View Full Version : EG 2013 Teasers - Easy to keep up with version
08-31-2013, 06:09 PM
I'll keep a running tally of things here, if something needs a further explanation then I'll link a post further down in the thread as well so you will just be a click away.
Tentative Schedule:
Platinum will start on October 18th. Prime and Shattered will start on October 25th. Ebon Gate will be closing in all instances on October 31st at midnight.
Games Hopper Teaser:
a barbed steel fist-scythe with a mist-shrouded necrotic serpent wrapped around it -+25 with randomized snake flares. (Note: these are still subject to change/modification pending QC.)
a sleek rolaren longsword with a mist-shrouded necrotic serpent wrapped around it - +25 with randomized snake flares. (Note: these are still subject to change/modification pending QC.)
a blackened vultite pike with a mist-shrouded necrotic serpent wrapped around it - +25 with randomized snake flares. (Note: these are still subject to change/modification pending QC.)
a veil iron sledgehammer with a mist-shrouded necrotic serpent wrapped around it - +25 with randomized snake flares. (Note: these are still subject to change/modification pending QC.)
a flanged golvern mace with a mist-shrouded necrotic serpent wrapped around it - +25 with randomized snake flares. (Note: these are still subject to change/modification pending QC.)
rare material runestaves with flares and 10 actions
8x (4x/4x) zelnorn buckler
Spider bags (
large golvern shield w/ banshee flare
soulstone wand
5 permanent scroll cutters
"Alter Session" certificate
rolaren falchion - better than normal enchant, disintigration flares
2 pairs 7x UAC gloves w/ different flares
sephwir longbow
golvern maul w/ grapple flares
mithril claidhmore
fireleaf runestaff - enchanted once above normal, acuity flares
a zesty little sephwir long bow with a pretty little glyph on it
a grapply glyphed illthorn runestaff
a glowbark runestaff that does something really special when you raise it
a jam-smeared stone statue - disk changer
A fully unlocked treat pouch. Not sure what that is? Well, you can store treats in it for a companion! And, since this one is fully unlocked, you can also rustle up fresh treats a few times a day!
Are you one to enjoy spur of the moment dancing? Fear not. Carry a magic cube in your back pocket!
sundress that will easily change over into a ballgown
a crate that will follow you around
two tea platters
a deep green leather lizard mask - Prophecy Mask
>>Ooh... can we get something for flinging people into the bog at EG? Please?
You may be joking, but there will be a way to dive in this year!
Pumpkin Tossing game (
Puddle of Mud game (
New EG-only Premie Transport options (
The Necropolis (
Shield resizing - 10 spots
New and improved black ora jewelry (locked)
New and improved black ora jewelry (fully unlocked) - you can design before putting it on
Kroderine - choose your own armor or shield base. Choose your own weapon base. 2 of each
Enhancive item permanence - 1 per account
Elemental recharging - 1 per person per session, will be a few sessions at least.
Self Charging Magic Item conversion - change old style self-chargers to new style.
-They will retain the same number of charges per day, the same activation method, the same spell, the same wear location, etc.
-The Cone of ___ wands/rods will not work for this service, because those spells don't actually exist. The script on those handles casting the appropriate spell at each target in the room in succession, mimicking the look of Cone of Lightning.
-Only items containing Elementally aligned spells. For the record, that's the 400s, 500s, 700s, and 900s.
-New style begin recharging once the first charge of the item is depleted, instead of the last. Additionally, they regain charges over the entire period instead of all of the charges at the end of the recharging cycle. In general, the new style script is far more recent, plays nicer with other things, and has a few other bells and whistles that the old style did not.
Uncommon Flare adding - disruption, grapple, or plasma
Mana flare adding or boosting - 1 point to a maximum of 5
Master Quality instruments - both premade and upgrading
Animal Companion Grooming
Premade Signature Verbs
Unarmed Combat equipment - raffle (better than last year)
Robes - raffle (better than last year)
Sorcerer boxes ( - 50 charges of fancy runestones, with a service to make them permanent and possibly to customize them.
Acuity adding/upgrading - Ten slots for adding acuity flares, up to 8x acuity! Only runestaves with no existing special ability, or with an existing acuity special ability are eligible.
Armor resistance upgrading - Ten slots will be available to increase any resistance of your choice! Note: The service cannot be used to decrease an existing vulnerability.
A limited number of rare (if not impossible to find) materials for you cobblers out there. This includes metal, wood types, and hides.
A limited number of winners will be able to provide their own metal, gems, hides, horns etc. to made into suitable cobbling material. There will be restrictions to this service, including some Rift gems and very rare materials.
Bow sighting (some limitations apply)
Flaring razors for fletchers
Raffling off some forehead gems.
Whisper masks will be back this year, and you should have an easier time getting them worked on.
Unlocking the hot/cold amulet holders sold in "After Thoughts".
Adding unbalance/acid/plasma/steam flares to Shields (5 wins via raffle).
Adding snake fluff/zest to weapons that currently have no script on them (15 wins via spinner).
Adding snake flares to Melee weapons (5 winners via raffle) that do not already have any sort of special ability or script on them. Note: this will add "a mist-shrouded necrotic serpent" to your weapon, along with the randomized snake flares.
9 censers to raffle off: 3 monk, 3 empath, and 3 cleric. Winners can choose 2 enhansive bonuses out of a list of three to add to them.
weatherby symbols will make a return.
Prayer idols. Some off the shelf and can alter their descriptions as well as some fully customized slots to give away.
Runestaves with 5 - 10 random actions
Special jewelry that makes cool sounds.
Enchanting of player-forged weapons is back.
Player-forged weapon enhancement (
Rumor has it, Kosinar will be making an appearance this year and he's bringing with him cookware 2.0!
Raffle for seed pouch in "Bog Botanicals"
Ithziri flares cranked up to tier 4?!? ( And beyond! (
Forehead Gems
Custom Disk Changers (
Fusion Armor Refresh, now w/ scripted goodness (
Dancing shoes (
an eonake-runed rolaren buckler
an eonake-runed rolaren shield
an eonake-runed rolaren aegis
an eonake-runed rolaren pavis
Gory vials ( (from Skagr - more to come)
Gory weapons available off the shelf
Resistance armor of multiple types - available in shops
A new spooky, gothy, Halloweeny shop that will be selling clothes, some temporary feature changing potions, & crazy make up.
Really GROSS shop. Rumor has it, there's a haste item in there. That you have to eat. Did I mention it was really gross? Also! Stock up on things for trading! The merchant of this shop only trades!
The shops will have more censers with arkati based alterations.
Slab smelter is back.
Rapier, Maul, Lance, and Tiger-Claw glyphs are back.
Mithglin slabs are back.
For those of you who enjoy adorning others' faces with paint, be on the lookout for some new designs, including Lornon and Liabo-themed sticks.
08-31-2013, 06:10 PM
Dear Sorcerers (and other pure professions) on 08/31/2013 03:11 PM EDT
But mostly sorcerers.
Since I love you guys so much, I've created another thing you can carry around! Maybe even multiple copies.
Have you often had this problem?
You glance down to see an aish'vrak potion in your right hand and a smooth stone in your left hand.
Speaking to your smooth stone, you exclaim, "How plain!"
You pour your aish'vrak potion on a smooth stone.
Green-blue smoke rises from the stone as the liquid touches its surface, then dissipates.
That was the last drop.
The aish'vrak potion shatters into twinkling dust.
You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a smooth stone in your left hand.
Speaking to your smooth stone, you say, "Yup, still plain and boring."
Well, I've got just the solution for you, with my amazing new runestone transmogrification and spiffyness inducer!
You remove a small blue glass jar with a silvery mithril lid from in your shadowy void black DOOMCLOAK.
You put a smooth stone in your blue glass jar.
You sweep your hand across the surface of the blue glass jar and it produces a hollow rumbling noise followed by a short flash of light leaking from its interior. You feel a trickle of power flow from your fingertips in to the blue glass jar.
In the blue glass jar you see a smooth pale blue sea glass runestone.
You remove a smooth pale blue sea glass runestone from in your blue glass jar.
You exclaim, "Much better!"
Now you can have fancy runestones all year round, or even a few different varieties for the different runes you might use. There will be ten off-the-shelf models, each producing a different runestone. They will have 50 charges. I'll also be providing a service to make them permanent and potentially customizing them as well, for those of you who want a signature runestone. Very similar to the imbue boxes of years past, but geared towards the pure professions (all of whom have spells linked with runestones).
GemStone IV will be up shortly!
Sorry guys, my bad :(
Tsk Tsk
09-03-2013, 09:09 AM
Who likes shoes? Better yet, who likes making their own shoes? You? Good! Because there will be a particular merchant at Ebon Gate giving away limited number of rare (if not impossible to find) materials for you cobblers out there. This includes metal, wood types, and hides.
Excited? Good! Because that's not all!
A limited number of winners will be able to provide their own metal, gems, hides, horns etc. to made into suitable cobbling material. There will be restrictions to this service, including some Rift gems and very rare materials, but it should still be enough to get some of you salivating. - (I highlighted this because I think cobblers might want to brainstorm this possibility in advance ~Inurtia)
And because I know you'll ask, I don't want to release the final list of restrictions just yet, but I'll have a sign covering the details at the festival.
