View Full Version : Siegery - Cross MHO/CHE event idea

09-03-2013, 11:00 PM
ATTENTION: If you are confirmed for the First Annual World Wide Siegery Championship Battle ... and by that I mean you have stated you want to do this.. PM me! I need to know who your character is, what your organization is, and who will be the champion representing your organization

Event: 23rd of THIS MONTH at 7pm eastern.

Even if you haven't expressed interest previously, PM/e-mail me.. it is not too late. We are getting a final list of who is competing together NOW to determine how things will go. If you have questions about the event, also PM me, and I will try to answer them.

Here is how it looks so far: Each group will get to choose 1 of 3 siegery mini's pre-designed by the GMs. There will be some way of indicating that this is your groups mini, like a banner on it, or something. I am HOPING to get these items to their champions about a week in advance so you can work on training them. Then, at the time of the event, each group's champion shall battle another group's champion until we have our final champion. At the end of the event, GMs will request your provided mini back UNLESS you are the winner.

Groups Who Are Competing: If you can, please donate some sort of monetary or item prize to the prize pool. If it is a prize, I'd prefera siegery themed one, but it's not required. If your group is new/lacking funds, don't feel obligated to do so, but if you are a well established and/or super well endowed group, we appreciated the donations. ALL donations will go to the Champion!

Pumpkin Queen
09-03-2013, 11:05 PM
Or Dayko suggested it at the meeting. Either or.

09-03-2013, 11:19 PM
I'd be interested at tossing the Paupers hat into the event... Although... I'll need a set of Siegery thingies...

Are sets for sale off the shelf at RTCF?

Confirmed Participants:
Paupers (Whirlin)
Aspis (Seomanthe)
Silvergate (Katara)
Brigetta (Leelan)
Willow Hall (Seneschal)
House Sovyn (Eruheran)

Faendryl Enclave (Japhrimel)
Landing Defense Irregulars (Jhynnifer)
Stormwind Hall (Jarvan)
House of Daingneach Onoir (Cosannie)
The Eahnor Assembly

09-03-2013, 11:26 PM
I'd be interested at tossing the Paupers hat into the event... Although... I'll need a set of Siegery thingies...

Are sets for sale off the shelf at RTCF?

there is a siegery shop in the landing, I think 1 east of TSNE

09-03-2013, 11:33 PM
But... I don't want to invest in an S class siegery set!

And I don't want to write a siergery guide!

09-03-2013, 11:33 PM
Begetting Besiegers! The landing's siegery shop. It is also where I would personally recommend hosting the siegery battle.. Here is why:

[Begetting Besiegers, Sky Arena]
High walls rise up to encase this open arena in a solid cover, muting the sounds of the town to a quiet muffle. Moonlight from the open sky glints off the surface of tall flag poles, their banners stirring slightly with the breeze. The arena itself is a circular stretch of scuffed dark slate, surrounded by a set of wide stone steps which lead up to an observation deck.
Obvious paths: out
>go step
[Begetting Besiegers, Watch Deck]
A sturdy wooden observation deck stretches out in a half-circle providing ample room for spectators. A carved ironwood railing provides some leaning comfort to onlookers while they view the arena below. The tops of flagpoles rise up from the sides of the deck and stretch up into the night sky above. You also see some wide stone steps leading down.
Obvious paths: none

It has the sky arena with a spot where people can "watch arena" or "look arena" to see whats going on below.. great for when you have a huge audience. It also has:

[Underground Arena]
Crude wooden benches ascend in a semicircle around a smooth dirt arena where old blood stains have darkened the ground in many patches. Lit torches are scattered about the room casting flickering shadows along the stone walls. A pile of dismembered siege miniatures have been haphazardly left in a corner. You also see a flimsy wooden door.
Obvious exits: none

There are 59 minis for sale and 6 cases in this shop.. about 35k per mini. I would recommend JUST buying a regular mini, not a keep, catapult, ballista and the like.. for events we tend to just do one-on-one minis and not a full game, as the full ones take FOREVER. The more you play, and win, the better trained your mini is. That said, a well trained mini is NO guarantee of winning. The Enclave's last siegery event ended with Greganths insanely well trained rolton against Fulmen's bought that day off the shelf blacksmith. It was awesome.

I would also recommend not including s-class minis as they tend to be OP.

09-03-2013, 11:44 PM
If you still looking for people I bet the LDI would be interested!

