a price for my actions.. but then.. I already have.. Thank you Feather for being mine.. I need you .
Maybe another day will pass and the sun shine but.. I feel a tremor in the land.. something , some darkness.. some.. evil axis is forming.. Take heed my heart tells me.

KKian Zorbett
09-18-2013, 01:32 AM
Diary of KKian Zorbett "Kkianocske' Xor'batiamun"
Today 17th day of Imaerasta, Tilamaires
Ok so I sat with the grandmaster again tonight for a while, he seems to be .. I dunno.. maybe. silent.. or not anxious to take on this task. I truly hope I do not feel fear in him. it is hard to tell.. Haven't seen anything of Althedeus for a bit. cant say I'm not happy about that. he followed me to Illy once.. Called me a coward for not .. well.. ::sigh:; defending my ex and the landing. Coward huh? I don't hide behind armour incapable of taking damage. I don't walk in shadow and kill good townsfolk or take their souls without their knowledge. heck I don't even curse anyone. Coward? ::sigh:;

KKian Zorbett
10-16-2013, 01:46 PM
Diary of KKian Zorbett "Kkianocske' Xor'batiamun"
Leyan, the 16th day of Jastatos, in the year 5113.
well Diary, have not been too good at the last two relationships. ::sigh:: was heartbroken. sulked around for a bit, hanging my head. Started hunting again. Still worried about what is happening in the landing but. Grandmaster is not going to do anything.. at least not now. I smiled at a sweet young sylvan girl at the guild in Illy. and.. well.. Uhh.. we have been together ever since.... I'm loving this one and she loves me back.. I guess the gods have been smiling on me. her name is Sierye. Very Beautiful she is and same senses of the land as I. we share something very special, I will continue to love her and pray that I don't run her off. as far as the darkness is concerned? I'm going to hope it takes its sweet time and that Althedeus leaves us alone. Sierye has a sister she wants me to meet.. I love this lady.. Hope I can keep myself together for her and that the shadow waits. we will stay in Illy and watch and love each other till we have to do something else. Sierye has a sense that her companion awaits her in River's rest, we will head out that way soon.
all this, occurs within a looming darkness. I hope and pray that some sense of clarity comes to the landing folk.. I'm not going to be able to do much for them. they don't seem to care a whole bunch and many are joining their blood to the shadow through the trees in the garden at moot hall.::sigh:: Fair light to this day.. (an unusual storm was brewing over the mountains this morning). I hang on to what I know to be love. and hope that others do the same.

KKian Zorbett
11-24-2013, 12:57 PM
I am waiting .. on... The next installment

Johnny Five
11-25-2013, 10:10 AM
If you use proper sentence structuring, punctuation, and capitalization this could be good. But as it sits it is hard to read. Just some constructive criticism.

KKian Zorbett
12-05-2013, 06:02 PM
Gwynedd. That is all for now.

KKian Zorbett
02-21-2014, 12:48 PM
Dear Diary. has been a really really trying period this last year or so. so much has been done.. So much evil, and it continues. I have run through my life trying to rebuild what was once. This is not possible. My hate for the establishment that allowed the terrible deeds to occur, has truly been a poison that I have been drinking, somehow hoping it would kill someone else. What Really happened is that it poisoned my soul, My character and turned my eyes, visions and dreams away from those that truly had love and care for me. Gwyn has been away on family business for two or so weeks and the experience has been in contrast to what had thought it would be. Her absence has allowed me to look at myself. to see what this poison has made of me. Time to reconnect with those that have been a gift in my life in Elanthia. Somehow Gwyn has taken my heart. Something I never thought would happen again. I count the minutes till she returns. The pill of forgiveness for those that I thought were evil is truly a hard one to swallow and sometimes I think it will take a better man than KKian to do it, but I will. I will lend whatever this weak Ranger can to the defense of the defenseless and I will somehow try to look at Walkar with sympathetic eyes and heart and look toward the real evil that invades our lands. I hope to be able to discern. Fair light to this day and may spring bring abounding friendship and opportunity.