(Oh, and there might be a shop to go with this service. Just saying.)
Scrimge - FGM
09-03-2013, 09:28 AM
Holy shit. Now if could just get those patterns released from like 2 years ago...
Tsk Tsk
09-03-2013, 01:38 PM
I guess I can toss out a couple of teasing teaser teases.
Bow sighting (some limitations apply).
Flaring razors for fletchers.
Gots a new spooky, gothy, Halloweeny shop that will be selling clothes, some temporary feature changing potions, crazy make up, and will be raffling off some forehead gems.
Really GROSS shop. Rumor has it, there's a haste item in there. That you have to eat. Did I mention it was really gross? Also! Stock up on things for trading! The merchant of this shop only trades!
Annnnd, yeah. That's it. Maybe.
~ X.
Tsk Tsk
09-03-2013, 01:39 PM
Whisper masks will be back this year, and you should have an easier time getting them worked on.
09-03-2013, 01:40 PM
I'm a bit surprised... there are quite a few combat related services being offered... I always attributed EG to be more alterations & cosmetics, while RtCF was more combat-related stuffs.
Tsk Tsk
09-03-2013, 01:43 PM
I'm a bit surprised... there are quite a few combat related services being offered... I always attributed EG to be more alterations & cosmetics, while RtCF was more combat-related stuffs.
I always found it to be a good mix. The festival that has it all sort of place.
09-03-2013, 03:12 PM
Holy shit. Now if could just get those patterns released from like 2 years ago...
I'll enter or be there for you Riend if you need me to try to get this service done for you. Since I know you are a cobbling person! I still have that bolt of Tehiri fabric and those rare Erithi gems too :)
09-03-2013, 03:15 PM
I'm a bit surprised... there are quite a few combat related services being offered... I always attributed EG to be more alterations & cosmetics, while RtCF was more combat-related stuffs.
EG started out as just shopping with a few highly coveted merchants doing alterations. It really has grown a lot over the years to include some combat stuff, tons of raffles, contests, quest and we can't forget those addictive games! It really has become my favorite event.
09-03-2013, 03:34 PM
EG has been pretty significant in combat items since at least what, 09? Even without the auctions, there's always been some good things released. Khal had a run of a few years in a row with special combat flares, Ironwright flares debuted at EG and also did weighting for forgers, there was another forger-specific merchant i forget the name, been some random enchanting, flares, etc. Certainly not to the same level as CCF but it's generally 1 or 2 really nice combat stuff, a decent amount of more mundane combat services, then a shit ton of GALDs with the random "spoooooky" one-offs thrown in.
09-03-2013, 03:57 PM
Whisper masks will be back this year, and you should have an easier time getting them worked on.
What's a whisper mask?
09-03-2013, 03:59 PM
What's a whisper mask?
The masks with sockets in the eyes that you can insert gems into, that also conceal your features.
The whispers are randomly scripted, and fire off about every 5mins or so and are mostly "Dark aligned" so to speak.
An example of one: Light as a feather, a whisper falls on the back of your mind, pleading, "Please, don't leave me!"
I wonder if the resistance adding merchant allows you to break the 30% barrier.
09-03-2013, 10:48 PM
I wonder if the resistance adding merchant allows you to break the 30% barrier.
From Aulis:
<<Will there be a limit go the amount of resistance added...I.e. 30% total?
As far as I have been approved for there is no mention of a limit. But that may change between now and then.
09-04-2013, 03:45 PM
Not the fake kind, but for my forging fellows:
Slab smelter is back.
Rapier, Maul, Lance, and Tiger-Claw glyphs are back.
Mithglin slabs are back.
Enchanting of player-forged weapons is back.
What's that you say? You want something new? Okay.
How about:
You offer your elegant vultite handaxe to Iamal.
Iamal offers you a superior vultite handaxe.
Or maybe:
You offer your superior rolaren mace to Iamal.
Iamal offers you a perfect rolaren mace.
09-04-2013, 05:34 PM
Finally, the upgrading service for forging people have been asking about, nice.
And me, with a locker full of superior golvern mauls and lances on a deactivated account :(
09-04-2013, 06:42 PM
Oh nice! My bard can get her superior lance upgraded to perfect while her perfect is getting enchanted.
09-04-2013, 07:39 PM
A lot of the EG forging merchants varulv ran were for forgers and their own weapons, only. Might want to ask about restrictions on that service.
No they weren't. They were for player-forged weapons only. It didn't matter if you forged the weapon or not, just that someone did.
09-04-2013, 09:11 PM
No they weren't. They were for player-forged weapons only. It didn't matter if you forged the weapon or not, just that someone did.
Some services were for forged weapons, in general, but then they had other (usually superior) ones that were for a forgers own weapons only.
edit: this is from 2007, think the first time ironwright showed up, had the same thing going at least a couple more EG's later. If it's been dropped completely in more recent years, then I guess it doesn't matter anymore. Still worth checking up on before people get their hopes up though :D
"Disclaimer: Enchanting and weighting are only available to members of the Forgers' Artisan Guild who bring their own craftsmanship. All services are limited to weapons of less than eight enchants and which do not currently have flares, zests, or other special abilities. The Blessed Flares cannot be applied to weapons which are already permanently blessed."
09-04-2013, 09:36 PM
Last year Iamal worked on forged weapons from people other than the person getting the work done.
09-04-2013, 09:45 PM
Re: Ensorcell service
You swing a golvern claidhmore at a triton combatant!
AS: +335 vs DS: +227 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +65 = +192
... and hit for 31 points of damage!
Right elbow smashed into a thousand pieces.
** Necrotic energy from your golvern claidhmore overflows into you! **
You feel energized!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Jace Solo
09-06-2013, 12:18 AM
Re: Ensorcell service
You swing a golvern claidhmore at a triton combatant!
AS: +335 vs DS: +227 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +65 = +192
... and hit for 31 points of damage!
Right elbow smashed into a thousand pieces.
** Necrotic energy from your golvern claidhmore overflows into you! **
You feel energized!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Only 31 damage on a 192 Claid endroll?!
But seriously, adding ensorcell to claids...magic!
09-06-2013, 04:40 PM
It probably has earth flares instead of weighting :)
09-06-2013, 05:33 PM
Claid vs Full plate:
DF = 225 * 92 endroll = ~21 raw damage
Claid weighting = 40 phantom damage
Max theoretical rank = 61%11 = 5
Min theoretical rank = 5/2 rounded up = 3
Actual Rank = 4; Reasonable result for a fully weighted claidhmore given randomization.
09-10-2013, 12:40 AM
Anyone scared of spiders? on 09/10/2013 12:08 AM EDT
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>l my bag
Thick strands of webbing have been woven in a chaotic pattern to create the thick organic mesh of this spidersilk bag. Hollow insect carcasses and bits of debris are interspersed and impossibly tangled within the walls, while thin web-covered straps extend from its sides.
>l in my bag
In the spidersilk bag you see four scarlet spiders.
You ponder.
>wear bag
As you put on a gossamer spidersilk bag covered in dried insects, you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your hand! You quickly pull back your hand but cannot see any visible wound. A moment later you can feel a strange scratching presence in the back of your mind. It takes a moment to realize that the source is four scarlet spiders with pale blue eyes within your bag.
You frown.
... and much more.
A few of you may recognize a rare version of these from the past. I've updated and overhauled them a bit from their previously buggy (pun intended) selves, and made a few fun improvements. Some completely unlocked versions of these will be in the prize hopper, and a few more completely unlocked versions will likely be given out at some point during the festival. (Oh, and the spiders will be randomized off the shelf, but can later be customized by merchants who don't mind the creepy crawlies.)
I look forward to creeping you out!
Scrimge - FGM
09-13-2013, 11:45 PM
GoryVial Teaser on 09/13/2013 11:13 PM EDT
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You glance down to see a vial of pallid sanguine blood in your right hand and a dark woolen longcoat in your left hand.
Pouring the pallid sanguine blood on a dark woolen longcoat will permanently stain the longcoat in blood, altering the way it looks. If you REALLY want to go through with that, try pouring again in the next 30 seconds. The end result will look like a dark woolen longcoat stained with pallid sanguine blood.
You give the pallid sanguine blood a good shake, changing how it will appear when poured.
Pouring the pallid sanguine blood on a dark woolen longcoat will permanently stain the longcoat in blood, altering the way it looks. If you REALLY want to go through with that, try pouring again in the next 30 seconds. The end result will look like a dark woolen longcoat encrusted with pallid sanguine blood.
You give the pallid sanguine blood a good shake, changing how it will appear when poured.
Pouring the pallid sanguine blood on a dark woolen longcoat will permanently stain the longcoat in blood, altering the way it looks. If you REALLY want to go through with that, try pouring again in the next 30 seconds. The end result will look like a dark woolen longcoat blotted with pallid sanguine blood.
You nod.
You pour the pallid sanguine blood on your woolen longcoat, dousing it with blood.
You have 9 doses left.
You glance down to see a vial of pallid sanguine blood in your right hand and a dark woolen longcoat blotted with pallid sanguine blood in your left hand.
