View Full Version : RtCF Services Questions

09-06-2013, 11:20 AM
Hi all,

I'm heading to RtCF for the first time, and I had some questions about the services I was hoping some of you veterans might be able to answer. Yes, I have gone to both the RtCF guide on gsguide and tried to figure out relevant information myself using Krakiipedia. Thanks in advance for any answers.

Did anyone try to put padding on 5X plate? If so, what was the cost? I realize my mileage will vary based on the amount of existing padding, but I'm trying to get a ballpark.

Creature Banes:
Can a weapon with a creature bane be player enchanted? Also, can you add other flares to a creature bane weapon after the fact?

If a weapon is permablessed, can it still be player enchnated?

Splitting Weapons:
As a TWC user, this seems pretty awesome. Although, getting a half-enchant on the split makes it a bit less appealing. Historically, have splitters been able to be fully unlocked at other merchant events? It doesn't like there would be an opportunity to fully unlock a newly made splitting weapon at RTCF.

Are there any threads out there with approximate costs for weighting with different kinds of weapons/existing weighting?

Bergraham Weapons/Enhancive Weapons:
Were the weapons different between the two runs? And how did the raffling work? Did each weapon have its own raffle?

Epic Deepening
Anyone know if you can do this to a pinworn item that already holds 120lbs? Will it work like cloak/backworn and go to 180lbs?

Ironwright Flares:
Can weapons with Ironwright flares be player enchanted? Also, do the mechanics allow me to pass a blessed ironwright weapon to a friend to cast a spell on it to flare, and then pass weapon back to me without losing the flare?

Ithzir Armor Flares:
Are these compatible with existing padding/flares? Also, does anyone have a rough idea of how many times per day they can flare for each tier?

Black Ora Weapons:
I'm having trouble seeing the appeal of having a true black ora weapon as a warrior. I'd have to carry around a lot of pure potions, or have a pocket cleric, in order to have two free hands. Do the disruption flares associated with black ora weapons flare more often than other types of flares? Is there any information about the "other" abilities that have yet to be uncovered? Am I overlooking some obvious huge benefit for a warrior?


09-06-2013, 11:41 AM
Not sure I can answer all of them, but hopefully can lend some insight.

Re: Padding
Not sure anyone attempted to pad 5x plate. Truthfully I would count this service almost as a waste. If you win a padding spot and your goal is to get a nice set of padded plate you're almost certainly better off selling the spot for the going rate (should be between 30-50m) and then using that coinage to simply buy yourself another set of plate. You should be able to get yourself some 7x maxlight plate for the money you'd get for selling the slot. This is assuming there isn't anything else special or sentimental with your armor.

Typically they were putting up a raffle that had three winners. You were able to choose the weapon you wanted based on the order the tickets were drawn.

09-06-2013, 11:42 AM
Padding: Should be relatively cheap. In the millions.

Banes: Can be player enchanted IIRC. Flares ride a different slot than banes. Order of operation is not important here.

Permablessing: No.

Spliters: No. First event this has been offered. If you did it over the multiple runs it would have worked. At this last one, it is less likely.

Beragrahm: They were different for his. Run 2 had it in lots of 3.

Epic deepening: It is slot specific. I don't think they work on pin worn.

09-06-2013, 11:49 AM
Splitting Weapons: Been back for nearly 3 years and this is the first time I've seen splitting being offered as a service.

Bergraham: Different weapons. Run 1 had a raffle for each during the week late at night. Run 2 had raffles for 3 winners at a time on the weekend.

Epic Deepening: Pinworn is not an option, and if it was would probably be the most limited. At 120lb you'd already be over the limit.

Ironwright: Can still be player enchanted and yes you can pass it over to be spelled. Works just like a bless except with the flare instead.

Black Ora: Status symbol

09-06-2013, 02:31 PM
Splitting is new. Fully unlocked were released at draughtman's, then (pretty sure it was Emeradan, bleh) said the locked versions and subsequent unlocking would be offered moving forward. But this is the first time it's happened. Wouldn't be surprised if that pops up at EG maybe as well, don't quote me on that, but assuming he can get approval I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes one of those signature gm services.

09-06-2013, 02:33 PM
Ithzir Armor Flares:
100% compatible with padding (based on my current set) and so logically with flares as well.
Tier 1: 3 flares/day.
Tier 2: 6 flares/day.
Tier 3: 6 flares/day into a private room that lasts for 15 minutes, or until you exit OUT.
They also have some fluff scripts associated.

09-06-2013, 02:36 PM
Thanks for all of the replies, everyone!

09-06-2013, 04:37 PM
The black ora unlock is nice if you have a black ora weapon that already has flares/weighting, the unlock will give it scripted flares, too. Otherwise not much point, though I guess you could weight/flare it later, too.

Ironwright flares are nice to get on a sanctified weapon since you don't have to bless it, the flare cast blesses it. I would recommend getting at least one flare type you can cast yourself or at least from a common wand.

It was my thought that undead banes at least could not be player enchanted, I would be happy to be wrong though it'll be awhile till I can enchant fusion heh.

09-06-2013, 05:01 PM
I'm a warrior, so I can't really cast any spells... How many flare types do you get to pick with Ironwright? And it would still be nice to know if Ironwright flaring weapons are player enchantable.

09-06-2013, 05:20 PM
You get 3 flares at RTCF for the Ironwright service, 1 each from common, uncommon and rare categories. Personally I went fire (common), disintegrate (uncommon) and web (rare) on the platinum run. If nothing else I would say be sure to get web as one of the three, they do nice damage and also have a chance to actually web the critter.

The scripted text is pretty neat on flare infuses, too.

Zaigh says they can still be player enchanted but I thought that both undead bane and ironwright flares precluded that ... again happy to be wrong on both.

09-06-2013, 05:22 PM
You get 3 flares at RTCF for the Ironwright service, 1 each from common, uncommon and rare categories. Personally I went fire (common), disintegrate (uncommon) and web (rare) on the platinum run. If nothing else I would say be sure to get web as one of the three, they do nice damage and also have a chance to actually web the critter.

The scripted text is pretty neat on flare infuses, too.

Zaigh says they can still be player enchanted but I thought that both undead bane and ironwright flares precluded that ... again happy to be wrong on both.

I took air as my rare, only because it has a good crit table and nothing is resistant to it, and the only other way to get them is to have like a coraesine or something...the web flares are pretty cool though.

09-06-2013, 05:23 PM
I took air as my rare, only because it has a good crit table and nothing is resistant to it, and the only other way to get them is to have like a coraesine or something...the web flares are pretty cool though.

Or be a Bard.

09-06-2013, 05:25 PM
So since I don't have a ticket to the event, I assume my discount voucher is completely worthless?

09-06-2013, 05:40 PM
So since I don't have a ticket to the event, I assume my discount voucher is completely worthless?