09-03-2013, 11:44 PM
Sounds like fun. I have a set of my own miniatures from way back, probably when they were first introduced. Is there any way to differentiate a S-class mini from a regular one other than fighting prowess?

I don't -think- any of mine are S-class but as I cannot remember that far back when I got them, I'm not sure.

09-04-2013, 12:10 AM
No way I know of to differentiate. We've been asking for analysis upgrades and indications as to how good minis are for a while now. Pretty much if my decently trained mini gets it's tiny wooden ass handed to it in 1-2 moves, I suspect the other one is an s-class.

And I am hoping to get as many CHE/MHO to sign along as possible.

09-04-2013, 10:21 AM
I shot some ideas around with Japh last night. Here's what I was thinking.

We can get GM support for this event. However, the GMs are busy preparing October events for CHE Spirit Night, Pauper's Haunted House, and a massive amount of other events. December is filled with Winterfest... another big CHE/MHO event extravaganza.

So, we'd be looking to do a Siegery Tournament in November. We would need to have preliminary house competitions to designate a champion (and backup) per house to then compete in a cross-MHO-CHE competition.

I'd like to request GM support for these events ASAP. But in order to do so, I would like buy-in from 5 CHEs, and 7 MHOs before starting to spam their inbox. (Ideally, 16 to bracket it properly).

For GM support, in addition to calendar notices, I would like to request custom siegery figures to be made per participating MHO and CHE to be used in the final tournament. Designs and siegery archetype can be created per CHE/MHO, and distributed at the big competition, this would also ensure an even playing ground with S-class versus... non-S class, and training of the figures, etc. Winners of the overall competition could receive Sets of Siegery miniatures from all participating houses.

So, Pauper's Hat is in the ring. Who else?!

09-04-2013, 10:57 AM
I will bring it up to Aspis this week, we have several siegery fans who have been running the occasional tourney (including one in October in our Illistim Annex /shameless plug!). Aspis already has a custom mini in our prize closet that represents our House -- or would you want us to request a one-off unique one? Either way is fine.

The LDI would love to be involved in this crossover event too -- 'ware the rolton! And my Hedgewig can get more practice.

09-04-2013, 11:01 AM
Hah, sounds like fun! Great idea.

09-04-2013, 11:03 AM
I need to check our prize closet... Maybe the previous officers made paupers siegery figures as well. House is too old!

I'd say we should create new figures as well... Because... why not! It helps add exclusivity to the new figures, and can keep a more consistent strength of figures for the tourny.

09-04-2013, 01:46 PM
So far I've talked to officers in Onoir, pheonix, dreadnaughts, and willow hall, also, and they'll be looking into the idea, hopefully. I feel like some people might not want to compete if they can't use their own mini.. people do put a lot of time and effort into training them and getting them customized. I love the idea of house minis though and if everyone can get one, that would rock. I just got the prize closet finished for the Enclave, though.

09-05-2013, 07:22 PM
Silvergate is in!

09-05-2013, 09:10 PM
Cool beans.. I've talked to officers from a variety of MHO and CHE, but no confirmations yet.

09-06-2013, 12:44 AM
Post if your group is in? suggest dates and times? looking at november atm folks

09-06-2013, 12:56 AM
Stormwild hall is in, as we run Siegery events quite often.

I do have one request. No Class S mini's. While I have access to a set, it is highly unfair to use them against non S Mini's.

09-06-2013, 09:06 AM
Yeah, I posted about it in the CHE side... but any internal rules you want to use for your own competition to determine your champion is fine by me, but I'd like everyone to get a set of fresh of new custom minis for the big tourny itself... Levels the playing field a little bit.

I'll add you to the list Jarvan, and thanks for signing up!

09-06-2013, 09:59 AM
MHO House of Daingneach Onoir is in (Cosannie)

09-06-2013, 07:09 PM
The Eahnor Assembly offered to host, if we want it in Ta'Vaalor .. but I responded that we were thinking the Sky Arena in the landing

09-06-2013, 10:38 PM
Rolfard Confirmed Twilight.
Ardwen confirmed Clan Jakarta

09-07-2013, 11:11 PM
The Eahnor Assembly confirmed

09-08-2013, 02:04 PM
Willow Hall is in

09-10-2013, 07:48 PM
Here is what it looks like so far:
Faendryl Enclave
Willow Hall
Stormwild Hall
Daingneach Onoir
Silvergate Inn
Eahnor Assembly
Clan Jakarta
Pit Vipers