Pulling the woolen longcoat over your arms, you give it a quick tug so that it fits snugly.
You turn your wrist upward, arranging the cuff on your woolen longcoat to have more flair.
You glance down to see a flacon of illuminated icy ectoplasm in your right hand and a primitive iron-weighted bludgeon in your left hand.
Pouring the illuminated icy ectoplasm on a primitive iron-weighted bludgeon will temporarily gorify the bludgeon in ectoplasm, until the ectoplasm dries or is removed. If you want to go through with that, try pouring again in the next 30 seconds. The end result will look like a primitive iron-weighted bludgeon covered with illuminated icy ectoplasm.
You give the illuminated icy ectoplasm a good shake, changing how it will appear when poured.
Pouring the illuminated icy ectoplasm on a primitive iron-weighted bludgeon will temporarily gorify the bludgeon in ectoplasm, until the ectoplasm dries or is removed. If you want to go through with that, try pouring again in the next 30 seconds. The end result will look like a primitive iron-weighted bludgeon bathed with illuminated icy ectoplasm.
You give the illuminated icy ectoplasm a good shake, changing how it will appear when poured.
Pouring the illuminated icy ectoplasm on a primitive iron-weighted bludgeon will temporarily gorify the bludgeon in ectoplasm, until the ectoplasm dries or is removed. If you want to go through with that, try pouring again in the next 30 seconds. The end result will look like a primitive iron-weighted bludgeon splattered with illuminated icy ectoplasm.
You nod.
You pour the illuminated icy ectoplasm on your iron-weighted bludgeon, dousing it with ectoplasm.
You have 9 doses left.
You glance down to see a flacon of illuminated icy ectoplasm in your right hand and a primitive iron-weighted bludgeon splattered with illuminated icy ectoplasm in your left hand.
You extend your tongue and drag it over the surface of your iron-weighted bludgeon, tasting the ectoplasm of your enemies.
Both GoryWeapons and GoryVials will be for sale at Ebon Gate. The longcoat example was to show you that ClimateWear is compatible with GoryVials. As are my bandoliers/harness, pelt bags, chrism holders, and a number of my other scripts (as well as other's scripts that support dyeing).
~Wyrom, SGM
09-17-2013, 01:39 PM
You're slacking with the teaser list.
You need to add all of this below....
Luneth rummages through a rotting crate and pulls out a large golvern shield. "No no, this won't do, it needs more banshee!" Imbuing the aegis with a bright red glow, she drops it into the cauldron.
"A wand of soulstone. Yes, this will work just fine." Wisps of necrotic haze exude from the cauldron as the wand sinks beneath the murky surface.
Luneth begins tossing a set of five scroll cutters into the cauldron, pausing to murmur an archaic chant with each one. As she chants, the mechanisms of the cutters glow blisteringly hot, repairing all imperfections, before solidifying with a solid permanence.
"And last, but not least, just a dash of sweetness." With a smirk, Luneth drops a parchment certificate scrawled with the words "Alter Session" into the cauldron.
His feeder pile began with a rolaren falchion. He eyed it appreciatively, noting the better than normal enchantment and the potential for disintegration flares. He was cut off from his reverie by the sound of sliding. He quickly whirled around and pulled two pairs of unarmed combat gloves off his tilting pile and added them to the feeder. He smiled at those two, admiring the 7x enchant and the different flares.
The large pile a bit more stabilized, Archiwald took his time pulling out a sephwir longbow, a golvern maul with grapple flares, and a mithril claidhmore. Last but not least, he pulled out a fireleaf runestaff, enchanted once above natural for the wood, and also possessing acuity flares, and added it to the growing feeder pile. Dusting off his hands, he walked from the room.
How about... hm... let's see... a zesty little sephwir long bow with a pretty little glyph on it?
Or maybe you like sticks, and a grapply glyphed illthorn runestaff, or perhaps a glowbark runestaff that does something really special when you raise it, are more to your liking.
No? Well, there's a jam-smeared stone statue that I especially adore. Maybe people will keep their hands off your disk if it's all covered in sticky jam!
And lastly, for the animal lovers, a personal favorite. A fully unlocked treat pouch. Not sure what that is? Well, you can store treats in it for a companion! And, since this one is fully unlocked, you can also rustle up fresh treats a few times a day! Hmm… maybe I should pull this one out and keep it.
I highlighted everything in Bold that were the items themselves and properties.
Items of huge note would be the Soulstone Wand.
09-17-2013, 03:27 PM
You're slacking with the teaser list.
You mean the stuff I edited onto the list about two days ago when that teaser was posted? Starts just under the spider bags for the treasure hopper part.
I'm only adding posts to bump if the thread starts to get buried, if an item comes up that needs more explanation that I can do in a line on the 1st post, or to respond to posts.
09-17-2013, 03:33 PM
You mean the stuff I edited onto the list about two days ago when that teaser was posted? Starts just under the spider bags for the treasure hopper part.
I'm only adding posts to bump if the thread starts to get buried, if an item comes up that needs more explanation that I can do in a line on the 1st post, or to respond to posts.
Ahh, I thought you were doing bumps when new stuff was posted. Apologies! But well, least now it's bumped for those who kinda thought the same as me.
Looking forward to EG this year again though, good stuff
09-18-2013, 05:39 PM
I'll feed the teasers. Or should that be tease the feeders? Either way, here's a bite.
Are you one to enjoy spur of the moment dancing? Fear not. Carry a magic cube in your back pocket! What's that? You don't have anything to wear? Better hope you find that sundress that will easily change over into a ballgown. Or maybe you'd just rather have a crate follow you around throughout the festival?
You better play games - lots and lots of games!
For those of you who enjoy adorning others' faces with paint, be on the lookout for some new designs, including Lornon and Liabo-themed sticks. These are coming to an Ebon Gate shop near you...
~ Haliste ~
09-18-2013, 09:45 PM
Reply Reply
May I present, in part, one of Ebon Gate's newest addictions!
"...As your feet reach the toe-line, you shove the pumpkin forward from your chest with all your might! Gasping for air, you look to see your pumpkin land...." SOMEWHERE! You'll have to play to see more!
A new game has been introduced at the Halfway Midway!
Everyone, meet Gurtey!
>look dwarf
>Gurtey is especially short, even for a dwarf. She is wearing patched faded coveralls which are hitched at the front with a single large red button on one side. Her over-sized orange and black plaid flannel shirt has rolled up sleeves that extend just beyond her wrists, and a part of her shirt tail dangles from one side of her coveralls. She is shoeless.
And she is ready, willing, and able to exchange coins for her pumpkins to be heave-ho'd! No special skills needed to play, the course is equal to all participants. See you there!
09-19-2013, 06:10 AM
Do you like mud? on 09/18/2013 11:14 PM EDT
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A small dirty boy stands near a pile of mud-covered pails, his bare feet playing in a large puddle of mud that flows around the base of an iron water pump.
A small dirty boy yells, "Come on over and go dippin' in the mud! Take a pail and give it a try!"
You head toward the mud-covered pails and a small dirty boy approaches you, holding out a hand and demanding 500 silver.
You hand over the coins.
A small dirty boy hands you a mud-covered pail which you quickly dip into the puddle.
I wonder what I found!?!?
~ Valyrka ~
09-19-2013, 06:12 AM
A wild raffle appears! on 09/19/2013 12:02 AM EDT
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I have acquired a magic seed pouch and will be raffling it off in my shop, "Bog Botanicals". For those unfamiliar with the pouch, it will produce magical seeds that may be buried to produce a type of plant. You may then pluck the plant, harvesting its healing herbs. Yay gardening!
~GM Luneth~
09-20-2013, 03:26 PM
Ithziri Armor on 09/20/2013 06:55 AM EDT
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Well, it's not pinworn VLA, but I have added some new tiers to the Ithziri armor...
Targetdummy traces a sign that contorts in the air while she forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Targetdummy gestures at you.
You feel the sudden rush of a disease overcome you.
Targetdummy utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid...
Targetdummy gestures at you.
Warding failed!
... 40 points of damage!
Forceful impact shatters your right leg from the knee down.
You are knocked to the ground!
You are stunned for 10 rounds!
Roundtime: 24 sec.
Targetdummy traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Targetdummy gestures at you.
An unseen force envelopes you, restricting all movement.
Targetdummy utters a light chant and raises her hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to her aid...
Targetdummy gestures at you.
Cloudy wisps swirl about you.
The wisps solidify into thick strands of webbing that tighten about your body!
You notice your skin is flaking off in large pieces!
!>beseech my robes
You focus your thoughts on your robes in a desperate attempt to recover...
The restricting force that envelops you dissolves away.
The webs dissolve from around you.
You are no longer stunned.
You bounce back up to your feet!
You suddenly begin to feel better.
You have the following injuries: a fractured and bleeding right leg.
Area Health per Round Tended
Right leg 2 No
Maximum Health Points: 175
Remaining Health Points: 62
You are feeling weakened.
!>shrug my robes
You stretch your shoulders, settling your robes into a more comfortable position.
You feel suddenly restored!
You have the following injuries: some minor cuts and bruises on your right leg.
You have the following scars: a mangled right leg.
