View Full Version : Semi mystery backpack sale with weapons and a shield.

08-31-2013, 02:13 PM
Delivery to Landing area or FWI. Once, Twice, Sold style. BO will be considered.

In the heavy backpack:
armor (1): a sun-faded oval battle shield.
uncommon (2): a dark imflass alloy grandguard, a gnarled black ironwood walking-stick.
uncommon,weapon (15): a double-bladed white ora adze, a stout-handled vultite raiding axe, a saw-toothed silvery rolaren backsword, a sylvarraend ruby-hilted rolaren broadsword, a sleek black vultite meat cleaver, a silvery blue imflass meat cleaver, a pearl-stocked vultite-inlaid crossbow, a black vultite falchion, a hefty maoral-hilted vultite greatsword, a bearded mithglin moon axe with a shagreen-wrapped grip, a beech-hafted rolaren war hammer, an acid-pitted vultite longsword, a swept hilt rolaren rapier, a bamboo-hilted black vultite sai, a polished dark golden vultite sai.
weapon (4): a honed steel whittling knife with a polished acacia handle, a jade-hilted serrated knife with glossy black spidersilk wrapped about its hilt, a burnished deeply grooved langsax, a blue-tinged longsword.

Almost all at least 4x, some MAY be 5x. I don't feel like having them all sung to or taken to AI, many have other properties such as weighting and flares. At least one is player forged by me, and at superior quality, vultite as well.

22 items. lets say 35k MB on all of them 770k


09-01-2013, 12:12 PM
One bump before it's dealt with in a different way.