Mentioned to, but have not confirmed:
Elanthian Elegance
Yllyc Simisir
Landing Irregulars
Obsidian Tower
Argent Aspis
Ord an Dragan
drakes vanguard

If you are not on the confirmed list and want to be, please post or PM myself and/or Whirlin. Also, each group involved please come up with a siegery mini design for your group. We are hoping to be able to get one made for each group, but that isn't confirmed yet. We have talked to a few GMs and are seeing what kind of resources we might be able to add. If your group has a House mini, please let us know. If not, please design one

Minis can have a short and a show or a long. You need to design attack/miss/death messaging also. What happens when it attacks and hits, what happens when it attacks and misses, and what happens when it dies. All THREE messages, combined, including spaces, need to be under.. I want to say 422 characters. (Anyone else confirm that?)

We would also like it if each group that is going to participate could donate something/some amount to the "prize pool" for the final winner.

09-10-2013, 11:00 PM
I'll check with the LDI officership tomorrow about this.

Geijon Khyree
09-11-2013, 11:39 AM
I'll double check, but Phoenix is probably a go for this.

09-11-2013, 02:02 PM
Consider Aspis confirmed for this, your main contact can be me or Karmus. I managed to talk about it on Monday before Kenstrom crashed our meeting with his evil sword. :shocked2:

ETA: Riend, Greg and I are on board, so I think we can call the LDI confirmed. We can discuss when to schedule our internal semi-finals tonight if we're all around =)

09-11-2013, 03:26 PM
Consider Aspis confirmed for this, your main contact can be me or Karmus. I managed to talk about it on Monday before Kenstrom crashed our meeting with his evil sword. :shocked2:

ETA: Riend, Greg and I are on board, so I think we can call the LDI confirmed. We can discuss when to schedule our internal semi-finals tonight if we're all around =)

Huzzah! I think we can all safely say that the Plur mini needs to start training for this. Or, we could have a seperate competition for the silly siegery battles, may the silliest mini win!

09-11-2013, 03:32 PM
Huzzah! I think we can all safely say that the Plur mini needs to start training for this. Or, we could have a seperate competition for the silly siegery battles, may the silliest mini win!

I have been trying to train Hedgewig but she has had a hell of a losing streak... lol

09-12-2013, 09:59 AM
As an update; we're still working with the GMs, I think the tournament itself is in line with the original idea of new customized miniatures, slightly customized to reflect their house/organization.

I'm just doing my best to negotiate prizes to maximize and encourage turnout.

09-16-2013, 02:26 AM
If it's not too late, White Haven would love to join the masses!

We already have our own mini in our prize closet, so what White Haven would plan on is... we'll have our own battle of the mini's and the champion would represent White Haven in the the CHE/MHO siegery with the one from our prize closet.

Is there a date and time set yet?

09-16-2013, 11:59 PM
Hi, Karmus here from Argent Aspis. Seo has pointed to me to represent Aspis. We have a public Seigery tournament on the Calender for October 20 in our Embassy courtyard in Ta'Illistim. We'll need to plan an Intra-house tournament to select a champion for this proposed tournament. Seo reminds me that we need to have some details planned soon to make requests for the November Calendar.

You mention creating custom siegery figures for each MHO and CHE to be used in the final tournament. Being so they wouldn't likely be S-Class then? Is an S-Class mini just a fully trained regular mini? What do you mean by having the custom figures distributed at the event? We should several created to pass around? Including at least one from each for the winners?

Any other details to discuss? Will there be a meeting to organize things? Sounds like a fun event.

Argent Steward Karmus

09-27-2013, 09:00 PM
Is there anything new on this? Is it still on? Any particulars. As Seomanthe has said, Argent Aspis is in if it still happens.


10-01-2013, 08:39 PM
We are aiming for november 23rd at 7pm! Currently it looks like we might get support in the form of 3 different minis. Each group can pick ONE of those 3 minis and it will be designated as theirs somehow, like have their name on it.. that is the mini you will battle during the event. This is to prevent any s-class minis. Each mini must be given back at the end. However, the winner gets his or her choice of said mini.

The mini thing is not yet set in stone, 100%, but as of the last contact, that's the route we are going. I was totally confused at first by what they meant, but once explained, it seemed like a good way to go. I'm going to try and get the minis for each group in advance so people can work on training them.