Maximum Health Points: 175
Remaining Health Points: 175
Re: Ithziri Armor on 09/20/2013 06:49 PM EDT
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>>So this is.. tier 4?
That's actually an example of Tier 9 armor. I'm adding 16 unlockable tiers to the armor, which can only be unlocked one step at a time.
> The fact that you can 'shrug' off your wounds is a hidden morsel of awesomeness.
I was pleased with that use myself. :)
09-20-2013, 03:42 PM
wow...nice robes.
09-20-2013, 03:55 PM
wow...nice robes.
09-20-2013, 06:52 PM
Keep an eye on that thread. :)
09-20-2013, 07:36 PM
Those robes are sick...
09-20-2013, 07:39 PM
I can't wait for more items that rip off professional abilities. Especially berserk casting armor.
09-20-2013, 07:40 PM
I can't wait for more items that rip off professional abilities. Especially berserk casting armor.
I can't wait to get them so a rogue actually has the ability to break statuses.
09-20-2013, 08:19 PM
I'd like to see a list of what each tier does....and who the hell is going to luck into getting this service 16 times to max out a set?
09-20-2013, 09:25 PM
There's 16 possible tiers, but a set of armor can only have 9 tiers unlocked.
Everyone will have to pick their own upgrade path.
09-21-2013, 01:53 AM
what the fucking fuck...i though the last few replies were people joking around then read the random GM posts thread.
Jesus christ.
Jace Solo
09-21-2013, 02:09 AM
I can't wait for more items that rip off professional abilities. Especially berserk casting armor.
I kind of agree with's not the "best" part of berserk but it is a very special part of it...that's kind lame to normalize it in such a way.
To speak nothing of nullifying empaths. It seems kind of OP. I'd expect that in plat.
09-21-2013, 02:17 AM
Im interested in seeing what other abilities are available that might be useful for warriors. Can we get a self-raise at the top tier? I bet Kaedra would still beat me to raising myself....
09-21-2013, 03:12 AM
Im interested in seeing what other abilities are available that might be useful for warriors. Can we get a self-raise at the top tier? I bet Kaedra would still beat me to raising myself....
I know, right? If my cold dead body hit the floor before I was at least kept, i knew she was having a slow night.
Tsk Tsk
09-21-2013, 09:35 AM
Is it EG time yet?!
09-24-2013, 03:48 PM
I can't wait to get them so a rogue actually has the ability to break statuses.
I put my reply up on the officials. Armor stealing 1635 is really kind of lame.
09-24-2013, 04:05 PM
The armor stole a lot of abilities from a lot of people. Bard 1040 comes to mind as well.
09-24-2013, 04:28 PM
Don't see the issue with it. Not like warriors don't have access to many of the other professions' spells and it's not like it's not going to be a limited thing. Glad to see them releasing more cool stuff like that.
09-24-2013, 04:33 PM
I just think its kind of lacking originality stealing spells. If you're gonna go out of your way to create a new system of armor flares, at least don't cut corners and jack existing class spells.
09-24-2013, 04:40 PM
Re: Ithziri Armor on 09/24/2013 04:50 AM EDT
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Here's the breakdown I gave to the Plat folks a few days ago:
Instead of unlocking in a straight line set of tiers, this armor will now offer choices. Existing base armor (previously called Tier 1) will be considered Tier 0. One unlock (previously Tier 2) will be considered a Tier 1 unlock of the Charges tree. Tier 3 unlocked existing armor will be considered a Tier 3 unlock of the Charges tree. Previous tiers must be unlocked before later tiers are available.
- Base functionality remains at 3 charges / day.
- Each upgrade increases the max daily armor charges by 1.
- Cost in charges is listed below for each ability
Escape Flare Chance Tree:
Tier 0 (default): 20%
Tier 1: 35%
Tier 2: 50%
Tier 3: 65%
Tier 4: 80%
Status Condition Tree:
Tier 1: Remove one random condition from the following list when the armor's escape ability triggers: stunned, prone/sitting/kneeling, blind. [1 armor charge]
Tier 2: Add web, bind, and rooted to the list of potential conditions in Tier 1. [1 armor charge]
Tier 3: Manually invoke (BESEECH) the status clear ability to manually remove a random condition, adding sleep, poison, and disease to the above. [2 armor charges]
Tier 4: Manually invoke (BESEECH) the status clear ability to remove ALL of the above conditions. [3 armor charges]
Healing Tree:
Tier 1: Manually (SHRUG) invoke to heal an amount HPs equal to 50% of max health. [2 armor charges]
Tier 2: Tier 1 + reduce all bleeding effects by half, rounding down. 2 armor charges]
Tier 3: Tier 2 + reduce severity of worst injury by 1 rank. [3 armor charges]
Tier 4: Tier 2 + reduce severity of all injuries by 1 rank. [3 armor charges]
Charges Tree:
Tier 1: Additional 3 max charges to the armor, as per old Tier 2.
Tier 2: Adds a short-duration sanctuary effect (90 seconds) to the arrival room upon a triggered escape. [1 charge]
Tier 3: Triggered escape ability takes player to safe room, as per old Tier 3. [2 charges]
Tier 4: Escape ability can be manually triggered (SLAP) to escape to safe room. A new exit from the room will take the player to a local fog location. [3 charges]
09-24-2013, 04:42 PM
Don't see the issue with it. Not like warriors don't have access to many of the other professions' spells and it's not like it's not going to be a limited thing. Glad to see them releasing more cool stuff like that.
Your argument might have weight if other professions had access to warrior only abilities.
When I can berserk and assess and use guild skills with an item script available to anyone, then I'll concede the point.
09-24-2013, 04:44 PM
The armor stole a lot of abilities from a lot of people. Bard 1040 comes to mind as well.
I see Paladin and empath copying, but no real bard theft.
09-24-2013, 04:58 PM
Don't see the issue with it. Not like warriors don't have access to many of the other professions' spells and it's not like it's not going to be a limited thing. Glad to see them releasing more cool stuff like that.
So it would be ok if they added another tree of flares, and it gave non warriors, warrior only things? Like weapon bonding, or berserk, and such? I like that idea!
I see Paladin and empath copying, but no real bard theft.
Troubadour's Rally is invoked via SHOUT 1040. The spell will attempt to remove the following conditions from every group member of the Bard caster: calm, sleep, stun, immobility, web, and prone/sitting.
compared to...
Status Condition Tree:
Tier 1: Remove one random condition from the following list when the armor's escape ability triggers: stunned, prone/sitting/kneeling, blind. [1 armor charge]
Tier 2: Add web, bind, and rooted to the list of potential conditions in Tier 1. [1 armor charge]
Tier 3: Manually invoke (BESEECH) the status clear ability to manually remove a random condition, adding sleep, poison, and disease to the above. [2 armor charges]
Tier 4: Manually invoke (BESEECH) the status clear ability to remove ALL of the above conditions. [3 armor charges]
You are right, utterly different. Actually, for a single person, technically the armor is BETTER then the bard spell. Awesome.
09-24-2013, 05:10 PM
You are right, utterly different. Actually, for a single person, technically the armor is BETTER then the bard spell. Awesome.
I consider Shout more of a group effect spell. That's why I see the Status Condition Tree more of a Paladin rip off. Especially considering it uses Beseech just like they do.
09-24-2013, 05:12 PM
I consider Shout more of a group effect spell. That's why I see the Status Condition Tree more of a Paladin rip off. Especially considering it uses Beseech just like they do.
Give it a year, and there will be a T5 with group application.
09-24-2013, 05:21 PM
Yes because in the past never once has any warrior ability been given to other profession, well except the half or more that paladins got, and any that are available by general Cman skills to anyone of course.
09-24-2013, 06:43 PM
Yes because in the past never once has any warrior ability been given to other profession, well except the half or more that paladins got, and any that are available by general Cman skills to anyone of course.
The condition tree isn't exactly far off from the majority of reasons warriors berserk either.
09-24-2013, 06:52 PM
This seems worse than the normal one offs in that it seems like it's kind of a new "thing" that will be around for a while. If it was a random limited edition auction quality piece or something, great. But if this is just a new service where anyone "lucky" (read as: all the usual suspects with coins to spare to buy spots and multiple accounts at events) can get after attending a few events, it's kind of shitty.
Doesn't really bother me, overall. It's not like GS is competitive with other players so, the specific item they have that makes their character superior to mine doesn't really matter to me.
09-24-2013, 08:18 PM
if they base the adding of it like the did voln armor, your usual suspects would never be able to actually use this service since it wouldn't be able to be added to their armor.
09-24-2013, 08:23 PM
if they base the adding of it like the did voln armor, your usual suspects would never be able to actually use this service since it wouldn't be able to be added to their armor.
True, and lets hope they do put a limit on it to a degree.
09-24-2013, 09:15 PM
And if people do buy it up then it just means less sets of armor with more capabilities. Or it won't happen and there will likely be more sets of armor with lower capabilities. Seems to balance out either way if you're worried about the game being affected.
09-24-2013, 09:23 PM
if they base the adding of it like the did voln armor, your usual suspects would never be able to actually use this service since it wouldn't be able to be added to their armor.
does that stop most of them from monopolizing the services usually, anyway? :D
i mean, they'll pop up on the secondary market soon after if that's the case.
