View Full Version : RtCF Lite - worth going?

09-09-2013, 08:48 PM
For those of us who didn't get an RtCF ticket, is it worth purchasing an RtCF-lite ticket? Anything in the shops that might be worth the expense?

In particular, anything for rogues that might be of special interest?

The Profit
09-09-2013, 08:49 PM
I don't feel the tickets are worth it. Some do.

09-10-2013, 12:04 AM
1. You get to participate in the will-o-wisp quest and take home the pet. I like my wisp but not sure that I would attend just for it. Maybe.

2.You have access to the fusion shaman. If you only have a few items to orb or get an extraction value to orb, someone else would likely be willing to do this for you. If you have 30+....uh maybe you should get a ticket or wait and see if EG has the option available.

3.You have access to the shops. If your shopping list isn't obscenely long, one of us would likely accomodate and pick up your items.

4. You have access to the feature pavilion which has a number of options different from the ones available year round. I really liked some of the choices myself and picked up at least two. Somewhat of a cheap way to get feature alterations so you don't look like you just came out of the character mangler.

Hope that helps.

09-10-2013, 10:22 AM
I bought tickets because I wanted a will-o-wisp pet as part of my character's hobby to collect pets (lizard, kitten, phoenix so far.) And I wanted the feature alteration.

For a rogue, consider maybe the scripted TWC weapons released initially from EG years ago or the Shurley's UAC gloves, and have them unlocked by Xerria (if you're prime.) If you're a member of Voln, there are Voln armor sold for your rogue. There are a pair of gloves and boots with somewhat damage weighting.

If you're into items just for the RP value (like me who prefer RP over function,) there are a lot of those too. There are those gold ring holders, nail polish, 4x scripted weapons, jewelry boxes with keys, scripted jewelry cases, scripted dagger fans, scripted hats, wrapping clothing, vacuum-flaring weapons, locked Iasha weapons, etc...

Treysen's wagon wasn't present in the last lite run. Was that intentional?

09-10-2013, 10:52 AM
>>Treysen's wagon wasn't present in the last lite run. Was that intentional?

This was announced and intentional. This and one other shop were present at frontier days and they couldn't be at both places.