10-05-2013, 10:51 PM
I'm still a little confused about what each house needs to do to prepare besides determine a champion. Do we need to design a mini to bring to the tournament? Just use the one our champion used to win that position? Or will Minis be provided?

Karmus of Argent Aspis

11-05-2013, 05:30 PM
ATTENTION: If you are confirmed for the First Annual World Wide Siegery Championship Battle ... and by that I mean you have stated you want to do this.. PM me! I need to know who your character is, what your organization is, and who will be the champion representing your organization

Event: 23rd of THIS MONTH at 7pm eastern.

Even if you haven't expressed interest previously, PM/e-mail me.. it is not too late. We are getting a final list of who is competing together NOW to determine how things will go. If you have questions about the event, also PM me, and I will try to answer them.

Here is how it looks so far: Each group will get to choose 1 of 3 siegery mini's pre-designed by the GMs. There will be some way of indicating that this is your groups mini, like a banner on it, or something. I am HOPING to get these items to their champions about a week in advance so you can work on training them. Then, at the time of the event, each group's champion shall battle another group's champion until we have our final champion. At the end of the event, GMs will request your provided mini back UNLESS you are the winner.

Groups Who Are Competing: If you can, please donate some sort of monetary or item prize to the prize pool. If it is a prize, I'd prefera siegery themed one, but it's not required. If your group is new/lacking funds, don't feel obligated to do so, but if you are a well established and/or super well endowed group, we appreciated the donations. ALL donations will go to the Champion!

11-07-2013, 07:57 PM
I don't know if you have us, but the House of the Argent Aspis will enter a champion. My character, Karmus, will be managing picking our champion and providing a prize -- probably a limited edition siegery mini from our prize closet. I guess I should have Karmus search down Japhrimel for our mini to start training? I'll do that now.


11-07-2013, 10:36 PM
Within a week of the event, the 23rd, please and thanks! But thanks for the heads up

11-09-2013, 09:22 PM
UPDATE: If you haven't already, contact me with the name of your champion.. or, failing that, a representative officer for your MHO/CHE. I have a list that is growing, but can still use some clarification. If you have already contacted me, contact me again because I need to know which mini everyone wants.

Each participating group (MHO or CHE) has the option to choose one of the following:

a miniature doorman (warrior)
a miniature alchemist (wizard)
a miniature scribe (sorcerer)

Tell me which one you want! The mini will be semi-customized so that each mini is different. First come, first served.

11-12-2013, 01:51 PM
I still need to hear from: aspis, willow, rone, eahnor assembly, jakarta, and any other group that wants to be involved but hasn't confirmed with me on that.. Groups that we have mentioned the event to, but never got a response back for yes/no include:

Elanthian Elegance
Yllyc Simisir
Dreadnaughts et al
Obsidian Tower
Ord an Dragan
drakes vanguard

11-14-2013, 09:22 PM
Alright folks! I have quite a few people added in. If you are unsure if you're group has contact me, don't hesitate, let me know.

11-14-2013, 09:32 PM
To clarify exactly what is going on. I need a contact person from each group. I need to know the designated champion of that group. I need to know which of the 3 mini options you want: scribe, alchemist or doorman. The champion or, failing that, contact person will be provided the mini about a week before the event(which is on the 23rd at 7pm) by a GM. You will have that amount of time to train it and then compete with it. After the event each mini will be collected, though I believe the winner can keep theirs. The minis are to ensure no one brings an s-class to the party. We are asking groups that participate to please donate to the prize pool, for the winner, if they can afford to(silvers or items or whatever). If we get enough it will be first and second place prizes. Contact me ASAP if you haven't provided all the required info, please.

11-14-2013, 11:10 PM
As per our event this Saturday and through our private chat, I'll inform you asap after it.

11-23-2013, 09:17 PM
Had a blast.

Congrats to Tyrrah as winner and Jadzara as runner-up.

Thanks to Japhrimel and Whirlin for also pulling this together!

11-23-2013, 09:22 PM

Maybe I got that right... I dunno!

11-23-2013, 09:27 PM
Thanks a ton for doing the brackets.. I am horrible at that sort of thing

11-23-2013, 10:54 PM
Nice! Good job, Whirlin!

11-23-2013, 10:56 PM
Was fun!!!

11-23-2013, 11:33 PM
great fun folks!