09-24-2013, 11:55 PM
Now you guys know how wizards feel: familiars made lame by comparison to everyone else's pet, most of your spells readily available at every festival, everyone's got a bolt/ball spell, when they used to be pretty much a wizard thing, and ever since TD was divided into 3, they can't ward spirit spells for shit.
At least Dauntless is still pretty rare.
09-25-2013, 06:06 PM
<< familiars made lame by comparison to everyone else's pet >>
I did not mind the rest of the Kerl's points but I have not been keeping up to date on the other professions pets, are they really that much better? One of my favorite uses for a familiar was a Gate rescue: send the familiar to the corpse, cast Gate, and tell familiar to return and stay. The gate usually stayed open long enough so I could go through it and then cast another gate to drag the body through. Very handy.
On topic, looks like I will not be returning in time for this years EG, darn. :D
09-25-2013, 07:15 PM
Now you guys know how wizards feel: familiars made lame by comparison to everyone else's pet, most of your spells readily available at every festival, everyone's got a bolt/ball spell, when they used to be pretty much a wizard thing, and ever since TD was divided into 3, they can't ward spirit spells for shit.
At least Dauntless is still pretty rare.
Heh, its funny but I almost posted this as well. The list of minor magical items containing wizard spells generated every hour alone ... :)
09-28-2013, 10:21 PM
New Ebon Gate Only Premium Transporter Messages on 09/28/2013 09:30 PM EDT
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I teased these at the Premium OOC Meeting tonight when I released the other new messaging options. There are three new Ebon Gate only transporter messages for Premium folks based on submissions from the Premium contest back in May. These will be offered at the festival, as well as the other three existing Ebon Gate only messages. Here they are, enjoy!
20 Skeletal Fog
1st person: As you turn (item), you feel an incredible weight pressing down upon every bit of your being. You hunch over, gasping for air and realize that your body is rapidly wasting away. Darkness folds about you as one last ragged cough comes from your lungs, collapsing your body into a pile of dust. Your body is stiff as you drag yourself slowly towards a light overhead. Pulling yourself up and out of a pool of miasmatic fog, you can't help but notice that you are nothing more than bones with the fog wrapping lightly about you. As you stand taller, the fog wraps itself thicker about your body, encasing you with muscle, flesh, and finally your belongings, before it drifts away.
Leaving: While turning her (item), Jainna’s face grows dark with worry. Her body begins wasting away before your eyes, skin sloughing off as her entire body wracks itself into a hunching spasm. As she gasps for air, none seems to come until one last ragged cough escapes from her lips. The effort of this last breath is all it takes to crumble her body and all her belongings into a pile of dust that is swiftly borne away on the wind.
Arriving: A pool of viscous, miasmatic fog rises up from the ground followed quickly by a skeletal hand shooting forth and pulling itself out of the foggy depths. As the skeleton stands upright on the ground, the fog wraps itself tightly about the body, quickly forming muscle, flesh, and finally various belongings as you see Jainna standing there before you, watching the last of the fog drift away.
21 Squishy Rats
1st person: Your hand brushes (item), and you are immediately doubled over by the intense pain of your insides moving around by their own accord. With a wet splortch, your vision shifts into a blur of incommensurable perspectives. You are unable to reclaim yourself as the world races by amidst the sound of high-pitched squeals. Just as you fear you are on the verge of madness, everything comes to a sudden, squishy stop. You seem to be whole once more and somewhere else entirely.
Leaving: Jainna touches her (item) and immediately doubles over in pain. Her skin bulges outward as her entire body morphs into a bulbous, pudding-like mass before your eyes. Suddenly, the mass bursts open with a wet splortch, and dozens of squealing, skittering rats run out in all directions! It seems they took Jainna with them.
Arriving: In a storm of high-pitched squeals and scratching claws, dozens of rats race in from all around you. Converging on a central point, they slam together into a column of sloshing rodent pudding that quickly solidifies into the form of Jainna.
22 Noxious Scents
1st person: You lightly touch your (item). The faint scents of sulphur, ether, and brimstone rise from beneath your feet. A keening, howling wind surrounds you, whipping at you violently. Your vision is completely obscured. Suddenly, you have a sense of ascension. Everything is blurred, and you realize you are effortlessly, but very rapidly, shifting from one location to another. Abruptly, you have a sense of descending, and then as quickly as the winds whipped up, they fade away as you hit the ground.
Leaving: The unmistakable smells of sulphur, ether, and brimstone rise from the ground near you. Jainna breathes deeply of these scents, and suddenly, a howling wind screams through the area and scatters the noxious odors. Then, as quickly as the winds whipped up, they fade away. You realize Jainna is no longer standing before you, apparently borne away on those same foul-smelling winds.
Arriving: The unmistakable scents of sulphur, ether, and brimstone rise from the ground near you. Suddenly, a full-blown maelstrom of screaming winds whips through the area, scattering these scents. Then as quickly as the winds whipped up, they fade away. You realize Jainna is standing before you with an amused smile on her face.
~Just Jainna
09-28-2013, 10:57 PM
The rats are almost funny enough to make me want to change away from the Seagulls I had.
mmm...sloshing rodent pudding.
Tsk Tsk
10-02-2013, 07:40 PM
Tickets for sale!
$50 Standard
$45 Premium
($10 bump for adding chars)
10-02-2013, 07:42 PM
It's actually a $10.00 bump for adding characters, $9 if you are premium. I was hoping it was only $5, then I could take a few for special raffles and stuff.
10-08-2013, 12:21 AM
if you think the EG grounds should be kept open through the Nov 1-3 weekend with no merchant services (only shopping/games/quest), go to the officials and tell Wyrom!
10-09-2013, 03:16 PM
Changing Things Up on 10/07/2013 11:09 PM EDT
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Two lucky people will be able to obtain custom disk changers this year. The winners will be able to customize the following things:
1. The item itself (short description and a show, if wanted).
2. The messaging when the item is raised with no disk present.
3. The messaging when the item is raised and the disk actually transforms.
4. The short description of the disk.
5. The show for the disk (when people LOOK at it).
This is a delayed service and will require QC. Oh, and the winner can use it as much as they want!
I'll also have someone around to add charges to the ones that I'll be selling in a shop.
~~GM Kynlee~~
Private Property Guru
10-10-2013, 11:04 AM
Enhancive Permanence? I guess I must have missed something... but does this mean that an enhancive item will be made so that it no longer loses charges? To take it a step farther, does this mean that all the weapons and armors that I've been finding which have "temporary" weighting/padding can be made to have "permanent", instead? I'm sure this was spelled out somewhere, but damn if I can find it.
10-10-2013, 11:13 AM
Enhancive Permanence? I guess I must have missed something... but does this mean that an enhancive item will be made so that it no longer loses charges? To take it a step farther, does this mean that all the weapons and armors that I've been finding which have "temporary" weighting/padding can be made to have "permanent", instead? I'm sure this was spelled out somewhere, but damn if I can find it.
Enhancive Permanence in this instance just means they will take a jewerly type enhancive that is currently crumbly and change it so that it will not crumbly when it runs out of charge. The answer to your two questions would be No and No.
No and No. It means enhancive items that crumble after they use up their last charge will be made to not crumble.
10-10-2013, 05:37 PM
Enhancive Permanence? I guess I must have missed something... but does this mean that an enhancive item will be made so that it no longer loses charges? To take it a step farther, does this mean that all the weapons and armors that I've been finding which have "temporary" weighting/padding can be made to have "permanent", instead? I'm sure this was spelled out somewhere, but damn if I can find it.
Instead of crumbling, it would then persist.
10-10-2013, 09:12 PM
Fusion Arms Refresh and Such on 10/10/2013 06:48 PM EDT
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Ever wish your fusion armor could do... a bit more? Now, it can.
I've written a three tiered script solely for fusion armor users. There are 12 verbs, spanning 3 tiers. I'll have a merchant unlocking and also adding this new script to your old fusion armor throughout EG.
Also, all of the wares in the fusion sanctum have gotten cosmetic updates, and all armor now comes standard with this new script.
A preview of some of the off-the-shelf actions:
>wear leathers
You work your way into a set of pale green double leathers, taking care to align the orbs in their chambers properly before use.
Qortaz works his way into a set of pale green double leathers, taking care to align the orbs in their chambers properly before use.
>stare my leathers
Lamenting past battles lost and won, you hold your hand over a demon-marked sunset orange orb set in your green double leathers and stare blankly into the distance.
Looking pensive, Qortaz holds his hand over a demon-marked sunset orange orb set in his green double leathers and stares blankly into the distance.
>pull my leathers
You give a demon-marked sunset orange orb set in your green double leathers a slight tug, making sure it is still firmly seated in place.
Qortaz gives a demon-marked sunset orange orb set in his green double leathers a slight tug, making sure it is still firmly seated in place.
>remove leathers
The chamber surrounding a demon-marked sunset orange orb flares up momentarily, as you work your way out of a set of pale green double leathers.
The chamber surrounding a demon-marked sunset orange orb flares up briefly, as Qortaz works his way out of his green double leathers.
The orb that is mentioned is based on whichever orb is "active". RUB will change the active orb, if there are more than one in your armor.
10-11-2013, 08:21 PM
So You Think You Can... on 10/11/2013 07:15 PM EDT
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My new script this year is...
Drum roll please?
Dancing shoes!
These shoes have several tiers and a LOT of possibilities. I got the idea months ago on the boards when someone suggested multi-tiered multi-option dancing shoes. And... well... here we are!
Let's see them in action, shall we?
Tier 1 (off-the-shelf)
look my slippers (setting 1)
The switch on the heel of these female slippers is set to dance with males.
kick my slippers
You kick your heels together, subtly flicking a tiny switch in soles of your slippers with the motion.
(3rd person) Geltrude kicks her heels together in smooth motion.
look my slippers (setting 2)
The switch on the heel of these female slippers is set to dance with females.
remove my slippers
You carefully unlace your slippers and remove them.
wear my slippers
You slip on your slippers, lacing them up to mid-calf.
pull my slippers
You unwind the leg straps of your slippers and pull them tighter before lacing them up again.
Geltrude glances at Felthrop.
look my boot (setting 1)
The switch on the heel of these male boots is set to dance with females.
kick my boot
You kick your heels together, subtly flicking a tiny switch in soles of your boots with the motion.
(3rd person) Felthrop kicks his heels together in smooth motion.
look my boot (setting 2)
The switch on the heel of these male boots is set to dance with males.
remove my boot
You carefully unlace your boots and remove them.
wear my boot
You slide your feet into your boots, lacing them tightly.
pull my boot
You unlace your boots and pull them tighter before tying them again.
Tier 2 (once unlocked)
Geltrude glances at Felthrop.
turn my boot (setting 1)
You rise up on your toes and spin swiftly across the ground, displaying the sheer strength of your legs as you move.
(3rd person) Felthrop rises up on his toes and spins swiftly across the ground, displaying the sheer strength of his legs as he moves.
turn my boot (setting 2)
You rise up on the toes of one foot and kick out the other in a repetitive motion before returning both feet to rest flat on the ground.
(3rd person) Felthrop rises up on the toes of one foot and kicks out the other in a repetitive motion before returning both feet to rest flat on the ground.
push my boot (setting 1)
You raise your hands above your head and stomp your feet in a rapidly moving jig across the ground.
(3rd person) Felthrop raises his hands above his head and stomps his feet in a rapidly moving jig across the ground.
push my boot (setting 2)
You put your hands on your hips and do a swift little jig, your feet moving rapidly through the stomping, clicking steps.
(3rd person) Felthrop puts his hands on his hips and does a swift little jig, his feet moving rapidly through the stomping, clicking steps.
Felthrop glances at Geltrude.
turn my slippers (setting 1)
You rise up on your toes before gliding across the ground in graceful, floating steps.
(3rd person) Geltrude rises up on her toes before gliding across the ground in graceful, floating steps.
turn my slippers (setting 2)
You rise up on the toes of one foot and slowly spin in a circle, your other leg extended to one side.
(3rd person) Geltrude rises up on the toes of one foot and slowly spins in a circle, her other leg extended to one side.
push my slippers (setting 1)
You lean forward and shimmy your shoulders in a rapid motion, holding your arms relatively stiff at your sides.
(3rd person) Geltrude leans forward and shimmies her shoulders in a rapid motion, holding her arms relatively stiff at her sides.
push my slippers (setting 2)
You plant your toe against the ground in front of you and shimmy forward, your shoulders twisting back and forth in a quick motion.
(3rd person) Geltrude plants her toe against the ground in front of her and shimmies forward, her shoulders twisting back and forth in a quick motion.
Tier 3 (both shoes twice unlocked) (part 1 - meaning, there is another verb at this level as well)
Felthrop takes a deep breath.
raise my boot
You idly twist your foot, digging your toe into the ground.
raise my boot at Geltrude (with Geltrude wearing dancing shoes)
You take Geltrude in your arms, leading her effortlessly in a slow dance.
raise my boot at Geltrude (with Geltrude not wearing dancing shoes)
You dance slowly up to Geltrude and gaze into her eyes.
raise my boot at Felthrop (self)
You slowly nod your head in a rhythmic pattern.
Felthrop points at Geltrude.
raise my slippers at Felthrop (with Felthrop wearing dancing shoes)
You lean close to Felthrop's chest, dancing with him slowly in a circle.
raise my slippers at Felthrop (with Felthrop not wearing dancing shoes)
You dance slowly up to Felthrop and gaze into his eyes.
raise my slippers at Geltrude (self)
You wrap your arms around your shoulders and sway gently from side to side, humming quietly to yourself.
To be continued...
Note: The messaging for RAISE changes for the following options (only a few of them showcased above):
Boy dancing with a boy who also has shoes set to dance with boys.
Boy dancing with a boy who's shoes are set to dance with girls.
Boy dancing with a girl.
Girl dancing with a girl who also has shoes set to dance with girls.
Girl dancing with a girl who's shoes are set to dance with boys.
Girl dancing with a boy.
Girl or boy dancing with a girl or boy who's shoes aren't unlocked as high.
Girl or boy dancing with a girl or boy who doesn't have on dancing shoes.
Boy dancing with himself.
Girl dancing with herself.
Untargeted dancing.
From this point and on, it's just as complicated, if not more so! So, I'll save the rest for my next post! :)
~Just Jainna
10-13-2013, 08:13 PM
So You Think You Can (Part 2)... on 10/13/2013 11:24 AM EDT
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Here is the second part of my dancing shoes script!
Tier 3 (twice unlocked) (Part 2 - meaning, the second verb when unlocked to this level)
Geltrude points at Felthrop.
poke my boot
Your feet move rapidly as they tap out an intricate staccato pattern on the ground.
poke my boot at geltrude (with Geltrude wearing dancing shoes)
You lock your arms and lead Geltrude in a stiff series of precise steps across the ground.
(3rd person) Felthrop locks his arms and leads Geltrude in a stiff series of precise steps across the ground.
poke boot at geltrude (with Geltrude not wearing dancing shoes)
You stiffly dance across the ground with Geltrude.
(3rd person) Felthrop stiffly dances across the ground with Geltrude.
poke my boot at Felthrop (self)
You move in a stiff series of precise steps across the ground.
(3rd person) Felthrop moves in a stiff series of precise steps across the ground.
Felthrop points at Geltrude.
poke my slip at felthrop (with Felthrop wearing dancing shoes)
You lock your arms and move in sync with Felthrop in a series of precise steps across the ground.
(3rd person) Geltrude locks her arms and moves in sync with Felthrop in a series of precise steps across the ground.
poke my slip at felthrop (with Felthrop wearing less unlocked dancing shoes)
You dance across the ground with Felthrop in a series of complicated steps.
(3rd person) Geltrude dances across the ground with Felthrop in a series of complicated steps.
poke my slip at Geltrude (self)
You move rapidly across the ground in a series of complicated steps.
(3rd person) Geltrude moves rapidly across the ground in a series of complicated steps.
Geltrude pants.
Tier 4 (thrice unlocked, final tier)
Felthrop strikes a heroic pose.
toss my boot
You move from side to side in an awkward shuffle across the ground.
(3rd person) Felthrop moves from side to side in an awkward shuffle across the ground.
toss my boot at Geltrude (with Geltrude wearing dancing shoes)
You grasp Geltrude's hand and extend your arm, swinging her away from you. She spins fluidly before reaching the end of your arm's length and gracefully pirouetting back toward your body.
(3rd person) Felthrop grasps Geltrude's hand and extends his arm, swinging her away from himself. She spins fluidly before reaching the end of his arm's length and gracefully pirouetting back toward his body.
toss my boot at Geltrude (with Geltrude not wearing dancing shoes)
You gracefully spin across the ground with Geltrude.
(3rd person) Felthrop gracefully spins across the ground with Geltrude.
toss my boot at Felthrop (self)
You move rapidly across the ground in a series of whirling spins, arms retracting and extending each time.
(3rd person) Felthrop moves rapidly across the ground in a series of whirling spins, arms retracting and extending each time.
toss my boot at kobold (yes, a kobold!)
You dance around a kobold, attempting to evade any pending attacks.
(3rd person) Felthrop dances around a kobold, obviously attempting to evade any pending attacks.
You remove a sigil-etched eahnor trident from in your brown leather satchel.
toss my boot at my trident (omg, my new trident!)
You clutch your eahnor trident to your chest and jump up and down excitedly.
(3rd person) Felthrop clutches his eahnor trident to his chest and jumps up and down excitedly.
Felthrop glances at Geltrude.
Geltrude takes a deep breath.
toss my slipper at felthrop (with Felthrop wearing dancing shoes)
You twirl away from Felthrop and pirouette slowly, arms held gracefully aloft, before you return to his waiting arms.
(3rd person) Geltrude twirls away from Felthrop and pirouettes slowly, arms held gracefully aloft, before she returns to his waiting arms.
toss my slipper at felthrop (with Felthrop wearing less unlocked dancing shoes)
You dance across the ground with Felthrop in a graceful series of whirling spins.
(3rd person) Geltrude dances with Felthrop across the ground in a graceful series of whirling spins.
toss my slipper at geltrude (self)
You pirouette slowly, arms held gracefully aloft as you move across the ground.
Geltrude says, "Back to you!"
point my boot
You execute a stunning series of gracefully extended leaps.
(3rd person) Felthrop executes a stunning series of gracefully extended leaps.
point my boot at geltrude (with Geltrude wearing dancing shoes)
You grasp Geltrude by the waist and lift her off the ground, while she holds her legs in a wide leaping pose in mid-air, before you deposit her gently on your opposite side.
(3rd person) Felthrop grasps Geltrude by the waist and lifts her off the ground. She holds a wide leaping pose in mid-air before he gently deposits her back on the ground on his opposite side.
point my boot at geltrude (with Geltrude not wearing dancing shoes)
You leap across the ground with Geltrude.
(3rd person) Felthrop leaps across the ground with Geltrude.
point my boot at felthrop (self)
You jump straight up and kick your legs out to each side, executing a wide split in mid-air before landing on both feet.
(3rd person) Felthrop jumps straight up and kicks his legs out to each side, executing a wide split in mid-air before landing on both feet.
Felthrop points at Geltrude.
point my slip at felthrop (with Felthrop wearing dancing shoes)
You move away from Felthrop in a series of small, quick jumps before turning and running across the ground and leaping towards him. He catches you at the waist and hoists you above his head, holding you there in an elegant pose before gently easing you to the ground, safe in his embrace.
(3rd person) Geltrude moves away from Felthrop in a series of small, quick jumps before she turns and runs across the ground and leaps towards him. He catches her at the waist and hoists her above his head, holding her there while she poses elegantly before gently easing her back to the ground, wrapped in his embrace.
point my slip at felthrop (with Felthrop wearing less unlocked dancing shoes)
You leap across the ground in unison with Felthrop, landing gently in an elegant pose.
(3rd person) Geltrude leaps across the ground in unison with Felthrop, landing gently in an elegant pose.
point my slipper at geltrude (self)
You leap forward and land in a wide split upon the ground, posing gracefully with your arms above your head before you stand up again in one fluid motion.
(3rd person) Geltrude leaps forward and lands in a wide split upon the ground, posing gracefully with her arms above her head before she stands up again in one fluid motion.
point my slipper at kobold (nyah, nyah!)
You dance away from a kobold, blowing it a raspberry for good measure.
(3rd person) Geltrude dances away from a kobold, blowing it a raspberry for good measure.
You remove an uncut diamond from in your pale linen bag.
point my slipper at my diamond (look what I found!)
You grasp an uncut diamond at arm's length and spin in a circle, laughing delightedly.
(3rd person) Geltrude grasps an uncut diamond at arm's length and spins in a circle, laughing delightedly.
Note: The messaging for POKE, POINT, and TOSS changes for the following options (only a few of them showcased above):
Boy dancing with a boy who also has shoes set to dance with boys.
Boy dancing with a boy who's shoes are set to dance with girls.
Boy dancing with a girl.
Girl dancing with a girl who also has shoes set to dance with girls.
Girl dancing with a girl who's shoes are set to dance with boys.
Girl dancing with a boy.
Girl or boy dancing with a girl or boy who's shoes aren't unlocked as high.
Girl or boy dancing with a girl or boy who doesn't have on dancing shoes.
Boy dancing with himself.
Girl dancing with herself.
Untargeted dancing.
Additionally, POINT and TOSS can be targeted at creatures and objects in your hand.
Next time I post, I'll show you same sex dancing partners, because as I mentioned above, it's slightly different!
~Just Jainna
10-15-2013, 06:39 PM
So You Think You Can (Part 3)... on 10/15/2013 05:05 PM EDT
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As promised, here is the last set of dance moves for you!
Tier 3 (twice unlocked - same gender dance partners)
First the boys!
raise my boot at jebariah (one or both boy shoes set to dance with girls)
You grasp hands with Jebariah and twirl in a circle across the ground.
(3rd person) Bartlebee grasps hands with Jebariah and twirls in a circle across the ground.
raise my boot at jebariah (both boy shoes set to dance with boys)
You take Jebariah in your arms, holding him close in a slow dance.
(3rd person) Bartlebee takes Jebariah in his arms and holds him close in a slow dance.
poke my boot at jebariah (one or both boy shoes set to dance with girls)
You link arms with Jebariah and lead him in a swift series of elegant side-steps, your feet moving rapidly across the ground.
(3rd person) Bartlebee links arms with Jebariah and leads him in a swift series of elegant side-steps, their feet moving rapidly across the ground.
poke my boot at jebariah (both boy shoes set to dance with boys)
You lead Jebariah in a stiff series of precise steps across the ground.
(3rd person) Bartlebee leads Jebariah in a stiff series of precise steps across the ground.
And now the girls!
raise my slippers at Arbigail (one or both girl shoes set to dance with boys)
You hold hands with Arbigail and twirl merrily in a circle across the ground.
(3rd person) Geltrude and Arbigail hold hands and twirl merrily in a circle across the ground.
raise my slippers at Arbigail (both girl shoes set to dance with girls)
You lean close to Arbigail, dancing with her slowly in a circle.
(3rd person) Geltrude leans close to Arbigail, dancing with her in a slow circle.
poke my slipper at Arbigail (one or both girl shoes set to dance with boys)
You hold hands with Arbigail and lead her in a swift series of elegant side-steps, your feet moving rapidly across the ground.
(3rd person) Geltrude holds hands with Arbigail and leads her in a swift series of elegant side-steps, their feet moving rapidly across the ground.
poke my slipper at Arbigail (both girl shoes set to dance with girls)
You move in sync with Arbigail in a stiff series of precise steps across the ground.
(3rd person) Geltrude and Arbigail move in sync with each other in a stiff series of precise steps across the ground.
Tier 4 (thrice unlocked, final tier - same gender dance partners)
Back to the boys!
toss my boot at Jebariah (one or both boy shoes set to dance with girls)
You line up behind Jebariah before the two of you stomp your feet rhythmically, marching forward in unison across the ground.
(3rd person) Bartlebee lines up behind Jebariah before the two of them stomp their feet rhythmically, marching forward in unison across the ground.
toss my boot at Jebariah (both boy shoes set to dance with boys)
You grasp Jebariah's hand before fluidly spinning him away from you and then back into your arms.
(3rd person) Bartlebee grasps Jebariah's hand before fluidly spinning him away from himself and then back into his arms.
point my boot at jebariah (one or both boy shoes set to dance with girls)
Pulling Jebariah to your side, you both execute a series of synchronous leaps across the ground.
(3rd person) Bartlebee pulls Jebariah to his side before they both execute a series of sunchronous leaps across the ground.
point my boot at jebariah (both boy shoes set to dance with boys)
You move away from Jebariah in a series of powerful leaps across the ground before landing back in front of him and posing in an elegant arabesque.
(3rd person) Bartlebee moves away from Jebariah in a series of powerful leaps across the ground before landing back in front of him and posing in an elegant arabesque.
And now the girls!
toss my slipper at Arbigail (one or both girl shoes set to dance with boys)
You grasp Arbigail's hands, criss-crossing your arms in front of your body as the two of you move in an elegant double pirouette, gliding in unison across the ground.
(3rd person) Geltrude grasps your hands, criss-crossing your arms in front of your body as the two of you move in an elegant double pirouette, gliding in unison across the ground.
toss my slipper at Arbigail (both girl shoes set to dance with girls)
You hold hands with Arbigail and fling her away from your body. As she returns, she spins gracefully several times before landing fluidly in your waiting arms.
(3rd person) Geltrude holds hands with Arbigail and flings her away from her body. As she returns, she spins gracefully several times before landing fluidly in her waiting arms.
point my slippers at Arbigail (one or both girl shoes set to dance with boys)
You and Arbigail move side by side in a series of graceful leaps before landing in unison and striking an elegant arabesque pose.
(3rd person) Geltrude and Arbigail move side by side in a series of graceful leaps before landing in unison and striking an elegant arabesque pose.
point my slippers at Arbigail (both girl shoes set to dance with girls)
You twirl away from Arbigail, leaping gracefully in a circle around her before landing in front of her in an elegant arabesque pose.
(3rd person) Geltrude twirls away from Arbigail, leaping gracefully in a circle around her before landing in front of her in an elegant arabesque pose.
ANALYZE is quite verbose, as well.
You analyze your dark leather slippers and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
A merchant can alter these slippers with a long description or a show, but the item must be a type of shoe with calf-length laces. Suggested nouns would be: slippers or sandals. Also, keep in mind that the script adds a switch automatically to the LOOK of the item.
This item has been fully unlocked and is Tier 4. It traps WEAR, REMOVE, LOOK, KICK, PULL, TURN, PUSH, RAISE, POKE, TOSS, POINT.
Additionally, RAISE, POKE, TOSS, and POINT can be targeted at another person.
Lastly, TOSS and POINT can be targeted at creatures and held objects.
You can tell that the slippers is as light as it can get.
And that's a wrap! See you at Ebon Gate! :)
~Just Jainna
10-15-2013, 09:00 PM
10-16-2013, 07:21 PM
Ebon Gate: Necropolis on 10/16/2013 03:06 PM EDT
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With introducing the Necropolis to Ebon Gate, we're also introducing a new-style hunting ground that I built from the ground up using some other systems we already had. It will generate leveled creatures to the character they spawn for. There are some precautions in the system to hopefully not allow players to make a mess like we had seen in Velathae's "Trick or Treat." But while we can test and test, things will slip through the cracks.
The Necropolis' main purpose is a quest, but you are more than welcome to visit it for hunting this year as well. It will be packed with undead and creepy-crawlies. There is also loot (not to be confused with the quest loot) to be had if you get lucky enough when searching around!
There are two ways to "complete" the Necropolis. One is to find the quest loot. The other is an "opt out" to leave the Necropolis. You can only find the quest loot once, and I strongly encourage you to read all disclaimers and messaging. You are more than welcome to group up (and grouping is encouraged) and tag along with friends, even if you completed the quest.
I'm also pleased to announce that Ebon Gate will have their own gem type now as well. The gems you found digging are all hand designed by GMs, and we still have those (and huge thanks to GM Liia, she has designed 50 brand new gems for this year). These gems will be the gems you find when you search a creature, break open a hidden treasure item, find a treasure chest, etc. You also have a chance to find these gems in digging as well. The SHOW descriptions might not be ready at the time of EG opening, but they will be set in place shortly after! There are 34 gems added to our gem system ranging in value! Big thanks to GMs Tamuz, Vanah, and Mestys on assisting with getting these gems into the system.
~Wyrom, SGM
Just to let people know, despite confirming on the prime boards that shields were eligible for the armor resistance services, they were turned down in plat and claimed that resistances on shields and armor together did not play well together. Kind of a letdown.
10-21-2013, 09:56 AM
I designed this shop for the premie contest last year so I asked if I could update it for this year, and it seems some things got approved!
On the display table you see a plum leather satchel, a skull-shaped black onyx mortar, a brain-shaped pink marble pestle
anyone in plat mind inspecting the satchel and testing the jars?
a split-back pink conch shell, a cinnabar crystal, a large yellow diamond and a Kezmonian honey beryl.
for the lazy people, the split-bank pink conch shell is for the greater wisdom potion, the cinnabar crystal is for greater strength crystal, large yellow diamond for greater aura crystal, and Kezmonian honey beryl for radiant white soulstones (eoveneh potions)
10-21-2013, 01:06 PM
I'll be running through starting today and working on things for the item list. Caithris is also working on the item list so it should be up relatively soon.
10-21-2013, 02:41 PM
In the meantime, I've been working on updating the merchants listing for EG, since I'm assuming people are more interested in that for the moment. It includes a list of the shops, their locations, and which merchants might work in them. I've also included a separate listing of the merchants, where they might work, and what they do. I'll be adding more details as I get them, of course.
10-21-2013, 03:52 PM
anyone in plat mind inspecting the satchel and testing the jars?
Okay, I had a swing by your shop and poked around a bit.
The satchel is a plum leather satchel tooled with a band of alchemical symbols. It's shoulderworn, holds large for any number of items, and costs 25k.
The jars cost 3k and are 20-item gem jars.
10-21-2013, 03:57 PM
The jars cost 3k and are 20-item gem jars.
thanks for checking it out. Meh, I told her they wouldn't sell unless they were 50-item
10-21-2013, 04:02 PM
thanks for checking it out. Meh, I told her they wouldn't sell unless they were 50-item
I would spend 3k on a 50-item jar, I can get a 20-item jar from the alchemist in Landing for like 540 silvers.
10-21-2013, 04:05 PM
I would spend 3k on a 50-item jar, I can get a 20-item jar from the alchemist in Landing for like 540 silvers.
10-21-2013, 04:10 PM
feel free to go agree with me on the officials
10-22-2013, 09:18 AM
In the meantime, I've been working on updating the merchants listing for EG, since I'm assuming people are more interested in that for the moment. It includes a list of the shops, their locations, and which merchants might work in them. I've also included a separate listing of the merchants, where they might work, and what they do. I'll be adding more details as I get them, of course.
As always doing the god's work, thank ya! :)
10-23-2013, 04:26 PM
for the lazy people, the split-bank pink conch shell is for the greater wisdom potion, the cinnabar crystal is for greater strength crystal, large yellow diamond for greater aura crystal, and Kezmonian honey beryl for radiant white soulstones (eoveneh potions)
Kezmonian honey beryls are also needed for the lesser health-well potion. :)
10-23-2013, 04:31 PM
Kezmonian honey beryls are also needed for the lesser health-well potion. :)
I don't bother with any of the lesser recipes :)
10-23-2013, 05:59 PM
The preliminary shop inventory is pretty much complete at this point. Caithris will be going through soon to add tables, and then we'll go through to add item info as we get it.
10-23-2013, 11:27 PM
Blast chat is up and running.
Tsk Tsk
10-25-2013, 11:19 AM
Some raffle times going up on the officals...
-Fully unlocked treat pouch #1: This raffle will be for Rangers ONLY and will be on the porch of Friendly Necessities. The winner will get to customize a variety of things about the pouch as well. It will pull at 8 PM EST on Saturday the 26th. Winner must be prompt, or a new winner will be chosen.
- Fully unlocked treat pouch #2: This raffle will be open to all and will also be on the porch of Friendly Necessities. This one will pull at 4 PM EST on Monday the 28th. As stated above, the winner will get to customize it and must be prompt, or a new winner will be chosen.
-There will be kroderine raffles tonight as well. They'll likely draw some time around 11 eastern, but that's a rough estimate, as always, check tickets for precise timing. They'll be outside Bazzelwyn's pavilion on the northeastern section of the middle ring.
1 weapon of the winner's choice.
1 armor OR shield of the winner's choice.
Major wins, which will prevent your account from winning any other major raffles for the course of the event.
- Unlimited face paint stick with TWO designs. (You can see the available colors/designs on the signs in the shop, Sacred Moons.) Tickets are 50,000 silvers and the table is located outside of the shop. The raffle will draw on Saturday, October 26 at 10:00 PM EST. Get your tickets!
-Druena will be raffling a servingware case in the morning room of her shop, Booze and Brews, at 10 a.m. eastern on Saturday, October 26th.
-Zoece will be raffling a prophecy mask in the back room of her shop, Whatever Will Be, at 3 p.m. eastern on Saturday, October 26th.
Kroderine was the ONLY Major win during plat's run. Just fyi.
10-25-2013, 05:38 PM
I'm going to go ahead and post times when my raffles will draw. I'll post again after each is set up, as well as send a message in game.
- Fully unlocked treat pouch #1: This raffle will be for Rangers ONLY and will be on the porch of Friendly Necessities. The winner will get to customize a variety of things about the pouch as well. It will pull at 8 PM EST on Saturday the 26th. Winner must be prompt, or a new winner will be chosen.
- Fully unlocked treat pouch #2: This raffle will be open to all and will also be on the porch of Friendly Necessities. This one will pull at 4 PM EST on Monday the 28th. As stated above, the winner will get to customize it and must be prompt, or a new winner will be chosen.
- Permanent custom disk changers: This raffle will be held in the Lounge area of Time for a Change. 2 winners will be selected, but they do not have to be present to win, only logged in somewhere. I will hunt you down and get your email address, since there will be some back and forth needed. These are NOT instant redemption and require QC. The winner will be able to customize the following things:
What the item looks like (statue, icon, totem, etc) with a short or long description
If a short description is chosen, the item can have a SHOW
What you and others see when you RAISE the item and your disk transforms
What you and others see when you RAISE the item and you either do not have a disk, or it is already transformed
What the disk looks like when you LOOK at it. This part is rather restrictive, as only 11 letters in the first 15 in the 15/15/15 can be altered.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
~~GM Kynlee~~
Private Property Guru
Tonight, likely around 11pm eastern or so, give or take a bit, Captain Jellybeard will spin for a few lucky winners of shade-skinks! I hear the captain might also be tempted to auction one off...
I will spin for more winners on Saturday night, around the same time.
I will also announce a raffle during the week for the remaining evil little bastards.
-GM Kenstrom-
Wehnimer's Landing Guru
Human Guru
Giantmen Guru
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Another one to toss in...
The glamour tattoo raffle will be tonight. Not sure on the time, but you'll have at least an hour once it's set up and announced in-game, since there are some very specific guidelines about preparation this year.
10-30-2013, 06:14 AM
Tested some of the Vathwyn Manor items tonight.
a crisp jade-washed linen vest caught with a leather knot - Elem Defense 3
a rich black quilted leather vest with a back-buckled tab - Dragonclaw
some oiled red leather suspenders fastened with thin buckles - Mindward
some checkered grey and ivory suede suspenders - Mystic Focus
a sharp-cut wine brocade doublet pinned at the short collar - Prayer of Protection
a six-buttoned greyish white satin coat with long coattails - Flaming Aura
a wide-cuffed stout brown leather jacket with a stiff collar - Unpresence
a layered raw linen jacket with horn buttons down each cuff - Invisibility
a fitted ebon-checked merlot wool overcoat - Resist Elements
a collared green velvet tailcoat caught by twin rows of jet - Iron Skin
a taupe-striped hazel silk waistcoat with small pockets - Spirit Defense
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